Naruto Fan Fiction / Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Phantom Blood ❯ Chapter Sixteen ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Masashi Kishimoto and Butch Hartman. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Naruto or Danny Phantom Series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.

Phantom Blood

A Danny Phantom/Naruto Fusion

Part Sixteen

Naruto had completed not only his missions but also an examination at Wanatabe Works, seeing what could have happened when the demon fox's chakra bleed over to his ghost form. It was a frightening idea that his body might to transformed by the evil of the beast locked into him. Yet it was a possiblity, so he had to make sure he was looked at carefully before he could continue with the stress of the Chunin Exam.

So he had decided to relax with help from some of his youngest precious people. The Konohamaru Corps! He soon ran into them as they tried to continue with their training as ninjas. It looked like they were getting better at the ninja hiding techniques, since they had pasted some lumps of paper mache to their box. Better but still not professional. Naruto had to smile in spite of himself as he moved up behind them with out them noticing him.

He then knocked on the top of the box firmly three times. After the third hit the box poofed with a puff of smoke and the three young ninja students were revealed. Konohamaru was grinned a toothy look and said, "Great one boss, sneaking up behind us. So you think you might be able to play ninja with us?"

"I have time now, and it might help me prepare for my next big adventure. So what do you want to try out first? Some search and capture? Defend the castle? Shuriken attack?" he asked them, pointing out some fancy names for some of the more common ninja games. Things like hide and seek which taught the skills needed to become a great ninja.

It seemed like an instant when the ninja stranger appeared from the shadows and grabbed Moegi from the trio of children. Udon and Moegi were paralyzed by the sight of the alien ninja. He was dressed in a dusty brown outfit with his face covered by a high collar, eyes covered by dark glasses. As he held Moegi by the scruff of the neck, he spoke, "Naruto Uzumaki, if you want to see your little friend again... bring me the forbidden scroll of the hokages or else!"

Naruto could feel a rage fill him, the same one which came over him when ever one of his precious people had been threatened in the past. He roared out at the strange ninja, "I'm not going to give you the scroll, but I am going to give you a world of pain if you don't place her safely on the ground."

With this Naruto went ghost, changing his hair and eyes as he moved into his more powerful form. With a well-trained reflex, he signaled for the shadow clone jutsu. Making sure to hide two clones within the seven he summoned. Cloaked with his invisiblity power, they were his aces in the hole. In case things when wrong with the use of the clones, the five out clones took up position around the ninja.

Soon they formed a hexagon around him, all eyes keeping on him. One cloaked ninja clone ahead of the foe and in front of the real naruto, the other taking the rear of the same enemy ninja. Naruto was looking to which move he could make while keeping the younger girl safe from harm. It was all he needed to harm one of the people who liked him by using the wrong technique.

Then he moved for a physical attack, all six visible Naruto trying to beat down the ninja. The two invisible ones would be trying to catch Moegi from the enemy's hand and or try to overshadow him. Either one of those tricks should be able to keep the redhead from getting hurt at all. At a signal, the six Naruto attack. The ninja was skilled as he dodged and avoid the attacks, blocking with his free hand and his feet. He seemed to have eyes in the back of his head as he knew where the clones were attacking.

Then the invisibles made their attempts, with the one from the rear making the first attempt by overshadowing the ninja. For a few seconds their was an eerie green glow from behind the shades hidding the eyes, before an appearing Naruto emerged from behind the foe. Yet it was the move which provided a distraction to the enemy, as the violet haired ninja's invisible clone stabbed the attacker's arm forcing him to drop the red cheeked lass. Who was shortly lifted by the transparent one and moved out of the range of attack.

The clones soon recovered as they tried to make the guy pay for attacking kids in the hidden leaf village. Yet this ninja didn't seemed distrubed as he pulled out some kind of weapon. It looked like some kind of long tube of a shade of green, pointed in the direction of one of the clones. Then a jolt of energy blasted at the clone, a blast of ecto-energy which seemed to disapate the clone.

"Where the hell did you get that?" asked Naruto as he tried to figure out where someone outside of the village would be getting ghost tech. Especially since it shouldn't have gotten out of the village, unless there was another traitor. Something he was hoping wasn't true.

"I just thought I would take what ever I could take from one of the labs in your village. Guess I lucked out in finding this little baby. Now, I'm just going to have to take you down and force those kids to steal the scroll. Who knows? They might serve long enough to be missing nin. Cause I doubt this village is going to be forgiving of them taking the scroll." said the ninja as he prepared to take down the clones. With rapid succession, he took down the clones till only one of them existed with the original. Finally that clone was burst like a balloon, leaving the original Naruto alone.

The Konohamaru Corps had gather behind him as they looked out from his back. The green tube was pointed at him and was a threat which had to be dealt with. He knew a blast of ecto energy could take it out, but Naruto wasn't sure he could move quickly enough. Especially with the speed skills this ninja demonstrated, he needed to do something quick. Yet his time was up as the device shot it's ecto, and Naruto reacted on his instinct to protect his loved ones.

It seemed to be a ecto shot of his own at first, but it changed shape and structure. It formed a circle, then a partial sphere of energy which stood in front of the leaf ninjas. He had formed a shield from the ecto energy he could generate, just as the blast stopped before the shield and fizzed. The last shot seemed to have run out of power before it could even hit them. A twitch of anger crossed the face of the ninja as he tossed the tube away from his body.

"I should have known better then to trust this leaf crap. You will be seeing me shortly!" said the ninja as he disappeared in a cloak of leaves and wind. Naruto duplicated himself so he could stay with the Corp and the clones could search. Yet nothing was found but tube.

What Naruto had noticed, while listening to the kids telling him how awesome he was, was the fact the power seemed to have been switched to low. Yet the earlier blasts had to have been strong enough to blow out his clones. He knew from experience a medium ecto blast would have been needed unless they were totally worn out.

'He let me win. Why?' thought the ghost ninja.

A distance away, hidden from view...

Iruka still wanted to keep Naruto away from the chunin exam and the chance of truth death for the ghost boy. Yet his teacher side knew the boy had developed into a great leaf ninja and deserved his chance to be a leaf ninja. It might have been luck when he developed the ecto shield, yet he was still willing to protect the kids even if it would have done him harm. Like the Fourth Hokage would have done.

Shortly he was getting the information from the shadow clones he had made for the tests. Most of the other test were not as extreme as this one as he couldn't afford the chakra drained from the making of the clones. It was only thanks to special soldier pills the hokage gave him that he could be in nine places at once to test the three teams.

He had used an illusion against Sakura from a remote location to test the skills she was likely to have. Her mind was sharp enough to pierce the genjutsu even if it was Sasuke asking her for a walk. As Sasuke he had told her she wasn't ready for the Chunin exam, but she answered he wasn't her crush as the real Uchiha would not have asked her on a walk. A sign she had been moving to become a true kunoichi then the fan girl she had been during her academy days.

It was also a sign she was becoming closer to her teammates as well. When he tried to test her how stronger her willpower was in countering the illusion by throwing a stick, she walked into and through the wood. Then she left him there to watch the illusion fade.

In seven more cases, the students show how they had matured by passing the different test he had given them. Each one focused on the weaknesses and strengths of the genin as well as a test of the 'Will of Fire' needed. It left Iruka to do something he didn't want to have to do, 'I guess I have to report back to Kakashi and the other jonin about the fact my... their students have passed the test. Man, this is going to be some bitter ramen to swallow.'

Later, in the village...

Naruto was looking at the building the tests were suppose to be held in, trying to find the room on the third floor it was going to be held in. He was walking behind Sasuke and Sakura, trying to figure out where to go next. He spotted the room and what looked like two genin guarding it from all of the students who had gathered there. Something seemed off to him, as he looked at the room and the genin.

He looked at Sasuke and Sakura, noticing they were looking at the same thing he was with the same supecious eyes. Sasuke walked up as the genin were speaking to the gather young ninja.

"You don't want to do this test. I tried to pass this test six months ago and barely made it out of it alive." spoke the first one.

"Yeah, we lost one man of our squad to the exam. So we thought we tell you of the people who had died trying to become a chunin. Each year they find more and more ways to kill of the students of both home and visiting villages." told the second with a deadly grin which matched the first.

"I bet it's some kind of contest by the main five villages to see how much bloodshed they can cause when their turn for the exam shows up." continued the original speaker.

"Unlike your team, my team isn't made up of cowards," told Sasuke as he headed up to the the first genin, before he continued, "If you really wanted to keep us from getting to the exam, you should try something better then a simple genjutsu. Especially against a team which has a master of analyzing data and understanding of genjutsu like Sakura. She likely saw her way through your weak illusions from miles away. Even if she didn't count the single flight of stairs to the second floor we're on now."

The genin didn't seem to like what the Uchiha had said, even if it was true. It seemed his male teammate had dispelled the trick showing this was indeed the second floor. The genin was enraged and started to attack Sasuke. Before they could attack each other, a boy in a green body suit which was skin tight appeared between them.

"It is not wise to attack before the test begins, Sasuke Uchiha. It is also rude, yet it is also rude not to introduce one's self when meeting someone new. I am Rock Lee and you are the famous Sasuke Uchiha." said the boy with the eyebrow and the bowl cut. Everyone involved was amazed with the speed of the fellow genin. It was then that Lee's teammates appeared next to them.

"Lee, quit acting like idiot and let's get registered for the exam." spoke the young woman with her hair in buns. His male companion looked at him like the bowl cut boy was a needed annoyance. Which reminded Naruto of the way Sasuke had looked at him from time to time before they had passed Kakashi's exam. The long haired boy with Lee did look an aweful lot like Hinate for some reason.

It was then that Lee took a good look at Naruto's female companion, getting a look in his eyes which told Naruto the boy had fallen hard for the pink haired girl. He rushed up close to her before speaking, "I can not believe I have seen a woman as beautiful as you. I will use all of my strength to protect you from all dangers till I die.. May I ask a vision such as your self what her name is?"

Naruto was split in mind, there was still a hint of a crush on Sakura which was making him jealous. Yet the majority of his mind was laughing it's butt off at her reaction of disgust at the eyebrowed boy's crush. The pink haired genin yelled out, "Why would I want to go out with anyone as lame as you?"

This caused Naruto to feel simpathy to the boy. Lee looked crushed but then turned to look at Sasuke as the Uchiha and Haruno headed for the stairs to the third level. He intercepted them before they made it before issuing a challenge, "Sasuke Uchiha, I challenge you to combat. I wish to test my skills against the genius of the Uchiha clan. I also would wish to prove my skills before the woman of my dreams, your teammate..."

"Sakura Haruno." said Naruto, his instictings for stirring the pot coming to the front. Sakura gave him a death glare and only refrained from hitting him due to his kekkei genkai. How go would a hot be if it passed right through your opponent?

'This should be interesting. Normally I would like to get into a fight with another genin like this to test my skills. The problem is I might resort to the Reichi to battle if he proves himself tough enough. This way I might be able to get a sense of Rock Lee's skills when he fights Sasuke as well as hide mine. Got to save something for the big show.' Thought the blond as he guessed the main event would be a battle royale between the genin.

Soon they found themself in an open space where Sasuke and Lee could show of their battle techniques. Getting set to battle, Sasuke made the opening move by charging Lee only to be defeated. Lee had charged into the fight as well, yet spun his body as well. Using the spin he continued with a flying round house kick at Sasuke causing the Uchiha to fall back.

Naruto noticed the action of Sasuke summoning his Sharingan. An effect of fighting the ghost spider on the bridge had caused it to emerge at it's first level of development. The likely development was his teammate was trying to discover how to copy Lee's ninjutsu or genjutsu. This was proven as they repeated their previous attacks against each other. Yet even Naruto picked up on the fact of the matter, which was this was pure hand-to-hand techniques.

'Since Sasuke can't copy speed or agility with his bloodline, he can't copy the moved Lee is using at their most effective level. Of course in ghost form, I should be close to a match to Lee's speed, agility and perhaps his strength.' Thought Naruto as he observed the battle. Moments later, Lee proved this correct by admitting it was pure taijutsu. Making the came that the greensuited one's hard work and discipline was the ultimate counter the Sharingan. He continued on how Sasuke couldn't match the speed of the bowl cut boy.

Lee then left for his finishing move on Sasuke. He moved behind and below Sasuke before he kicked the number one rookie into the air. Lee followed by jumping into the air after him like a shadow, Sasuke's back directly in front of Lee's chest. Lee was about to make the next move before they were interupted by a voice yelling...

"Lee, stop it now!" called out the voice as everyone turned around to look at a large turtle talking to them. Lee let go of Sasuke as he moved to stand before the turtle in a look of shame.

"Lee, what have you been told about using your forbidden techniques." asked the turtle, causing Naruto to wonder if the animal was the boy's sensei.

Yet this was proven wrong as a man who looked like an older version of Lee appeared on the turtle's back. Nobody else could have been the young genin's sensei. He spoke, "That's right, Lee. Now it's time for you to be punished!" said the sensei, before puching Lee hard in the face.

Before anyone could react, the student and sensei rushed up to each other. The sensei spoke first, "I am so sorry I had to do that Lee!"

"I am sorry I made you have to do that, Gai-sensei!" answered Lee, as the two of them were crying a river of tears at each other. Saying Naruto and his teammates were distrubed was an understatement. The fact there seemed to be some kind of background setting behind the pair of them was making it even weirdier for them to watch.

Then the Sensei who was a deadringer for his student turned to looked at them, before smiling. "So I see that you're Kakashi's students, I've heard a lot about you from my eternal rival. A lot of potential in the bunch of you. So how is my rival doing these days."

"You're Kakashi-sensei's rival?" asked Sakura, still shocked at the events which were unfolding. It was enough to wear a genin out in Naruto's mind.

"Yes, I am. For I am Maito Gai, the Noble Green Beast of Konoha. The eternal Rival of Kakashi Hatake, who I have an battled in many battles against. To which I am head at the moment, at fifty wins and forty-nine losses for me." said the man giving a shiney grin and his thumbs pointing up at them.

Naruto cound't believe that this man could have defeated their sensei, even if it was just by one win. It was all he could do not to be frozen in disbelief at the comment. Silence reigned in the room before it was broken by Lee.