Naruto Fan Fiction / Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Phantom Blood ❯ Part Nine ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Masashi Kishimoto and Butch Hartman. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Naruto or Danny Phantom Series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.
Phantom Blood
A Danny Phantom/Naruto Fusion
Part Nine

Inochi Yamanaka was thinking over the training session that he has with Naruto and the after effects of the training. He went over the events again, 'It seems that Naruto's overshadowing seems to have more potential then I thought. Not only can it completely take over a person's body without leaving a body behind, but it seems to have some extra effects that I didn't see. When he took over my body and spoke those words about Ino giving up on Sasuke and going after my ghost student, it altered my thoughts on the matter till my training kicked in. Still it was a good idea to have Ino get to know Naruto better.'

Inoichi knew that Sasuke had a lot of potential even if there seems to be a great darkness within him, elements that would attract many girls looking for a bad boy mixed with a dreamy perfection. No wonder the boy had a number of different girls after him, aided by parents would love to be the in-laws of the noble house of Uchiha.

Naruto was an unknown element as he had been rejected by most of the people of the village or ignored by more beign of people. The prankster who was at the bottom of the class at the academy was not someone that many people would want to know.

'Still, I can see much about him that I have admit that I like. He seems to be a hard worker, given the fact that he hasn't been given any aid by anyone other then the Hokage. He might have trouble seeing the obvious, but he does have a clever mind.' Inoichi remembered the files that he had been allowed to see, given to him by Kakashi and their leader. Add to that the stories that were told to him by his two teammates and best friends about the adventures shared with their sons and the blond boy.

'The boy is no Nara level genius, even if he and Shikamaru both get similiar grades. The difference is that Shikamaru is too lazy to get the grade that he deserves, and Naruto is barely allowed to learn his lessons. Still the blue eyed boy did managed to create a new justu, a bane to perverts all over the world. So there is that potential that lies under the surface, much like Nara clan.' Inoichi thought back to the secret of the Nara clan, hiding their genius IQ under their weakness of sloth. It had taken their sensei forever to get Shikaku to get moving when it was needed.

The fact that overshadowing could effect his mind on a hidden level did make it more interesting. Many of his own jutsu had similar effects on his targets, with this new vector better jutsu could be developed.

'Imagine if a ninja could slip into the mind of a target and leave a hidden command in their mind that they would follow at a later date to aid that ninja in a mission. A jutsu like that could be very useful in certain missions like information gathering missions. It just becomes a question of how to develop such a jutsu.' Inoichi tossed some of the options on that on his mind. Her also wonder if he should give that task to his daughter as a lesson to expand her training as a ninja of their clan.

Inoichi knew the next training exercise would be more exciting.

Days later, in the village...

Ino was thinking about the new mystery in her life, which was her new training partner, Naruto Uzumaki. The boy had seemed to be so predictable in the academy with his low grades and twisted pranks. Now just a month or more after graduation, he was becoming a ninja with at least two strong weapons in his belt.

The first was the shadow clone jutsu which could make solid copies of the ninja that could number in the hundreds in his human form. The second was the Reichi, which while limiting the number of clones to around ten, gave him access to superhuman powers. The newest of which was the ghost blast power, an attack that used spectral energy to blast the foe.

'I just gotta know how he does that!' Ino remember the conversation where she had convinced Naruto to give her the first lesson on harnessing the ghostly power for her own attack. 'Of course it's easier said then done since Naruto hasn't ever been a sensei. I mean before he learnt the shadow clone jutsu, all he really had was his "sexy jutsu". Who would want to learn his perverted jutsu?' Elsewhere, a certain Sarutobi sneezed.

Ino's thoughts turned to jutsu, with the development of new powers Naruto was bound to create more techinques. Rumours had it that he had combined both the shadow clone jutsu and the sexy jutsu to create the harem jutsu, another perverted jutsu. The rumour was that he had defeated a special jonin with that attack, even if the name of the jonin was kept hidden.

'Likely to keep the whole rank of jonin from looking stupid, being defeated by a dead last genin with a twisted jutsu can't help their image. At least with his ghost powers, Naruto might make something useful and not embarassing.' Ino made a face at the image of the twisted jutsu and its linked technique.

'I bet that I could come up with something better then appearing as a naked girl in a cloud of smoke. Even if my beauty would cause nosebleeds more powerful then those Naruto gets.' Ino imagined the effects of performing the sexy jutsu in front of Sasuke causing her crush to fall in love with her. Her mind continued, 'Maybe some other time when the two of us are alone. However, I have been studying the actions of Naruto while we have been practicing with each other. I can see how his use of his spectral energy effects can be duplicated with chakra.'

'I have been practicing with making myself invisible using chakra. The standing still sheet technique is pretty simple, even if it isn't use that much. It just uses genjutsu to cover the sheet with an illusion of the background, usually a wall or a tree. A lesser move that is in a couple of the books in the library, but another move that is in those same books is the moving camaflage technique. A jutsu where you cause yourself to constantly blend into the scenery while on the move.' Ino was happy at the work she had done so that she might have an even playing field with Naruto.

'The problem is the chakra needed to keep a constant illusion up while trying to fight with an opponent. The only bad thing about chasing Sasuke is that I didn't have much time for training my own chakra reserves. It's not like I have a bloodline or a special family style that would allow me to have major access to chakra. The only thing I can do is use those training examples the books shows on increasing my experiences and the strength of my body.' Ino remember many of the suggestions including the wearing of weights to make her training harder and her body stronger. She was a little worried about adding muscles to her body in a way which might push Sasuke away, but being a strong kunoichi might bring the two of them closer together.

She had been finishing up the last of her deliveries for her family's business as she saw Naruto head to a large building with very few windows. The sign on the building said simply, Watanabe Works. She called out to him, "Naruto? Naruto, come over here!"

The blond boy turned and looked over at the young woman who was looking a little upset that she had been ignored for a few minutes. He moved towards her and looked at her as he spoke, "Ino, what are you doing here? I was just on my way to... train some more with my special techniques. I still need some work with my new ability to make it perfect. I also have a few new ideas for jutsu that I want to try out."

Ino thought carefully before she said her next words, then she spoke, "What kind of jutsu are you planning? Nothing as perverted as your last ones. I can't think of anyone wanting to use the sexy jutsu or harem jutsu for any mission. Do you have anything better then that?"

"Actually, I have one jutsu that might be better those ones. You want to see it in action? I know a training ground that could be perfect for showing off my new jutsu. One which will be hard to beat!" Naruto said with pride, his face taking on a fox like look as he smiled.

Ino thought about being the first to see a new jutsu and was torn between two different points. One point was the fact the last two jutsu had been perverted ones, something more likely to make her angry then to impress her. On the other hand, the combination of both the shadow clone jutsu and a modified transformation jutsu was something that had great potential.

'If he was to create a number of clones and then make a number of different henges, he could make himself look like an army of his opponents. A technique that could create total chaos on the battle field that his team could take advantage of. It shows that there something like a brain in that head of his, even if it does seem like it.' Ino knew that she had only one choice in the matter.

"Alright, show me this great jutsu of your dobe." Ino smiled as her partner turned red with anger. He, however, lead her away to a training area.

Later in an abandoned training area...

Ino was standing ready for an attack, wondering what it was the ghost boy was planning. When they had gotten to the field, Naruto had suggested that he show off his moves with a spar between him and her. Knowing battling him would not only reveal this new move, but would give her a chance to improve her chakra. So that was why she was facing off with the transformed ghost boy.

Naruto took to the air, floating above the ground as he stood on nothing at all. Hands come together as they moved with rapid speed, making symbols to channel chakra or whatever it was that he used in his ghost form. Ino wondered what kind of jutsu it was he was going to use.

She was amazed when he used his shadow clone jutsu to create a number of copies of himself. Those copies prepared to attack with a overwhealming number, a tactic that could bring down any number of enemies one-on-one. Ninja were a different matter, as they were trained to do the impossible. Leaping out of the way of the copies, she threw a number of kunai at the attackers.

A few of the small knives managed to hit their targets digging in on the flesh of foe. A few of them even managed to pop out of existance as they other copies stopped. One of the Narutos spoke to her, "I thought that it would be a little unfair if I was to use my phasing ability since you can't pop my clones with your weapons. Still you have more to worry about them just one of my ghost powers, you still have my super cool jutsu that I have up my sleeve."

Ino wondered what this jutsu could be as she moved into a better position, looking for a weakness in her opponent. Right now she was at a weakness with him, since he could fly, become invisible and make a number of copies of himself. Her trademark jutsu couldn't be used as it needed Naruto to stay in one position for a long period of time, which was unlikely for one known for his hyperactivity.

'For once, I wish I was Shikamaru. Even for a slacker, he does seem to know how to outsmart people who are suppose to be smarter then him, like Asuma-sensei. If it was him in this battle, he might be able to come up with some trick to kick Naruto's butt without doing any work.' Ino knew that she would just have to work hard at trying to defeat Naruto's clones with her own ability. Taking a tactic out of her teammate's book, and headed for the shadow's protection.

Diving into the shadows gave her a few minute to think about what her options were. Slowly something entered her mind, an item that she had forgot she could do. She realized, "Naruto isn't the only one who can make copies of himself. They might not be as solid as his shadow clones, but I can use my clone jutsu to create a distraction from my real attacks. I also have my transformation and subsitution jutsu in reserve for an emergancy.'

Running while she was crouching in the shadows, she kept her eyes out for the collection of doppelgangers. Soon she had a number of them in sight as they were looking for her. Taking that moment to prepare, she summoned a couple of clones to burst out of the brush around the team of ghost ninjas. The Narutos didn't recognize the fact that they were just ordinary clones and prepared to attack, leaving themselves open to the shurikens that she had kept back for just this kind of attack.

As the Ino clones disappeared from sight, bladed weapons flew at her opponents and bit into flesh. After a few minutes, most of them disappeared in a puff of smoke. Seeing that there was only one Naruto left that had a couple of her throwing blades stuck in his arms, she leapt at him with a kunai ready to be place at his neck.

Only in mid-leap she stopped completely in her tracks, hovering over the land below her. This caused her to pause for a split second, before she was raised into the sky high above the ground. Looking under her, she could tell that a fall from this height would cause at least a couple broken bones. She was suddenly very scared at the idea of falling and called out for her opponent, "Naruuuutoooooo!"

Looking at the ghost boy below her, she noticed him moving up towards where she was stuck in the middle of the air. Soon he was across from her and was giving her a foxy grin. He spoke to her, "How do you like my new, super cool jutsu? Bet you never expected this when I told you about it?"

"What the hell are you doing to me?" She shouted getting frustrated at the idea that she had no idea what was going on. It was then that she heard laughter in front of her and from behind her. Turning her head so she could see where that second laughter was coming from, she saw a certain violet haired boy fade into sight.

"I'm a genius! I make a couple of shadow clones to distract you from my real justu, which was to make a shadow clone which was invisible from the moment it was summoned. Then that unseen clone followed you waiting for the right moment to get a hold of you and raise you to this height. All I have to do is drop you and you would definately be out of action for a while." Naruto said proudly as he continued to smile widely.

Ino stopped for a minute as she thought about her friend's new jutsu. While the shadow clone jutsu was something that anyone could do, as well as some varient of the invisiblity, the combination of those with the ability to fly made this a very effective and useful jutsu. Nodding, she asked him, "What do you call this jutsu?"

"I was thinking of calling it the sourei or poltergeist jutsu. They're suppose to be a ghost without a physical form that can make noises and move stuff around. I figured that a jutsu to create an invisible clone might seem like one of those kind of ghosts to someone who doesn't know me." Naruto said, as he smiled dropped and he took on a more serious look.

It was interesting to Ino to see this side of Naruto, which was different from the typical idiot that she had thought he was from his actions in the academy. It made her wonder how much she really knew about her former classmate and how much was hidden from her. She also realized a major factor in this jutsu that she had not focused on before.

"Naruto, since you can lift me in the air does this mean you can take me flying?" Ino was holding back her excitement at the possiblity that not only would she be flying through the air, but she would be doing before Sakura even knew that it was possible.

"I think so. I have been practicing with a weighed dummy and can lift over five hundred pounds just by touching it. Kakashi-sensei and the old man think it has something to do with my mind holding the object in the air or covering the object with spectral energy that causes the object to rise. They also think with time and exercise, I should be able to lift more then the five hundred pound limit that I am at now." Naruto said as he moved to take her empty hand. She moved to put away her knife and felt the release of the clone let go of her.

Suddenly she was moving through the air with Naruto, soaring horizontal to the ground as they flew above the training ground. Ino could feel herself smiling and laughing as she could feel the sensation of air all around her, the wind rushing around her. She felt like she was weighless, that all of her cares were removed as she rose and dived with Naruto. She knew that she was completely dependant on Naruto for her safety, but she was willing to give him her trust for the gift that he was giving her.

It seemed to end to quickly as they sunk towards the ground at a control pace, as Naruto set her down so she was standing next to him as he left go of her hand. Ino could not believe the thrill that had gone through her as she did something that few people could do, fly in the sky. She was beaming with a smile as she could only say over and over again, "Thank you, Thank you! "

"Well, that was my first time flying with a living person. I have to say it was a lot easier then trying to do it with the dummy. I can't wait to try it out with my team. I bet that we can come with some new plans using my ability to fly as a base for spying out the enemy's moves." Naruto told her as he smiled a small, but bright smile.

"So Naruto have you thought about any more new jutsu you can do in combination with your ghost powers?" Ino said, as she wonder what else was up Naruto's sleeve.

Elsewhere, in a hidden lab...

Marks in blood covered the floor creating a seal that would protect the user from any threat the summoned spirit might bring. Casting the chakra to bring the creature of ectoplasm to the mortal world, a beam of purple light emerged from the portal as a figure appeared and moved to the circle seal.

From the eerie light came a shadow that slowly took on a physical form. It was female with firm curves that were present even in the shadows. Black mesh top covered her upper chest with it cut in a way so that it left her right shoulder bare to just above her breast. Tight black leather pants coated her legs and had a scaly pattern to them as if they came from a reptile.

Leather bands with metal spikes covered her forearms, big black boots with a metal skull placed on the front with spiked heels covered her feet. On her hands were gaunlet-like gloves, with holes for the fingers. In one hand was a black bow with a string made of thin flame, with a quarrel of arrows on her back with black, white and red feathers on them. On her hip were a couple blades that were the size of daggers, the ends marked with more skulls.

Her skin was a pale greyish-blue and her hair were made of bluish fire that was pulled into a flaming ponytail that stood straight in the air. Her green eyes glowed with a shine that resembled the eyes of an animal reflecting bright light. Those eyes were ever alert and looking at her terrain, seeking out each nook and cranny that the shadows hid. Her lips were a shade of faded red with two black stripes that looked much like a certain clan's marking on her cheeks.

"Who has summoned Yumi the Huntress, most feared preditor of the ghost zone and mistress of the bow? You had better speak up now before I decide to skin you and make you part of my lair." she called out, a voice full of sensuality and iron will. She looked out towards a shadow as if she detected something hidden in their folds.

A man in a mask with a cat's face emerged from the spot that she had been looking at, His body covered with a black cloak that hit most of him from view. With a soft, even tone he spoke, "I am merely a servant for the great Orochimaru, the man that you have had dealings with before. I was ordered to request a favour from you that will use your many talents. An unique prey that he would like hunted and captured for him, alive if possible."

A faint smile crossed her lips as she said, "I'm listening. I hope that this prey will be worth of my time. Many of the subjects that he has sent me after have proved themselves less then impressive hunting."

"The being that he wants you to go hunting after is a boy who has recently developed ghost powers. He was an experiment that my master created to combine ghost and human genetic material into a single human. He has proved himself stronger then some other ghost and thought that he might be a challenge for you." The quiet man spoke as he took out a card, which was blank for a moment. An image appeared on the card showing a boy with blond hair and blue eyes, before turning into one with violet hair and green eyes, then returning into the blond again.

"A ghost boy, a rare prey indeed and quite worth the hunt due to his rare nature. I will have to observe the boy in action to test out if he is worth of the hunt. I have bait for traps I can use to push his limits and see if he breaks. The stronger he is, the lower the price of my services." The huntress said as she took the card from the figure and slipped it between her breasts.

"I'm curious, what kind of bait do you plan to use on him?" asked the man in the mask, his voice not revealing any of the emotion he stated.

"Lesser ghost that I can manipulate into playing the part of raw meat. Like the infamous Icha Icha Ghost, the idiot thinks himself a threat to any ghost that crosses his path. All I would need is a copy of that damned book around the whelp to get the fool to appear. Then I can see the ghost boy's abilities in action and create measures to turn those against him." Yumi licked her lips, wetting them in excitement of the tracking to come.

"I'll leave the hunting up to your special touch. I'll release you from the summoning circle and you can begin your hunt." The man created the canceling seals that neutralized the energy holding back the female spirit. Once the dome of power vanished, the women flew up to the ceiling and vanished.

The man stared at the exit point for the spirit and thought to himself, 'I should have mentioned to her not to hunt the Uchiha, even if he is a rare specimen of great power. My master would hate it if young Sasuke was kept as a pet by the great hunter. Of course, if she was to capture the boy and keep him in her private zoo, it would cause my master's plans to change.'

The spy laughed as he left Orochimaru's plans scrambled by a lie of omission, one that could easily be explained away as a minor accident or misunderstanding of the order. It left him room to decide if he would continue with his master's plan or follow his own designs.

Author's Notes:

I hope that this chapter is as entertaining as the ones before it. This one and the one coming up will be a little difficult for me as I have been having doubts about it being the best way to go. However, I have some reasons for the way that it is going and I believe that people might be willing to look at those reasons and understand why it is going the way it is. I am also bring up questions of how the combined worlds of DP/NRT work together. As it has been seen I have adapted one of the ghosts from DP and made it a bit more original for this world and fic.

One idea that I am toying with for the future is the idea of a version of the serum that transformed Naruto being given to another character in a future chapter, one that is close to Naruto. Similar to the introduction of the Danni Phantom character in one of the original sources. This is an undeveloped idea so far, as I have been brewing an opponent for Naruto based on Vlad that is linked to Orochimaru. Another idea is a replacement for the ghost sense that Danny has. Danny gets cold breath when a ghost appears which is linked to a cryokinesis power seen in season three. My thought is given Naruto's wind affinity and pushing that to the max, we have Naruto blech or fart everytime a ghost shows up. I could just add this idea to future chapters.

I have also created a place to preview my ideas for future stories in fic form. My "Naruto Previews" is like the starter fics that I have been creating for Ranma for the last few years where I combine ideas and see what grows. I even offer them to others if they think they can expand them and can mention where they got the idea, but that doesn't mean that I won't give it my crack at it as well. Since I am different from most of you, those stories will definately be different and interesting.

I have already posted a Girl Genius/Naruto fic on the preview called "Spark of Fire". I am thinking of working on a couple of others like a Gold Diggers/Naruto Crossover and a unique (so far) Naruto/One Piece fic where Naruto eats a Logia Fruit instead of the Zoan that are most common in those fics. The vote on my Adult Yahoo site is tied between the Ice fruit and the Darkness/Void/Black Hole fruit. Others I selected for that poll are Fire, Smoke, and Lightning. But there is also Candy, Liquid and Sand fruits. If you want feel free to comment on which fruit you like best.

Hopefully, I will keep up the stories and chapters for the next little while as I have many storied for the time being. Including pieces of Sakura 10 and White Seduction.

