Naruto Fan Fiction / Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Phantom Blood ❯ Chapter 13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Masashi Kishimoto and Butch Hartman. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Naruto or Danny Phantom Series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.

Phantom Blood

A Danny Phantom/Naruto Fusion

Part Thirteen

A few days later...

Naruto was resting in thought after trying to break the record between himself and Sasuke with their tree climbing exercises. He had something to prove to the little kid Inari which needed him to master this move. He had to prove to the boy heroes existed, even after the lose of the father figure who had done so much to help the village. Only to have the man murdered by Gato to crush the spirits of the villagers. Naruto had to admit the boy had some problems in his life, but naruto had been dealt a harder hand and managed to get past it.

He was only partly aware when he noticed someone touching him, he opened his eyes to see what looked like a female standing over him with a basket of something in her hands. He jumped to attention and looked at her. "Who are you and what are you doing out here? Don't you know it can be dangerous for a girl like you to be out here? Something bad could happen to you."

"My name is Haku and I was just collecting some herbs for a sick friend. Although I didn't expect to see a ninja out here laying on the ground sleeping." come the feminine voice as she swept a piece of hair out of her eyes.

"How do you know I'm a ninja? Have you been watching me?" asked the blond haired boy as he took a better look at the female before him. He was trying to figure her out as he listened for her answer. She just pointed to his forehead and held back what looked to be a giggle. He realized she was pointing to his forehead protector.

"Yeah, I'm a ninja of the hidden leaf village. I was out here trying to get stronger so I can become a great ninja and future hokage. I have to get stronger so I can get the respect I deserve from the rest of my village." Naruto told her as he relaxed a little bit. He noticed her eyes took on a far away look as if she was remembering something from her past.

Her tone took on a clear seriousness as she next spoke, "Do you have any precious people in you life? People who are vital to your existance? When we have people who are precious in our lives who need to be protected, it is then when we become stronger. Our drive to protect those we care about forces us to break through the obsticles keeping us from getting stronger."

Naruto thought about her explaination and looked at the number of people who were precious to him. There was old man Hokage, the people at Ichiraku Ramen and Iruka sensei. There were his teammates and sensei as well as Ino, Inoichi and the people of Watanabe works. While not as precious yet as the others but they were still important to him. The idea of anything bad happening to them while he was able to stop it just made him more determined to get stronger.

Naruto noticed that the young woman was walking away as he finished his thoughts. As he was about to go after her to keep her safe, she made one final remark. "Oh, just to let you know, I'm a boy." With that a confused Naruto stood in the clearing.


Kakashi was quite please with the results which had occured with the training excerise. Managing the rivalry between the two male students was a careful tightrope as it could turn intos something dangerous with great ease. Yet with the show of force Naruto had done today with the spear, it was clear they were mastering their chakra control. Now he was having dinner with his students and his client's family.

"Kakashi, I have to ask you. Why are you sticking around for this mission when I lied to you about the true nature of the job?" Asked Tazuna, as the bridge builder ate his meal. It wouldn't be long before he would be going back to the bridge so it could be completed.

"To abandon one's duty is not courageous, and below courageous there is nothing. Those words of wisdom came from the First Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village." The one eyed man said as he replied to the question. What he didn't expect was the outburst which came next.

Inari, the grandson of the bridge builder, started to cry again. He shouted out to the ninjas who had gathered in this room, "Why do you fight so hard? Don't you know it's pointless. Gato is going to kill you all and nothing you do will matter! "

A growl was heard in the room followed by an angry voice, "Shut up! I'm nothing like you." Everyone turned to see a seething Naruto.

Inari responded to that with more crying and a demand, "How can you, a ninja who hasn't had anything bad happen to him, think to know what me and my country has gone through under Gato?"

"You think you can just play the tragic victum all of your life? Well if you think that way, you might as well be a sissy and keep on crying! " Naruto resonded as he walked out of the room before finishing all of his dinner.

Kakashi looked at Inari and knew he would have to explain the reasons behind Naruto. It could wait before they finished.

It was only an hour later when he met Inari at the water's edge near the home of the family. He spoke softly to the boy, "I'm sorry for Naruto's outburst at you. Yet you don't know Naruto as well as you think you do," The jonin said as he started to explain his knuckheaded student.

"Naruto grew up without a father, just like you. Yet unlike you, he didn't have a single family member or friend when he was going up. He didn't complain or cry while this happen, instead he tries to get people to acknowledge him. Even to the point of risking his life to make this happen. This is why he understands what it is like to be strong." The grey haired man continued before moving to the reaction of his student to the words of the younger boy.

"When he was talking to you, it was likely something he has told himself hundred of times before. When the pain and pressures of his life made him want to break down and cry about the troubles he has seen. Try to remember it when you talk to him the next time." finsihed the older man as the boy had sat in silence, watching the water. Yet Kakashi could tell the boy was thinking on the words which the jonin had said.

The next morning...

Sasuke and most of his team were walking towards the bridge with Tazuna. The single mission member of the team was Naruto, who was in a sound sleep after using up most of his energies with the tree climbing task. The black haired boy didn't believe Naruto would be needed on what looked to be a routine mission of watching the bridge getting built.Unless it was the day when Zabuza was finally out of his sick bed and back on the mission.

The idea didn't scare Sasuke, as much as it excited him. Which was made more real with the scene at the bridge with most of the workers either dead or critically injured. It could only mean one thing, Zabuza is back in action. More proof came from the sudden rolling of mist on a clear day. Multiple copies of the mission ninja flew at the team which had gather, yet Sasuke could tell they were mere copies.

The real Zabuza arrived with his masked compatrot standing next to him. The man with the covered mouth spoke up, "I can see you shaking, wannabe. Am I so frighting you have lost control of your body? "

"I'm shaking with excitement, not fear. I'm ready to take the both of you down. Who wants to go first?" asked Sasuke as he waited to begin his battle.

"Haku, why don't you show him what he's up against?" said the missing mist jonin as the shorter fingure nodded and moved in to battle with the Uchiha heir. The leaf ninja tried to get a kick or punch in as he battle with the other ninja, yet the boy was faster then he seemed. It wasn't too much longer before the dark eyed ninja had one of his hands held by the masked opponent.

Back at the home of Tazuna...

Inari was thinking of the story he had been told about Naruto, shortly after the ninja jumped out of bed and left. The blond had been late for the jouney to the bridge, and moved quickly to meet his teammates. Then he hear his mother scream!

Rushing to where the scream had come from, noticing two of Gato's men standing with blades against his mother's body. They saw him and spoke to him, "Look what we have here, a little hero here to save his mommy. I hope you know that heroes don't live long around here. I guess we just have to make sure you don't cause us any troubles... permanently."

As the two of them began to laugh, his mother spoke, "If you two touch a single hair on his head, I'll bite my tongue clean off and kill myself! Then you won't have a single hostage to use against my father! "

Inari paused for a moment as his thoughts rushed at the image of his death or that of his mother. Dying at the hands of a couple of Gato's goons, his mind turned to the words of his father as well as those of Naruto. Words about protecting the things and people he loved with both of his arms. Not being a coward in the face of danger. In the moment, he knew they were both right and he had to do something to protect his mother.

"You let her go right now." he said as he rushed towards them and prepared to let them have it even if it would kill him. As he approached, the two men pulled out their swords and prepared to swing. He couldn't avoid the blades as they came at him.

So it was a complete surprise to everyone there when the blades pass through Inari without a single drop of blood spraying. It was when the boy started to float up in the air did the two goons ask, "What the hell is happening? What kind of monster is this kid?"

Once Inari had floated far enough away from the two men, a figure started to faded into sight. Looking back the young boy saw it was Naruto, only know he had violet hair and green eyes. The ninja responded, "You did a great job for the most part. I'm just glad I was in the area to help you out."

"How did you know they were coming here? " The boy asked as he looked up to the one who had saved him.

"Easy, they didn't cover their tracks that well. When I headed to the bridge, I saw the trail of slashed trees and a dead boar heading back here. I knew it had to be one of Gato's men since they left the boar there, since any of the hungry villagers would have taken the animal home for the meat." Naruto explained, as he seemed to smile at the words he had said.

"But now it's time for me to save your mother from these idiots." said the violet haired boy as he set the younger boy down and headed back to the two men who were holding the woman hostage.

"Okay, freak boy. You might not be able to get hurt from our swords, but the lady still can. Make a move towards us and she gets it. What are you going to do, freak boy?" asked one of the goons as he held his sword up to the neck of Inari's mother.

"Just this..." said the ninja in black and orange, as the two goons soon froze up before they dropped their swords. Then the two men started to beat the crap out of each other, with extreme care taken to crush each other's balls with their blows. Each one was pounding the other with serious blows, to the surprise of Tsunami and her son.

With a final blow the two men knocked themselves unconcious, only to have two exact copies of Naruto to float up from the bodies of the goons and smile before they disappeared in a puff of smoke. The last remaining Naruto turned to them and said, "I would get them tied up before they woke up. They're going to be sore and upset. I have to head to the bridge to make sure the rest of my friends are alright. Thanks."

With that Naruto started to fly in the air in the direction of the bridge, leaving the mother and child with the unconicous goon. Both feeling thankful for the strange ninja.

Meanwhile, on the bridge...

Sasuke wonder how he had gotten in the mess he was in. He was imprisoned, surrounded by at least a dozen icy mirrors. It began with the fight between him and this Haku character. Both of them were fast, faster then normal humans could be. Each punch and kick where perfect and yet perfectly blocked.

The last Uchiha thought he had gotten the upper hand when the leaf ninja had taken one of the other boy's hands. Which under normal circumstances would mean the boy would be unable to make the seals needed to perform a ninjutsu. Only to find the boy could use one handed signs. Worse, the water which had covered the bridge in the meanwhile, was there for the boy to use to make his ice mirrors.

Now the dark haired man was waiting for his opponent to make the next move as the images of the other were in all of the mirrors. Which definately meant the leaf ninja could be attack from any angle. Suddenly, the boy demerged from a mirror. It was only a split second after the moment before all hell broke loose.

The mirrors explosed with bursts of flames which melted them diretly into steam rather then water. It was a few seconds after the mirrors exploded when the mist lifted from the bridge. Floating above them all was a women with flaming hair dressed in leather. Something in Sasuke could tell this woman was likely another ghost, making the boy wonder where Naruto had been.

"Looks like most of my prey is here. I am Yumi the Huntress, greatest hunter in the Ghost Zone. I had been sent here to hunt a certain ghost child, however I have found a couple of other prey as well. Like a one eyed sharingan user as well as one of the last natural users of the bloodline limit. Also I have found one of the last Hyouton users as well. All acceptable prey for my hunting. Still I want to find the only ghost boy I know about." spoke the stange woman, floating above their heads.

"Of course, I have to get rid of the only of the plain old ordinary ninjas before I can enjoy the thrill of the battle with my targets." were her words as she looked down at Zabuza and Sakura.

"Listen witch, I don't care who you are. Nobody calls the demon of the hidden mist just another ninja. I'll make you eat those words." Zabuza said as he tried to attack the woman in the air.

Sasuke had doubts it would be able to do anything to the ghost hunter. The last of the Uchiha knew there would be few things able to attack a ghost, with one of the exceptions being his teammate in his phantom form. What was keeping the knuckleheaded ninja from battle was beyond him. They needed him here as soon as possible.

"I think I'll combine the two tasks together and make it a battle with the prey to protect the less worthy targets. Yes, I'll send one of my lesser pets to see if you deserve to live the rest of your lives in my cages, or if I should just have you stuffed and mounted right away." As she said this she pulled out of bow of flames as well as an arrow with spider leg like stripping.

Pulling back the bow, it released the arrow and caused it to land on the bridge between where Sasuke and Haku were and where their jonin teachers were. One it had hit the bridge it began to glow and change in shape into something larger then even Zabuza. It was a huge spider with ebony body with a deep glowing green hourglass on it's belly. Poison dripped from mandibles, as it turned to watch the four ninjas with it's eight human like eyes.

It was then there was a scream of effort as Yumi suddenly moved forward at extreme speed. Appearing close to where the woman had been floating, was the sight of Sasuke's low achieving comrade. The boy said one thing, "Naruto Uzumaki has arrived to save the day once again. So who's the woman?"

"As I have told the other prey, I am Yumi the Huntress. I have been sent to hunt you and see if you are worthy to be my prey. I see that you have a lot of energy, which is good since it means the hunt will not be boring." she told him as she regained her stability and prepared her arrows again. This time the fetching were in the form of flames, which was obvious to their effect when they burst into flames when fired.

Naruto avoided the mid-air explosions of the arrows as he told Sasuke, "You hold off the giant spider for now, I'll take care of arrowhead up here. Once I finish with her, I'll come down and catch the thing."

"Gee, thanks Naruto." said the last Uchiha sarcastically, as he moved into position so he could figure out how to defeat a giant spider. It didn't help when the spider started to shoot streams of webbing at them, likely to bind them so they couldn't attack.

"Haku, our fight is with the witch and her pet. For now we work with Kakashi and his wannabes for the moment. Until she's planted in the ground, head first." spoke the tall missing ninja as he moved his sword into position at the spider.

Kakashi seemed to nod at this turn of events and said to him, "Yes, we work together to stop this Yumi before any one of us get hurt during her hunt. Everyone get ready to attack this thing, except Sakura. You're needed to protect Tazuna from the spider if it decides to attack him."

The dark haired leaf ninja turned and looked at the masked boy before speaking, "I guess for now we're on the same team. Just remember our rematch will occur after we squash this bug."

The ice master just nodded and moved into an attack position with the spider. Sasuke thought of the attacks he could throw at the creature. His katon should be able to due the creature harm, if it was like a normal spider. If not, it should be able to get rid of the webbing.

With that the battle really began.

Author's notes:

I hope you have enjoyed the new version of the events at the bridge. I have a direction of where it is going to go, which included the release of some of the power of the Kyuubi. A release which will make Naruto take on another form of his ghost side. I just have to get the determination to get the story up and running. I hope by posting this most recent chapter, I might get the kick in the pants I need to get this done. I have a few other things I have been working on as well. Including some ideas for starter fics which I hope will be original in one way or another.

I have finished the next chapter of Sakura 10, yet this is pretty much all I have for my non-lemon works. Currently I have been working on lemons, most of a superhero nature. I occationally need to switch gears from non-lemon to lemon or the other way round, to keep my creative juices cook. It also didn't help this month was a little more rough then any other month, so my productivity has been down.

I am also looking to make at least one decision on the nature of the pairings in this fic in the near future. I am not going to reveal it now, to give you something to think about. Choices about powers are also weighing down on my mind. This is a fusion with the world of Danny Phantom and Naruto, so the Phantom Ninja should have some of the powers of our ghost boy. Yet Naruto is a different character, and as such should have unique powers as well. I also hope to make up new jutsu connected with the things Naruto knows now as well as jutsu to work with his ghost powers.

Well, enjoy this and I will see what I can come up with next.
