Naruto Fan Fiction / Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Phantom Blood ❯ Chapter Eleven ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Masashi Kishimoto and Butch Hartman. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Naruto or Danny Phantom Series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.

Phantom Blood

A Danny Phantom/Naruto Fusion

Part Eleven

Naruto was still feeling shamed at the momentary freezing that he had gone through with the attack of the demon brothers. The event played over in his mind repeatedly, with each time bring up the question of why he didn't move in time.

'I've had battles with ghost octopi, training matches with Ino and when it came to facing another ninja I froze. What could have made me stand there like an idiot while everyone else in danger. I didn't even phase through the weapons like I could have and come up behind them.' Thought the ghost boy as he tried to think of the reason that he couldn't move into action.

"Why are we moving so slowly? Why can't we get there faster so we can help the old drunk get his bridge built?" Naruto said, not noticing the volume of his voice.

"Because we don't want to attract attention. That's why we're rowing our way there and are traveling under the cover of the mist, idiot." quietly spoke the man rowing the boat containing team seven and their client.

The blond feel the shame rise to his face as he covered his mouth in reaction to the need to be quiety. It was a few moments later that Kakashi started to talk in a voice just above a whisper, "Tazuna, why did you tell the hokage this was a C rank mission when it would more likely rank up to a B or A ranked mission? I want a good explaination for the need for this or I will be taking my team off the mission immediately."

"What can I say, everyone in the Land of Waves is poor. Even the nobles can't afford to put food on the table for their families. No one in the entire nation could afford a mission of those ranks, even ones as important as this one," The old grey haired man told them, making sure that he could only be hear from the boat. He continued, "The real troubles for my nation is the arrival of a man named Gato."

"The shipping magnate Gato, from what I have heard he has made millions from his skills in transporting goods over water." The one eyed man told the client.

"What they don't say is that he is great at moving those goods by controlling all of the ports of any place he goes. He charges big money to those sending the goods off and pays them only a tiny fraction of the money he gets at the next port. Then there is his smuggling operations where he brings in drugs, weapons and other illegal products in to my nation. He is ruining my homeland." Tazuna told his story before he brightened up a little.

"But my bridge will change all of that, it will allow us to move our goods without the need of Gato. We will no longer need to be isolated by our ports... " but then tears started to flow from the eyes of the old man. He began to speak, "Of course, if you decide to leave the mission you will have killed my family. The asassins that Gato will send will kill me, my family will too grief-striken to work and they will starve to death!"

Naruto couldn't believe that the man was basically emotionally blackmailing them into completing the mission. Naruto was still determined to continue the mission, but he didn't like being force into it by an old drunk's trick.

"Well, I guess that if your family is going to suffer like that, we will have to continue this mission." The boat soon docked and Kakashi lead the team off the boat and onto the land. Soon the five of them were walking down a path, heading to what was the main village of the land of waves.

Naruto was walking with great care as he thought about ways that he could improve his performace as a ninja. Pulling out one of his kunai that he had keep in fine shape, he tried to focus on some kind of movement in the brush that mixed with the few trees in the area. He could feel something in his body like the bubbling of gas like when he had the bad milk before his team has been selected.

He felt himself blech with some force and something in his instincts told him to throw the kunai forward. It sliced into the bush which seemed to shake for a few tiny seconds before it stopped. Then he felt the eyes on him from the rest of the members on the team.

"I thought I saw a mouse." He said nerviously as he scratched at the back of his head.

"Naruto, you are such a moron. You could have hurt someone with that." Even as Sakura was telling him that, Naruto could feel something coming from the opposite direction and instincts reacted again with a throw of another kunai. He wasn't prepared for the sharp punch that he recieved for his efforts.

"Quit trying to act so cool, it's just getting pathetic. You just aren't as cool as Sasuke, so quit fooling around." was the reply from the female as he tried to rub in the bruise on his head.

"I felt that something was there. I know that there's something there." Naruto ran over to where the second kunai had landed and picked up a white rabbit. Blood rushed to his cheeks as he saw the reactions of his teammates and his client.

"Sorry mister bunny, it won't happen again! I didn't mean to hit you." Naruto hugged the bunny, feeling sympathy to the little rabbit. He had known what it had been like to be at the end of a blade while being innocent.

It was only seconds later his sensei yelled out, "Get down! " As Naruto ducked he noticed a shadow that came from a giant blade that flew at them about the level of their heads. The blade dug into a tree before them as a tall ninja with a mask over his nose and mouth and grey camoflague pants landed on the blade's hilt.

"My name is Zabuza Momochi, formerly of the Village Hidden in the Mist. If you want to continue living, you might want to hand over the old bridge builder." spoke the tall ninja as he looked down at them.

"I'm afraid that we can't do that, it's our mission to protect him until he has completed his bridge." answered the one eyed ninja he stood up to the other ninja.

"Then this will be the place you die." was the reply from the missing ninja.

"So you're Zabuza Momochi, Demon of the Hidden Mist. You have gained quite the reputation in the bingo book. To bring in your head would bring in a lot of money from the Hidden Mist village." answered Kakashi as he moved very slightly into a different position, which included raising a hand to lift the protector on his eye.

"I guess that I'm going to have to use this to defeat you." Kakashi raised the band to reveal a red eye with three commas in it. That only caused a laugh in the other ninja.

"So Sharingan Kakashi, the copycat ninja, reveals his trump card. I feel privilege that I rank such extreme measures." Zabuza started at the other man with a deadly stare into those differing orbs.

Naruto remember his lessons on the Sharingan and spoke them out loud as he concentrated on them. "The Sharingan is a Dojutsu that can immediately see and anticipate all jutsu one can see. Ninjutsu, genjustu, taijutsu. All of those are absorbed by the pinwheel eye and gained by the ninja. They flawlessly copy the jutsu of other ninjas and allows the Sharingan user to use any jutsu they can see."

Sasuke, Sakura and Tazuna were speechless at what Naruto said. Sakura and Tazuna due to the power of the Sharingan and Sasuke at the idea that Naruto knew so much about it without being an Uchiha.

'The question now is how does Kakashi-sensei have the Sharingan when he's not a Uchiha? I get the feeling he's not telling us everything.' Was Naruto's thoughts as he watched his sensei in action.

"I was only after the bridge builder, but this is an opportunity that one doesn't pass up. Copy Ninja Kakashi, a man who has copie over a thousand ninjutsu, is highly prized by the bingo book. It would make me famous if I was the one to bring him down." spoke the enemy ninja as a thick fog started to roll in over the group.

"Team seven, Manji formation!" called out Kakashi as the three genin took the stance around the client, tryintg to protect him.

Naruto could feel the intensity of the emotions of the two ninjas, feeling the pressure that it placed on him that was causing his throat to feel closed. The ghost ninja thought to himself, 'This is just the killer intent of the two of them crashing into each other. I have felt worse then this and survived, I don't have to let this effect me.'

"Sasuke, calm down, " spoke grey haired ninja as the blond boy noticed that the young Uchiha was not taking the sensation well. The teacher continued, "I will not allow my comrades to die! Trust me."

"I wouldn't say that Kakashi, since it is useless to fight me." Naruto felt something as between the young ninjas and the client appeared the taller mist ninja. His blade ready to slice all of them at once. He contined, "It's over! "

Before the ninja could move, the Sharingan user was moving with great speed at the opponent and launching a kunai strike that hit before Zabuza could slice. Water poured from the wound as the ninja started to melt into a puddle of water.

Instantly from behind the leaf jonin came the one from mist. "I guess that you were fooled by my water clone jutsu. That was your last mistake! " The giant blade of Zabuza proceeded to cut the other jonin in half. Only to have that body transform into water. As everyone realized Kakashi had duplicated the water clone justu, the real ninja came behind Zabuza holding him with a kunai.

"Don't think that I can be captured that easily." Spoke Zabuza as he appeared behind the other jonin and kicked him into the nearby waterfront. The mist ninja moved quickly throwing nail like projectiles at the Sharingen ninja keeping him in the river as the tall ninja jumped into the water.

When Zabuza emerged from the water, he had Kakashi trapped within a sphere of water that seemed to hold him like a snow globe. With the hint of a gloat in his eyes, the enemy created a trio of water duplicates that were facing the genin. Naruto was holding his ground when he was attcked by one of the clones and forced backwards. The blond genin's headband being forced off his head.

"You have to retreat, now! Take Tazuna and run as far away as you can. As long as Zabuza hold this water prison jutsu, he can't send his water clones too far away from his true body. That means that you should be able to escape." Kakashi said, trying to convince the team to run away.

"I don't think so. If we were to run away, that just means he can come after us after he kills you. The only one that can battle him evenly is you, the rest of us are over matched by him. So we have to take him down!" Sasuke said as he moved to strike the missing ninja, only to be caught in midair and thrown back.

Naruto was afraid of this new jonin, one that had taken down his teacher like it was nothing. Then threw his rival and number one rookie, Sasuke, around like garbage. The urge to run surged threw his body, when he felt the slight twinge of pain on his hand.

Memories of his previous failure in the last battle with enemy ninja added to the way Sasuke reacted. He made a promise, one that he had to keep to be a true ninja. There was his own special abilities that he had forgotten last time, but he was remembering now. He called out his new battle cry, "Reichi! "

The look of surprise on the eyes of the mist ninja was a thrill that Naruto enjoyed as the ghost ninja's hair turned purple and eyes turned green. Zabuza called out, "What are you doing? Is this a henge or is there something more to you, small fry?"

"You're about to find out! " called Naruto as he slipped down into the ground and phased into it. Naruto guess that Zabuza would be live that Naruto would be performing an earth technique rather then the phasing ability that he had in his ghost form.

That gave the young genin the advantage as he flew threw the earth to the spot the clone stood as it's foot stood on the genin's headband. Reaching up he phased that piece of cloth and metal and put it back on. He then launched into the air and was visible once again.

"This headband is a symbol of me becoming a ninja, to my swearing an oath to serve and protect the Village Hidden in the Leaves! I will not let you damage it. I have a plan that should stop you cold Zabuza, if that is alright with you sensei?" Naruto said with an intensity not common to the class clown.

"Your mission is to protect Tazuna at all cost... however, if you must fight I grant you the permission." Kakashi said, before he was interupted by the mist ninja.

"You... children, dare to call yourselves Shinobi? You think that you can take a true ninja like myself, one who has been threw the gradution ceremony of the Bloody Mist." There was a pause before he continued.

"In the Village Hidden by the Mists, ninjas use to be trained together, ate together, slept together till the day came for them to graduate. Then they would be forced to face each other in a battle to the death that only one ninja could come out the winner. By slaying their friends and sometimes even their families so that only the strongest killers could become ninjas." Zabuza explained seeming to get great pleasure out of describing the event.

"How horrible? They can't still be doing it there, right sensei? " Sakura asked, shocked at the news.

"No, they don't do that today. Because of an event which happened ten years ago where a single boy, who had not even gone to ninja school approached the field where the graduation test was bring held. Not knowing a single person there, he procceed to kill everyone there. It was then that the boy become the demon of the bloody mist. It was horrible, it was frightening, it was..." Kakashi explained, turning to look at Zabuza.

"...So much fun! To hear their screams as they feel to my blade. To feel the heat of their blood as it caressed my skin. To taste the last breath of life as it left their bodies! Good times, good times! " spoke Zabuza as he seemed to smile behind his mask.

Then he contined, "Time for some more fun! " The missing ninja moved quickly to attack the last of the Uchiha. Naruto reacted as he used a familiar hand sign to summon a collection of clones with all of the power he could. Soon there were eleven Narutos visible as they flew through the air to dogpile the enemy jonin. It was a short time later that the Naruto clones were thrown off and all but one disappeared from sight..

Naruto looked up as Sasuke took out a shuriken from his bag, folding it from a single blade to one with four edges. "I guess it's my turn to take him out." spoke the Uchiha said as he threw the blade at the real Zabuza as he held Kakashi.

It was caught immediately as the ninja gave out a boast, "Is that the best that you can do? Cause if it is you three will be dead with in the next couple of... Yarrrgh!" cried out the man in grey camo as he pulled the arm holding the water prision back as a kunai stood out from it. Deep enough to cause it to bleed and cause a pain reflex.

The water of the prison fell as Kakashi jumped instantly away from the other jonin. Naruto was smiling brightly as he spoke, "I guess that you're not the expert in invisiblity that you thought if you couldn't see my poltergeist justu. I was able to make a clone appear invisibly using my shadow clone justu with my Reichi ability to fade from sight."

"The invisible clone then spoke to Sasuke to tell him to launch the shuriken at you as a distraction to keep you busy in case you could sense the poltergeist clone. Then when you didn't expect it, it hit you with a kunai. That freed Kakashi-sensei so that he could take care of you. It also means that my clone is still out there out of sight, ready to strike if sensei needs help." Naruto finished as looked at Sasuke who gave a small silent smile of his own.

"Good use of teamwork, Naruto, Sasuke. Also an interesting use of your abilities Naruto. However, my business is now with Zabuza. This ends here! " Kakashi took to the water, just as the other jonin did. Each of them started to go through the different hand signs of a justu at once.

Nearly as one they spoke out, "Water dragon projectile! " with those words they summoned a wave of water which became a column of water. The column moved quickly to shape itself into the form of a Dragon. The water dragons rushed at each other then turned so they looked at each other then burst into rushes of water which hit the two ninjas.

Naruto tried to figure out what was going on between the two ninjas as he saw his sensei performing yet another move with his hands, seeming to move faster then their enemy was. Kakashi called out, "Grand Waterfall." A flood of water hit Zabuza as the Konoha jonin threw off a barrage of shurikens.

Naruto could hear their foe asked, "Kakashi, can you see the future?"

The reply was, "Yes, and I see your death!"

However, before anyone could act, twin needles flew at the tall jonin and hit him in the throat. As the group turned up, they saw a ninja in a mask marked with the symbol of the mist village. One could not tell the gender of the new ninja, 'he' was dressed in green and blues.

Their sensei walked over the the missing ninja and took a couple of fingers to the throat of Zabuza. Kakashi stood over the man for a few minutes before he spoke out loud, "He's dead."

"Yes, and I would like to thank your for weakening him far enough so that I can take him out. I have been hunting him for the longest time, so that I can take him back to our village for punishment. This was the chance that I had been waiting months for." spoke the strange masked figure in a voice which could have been male or female.

"So you're a hunter-nin from the Hidden Village of Mist? One who mission is to assassimate ninjas that would betray their village. You're a long way from home." Kakashi told 'him'.

"The importance of catching Zabuza for the Mizukage is one of the highest prioity, given his crimes. I must deliver his body to the village as soon as possible." The hunter-nin collected the body and with a burst of wind they disappered.

"I guess that it's time..." Kakashi started before he stopped and fell down in front of them.

Author's notes:

To the answers some of the comments on Phantom Blood:

For the overshadowing of Zabuza or blasting him with a ghost blast... the latter is more possible as I might be saving the latter for another fight. I will say the fight on the bridge will be more epic then in canon Naruto! Also I have tried to explain the tracking arrows in the upcomming chapter. I am also thing about bring out a new form of Naruto's ghost form influence by the Chakra of the nine tailed fox, something more extreme do to the spirtual nature of that form. But this will be in a later chapter.

For the serum idea of Orochimaru making a secondary serum from Naruto's blood:

The two major interesting ideas which have been suggested is either a love interest like Ino or Sakura, the other was to use Moegi the female member of Team Konohamaru. Both have interesting elements with them, either bring Naruto closer to a love interest or giving him another person to mentor (as well as a rival to Konohamaru). I will be thinking this over deeply, but don't shy away from giving me a suggestion.

As for a new powers for Naruto:

One is the elemental power that Danny has (Frost manipulation) which might be replaced by Wind or Fire (one his nature in the manga, the other linked to kitsune as well as being his home nation). Other elements and pseudo-elements might also be possible, as I have been looking over the different elements of other shows like Avatar: The Last Airbender and Tokyo Underground. Gravity or magnetism might be interesting as well as shadows which might fit the ghost theme and bring in Shikamaru.

Another might be the idea of development of genjutsu, given his ghost like status and the nature of the kitsune. One idea is a nightmare genjutsu where one faces their worse fears, or another where they face those they have harmed or wronged in their lives. Perhaps the latter could start off as a genjutsu which causes mental harm, then turned into a ninjutsu which causes physical harm.

I have been thinking of the ability to change the shape nature of the ectoblasts, including as many people have been guessing, an Ectorasingan. More powerful then Danny's energy spheres due to the twisting natures of the orb. Yet this will have to occur after meeting Jiraiya.

With my final notes:

Chapter Twelve is finished. And as this is a fusion, there will be no visits from Danny in the future as Naruto is fused with him. It doesn't mean there won't be Danny Phantom Characters appearing in some form or another in this world, especially the ghost from that world.

Thansk and Enjoy,
