Naruto Fan Fiction / Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Phantom Blood ❯ Chapter Fifteen ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Masashi Kishimoto and Butch Hartman. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Naruto or Danny Phantom Series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.

Phantom Blood

A Danny Phantom/Naruto Fusion

Part Fifteen

Naruto woke up from the period of rest his team had taken during the days following the events of the bridge. He was thinking over transformation he had taken when battling Yumi and her spider, the one which had caused him to become more like the demon within him.

'Kakashi-sensei said it was possible the intense emotional outburst had caused me to access the power of the fox to boost my skill level to something more lethal. Much as the power boost did to help me this time, I just don't like being turned into that kind of creature. Sensei said a seal master might be able to help me control, to hold back the power of kyuubi until I have no choice in using it.' thought the young ghost boy as he put on his special suit.

'Still being an emotionless tool of destruction isn't my style either. I just have to train myself in controlling my mind so I don't transform without knowing. My ghost powers should be enough to get the drop on any opponent ninja. As for ghosts, it just means I have to step up my training and figure out the extent of my abilities.' come the realization to the blond haired ninja. He rushed down the stairs of the bridgebuilder's home. Ready for breakfast, yet not ready to try and explain to his team the reasons for his transformation.

Sakura had been asking him about his vulpine changes on the bridge, and Sasuke was starting to become interested due to the ability of the form to defeat the spider and the ghost huntress. As he sat down to his meal, he was asked again by Sakura about this change he went through.

It was Kakashi who answered, "Over time ghosts can increase in power and abilities, however there are some cases where strange transformations can occur due to changes in their ectoplasm. This was likely a cause of something interacting with the ectoplasm, still the core Naruto remained in charge. He reacted only when his teammate was thought dead and was acting to avenge his fellow ninja. In time, it may be possible for Naruto to control the power of the transformation."

Naruto relaxed a little with Kakashi's cover story, but he knew he would have to be careful with the fox like nature of his transformation. It could lead to the secret about his birth being brought out, which made him nervious about the people he had made precious after all of this time. Hopefully training would allow him to prevent anything dangerous from resulting from the demon. He continued to eat his meal, surprisingly quitely.


Kakashi and Team Seven was walking back home to the leaf village after recovering. No trace of Zabuza or his assistant Haku were found in or around the village, meaning they had gone back on the run from the mist hunter ninja. The village was feeling thankful to Zabuza for killing their tycoon tyrant, even if it had been a revenge killing more then anything else. Still there was the matter of a name for the bridge to take care of.

Tazuna looked at the ninja who had saved their little village from the hopelessness by aiding in the construction of their bridge. With the span, they could now begin to trade in piece without being forced to send their profits to a mobster. Yet it was one ninja who had the most effect on the village as a whole.

'It was Naruto, who managed to turn my grandson from wallowing in self-pity to gaining the bravery he had lost. From this one special ninja, a boy was made heroic. From this little boy, a village's courage was captured from the brink. Even if he became a monster on the bridge, it was to avenge his friend.' thought the bridgebuilder as he maded a decision.

It was at this time one of the villagers did ask the question he wanted to answer, "So, Tazuna, what are you going to name the bridge?"

"I think it's obvious. The Great Naruto Bridge, after the hero who gave our village back it's hope for something better." told the old man as he smiled at the boy in black and orange.

Back in the Village Hidden in the Leaves...

Naruto was sitting in the testing area of Watanabe Works, trying to see what they could do to control or understand the nature of his change on the bridge. Jiro was doing some bio-scans using some special technology and some specialized jutsu. Finally as the paper read out were pulled from their printers, he seemed to have a look on his face like he knew what was happening.

"I think I know what happened. It seems when Naruto was in emotional distress the seal weakened enough for the fox's chakra to pour out into Naruto. From there the chakra was transformed into ectoplasm in Naruto's ghost form, causing a overhaul of power and energy. It is possible the fox had some influence on him in this state or it could have opened up a repressed rage within Naruto." said the large bearded man as he looked with a darkened face. Yet soon he brightened up again with his great smile.

"I do think it is possible for Naruto to override this influence by building up his mental defenses some more. It was really the shock of the moment which allowed the fox to have even the small guidance it had. Building up those mental shields should be able to prevent fox from coming out even if Naruto transform. As far as I know now. My research is not perfect and I would need more data." continued Jiro as he looked to Naruto.

The blond boy responded, "I guess I have to make sure to keep my mind clear from now on. Inoichi should be able to give me some more help in developing my own mental shielding. Who knows, this might be a fluke due to the emotional stress I was under at the time of the battle."

"I'll send for Inoichi to help you to train. I would also recommend for him to do a mind scan of your brain to see what is going on in there. Perhaps with the help of Kakashi to see how the seal is working on your part ghost genetics." said the ghost hunter ninja as they had Naruto get ready to go back into the world.

Outside in the village...

Sakura was getting a little depressed at the reaction of Sasuke to her suggestion of their practicing together. Instead he told her she needed to practice more, since her ninja levels were below even Naruto's skills as a ninja. To have to face the fact the boy who was the dead last in her class had some how passed her while they were on the same time had it's sting.

She was frustrated when she saw Naruto walking down the street, not knowing the frustration he was putting her in. He also didn't seem to notice a square box painted as a rock or brick following him along. As she approached to mentioned it to him, when the box exploded with a smoke bomb.

From the cloud emerged three small kids, likely academy students. One was a boy with brown hair who was wearing Naruto's old goggles and a long scarf. The second boy was a lad in glasses with a mushroomed shaped brown hair. The third was a girl with rosy cheeks and orange hair in pigtails sticking up in the air.

"We are the Konohamaru Corps! Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon! Can you play ninja with us today Naruto?" asked the one with the scarf and goggles.

"Not sure about playing ninja, but I know you're going to have to get a better disguise there. Rocks aren't square or have the ability to move.

"Naruto, what are you doing now?" asked Sakura as she was wondering about the what it was her teammate was doing. She was really interested in his reaction to the kids in front of her. It seemed he knew they were there, but was ignoring them. She was asking herself, why?

The small kids with the scarf and goggles was looking at her for a minute as if he was making a judgement of her. She looked at him making an examination of him, recognizing him as the grandson of the Third Hokage. How he had become connected with her teammate was a question she wasn't sure of.

Then he smiled a toothy grin as if he had made a discovery before he spoke, "I get it, boss. She' your..." He didn't continue with speaking yet made a hand sign which meant boyfriend and girlfriend, if not something more then that.

"I'm not his girlfriend, you little brat! When I get my hands on you, you're going to wish you had never been born." shouted the pink haired ninja as he anger emerged. She had just been rejected by Sasuke, told she was worst then the worst student in their class and now been told she was dating a boy who annoyed her constantly. Womenly rage was about to be vented out on the poor kid.

Which he noticed as he tried to run away from the whole mess down one of the streets connecting the one they are on. Sakura ran after the kid with the boy's friends and Naruto following then, trying to keep Konohamaru unharmed. It was then they saw what had happened to the small boy in the scarf. He was currently being held up in the air by a ninja they didn't know. He was dressed in black from head to toe, with kabuki make up on his face. He had a huge package on his back which was just as big as he was.

Behind him was a blond female ninja, with her hair in four bundles. An oversized fan rested on her back as a weapon. She wore a fish net shirt covered by a pinkish white dressed. Fish net covered her legs and she was wearing ninja shoes of black.

"What do you think you're doing brat, bumping into me? Maybe I should teach you a lesson in manners." said the male nin as he looked at the little kid.

"Let him go!" called out Sakura, not wanting the boy to get hurt. She might have wanted to hurt him a few moments ago, but she would have just scared him half to death before doing any harm. From their hitate, they were nin from a different village. They were less likely to show mercy to the boy.

"What if I don't wanna? I think I would rather show this kid not to mess with real ninja." he said, as he kept his hold on the boy's throat.

"Kankurou, we don't want to make waves right now." spoke the kunoichi as she seemed to want to move on to what ever it was they were doing.

"This won't take too long, and I make sure to leave enough of the kid so they can put him back together again." the young man said as turned a wicked smile on to Konohamaru.

What took everone by surprise was the reaction of Naruto. There was a sudden burst of speed as the blond moved up close to the man in black, close enough so he could touch the honourable grandson. On his hand hit the kid, it was just a few seconds before he pulled the boy away from the other ninja. Passing through the hands of the boy with the package on his back.

Soon Naruto was back where he started from, before speaking, "I guess this solves the situation. If you want to hurt anyone in the leaf village, you're going to have to go through me first. Got it?"

"You're going to have to get through all of us as well." said another voice as it was followed by it's owner. Sasuke seemed to have been hidding while the events had been going on.

'Likely watching me in secret, to either help us or try and spy on my sexy naked form. I bet if Naruto hadn't take care of it, Sasuke could have beaten the jerk in black in a matter of seconds.' Thought the green eyed girl as she filled with desire for the last Uchiha.

"Listen, I'll do what I want and I want to..." said the boy before he was interrupted by the appearance of a younger red haired boy.

"That is enough. We don't have time to waste here. We will be going now." said the boy. He was dressed somber shades of black and brown. his eyes seemed to have deep black markings like he had never slept. On his back was an oversized gourd.

The kid with the gourd turned to look at Naruto and Sasuke. He spoke with a deep gutteral voice, "You two, what are your names?"

"It's better manners to introduce yourself before asking for another's name. However, I am Sasuke Uchiha and my teammate is Naruto Uzumaki. Who are you?" said the black haired boy as he waited for the answer.

"I am Gaara of the Desert." he told them as he turned to leave.

"I have a question, what are sand ninjas doing in the village without permits? I demand to see your permits or else we are going to have to hold you here till the jonin show up for you." Sakura said as she tried to get the reason for the appearance of the ninja.

"We have permission to be here. For the chunin examination, or are you kids too green for the exam?" said the woman as the trio left the area and headed to where ever they were going. With this the three of them left for where ever they had to go. Leaving Team Seven stunned with the new they have been given.

With the Sand Trio at the moment...

"You shouldn't have started that fight with those kids. You could have ruined the plan, and then I would have had to kill you." said Gaara as he looked at his older brother.

"Sorry Gaara, it won't happen again." said Kankurou, as he leapt towards the complex they were staying at for the exam.

Temari, their older and beautiful sister was going over the events of the meeting with the other ninja team they faced. She then spoke to her brothers, "Did you notice what that blond boy did? How he seemed to be able to pull the kid out of Kankurou's hands as if it was nothing. I'm not sure if it's a jutsu since it was done without hand signs. So either this blond has developed handless jutsu or he has some special connected to him, like a bloodline or special conditioning."

"His blood would make mother very pleased, as would the Uchiha. Both contain much power in their flesh, power mother craves. Yes, I will have to let mother play with them before she eats." spoke the red haired ninja as he gained a spaced out look in his eyes.

This frightened the kunoichi as it reminded her of Gaara's unique nature. Of the loss of humanity her youngest brother had suffered from the hands of her father's 'training'. Still there was something bother her about the blond boy, like he was hiding something. Being a strategist at heart, she liked to have all of the information she could have on the foes she would be facing.

'I'm going to find out you're secret, Naruto Uzumaki.' she thought as they headed to report to their jonin sensei.

In the Hokage Tower...

The Third Hokage was looking at the collection of jonin that had gathered before him. Kakashi, Kurenai, and his son Asuma had gather to speak to him. To tell him if any of their genin would be ready to take the test to become chunin. The rules on the exam is any genin who had completed more then eight of any kind of mission could be recommended.

Kakashi was first, "I recommened Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki."

Kurenai followed with her picks, "I recommend Shino Aburame, Hinata Hyuuga and Inuzuka Kiba.

The final teacher of the nine rookie ninjas stood forward, "I recommend Chouji Akimichi, Shikamaru Nara, and Ino Yamanaka."

Iruka who had been up to this moment watching the events unfold, seemed to be holding back something. Like he wanted to say something but was at the same time trying to speak it. The hokage, being a former teacher, could guess at the words in the chunin's mouth. Think it was best to have it spoken,the leader asked, "Iruka, I sense you have a comment to the recommendations made just now."

"I just don't think any of the genin mentioned are ready for the chunin exams. Especially Naruto, even if he has a bloodline limit. He's only just learned a technique to make up for his inability to create a simple bushin. I'm not sure he or any of the others are ready to go through that kind of testing." said the young teacher as he looked at the three jonin.

"If I may speak to Iruka, Hokage. I want to remind him these genin are no longer his students. They are our students. We have seen how they have grown and developed since the time they were academy students, not him. We know their strengths and weaknesses more then he knows them. The fact of the matter it is our judgement which is being used to judge their ability to compete in the exam." said Kakashi, with little emotion on his face.

"Perhaps I can solve the problem with a little compromise. A pre-exam test to see if the children are ready for the test and to give Iruka a little piece of mind about the situation. I will let the chunin to developed the test with the help of the jonin instructors. We will see if they are truely ready for such an extreme test." said the Hokage as he waited for the plans to be made.