Naruto Fan Fiction / Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Phantom Blood ❯ Chapter Eight ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Masashi Kishimoto and Butch Hartman. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Naruto or Danny Phantom Series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.
Phantom Blood
A Danny Phantom/Naruto Fusion
Part Eight
In the lab of Orochimaru's spy...
The spy was watching the battle occurring with the young ghost boy and the ectopi, which had been going the way of the ghost animals with their ink attack. The ghost boy barely came up with an attack before the ghost octopi developed a counter, but then the boy had discovered another one of his ghost powers.

'So Naruto has discovered the secret of the Ghost Ray, the main means of attack for a ghost. That should increase the attack power of the genin with training, plus it is a base for other ghost tricks like the Ghost Shield. The boy is developing quicker than that of Jin'ei, Orochimaru's ace in the hole for this kind of battle. So I might have to step up the kind of ghost that I send after him, perhaps even using Yumi the Hunter ahead of schedule." The figure moved to make notes for the master to read as he watched Naruto attack the ectopi.

The fox boy grabbed at the arms of the spectral animals and used them to slam the twins into each other in a rather painful way. It was definitely a show of the younger man's skills in combat, which was surprising given the training that he had missed out on due to his condition.

"I might have to take a look out for the boy's training. Inoichi is an expert in the mental type ninjutsu that has made his clan famous, while Kakashi is one of the strongest ninjas in the village and likely to teach him ways to increase his natural powers." The spy noticed that Naruto was finished with the twins and had forced them away. Although the couldn't talk, it would be best to send them back to the Ghost Zone. Making the hand signs to end the summoning, there was a sudden wind that came from the portal as twin green orbs were seen coming from the ceiling into the portal.

"Now I want to see what the boy does next, who does he go to?" The spy asked himself as he continued viewing with the crystal.

Elsewhere, in the village...

Naruto flew across the village in his ghost form with great speed, using his powers to keep him from being seen by the villagers. He headed for the one place that he knew that he could find someone that might know what to do to help him. The Hokage tower and the old man who had been like a grandfather to him.

Arriving in the outer office and becoming visible in the shadows of the room, he when up to the secretary and asked to see the Hokage. The woman that looked after the meeting room didn't like him, like most of the village, but Naruto knew that she knew that the Hokage did. Given the fact the last girl had been fired for trying to get Naruto kicked out of the building, she tended to do her job despite her loathing of Naruto.

"The Hokage will see you in a minute." She told him as she pointed to a seat as far away from her as possible. Naruto moved to sit on that chair as he waited for the old man. He didn't have to wait long as the door opened and the woman motioned for him to enter.

In the room, Old man Hokage was sitting behind his desk looking at papers in the same way that some people looked at Naruto. Naruto spoke quickly to his elder, "I was attack by some octopus ghost things, they used some kind of ink attack that turned into living monsters, I had to use a dive bomb attack to beat one of them, but then they got wings and then I got a new ghost power!"

"Slow it down, Naruto. I could barely make sense of what it was that you were saying." The Hokage seemed to wait for Naruto to take a deep breath as the old man continued. "So you were attack by ghost octopus and during the battle you discovered a ghost power. What kind of power was it?"

"It was some kind of energy attack that came from my hand, that made a beam that blasted the ink monsters back into ink. I'm not sure what I'm going to call it, I was thinking about my Ghost Blast!" Naruto told the other as he smiled his excited smile.

"Do you think that you can show me a smaller version of it?" The Hokage said as he moved to pick up a small target that he had kept in his office. Naruto was confused and surprised that he had a target in the room and asked the Hokage why.

"It helps keep up my training as well as let me release my frustration with some of the least pleasant aspects of being the Hokage. Both my successor and my predecessors used training devices like this." The Hokage placed the object that looked like a training dummy next to an empty spot of wall. "Now try to shot using a little bit of your power."

Naruto decided to try shooting from his finger and held out his hand so that he was pointing at the target. Concentrating on the energy that was coming from his body so that it started to flow from his stomach as last time. It was harder than before to get a grip on that energy like there was some resistance to that power, but he managed to get it to start flowing up his body to his arms.

Like water it flowed down his arm and into the finger, where it seemed to get stuck. Naruto was starting to sweat as he tried to keep the energy moving beyond his body and towards the target. Just as he thought that he wouldn't be able to do it, he gave a tiny push and the beam come out of his finger in a large blast. A blast so huge that it forced him backwards, causing the finger to tilt up and move up the wall to the top of the room.

It took seconds for Naruto to learn to stop that power, but by then the power of the beam was proved. The dummy was completely charred and turned into useless ash, but the char pattern on the wall and ceiling showed that the power of the blast seemed to weaken as Naruto tried to shut it off. Naruto turned to his mentor with a shamed look on his face, to see that the old man had a look of interest on his face.

"Interesting, the beam seems to be like an elemental attack, yet it is not like most elements that are known. The power of the beam seems to be adjustable, the only problem being that Naruto doesn't seem to have total control over it. But once he does, he might be able to create versions to knock out foes or destroy them" The Hokage didn't seem to notice that he was talking out loud, but his words were memorized by the violet haired genin.

"So what does that mean, old man? What do you mean by an elemental attack? Why don't you think that I can control it?" The ghost boy asked as he tried to get answers, as he did he turned back into his blond form.

"Well, I think that your lack of control is partly due to gain the power recently, however it might also has to do with your lack of chakra control. Your tenant gives you access to unlimited chakra due to his nature, but your chakra coils have not been trained in using this power effectively. Basically you waste the power it gives you, making it harder for you to perfect certain jutsu like the bunshin." The Hokage then continued to explain his point.

"The bunshin uses little chakra compared to the kage bunshin, but it also needs more control of that chakra. When you created your bunshin, you put too much energy in them and they were warped by it. It differs from the kage bunshin which sucks up chakra to create a more solid clone as well as multiple clones when used. This has nothing to do with you, as the Kyuubi's power overwhelms your control. This could have been corrected with help from your teachers." The Hokage frowned before he started to speak again.

"There are many in the village who have mixed feelings about you becoming a ninja. Some feared that you are the Kyuubi and if you were to learn to be a ninja you would use our skills against us. Others know that you are not the Kyuubi, but fear the same result due to your treatment. There are groups within the village that desired to personally train you to be a ninja, but in a way that would have made you into a soulless weapon for the village or their own desires." Naruto looked on shocked at the information that he had been told about his own life that he didn't know.

"So I made a compromise that leaves all people with a bitter taste. I would allow you to become a ninja, but you would only gain the aid of your teachers and the limited aid from myself that could be masked in taking care of you. That would leave becoming a ninja completely up to you, soothing those that did and didn't want you to be a ninja. It would also make your path harder as many of your teachers would not lift a finger to help you," The ninja leader smiled as he moved on to something that must have lighten his heart.

The old man continued, "But you have made me proud with the work that you have done to learn the ninja arts on your own. You have some faults, like being less then observant at times and missing the small details. This would lead to some people think that you are stupid, but the pranks you have pulled have proved that there is a keen mind in your thick skull. It is likely that you would have had a greater grade average if you had been given help. But everything happens for a reason, and I think this has happen to you to make you a stronger ninja! " The old man placed his hand on the genin's shoulder, and gave him a smile like those that Naruto gave.

Naruto had to nod and agree that while he might have passed earlier if he had gotten help, he would have missed meeting the people who were seeing him for himself for the first time. He thought to himself, 'Even with these setbacks, I will become Hokage. When I gain that title people will have to respect me for having to come from so far behind to be the one in first place.'

Out loud he asked his mentor, "What did you mean when you said it was like an elemental attack? I know that Sasuke can do fire jutsu, is it something like that?"

"Yes, that is it exactly. There are five main element, from which each other elements come from. Since we are in the Land of Fire, we tend to use Katon, or Fire style element jutsu. The others are Fuuton or wind element, Raiton or lightning element, Doton or earth element and Suiton or water element. Other elements like wood or ice can be created from two of these elements used at once." The former professor explained, giving a basic lesson in jutsu.

"My Ghost Blast seems to be made up of some element linked with ghost, an spirit element or energy that doesn't fit with one of those element. That means that I have something that most people aren't ready for during a fight. So if I can perfect the control of the energy, I might be able to make some new jutsu based on this." Naruto said, suddenly feeling pride at the power that he controlled.

"It also brings up the question of if this power can be used by a normal ninja not holding the Reichi. Since your body becomes one with your spirit and uses ectoplasm with or without chakra, it might not be possible for those without the Reichi. However, if it is possible it might help the village in times of trouble." Was the comment given by the elder.

"Well, I can try and see if I can teach my teammates or even Ino and her dad about this energy when I train with them. Maybe Kakashi and Inoichi senseis might be able to help me with the control of my Ghost Blast, or at least come up with something that might help. Plus it might help with coming up with combat moves that my team can use." Naruto began to give a positive spin to the events as they had unfolded.

"That is the will of fire, working with others so that everyone involved becomes stronger. Keep thinking in that way and you will reach your goal of replacing me. I'll get Kakashi to come to the office so the two of you can discuss this, since he is your main instructor. I am also going to advice you to get some of the special equipment from the ghost-hunter section, especially a new device to hold spirits till we can send them home. We have a major holding tank for them until we can find a way to the ghost dimension." Hokage mentioned as he removed himself gentle from Naruto to a window, where he summoned a bird. He wrote a message and placed it on the bird's leg and launched it out the building, a messenger for Kakashi.


Kakashi had to look at his young charge and wonder what it was that he could be teaching the boy, especially after all of the growth that he had experienced in the last couple of days. In his mind he thought, 'The boy is certainly talented in some ways, either that or lucky. He found his latest power in conflict with those ghost octopus so that means that the heat of battle was on him when he summoned that phantom energy. I have to get the report from Inoichi to see how the training with Naruto's overshadowing ability is going."

"So the Hokage was discussing the new Ghost Blast that you developed during battle. I have to agree with his assessment that you should learn to master the control of chakra as training that could help with the control of that power. I was thinking about showing you guys such an activity in your next major lesson, especially for you Naruto." He told the boy as he continued to move across the village to find the secret location they needed to head to.

"It's because of you know who, ne? " Naruto frowned at that as if he had swallowed something bitter that made him ill. The fox boy's amazing ability to rebound from personal pain become active as he started to smile and continued, "Still, if it helps me get the title from the old man and makes people respect me, I'll do it even if it kills me! "

"I do think that you should practise your Ghost Blast abilities, we're just going to have to find a target area for you that is away from people for now. That way if you lose control of the blast it won't hurt others. The place that we're heading to has such a training area for you, specially made to test experimental jutsu that might cause major damage. Among the many other topics of spectral research that they conduct there. The Ghost-hunter headquarters, Area 52-B." The grey haired man said as they approached a building completely covered with heavy duty breaks and metal.

A huge sign hanging from the side of the building with the words Watanabe Works written in bright green, the same colour of the ghost boy's ghost eyes. The one eyed man went up to the door and hit a button that made a ringing noise. Minutes later the door opened up and a huge man in a bright blue outfit stood in the middle of the doorway.

"Welcome back to Watanabe Works, Kakashi. I see that you have brought a youngster with you. Is he the special student of yours? Cause most of us here are curious about just what this boy can do." The man said as he moved his hand out to shake Naruto's sensei. The was large size that could have been muscle or fat with a black beard and hair. He also had little tiny eyes that seemed to be in a constant squint. His face was lightened up by the huge smile on his face.

"Naruto, this is Jiro Watanabe. He is the head of this facility and the leader of all of the research that the village has done on the topic of spirits. Jiro, this is Naruto. He was the one that the Hokage talked about having the Reichi bloodline limit. Naruto was recently attack by a couple of spirit octopus, and the Hokage thought that it might be best if my student was equipped with some gear. He also needs a testing range to try out some of the more... interesting aspects of his bloodline." The teacher made the introduction as the lead research took the young man's hand and shoot it with great excitement.

"Excellent! I aways wanted to have my work be tested in the field more. Until now, we just had a few missions clearing out dead spirits from people's homes. Not too many spectres of higher powers, but I have a feeling that Naruto here might change all of that. So come on in, I want to show you around and show you to the crew."

Much later...

Naruto had been around the building that made up Area 52-B, or as it was being called, Watanabe Works. The building had to be one of the strongest built one as everything was made of metal or strong bricks, and the little glass that was used in the windows was made up of several pains.

There were a couple of testing ranges that were filled with summoned spirits that were test subjects of the various ghost gear and ghost fighting jutsu. They also had labs that were filled with chemicals and machines that were not common to the village. The ghost boy was told that some of the materials for the devices came from vendors from the Land of Snow.

They also showed him the area that they held the ghost they capture, which turned out to be a special mirror. The mirror was made of glass plated with sacred silver, with silver markings of trigrams that made it possible to store spirits in it. They could send in and summon out specific phantoms with jutsus that they created her. It turned out that one of the devices that they wanted him to have a smaller version of the larger mirror, one that could hold spirits and was made to be hard to break.

In the same room was the attempt of the workers to build a portal into what they called the Ghost Zone. The only missing element that they needed was something called a 'reality drill', a device that could bore a hole through dimensions. Something that was over Naruto's head.

After the mirror room, they returned to a conference room that was build so that workers could comment to supervisors. Jiro asked Naruto want he thought of the entire research facility.

Naruto smiled and answered, "It's cool, like how you work to figure out how to fight bad ghosts and work with good ones. Plus it gives me a place where I can train both my jutsu and my Reichi powers without getting anyone else hurt. So I'm guessing that you want me to test out my powers for you, so you know what my powers can do?"

"That would be the plan, since then we might be able to help you come up with ways for you to use your powers and even coming up with jutsu that could be used with those same powers. Many of the other clans with bloodlines tend to have special techniques that only they can use, so that might be something to think about. But now we're just getting you use to your powers."Jiro said as he agreed.

"I can't wait to get started!" Said the ghost boy as he began his transformation.

Elsewhere, in the village...

Sakura was looking through out the village for deals on different items that could help her in her hunt for Sasuke, like a killer new dress that could really show off her body. She had yet to find the right object to win over the source of her desires, when she spotted Ino. They had been rivals for a while since they were both after Sasuke, but since she had heard that Ino was training with Naruto she was curious about the results.

"Ino, wait up." Sakura said as she rushed up the blond in purple, trying to avoid anything that might make the pink haired girl look like she was becoming weaker. The blue eyed genin stopped as the female member of Team Seven ran up beside her.

"What is it, Forehead Girl? Finally going to give up on Sasuke and give me the go ahead to date him myself?" Ino said, so sure of herself in a way that the girl in the red dress envied. Not that the green eyed girl would ever said that out loud.

"Even if I decided to give up Sasuke, which I haven't, I would never let him date a pig like you." Sakura said as she tried to sound as sure of herself as her rival, before taking a more serious look and tone. She spoke again, "I was just wondering about what it was that you were doing during your training with Naruto. Kakashi-sensei mentioned that the two of you would be training with each other due to the special nature of Naruto's new abilities."

Ino changed her face from the aggressive looks she took when her rival was around to something that was a little more introspective. Then she replied, "Well, it has been interesting. I never thought I would be jealous of Naruto, but with those new abilities of his, I am turning a little green. Flight, invisibility and perfect possession. Those would be so cool to be able to have. It does seems that I have the edge over him for now, since I have had more experience with my justu then he has with his powers."

Sakura was listening closely and making notes about what it was that Ino was saying. Not only would this help her understand her teammate, but it could give her an advantage over her rival in love. Using her head to think of the right question to ask, she started to speak, "So has Naruto done anything annoying in front of you or your father? Cause he has a tendency to do something stupid if you don't keep an eye on him."

"He did try to embarrass me by saying that I should stop going after Sasuke and..." Ino stopped and seem to decide to hold something back before finishing that sentence. She caught herself in a pause and continued, "And other than that he wasn't as annoying as he usually is. I think that he wanted to make a good impression on my father. Which seemed to work, since daddy wants me to get to know Naruto outside of training so that we can work better during our lessons."

That was causing Sakura to think more of the plans that she had in regard to Ino and Naruto. She knew that she could get information about Ino from Naruto during their meetings with the rest of the team, but this opened something that she hadn't thought of before. It took hard work to keep the evil grin off her face as she thought out her plans for her two classmates.

'If I can find a way to get Naruto together with Ino, not only would I get Sasuke by myself but I can get Naruto off my back as well. I wouldn't have to worry about him trying to ask me out on a date any more, since he would be bugging Ino for those. Besides the two of them have so much in common! Looks, attitudes and even powers if Kakashi-sensei is right. Then I wouldn't have to worry about any annoying boy trying to date me! ' The girl named after cherry blossoms cheered within, while miles away a boy in a green outfit and a bowl cut sneezed.

"Well, it might be a good idea for the two of you to get to know each other out side of training. It might help you develop your own style of ninjutsu that could really help the village in a crisis, making the both of you into heroes if you guys are needed. Besides, if you're nice to him, Naruto might try and take you for a fight. He promised to take Sasuke and myself up flying as soon as he thinks that he can do it." The pink haired woman said to her friend, trying to bait a hook so that Ino might spend time with Naruto.

"You really think that he can do that? I mean that I have seen him fly, but I can't imagine a way for him to carry someone at the same time." Ino said as she took on a more excited look at the image of the idea.

"Well, along with the more obvious powers, Naruto also has a boost to abilities in his new form. Strength, agility, speed and endurance have all been raised to a super human level. At least that is what Kakashi-sensei told us. Sensei thinks that by training both his human and other form he could increase it's strength, allowing for him to carry people while he flies. The question then is when can he do it and who gets to go first?" answered Naruto's teammate as she tried to use Ino's competitive nature against her. From the determined look on her face, Sakura had won this battle.

'So what am I going to do with Ino now?' was the pink girl's thoughts, not knowing how to escape her rival just yet.

Author's Notes:

I am still distracted by my Oblivion game and so have completed less writting then in past months. I hope that I might be able to get some more fic writting done in the next little while, perhaps even putting away the game so that I can work on my fics. I have still been getting ideas especially with Naruto, some of them very twisted. One has Naruto teaming up with the son of Stitch and Angel (626 and 624) of Disney's Lilo and Stich series, with Stitch Jr. being Naruto's Nindog. I see this junoir Stitch having all of the powers of his father including a genius IQ of over 200 (Perhaps seen as he beats Shikamaru in chess). Another interesting on has Naruto getting a certain Fairy Godparent couple (You have to admit his life makes him deserve it) and see what zany wishes he can make or how he hids Wanda and Cosmo. Another has Sheogorath bring Naruto to Cyrodiil and becoming the Champion of the land before summoning him to the Shivering Isles to complete that quest. Naruto with the powers of a mad Daedric God might be interesting.

My focus for the last little while has been on the Naruto fan works as they seem to be flowing from me easier at this time then any of my other works. I hope to have a full chapter of Sakura Ten out soon. I am still investigating card games for White Seduction for the next chapter and have found a Wikipedia page that will help when I have the time to look it all up on that site. I am also trying to figure out how my next Wild Avatar chapter show go, since it will be an original work not an arc based around one of the episodes. I hope to have Cologne train the Avatar bunch on the Ranmaverse's use of chi in battle. Plus create some conflicts for the Ranma bunch as they continue in this new world.

I have the next chapter ready to get up. I just have to figure out a way for the group to set out for Wave Country. Keep your eyes out for a new ghost mentioned in this chapter to make an appearance as well as a new jutsu for Naruto.
