Naruto Fan Fiction / Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Phantom Blood ❯ Chapter Fourteen ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Masashi Kishimoto and Butch Hartman. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Naruto or Danny Phantom Series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.

Phantom Blood

A Danny Phantom/Naruto Fusion

Part Fourteen

The spider spirit first turned it's attention to the two adult ninjas which were behind it. It's head moved around till all eight human eyes looked at Kakashi and Zabuza. Webbing shot out of it's rear end and tried to hit the twin S-classed ninjas, only to have the two of them dodge the strikes of webbing. The Spider turned around to get a better look at it's most powerful foes.

Kakashi and the mist ninja kept up the leaping movement, since it would be hard for them to be glued to the spot if they were constantly moving. He was looking for a weak point on the spirit, before he made any hasty move against it. If he used his sharingan at this moment, he might lose all of his chakra and leave himself weak against the threat.

The leaf ninja watched as his mist counterpart tried to attack the spider with his sword. The one eyed ninja could sense chakra coming from the huge blade, as if Zabuza was channeling a jutsu through the sword itself. Before the blade could cut ecto, the arachnid split where the blade was going to cut it. The weapon passed through air as the monster remerged after the blade had passed. Zabuza continued the attack with rapid strikes at superhuman speed only those training in the ninjutsu arts could do. Yet the spider split and merged at will. Till a web line struck and tangled around the sword blade.

The beast pulled with superhuman strength and yanked the weapon out of the ninja's hands. It tossed the blade to the other side of the bridge where the tip dug into the earth. Webbing then shot out in rapid succession to strike and tangle Zabuza in a web cocoon. The Mist ninja fell on the bridge and looked like a worm on the ground.

Kakashi was preparing the place on it's spirit gloves to better attack the beast with taijutsu, when Zabuza's assisitant leapt into action. He moved through a series of hand signs to summon a jutsu, which turned out to be a freezing jutsu to coat the monster within an ice block. It didn't work out as plan as just as it seemed like the spider was encased, it shattered the ice with a show of strength. It turned and looked at the young masked boy.

The spider jumped forward with great speed and dagger sized fangs dug in deep into the boy's arms. Pulling back, the masked boy trembled with what looked to be shock or as if he was suffering from a seizure. The boy then fell over into what looked to be death at exposure to the spirit's venom.

"Sasuke, keep your eyes out for that thing. It looks like it's poison is lethal. We're going to have to come up with a plan against it, rather then just strike at it without thinking." shouted out the teacher as he rethought his idea of using taijutsu against a deadly venomous foe. The spider just seemed to grin as it looked at the two ninjas it had left.

"Sensei, I'll keep his attention while you free Zabuza. Then it would be three against one." said the Uchiha as he developed his next moves. Summoning the vast library of fire jutsu his family had left him, he selected a few long range attacks with might cause the thing some trouble. Jumping to avoid it's attacks, he pulled out his fire jutsu.

Silently the dark haired ninja summoned a great fireball technique to strike at the beast from a distant. Firing and withdrawling to avoid being hit by webbing blasts from the spider's butt. From time to time, Sasuke purposely shot at the web lines. Likely hoping the fire of the burning web to flow down the line to attack the spider.

Kakashi had taken this moment to move with speed to the encased Zabuza and used a kunai to free the mist ninja. The tall man sneered behind the mask and said, "Took you long enough. Hand me a weapon, since I doubt the beast is going to let me get close to my sword."

Kakashi knew the situation was desperate enough, so he handed a kunai over to the enemy ninja since they had a big foe to face. The two men stood back, trying to come up with a way to avoid webbing and poison.

The grey haired ninja looked to the sky to see how Naruto was doing. The boy was fighting with all of his might. Shooting off ghost blasts as he strike the flaming arrows before they exploded against his body. Each one of the ghostly figures where flying in a zigzag pattern so they could avoid any direct attacks against each other. Yumi seemed to be getting a perverse joy out of the game of cat and mouse. From time to time, Naruto looked down at the battle below. The sight of the dead Haku only increased the speed and tempo of the battle.

The leaf jonin began his attack with some more powerful katon, hoping that fire effected ghost spiders like they did living ones. Zabuza seeme to be summoning some water like jutsu, yet from the reaction to Kakashi's flames it was more likely to be oil based. The fire grew to an extreme size as it flew to the spider. The spider seemed to explode with a burst of fire from the leaf ninjas.

Before they could relax, the flame died down to reveal a shield of ecto-webbing surrounding the beast. The shield cracked a little as the fire extinguished itself before shooting out as shrapnel. As the ninjas dodge the flame hardened webbing, a line flew forward and grabbed the last leaf Uchiha. Like a fisherman pulling in it's catch, the spider hauled the Uchiha to it's mouth before the genin could react. Fangs sunk in and Sasuke was introduced to venom.

Sasuke stood there looking at his wound as he began to twitch just as Haku did before he fell over dead as well. With a wail of mourning Sakura yelled out, "SASUKE!!!"

In the air...

Naruto heard the cry of his female teammate and looked down at the body of his teammate. Angry filled his body as he knew the huntress had been looking for him when she had decided to take on Sasuke and the others. It was his fault all of this death and chaos was occuring, he was responcible for his teammate's death! Anger from something deep inside him called out for blood. And Naruto gave into it.

An aura of red chakra flowed out of Naruto as a wave of killing intent washed over the bridge. Yet this was no ordinary killing intent. It was a force of hatred which express it would kill you in a way so each cell of your body was torture and then it would bring you back to life to die that way again. As rage and hatred flowed, Naruto started to physically change as well.

The whiskers on his face moved off it as they became real hairs, just as his face become a fox-like snout. Sharpened teeth like steak knives were caressed by twin tongues. Eyes of blue become twin orbs of blood crimson fire which burned with malice. Ears become pointed and sharpened like tacks.

Naruto's hands and feet grew to superhuman, inhuman size. They were at least three times their normal size as nails became claws with razer edges. His feet bursted from his boots due to the size of the limbs. At the same time the boy's muscles seemed to grew as well becoming larger and more well definded. All over his body veins of blood stood out on his flesh, as if a mixture of liquids and power was being forced through the ninja with a force greater then anyone knows.

Naruto's hair had turned from a purple colour to one of demonic red as it become fire which burned down his back, longer then his natural hair. The final sign of something wrong was the fox's tail which appeared around Naruto's butt. The tail was the same demonic red, except for the tip which was a black as ash which radiated malice.

To say it bluntly, Naruto had become a creature from a leaf ninja's nightmare.

"You killed my friend. Now it's time for you to die!" said the new Naruto, as he floated in a sea of red chakra. With speed of a demon, he attacked the giant spider spirit with a breath of jet flame which started to burn the spider. The bug gave off a animal like scream of pain as it's flesh started to boil and blister. The smell of burning hair and flesh was present as well.

As the arachinid was falling down as it's legs collapsed as they burned out from under it. As the fire comsumed the it, the monster Naruto hand's shot forward to grab the beast with oversized hands. His mouth began to open wider then a human's mouth should have opened, showing off fangs which grew to the size of sabres. His tongue developed barbs which shot into the remains of the spider, pulling it in like ropes.

It was just a short period of time before Naruto swallowed the creature whole with a sickening crunch. Followed by more crunching as Naruto devoured the spider. Jets of flames sparked out the sides of his mouth as he chewed. After swallowing the bug meal he had taken, he turned to look at the floating huntress. Within seconds he was facing her with an evil grin on his face.

"Let's dance, witch!" he called out as he looked at her.

Other the other side...

Yumi could feel the flows of power coming from the transformed ninja which she had provoked. He had transformed into a higher level of spirit, even something demonic as she could feel the type of energies he was producing. She had a hint to the source of the power given the fox like shape he had been taking, with had a dual effect on her.

On the one hand if the boy contained power of the demon she thought he had, then she was facing a more perminent elimination of her ectoplasm. The second hand was pure blooded excitement at the chance to stalk and capture one of the most powerful beings in the universe... if she could survive this moment in time. She knew she was in a life or death moment.

She pulled out her bow and pulled back a few arrows she was going to fire before he could attack, hoping her speed might even be a slight bit faster then his. Only to have her bow pulled out from her, and smashed it to pieces with one hand. He looked at her and spoke, "I'm not going to let you get away with another attack which could harm my precious people. Now it's time for you to become the prey."

The other hand in the form a fist came out of the blue, smashing the stalker with the force of a ton of stone. She flew back to the edge of the bridge, managing to become intangable to avoid hitting the dirt. Only to be facing the fox boy again inside the earth overlooking the bridge. A hard kick with his overgrown feet moved her into the air again, heading back to the bridge.

She tried to adjust to the changes in direction she kept going with the different kicks and punches by the ghost boy. Occasionally he would slash her with his claws, bring out gashes of her ghostly green blood. She knew from experience he was playing with her, with a single move he could cause her major injury.

'I have to calm him down or soon he'll stop playing and get serious. There is only one thing to do...' she thought as she tried to get into a position where she could talk to him.

Catching her breath from the beating she began, "I haven't killed anyone yet. The Stalker Spider's venom only creates a death like state. Slows the breathing and heart rate of the victum to a point where they look like they passed on. The jonin's Sharingan should be able to detect the chakra flow of the two boys down there, even as slowed down as it looks now," She could only hope her voice was loud enough for everyone to hear.

The demon boy stopped in his action as he turned to looked at the jonin who had brought him. The grey haired one looked to the two boys and his eyes widened in surprise before calling out, "She's right, Naruto. I can see the chakra flow through their bodies, they are alive."

With a whoosh of a flame coming out, Naruto began to return to his more human like ghost form. The fox like features retreated, with his muscles shirking and veins becoming hidden again. His hands and feet reduced three sizes, and the whiskers were birthmarks instead of hairs. Gone was the tail, snout and claws. Eyes were green and the hair violet instead of both of them turning blood red.

It also looked like a lot of energy had flow out of him as he was loosing height in his flight, landing on the bridge before too long. His legs buckled and trembled as the transformation circle flow over him, making him human once more.

Yumi knew it was her chance to escape, there is no profit in continuing the hunt now. She was too weak from the battle to continue and her prey might still have the strength to harm her. So turning invisible, she flew off as far as she could go.

'You may have won this battle, Naruto Uzumaki. But that only means it will be a great prize when I capture you!' she thought as she limped in her flight.

On the bridge...

Sakura was shocked at the monstrous creature Naruto had turned into when he had thought that Sasuke had been killed by the ghost Yumi. She could feel the fear which was obvious coming from him, reminding her of her lessons on Killing Intent. Yet was glad for him getting the ghost to reveal Sasuke was still alive.

She had been holding her ground with Tazuna for a while, before she was overcome with worry and headed to Sasuke to see if he was alright. It was also on her mind the dizziness which Naruto seemed to be in. Keeping her eye on him, yet a little nervous about getting to close at the moment.

"So Zabuza, are you ready to continue our little battle?" asked Kakashi as Sakura realized the enemy ninja was still there.

"As much as I would love to, I'm not an idiot. I might be called a demon, but the monster form of that ghost kid is the real thing. His killing intent alone takes the power of hatred and fear to a new level. If I do kill any of you other three and he might devil trigger again, which would make me a real ghost before too long." said the mist missing ninja, looking in awe at the blond haired boy.

"Who would have thought the great Zabuza of the hidden mist village would be afraid of some kid? I guess I was overcharged for the demon's work." spoke a voice from behind all of them. All of the ninja still concious turned to look at the source of the voice.

They all took in the sight of a short man in a business suit with grey hair and dark glasses. Behind him were a number of goons who were looking nervious at the ninja on the bridge, or perhaps just one ninja. One of the thugs spoke up to his boss, "Mr. Gato, what about the kid? Didn't he just turn into a monster and beat the stuffing out of the ghost lady?"

"Don't be stupid. It was just one of their ninja genjutsu mind tricks to make us back off. There's no way a kid could turn into a monster, so there are no monsters on the bridge. Not even Zabuza." said the man revealed to be the shipping magnate Gato.

The masked mist ninja was trembling in a way which spoke of his control to avoid killing the man, or that's what it looked like to Sakura. From what she had seen from the jonin from before, it was a miracle that Gato was living this long. It was then the tycoon continued his rant, "Good thing I was never planning to pay you, since it looks like you can get the job done. Since all of you are too weak to stop me, I guess it's time for all of you to die."

Zabuza had been silent for all of this time, but now he spoke. " I think it's time to show you the meaning of hell, Gato. You'll wish you had paid me off," with that he moved like lightning with his single kunai and began his attack on Gato. Like a phantom himself, the mist ninja struck in multiple vital points in just a way which would keep Gato alive till the last vital strike. Then he kicked the dead tycoon over the side into the water below.

Zabuza then returned to the bridge and to the collection of ninja on the span. He turned to the leaf ninja around him, "I guess my time fighting you is over. I'll just gather up Haku and my sword, then be on my way before the hunter ninja show up. I think the four of you can handle the crowd now."

The missing ninja picked up his apprentice and jumped to his giant sword. Picking it up and placing it on his back, he then vanished with a spray of water. 'Likely a verson of sensei's teleportation technique using water instead of leaves,' thought the pink haired ninja.

"Since they killed our meal ticket, I say we make them pay for it!" said one of the thugs, which got a chorus of agreement with the majority of the hired swords. They pulled out their weapons and started to charge the ninja.

Naruto, recovering enough to assess the situation, moved to his shadow clone jutsu. Since he wasn't in ghost form, a larger number of clones were created. Clones numbering over at least three dozen appeared and stood their ground. Sakura was surprised when Kakashi showed he knew the forbidden jutsu when he created a number of duplicates as well.

If this wasn't enough to scare off the hired swords, a new army was appearing on the bridge as well. A collection of villagers from the Wave village lead by Inari in some make shift army and some stick turned into a weapon. Most of the army also had some improvised weaponry and armourments.

Facing a small army of ninjas, one having been a giant demon monster they had seen earlier, and an army of determined villages was something to turn their courage. Yellow streaks started to show in their backs as they turned away from overwhelming numbers and began to run away. A few were so worried in avoiding the collective army, they dropped their weapons to the ground.

Kakashi and Naruto relased their clone jutsu to the sounds of cheering of the crowd of villagers, people who were now free and held hope in their hearts.