Naruto Fan Fiction / Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Phantom Blood ❯ Chapter Seven ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Masashi Kishimoto and Butch Hartman. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Naruto or Danny Phantom Series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.
Phantom Blood
A Danny Phantom/Naruto fusion based on the thread from the Maximum Addventure.

A couple of days later...

Ino was preparing for the training session that would be occurring between the other genin, her jonin father and herself. They had taken one of the training areas that had always been popular with her family as it had a number of wild flowers in a fields with trees placed around the flowers in a way that accented the fields while adding usefulness for training. Ino loved the flowers in this training area as they had a mixture of beauty and power in the form of different chemicals they produced that a ninja could take advantage of. Like poisons that could cause sickness, itchiness or even deadly in the right dose. Or they could be used for healing if mixed just right.

Naruto had changed since the time that she had seen him in their academy days just a short time ago. He was dressed in a more stealthy suit of black, with only a hint of the loud orange that he had worn before. At first that was the only thing that she could see what different about him as he greeted both her and her father, calling her father Inoichi-sensei in a tone of respect that she didn't usually see. After the greeting her father had as Naruto to give an example of his ghost like abilities that his bloodline allowed him to use.

With a shout of "Reichi!", circles of white energy circled his midsection rising and sinking over his body as they broke in two. The change was shocking to the girl as his hair seemed to change from it's normal blond colour to a shade of dark violet, his eyes turned from blue to a glowing eerie green shade that screamed supernatural. The fact that they changed in some kind of transformation made her wonder what it was that this phantom blood of his could do.

'Besides, it might be cool to be able to change my eye and hair colours on a whim. Might make it easier to win Sasuke's heart by making them his favourite colour, plus it would allow me to train with chakra by holding a jutsu for a long time.' Then she took in the abilities of the low level ninja would be showing against her higher ranked father. The first thing he did was make a hand sign and then create some clones that appeared from the resulting smoke. Which was unusual as bunshin was one of his worse jutsu and was the single leading cause for him being failed each year before this one. She knew that he dad could defeat any clone that they had been taught in school since it was mainly a distraction technique. It turned her whole thinking around as she discovered that this clones were different from the ones that she had been taught, as one hit her father hard and knocked him down.

"So you do know that kage bunshin jutsu. Ino, the shadow clone technique is like the traditional clone jutsu that you have learnt, except that it needs more chakra and created a duplicate with a physical presence to it that can be handy with spying and training." Her father told her as he got back to his feet and leaped into action with a quick strike at the clones that were nearby him, only to pass through the body of the boy like thrusting a hand through thin air.

It was then that Naruto and the clones vanished from sight of both Yamanaka, but then they heard his voice come from different places around them. The ghost boy laughed a little bit before saying, "Guess you're not ready to fight a ghost, right Inoichi-sensei? Kakashi-sensei managed to get me with some kind of ghost gloves that a team from the village had developed to fight spirits, but I don't think that you have those gloves. Now I just have to show you my overshadowing technique and that's all of the ghost powers that I have discovered so far."

It was then that Ino saw Naruto fade back into sight as he appeared behind her father, floating in midair and making a goofy face. Before she could call out more than, "Look ou...", Naruto had flown into her father's body. The elder blond stood shocked for a minute as his face changed and his eyes blinked to reveal new green eyes. The voice that left her father's mouth was that of the violet haired spirit lad, "Ino, I am your father. You should stop kissing up to that Sasuke bastard and looked for a super ninja, like Naruto!" Then her father stuck out his tongue and pulled down his lower eyelid.

"Naruto, you idiot. What the hell are you doing to my father!" she screamed at the boy that she had figured out was manipulating her father's body like a meat puppet. It was then that she noticed that her father had stopped making the silly gesture and was shaking like he was holding back something, like a high level emotion or pain that she had never seen him express before. Then she could see Naruto shoot out of the body of her father as he crashed into a tree a few feat away.

"I have to admit that your overshadowing technique is incredible, so much like my family's mind transfer jutsu. But without leaving a body behind that could be used as a weakness for the user, but I guess that is the advantage of having your spirit and body being one due to the Reichi. The similarity will be useful in training since we can use one to aid in improving the other. Showing us how to increase the strength of gaining control of an opponent and in developing a defence against someone with a similar talent that could be used against us." Inoichi placed his hand to his chin as he began to rub his face and think about what to do next with the training.

Naruto had gotten up and moved to stand near where Ino was standing, seeming to listen to the words that his new sensei was saying. Ino was thinking about the powers that Naruto had shown them during the fight with her father. It proved that it would be hard to fight Naruto unless you knew how to defeat bother his invisibility and his power of passing through solid matter. She was also curious about how it was that Naruto had performed a more advance form of the bunshin. Something that he had so much trouble in at school. She hated to admit it, but this training lesson was getting more interesting to her than when her father had told her about it a few days ago.

"Inoichi-sensei, is that training with your jutsu the reason that you and Kakashi-sensei were able to kick me out of your body when I took it over with my overshadowing technique?" Naruto asked, looking at the older man as if to find a reason for the defeats that he had suffered from the more ranked ninjas. Ino noticed that her father had risen an eyebrow at that comment and smiled brightly.

"Yes, I was the one to train Kakashi in defence of having his body taken over by an alien force. It is a standard training exercise for a... group that Kakashi had been a member of before he began to teach genin. I worked with him and others to develop their mental strength so that they couldn't be dominated by the enemy. However, it is possible for both him and myself to be placed under the control of another if they had greater mental strength and training with their chakra. So it is possible that with the right training, that both of you might be able to become better than I am. That training begins here." Inoichi said as he sat down and motioned for his two charges to follow him in the same way as they continued.

"Ino, I want you to demonstrate the mind transfer jutsu on Naruto by trying to take control of his body. Begin." Ino, sitting across from Naruto, so that she had a clear shot at Naruto. Making the right hand signs, she spoke the name of the jutsu out loud before she seemed to loose consciousness. She could feel part of her own spirit pull out of her body as she moved slowly to the spot that the violet haired boy was sitting before she merged into the male figure.

She could feel the resistance of something that was pushing her back as she tried to go deeper into the body, similar to the times that she had tried to jump into her father without him noticing. She thrust her own mental strength at the invisible wall that protected the ghost boy as she finally felt the control as she gained control of his body. "I'm in," Ino said as she jumped up in the other genin and experienced being a boy. Something that she had experienced before when she had experimented with her teammates. She then noticed that she was not going down from the high of her jump, as if she was floating in midair.

"Cool, I'm flying. I can fly! I..." She then noticed that she didn't seemed to be able to move very well. She also had trouble staying upright as her but seemed to be lighter then her head, trying to flip her over like standing on her head. "I'm stuck! I can't believe that I'm stuck in this body that I can't control. You think that this bloodline would come with some kind of instruction on how to use it? " She turned to look at her father and noticed that he was trying to hold back some giggles at the situation that she had gotten herself in.

Swallowing his laughter, Inoichi spoke, "Try cancelling the jutsu and returning back to your body. I'm sure that Naruto knows how to use his new body better than you do and can find a way down from where you got yourself." Ino nodded the best that she could in Naruto's body before making the cancel hand signal. She felt her spirit flow out of the body and back into the air, looking back to see Naruto start to sink to the ground. She wanted to call out a word of warning to him, but he managed to right himself within a few seconds.

Naruto lowered himself to the ground and landed on his feet, looking around. He said, "How the heck did I get from sitting on the ground to floating in the air? Did Ino take control of me with her jutsu and that was why I was stuck in the air? I felt something forcing it's way into me, but I just couldn't quite push it out. Why isn't she moving right now?" He noticed that Ino was motionless and turned his head to look at his new sensei for an explanation for the events that had occurred.

"Well as I said before, there is a weakness to that jutsu. It allows a person to take control over the body of another person, but it requires the user to remove a piece of their spirit to overwhelm the victim's body. That leaves the body in a state of immobility that makes them vulnerable to attack, also any attacks on the victim's body will appear on the user's body. Which is why it was a good idea to have Ino leave your body before she hurt yourself. Another problem is the fact that spirit that we use moves so slow that also leaves the ninja's body open to damage." Inoichi commented, explaining the way that the jutsu worked so that Naruto could understand the differences between their technique and the ghost boy's.

Ino finally began to look like she was waking up from a trance like state that she had placed herself under. She had been focusing mostly on getting back to her flesh, but she had heard the last words of her father and knew that he was explaining their jutsu to his new student. She shivered for a moment before she stood up next to Naruto.

"Alright, you two, I want you to try possessing each other one after another and try to prevent the other from entering your bodies. If the opponent gets control over your body, they get a point. But you can regain the point by forcing them out of your body. I will be keeping on eye on the two of you, to make sure that your are keeping the right score. I will be thinking of better exercises that I can give you, and Ino try to avoid flying away with Naruto's powers." The old man to a seat at the foot of a tree as she and her opponent sat across from each other to challenge the other.

Meanwhile, in the mind of the teacher...

Inoichi was thinking about the possession that he had experienced from his newest student, wondering why it was that it differed from the spirit possession that he had used himself. He thought to himself, 'If it came from the observation of spirits, why does the spirit method seems to differ much more than the jutsu method? Is it just the fact that he has ghost blood in his veins rather than just ordinary human blood? Could this bloodline be used to enhance my own clan?"

He watched the two of them train and started to wonder why it was that Ino could have chosen someone like Naruto to have a crush on, rather than the Uchiha boy. The later one might have more attractions to the villagers, but he had a lot of problems that could hurt his little girl when she got rejected by him.

'The boy only cared about revenge, not romance. Naruto seems to be more well adjusted even with the rejection of the entire village, he also looks like he might make a great ninja. I wonder if I should be using my fatherly influence to push those two together? '

In a hidden lab within the Konoha....
The mask figure stood before the shifting light green rip in the air that revealed the portal into the ghost zone, a dimension that lay on top of this one where the dead and creatures of spiritual energy made their homes. It was through this portal that the figure had received the hawk containing the message from his master, with the orders to test the subject that the mask man had talked about in the report.
"So the ghost vessel will need to be tested to show his true strength in reflection of the variables that have come into play. Containing the demon fox as well as using the more refined serum should remove many of the limits that the other test subjects. The master wants the boy to have some early tests before the major test of throwing the two ghost ninjas against each other." The figure looked at the files that had been collected during the experiments with the world of spirits.
His master had captured and forced some of the spirits that lived in that alternative world to obey the commands of the snake sannin. They could be summoned at anytime using the special summoning jutsu that had been constructed using skills developed from forbidden arts. The question was which of the spirits that had been conquered by Orochimaru to send out after the boy as a first test.
'I think that one of the lower level spirits would be a first good test, perhaps one of the animal spirits. A banished spirit that is not under the commands of one of the boss animals since we can't count on any of them but the serpents at this time. A snake, however, would be a sure sign of my master's hand that could build up the defences of the leaf around team seven. Which would not only resist the testing of Naruto, but also the access to the chosen host of my master.' Papers came up as the names of banished animals were revealed to the mask ninja.
The ones that caught his eye was the twin octopus spirits that while being weaker than most of the spirits that he had to call on, had an advantage with their ink that they could use in their attacks. Ink that could be used in ways that normal ink could not be used, like in the creation of living drawn creatures that could add in the attack.
'But it would be the best way to test his basic power for now, before I even think about sending one of the most powerful ghosts. Like Yumi the hunter, a figure of dread in the ghost world due to the unending hunts of that ghost. Yumi is also an expert in advance hunting technology that could be useful in capturing Naruto and Sasuke. That would be a name to remember in the future, with the bait of a rare ghost boy to hunt. However, there is still much to do to have Naruto prove himself.' The figure moved to a special circle that had been designed for the purpose of calling ghosts through the portal.
Cutting his hand with a kunai so that his blood would run free, he used the red ink of his body to write the symbols that would be needed for the summoning. Since the ectopus were not bound by a normal summoning contract, this special ceremony would be needed to maintain control over them for the period of the mission. Once the special ink was set, he made the hand signs for the summoning jutsu. Then he called out, "Summoning jutsu, spirit version! Ectopus calling! "
The circle glowed purple as a beam of light that was a mixture of black and purple struck dead centre with the portal, causing it to ripple in reaction to the constant energy. There was the sound of moaning before something moved out of the gateway to the spirit world, causing the purple light to latch on to them and suck them into the summoning circle. A wall of the purple-black energy ran along the line of the circle, holding what had been summoned within.
Floating in midair in the centre of the boundary were two bright green octopus with huge eyes and a mouth on their sides filled with teeth. That caused them to have a more human appearance than what was normally observed on sea life, but they could still be seen as the cousins of squids. They had eight long tentacles that seemed to glow and shrink in length depending on the will of the spirit animals. Soon, they stopped and looked at the man in the mask.
"I have summoned you here by order of Orochimaru, to perform a mission that he has for the two of you to perform." The man took out a card that was blank for a few minutes before it started to reveal the secrets that it held. An image of a blond haired boy as well as stats about that boy appeared on the paper, with the mystery man making sure to give a good look at the card to the ectopus.
"This is the boy that the master wants you to battle against. You are to use all of your power against him, it doesn't matter if he survives or not. However, you are not to harm this boy in your attack against the blond child." The figure pulled out another card, which showed a black haired boy that looked like he was brooding.
"I should warn you that the blond has the power to change his hair and eyes from blond and blue to violet and green. That is part of the power that you will be fighting against. The master wants to see how this power might effect his plans, so that is why you are being sent against him. Now go and battle the child known as Naruto Uzumaki, reveal his true power." The figure made the sign to release the energy that was holding the ghosts in the binding seal, so that they could test the power of the ghost boy. The purple energy fade and the green octopus flew into the air phasing through the ceiling of the hidden lab.
The figure walked over to a viewing crystal that his master had created so that his enemies and test subjects could be viewed. The figure would watch and record the conflict of the ectopus and the vessel, to see if there was anything of interest for his master's plan.
Naruto was heading home from the practise that he had with the Yamanakas, learning more about the powers that he had been given. He thought to himself, 'Training against Ino did help out with my skills in overshadowing, trying to break the mental defences of my foe so that I can take complete control with my ghost powers. I also had to learn to block out some trying to get into my own body from the outside.'
'I might not be as good as Inoichi-sensei or Ino with the ability to use possession, but that have shown me how much I have to work on so that I can perfect my power. Then there are all of the other powers that I have and might get while having this bloodline, since event Old Man Hokage doesn't know what having ghost blood in my veins might do to me. I just wished that I could get a chance to try out my powers against something like me, to fight something like a ghost.' thought Naruto before he was slammed from behind by something.
Turning around to get a better look at what it was that had hit him, he saw two green octopus like creatures that were floating around in the air much like he could. Acting without thinking very long, he cried out "Reichi! ".
That signalled his change into his ghost form as he jumped into the air to float opposite the octopus. Naruto then spoke up, "Alright, you eight armed freaks, I'm going to take you all down. Hear that? The future Phantom Hokage is going to bring you down!"
The two creature's just grinned like maniacs and then did something that Naruto didn't expect. They squirted out black goo that then started to take on the shapes of a tiger and a ogre. The two black goo creatures rushed in an attack on Naruto from the ground. The fox boy flew out of the reach of the two goo monsters, but couldn't fly out of the way of the ogre's club that pounded down on him to the ground.
The ghost boy started to rise as he got a good look at the tiger about to slice him with it's claws. Moving on instinct, he tried to dodge that. He was mostly successful with the exception of a three lines of blood that came from having a flesh wound. Greenish-black blood flowed out of the wound.
'I guess that these guys can hurt me if they can touch me, which makes them some kind of ghosts. I have to figure out something that I can do that will taken them down quickly.' The violet haired one began to rise up in the air at rapid speed, flying up till he was as high as the Hokage's tower. Then he moved so that he could make his attack, a dive bomb straight at one of the two good creatures.
With his fist out, he hit the tiger creature with a powerful punch. The creature then exploded all of him, covering him in something that felt and looked like normal ink. Naruto tried to shake himself clean like a dog as he said, "That was gross. One down and one to go!"
One of the ghost octopus then spat out more ink onto the body of the ogre creature and gave the beast a pair of raven like wings. The wings flapped and launched the ogre into flight so that it was slightly above Naruto. The answer from the genin was simple, "Crap! That's not fair, just when I found out a way to kick these guys butts."
The ghost ninja then rose so that he was facing the ogre with his back to the two octopus that had started the whole thing. Then the obvious came into the mind of the boy who had little strategy training, "Wait a minute! I still have my shadow clone jutsu. Why the hell didn't I think of that before? " With a short series of hand signs, he created ten complete doppelgangers of himself to do battle with the ogre.
The eleven charged the ogre trying to use the superiority of numbers to overwhelm the ink beast. Club launched at the clones, doing major damage with a single hit that caused a couple of the duplicates poof out in smoke. But they gave as good as they got with hits and punches that just didn't seem to have the same explosive effect as the dive hit that he had used against the tiger.
Naruto heard the noise of more spitting occurring behind him as he turned to see two more winged ogres flying straight at him and his copies. He got out of the way as soon as possible as the three ogres started to destroy all of the clones that he had created. Used that little time to prepare, he signalled again for more clones that appeared shortly before the ogres eliminated the last batch.
Naruto sent out the ten copies out to battle with the ogre trio as he tried to figure out what it was that he could do against the ink monsters that he now faced. He thought to himself, 'I wonder if the ink trick is the only thing that these creatures can do, or is there something more that octopus brothers can do. I'm not sure that I can over shadow a ghost, invisibility doesn't look like it would work and phasing might not be possible. Damn it, I need a new ghost power now! Damn it, damn it damn it! '
As he thought those last swear words, he pounded his fist into his flat hand in frustration. Once, twice and on the third time something happened. A green beam of energy shot forward as fist and hand hit, hitting one of the ogres in the chest and causing it to explode into wet ink like the tiger had done with the dive punch.
The ghost boy looked at the fist that was slightly smoking with the discharged energy that he had used to destroy the ogres. The two remaining ogres turned to look at him with their black eyes. The foxy ninja barely noticed as he tried to figure out what it was that he had just did with his fist, until they were on him with a double team attack.
Naruto just instinctively pointed his twin fists at the ink beasts as he thought, "Come on, come on. Shoot that ghost element jutsu at them like you did last time." Closing his eyes he tried to will himself to fire, and felt energy pool within him. The energy gathered around his stomach as it flowed up his torso and down his two arms till it hit his closed hands. Then it flowed over them and out as he heard the sound of the previous shot twice over. Then he felt wet ink cover him again, making his as dirty as he had been after the tiger.
Opening his eyes, he saw the two ogres were gone and the two octopus were looking scared. Naruto couldn't help but be proud, "I have a new ghost power, which means I'm one step closer to Hokage. Now time to make some octopus balls out of the two of you!"
Author's Notes:

I have been distracted like I have said by my new Game, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. I will have to learn moderation with the computer as the one I have access to is used by the whole family, so timing is not perfect. My area had just gotten a new anime called MAR (Märchen Awakens Romance), which seems interesting as it is based on Fairy tales. I will be watching that and waiting to see if I like it. I also have been watching anime on another channel with more adult themes. Read or Die:The TV, Tenjho Tenge, Trigun and Lupin the Third (the Red Coat series) have been show on this channel so far. Not sure if they will be involved with any of my writtings as of this date.
I have been thinking of some of my other fics as well, even with the rush of Phantom Blood and White Seduction. I have writting a piece of Wild Avatar, but I need more work with the original storyline. I am thinking of showing it to my beta-reader, just as soon as I get it in the right format. I have also been developing more with Sakura 10, my first Naruto fic. I was trying to add Japanese mythology to the aliens of the original ten aliens as well as using one alien per element of that world. Fire is easy with Heatblast, but other were harder. Upgrade has some limited uses in Naruto's world, so I was thinking of replacing him with a combination of Japanese mythical beasts to make a Lightning-based catgirl. Sorta like a combination of one of the Catgirls from anime like Felicia (Darkstalkers) and Megawatts from Ben 10. Also thinking of folkloring other aliens like Fourarms being more Oni like then the Ben 10 universe one. Still wondering if the Bijuu are aliens on their own or from another dimension.
I still have a chapter of White Seduction and another one of Phantom Blood that I will be releasing half chapters on my site and on the addventures (I do have to get caught up to date on the Maximum Addventure, it lags behind). With full chapters expected release every two weeks if everthing goes as planned. I hope that you are enjoying the chapters that I am posting now, as I am making them longer by writting them in segments. This allows me to use short bursts of writting when I feel weaker, but longer burst when inspiration hits me.
Thanks for the comments and the answers to the question as well as new question. I will try to react to them as soon as possible, but remember that I maybe a bit distracted with Oblivion.