Naruto Fan Fiction / Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Phantom Blood ❯ Chapter Seventeen ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Masashi Kishimoto and Butch Hartman. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Naruto or Danny Phantom Series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.

Phantom Blood

A Danny Phantom/Naruto Fusion

Part Seventeen

"I have to admit that I am not the strongest on my team, the honour going to my teammate Neji Hyuga. He is even more stronger then I am. However, I hope to have a rematch between the two of us, Sasuke Uchiha." said Lee before he and his sensei left for the beginning of the chunin exam.

Naruto took note of the combat style of the boy in question before he spoke to his male teammate, "I looks like we're going to have an uphill battle during the exam if we're going to fight genin like him. Or his stronger teammate. So we'll just have to step up our training techniques. Still it looks like the exam is gonna be a hell of a time."

Naruto knew that with his phasing powers he would normally not have to worry about Lee's taijutsu, unless he got some Ghost Grabber Gloves. Then the dependancy on not being hit would become a weakness, which meant more training in being hit and harmed in ghost form. Still the team moved on to the chunin exam room, hoping they were not late for the test.

As they approached the room they are met by Kakashi, who was surprised at their appearance. He moved to them and spoke, "I didn't think all of you were coming, lucky for you the entire team showed up since the exam can only be completed with full teams."

There was silence for a long period of time from all three students as they realized their sensei had lied to them. Sakura spoke despite being the most shocked of all three, "You lied about it being our choice whether to participate in the exam or not? Why didn't you tell us?"

"It was still your free choice. If Sasuke and Naruto had know only teams could complete the exam they might have forced you to participate even if you weren't ready, Sakura. This way each one of you made the free choice to continue with the exam, whih makes me especially proud since all three of you are willing to go through the testing. Well, this is the point I leave you to the... good care of your exm proctors. Good luck!" said their sensei as he stepped aside.

Team seven continued into the room to find themselves surrounded by the different students here to take the exam. Before they could soak it all in, Sasuke was nearly tackled by a speeding blur of yellow. Naruto smirked as he saw it was Ino taking this moment to clamp down on Sasuke in a hug a bear would have envied. The look on Sasuke face told everyone his distaste in the whole affair as he quickly removed Ino from his back. It was also clear in Sakura's face the pink haired girl was plotting inhuman tortures for the blond girl.

On sliding off of Sasuke's back Ino turned and looked at Naruto, "Naruto, good to see you again? So how are you going to do on the exam... before Sasuke beats you?"

"He's not going to beat me at all. I have a few tricks up my sleeve as well as any I can think up of during the exam. So it should be Sasuke who should be looking out for me." said Naruto as he moved into a stronger position at his blond friend.

"Troublesome as always Naruto, I guess that somethings never change. Still, I wasn't sure your team was going to be in this year's exam. Hell, I was hoping my team wouldn't be in this year's exam. Too much work for me." spoke Ino's teammate, Shikamaru Nara. Right next to him was his friend Chouji Akimichi.
Chouji had just opened up a bag of chips and was working on making the bag empty.

"Ha! Akamaru and me are going to take all of you down. Then we'll have to be a chunin. Unlike a loser like you, Naruto" said Kiba Inuzuka, the boy in the parka with his dog on his head. Following him was his teammates, Hinata Hyuga and Shino Aburame. Hinata kept looking at Naruto with her strange pale eyes while her cheeks turned a bright pink in shade. However as Kiba and Shino came closer, Akamaru started to sniff in the air and Shino tilted his head to the side to look at Naruto as a different angle.

The small white dog began to howl in a mornful way for a few second. Kiba looked up to his partner and asked, "What's wrong boy? What's the matter with you?"

The dog started to bark as if he was trying to answer the ninja boy before Kiba spoke again after the barking stopped, "You have to be kidding me. There's no way he can be what you say he is? Are you sure your nose might be picking something up from someone else?"

The canine just wimpered as he seemed to tell Mr. Inuzuka something. The ninja just looked at his dog and then looked at Naruto with a look like he was trying to take the blond boy appart with a stare.

"You think so Kiba, well I'll tell you. I'm going to kick your ass if you have the misfortune to face me in battle. I'll take everybody here to make it to chunin rank!" said Naruto getting a little loud at the end of his statement, as eyes focused on him. It was this noise which seemed to attract another Konoha ninja to the location of the nine rookies. He then spoke to the ninja gathered there.

"You might want to be a little more quiet, since many of these ninja are likely to have nastier attitudes then you're use to. Ninjas from Rain Country usually have an urge to prove their strength. My name is Kabuto Yakushi and I take it this is your first chunin exam, so I guess it's my job to tell you what to expect. The exam takes place twice every year and this is my fourth year in trying to pass the exam." This caused most of the rookies to feel a drop of expectations of passing the exam. Naruto just kept an eye on the ninja knowing that if it took him a million years he would become a chunin and then a hokage.

"However, all of this time has given me time to check out the competion of the different ninja villages," said Kabuto as he took out some blank cards before he continued, "On each of these cards are information on the various ninja, villages and other important information I could record."

"But those cards are blank, they don't have any information on them." said Kiba as he looked at the one card in the older leaf ninja's hand.

"This is to keep my information secret. The cards remain blank until I pump in the right amount of chakra, like this..." The grey haired boy then focused energy into the card and an image with data appeared on the card. He then went on with his speech, "The reason we take the exam is to deepen friendship between the other villages as well as create more powerful ninja in each village. The true purpose in my mind, is for the different villages to confirm the power of the opposing villages and create a power balance."

"So is there anyone you would like to learn about before the exam begins?" asked Kabuto, as he held his deck of cards.

"Gaara of the Hidden Village of Sand and Rock Lee from Konoha." said Sasuke as he called out the names of the two strong ninja they had met. Naruto had expected as much from Sasuke as the black haired boy was looking to be those two. What surprised Naruto was the call out by Shino, which was almost spoken at the same time as Kiba's request.

Both of the male members of Team Kurenai called out the name, "Naruto Uzumaki."

'I guess this has something to do with what Akamaru told Kiba. Maybe animals can sense the ghost D.N.A. in my body or something. It doesn't explain how Shino is asking about me at the same time?' Naruto thought as he waited to see what information to come out about him. Kabuto pulled out three cards and channelled his own chakra into the cards.

Pictures of Gaara, Lee and Naruto appeared on the cards. The genin with glasses read out the details on the card, "Rock Lee is easy as he's in the same village as us, which also makes Naruto easy as well. Sticking with Lee, he's about a year older then the rest of you. He's done about twenty D-ranked missions and 11 C-ranked missions. His squad leader is Gai and his teammates are Tenten and Neji Hyuga. His hand to hand skills have increased dramatically this past year, but all of his other skills are terrible. This is his first year taking the exam."

"Moving on to Gaara of the Desert. He has completed 8 C-ranked missions and 1 B-ranked mission. What makes him unique is the fact he has come back from all missions unharmed. This is his first time taking the exam. Now for the two questions on Naruto Uzumaki. He's completed about seven D-ranked missions and a B-ranked mission which started off as a C-ranked one. There is an unproven rumour of a rare bloodline limit for Naruto. One which there is no written information about." Kabuto continued with the information of the people asked about, while Naruto was taking a careful look at the older boy. He had thought the knowledge of his Reichi was better hidden, which left a question on how it was Kabuto had managed to find out. It made the blond boy want to keep an eye on the boy with the grey hair.

"This chunin exam has a lot of people taking the test this time. Fire Country has seventy two participants, Wind Country has thirty participants, you have fifteen from Grass Country, twelve from Waterfall, twenty one from Rain and one single team of genin from the Sound Country. The lack of genin from Sound is likely due to it being a recent country and not having a huge number of ninja to send." finished Kabuto as he finished with his cards.

"Listen to that guy, saying we're weak. We'll show him how week we are." spoke one of the Sound ninjas, who could be identified by the single note on their headband.

"I believe a lesson is in order." said the other male ninja as they suddenly launched into an attack on Kabuto. Kabuto was backed against the wall, as the Konoha ninja tried to disarmed the attack. It looked like it had succeed when the sound ninjas with a mask stopped inches from the older boy's face. It was this moment when the nine ninjas saw the glasses of Kabuto break and the boy double over with what looked like a vomitting motion.

"Alright you maggots, settle down. I'm not going to take any of your bullshit if you decide to continue misbehaving. I'm Ibiki Morino, and I will be your examiner for the first part of the chunin exam." The man who was their examiner was tall and built with a strong structure of muscles. His face held scars and lines from a long, hard life.

Ibiki continued, "Noboy is to fight unless I or another of your examiners give you the order to fight. Even if this permission is given, you are not to kill your opponent unless an order is given by an examiner. Breaking these rules will be a quick ticket to failure. Alright maggots, the first exam is a written test to see how much knowledge is in those thick heads of yours."

'Great, a written exam. My worse type of exam. I know there's going to be a good chance I'm going to flunk out of the whole exam due to this one test. What am I going to do.' Naruto was getting more and more worried at this turn of events. Yet a voice called out to him.

"Good luck, Naruto-kun. I know that you can do this." the voice was timid and soft, so it was no surprise he was looking at Hinata Hyuga. The girl he had always thought of as weird and creepy seemed to be trying to help him. So he smiled backed at her.

"I will, and good luck to you too Hinata." It was then that Naruto tuned into what the sensei was saying.

"I'm just going to say this once, and I won't be taking any of your questions so you better be listening to me if you want to pass. One, each participant is given ten points at the start. The written exam is made up of ten questions, each worth one point. The test is a deduction based test, which means you have ten points if you get all the answers right. If you get three wrong, you get seven points." began Ibiki as he moved on to the next rules.

"Two, the passing or failure of the exam is based on the total points a team gets. Which means a team with a slacker or two will have a greater risk of failure then one with perfect students. Three, if you get caught cheating, each action will cause the genin to lose two points. If they drop to zero points, they are kicked out of the exam. Which leads to rule four, if one person on a team gets zero the whole team is kicked out. The final rule has to due with the last problem. It will be given fourty five minutes after test begins. You have one hour to complete the exam. Understand, maggot." Then an evil smile crossed the face of the examiner as he and his assistants seated the students so all of the teams were dispersed in the entire hall and handed out the test.

"Begin!" cried out the examiner as he waited for them to perform.

In the mind of the examiner...

'Let's see who's discovered the little trick behind this exam. The Uchiha seems to be struggling... wait... he seemed to be more relaxed now and he's writting on his paper. Likely using his sharingan to copy the papers of those who know how to pass the exam. The Uzumaki gaki seems to be having a nervious break down. Looks like he hasn't discovered this is a test of his information gathering technique, or in this case his ability to cheat. Which would be easy with those ghost powers. Just slip out, create an invisible copy and slip back in. Then the invisible clone gets all of the answers for you. These two female partner seems to be doing well, actually being able to answer the questions. Correctly if my ears don't lie.'

Ibiki continued to see the students start to get use to the idea of cheating without getting caught, a valuable ninja lesson as they would need these skills to get the vital data for various missions for the village. He was keeping an eye out for the test participants, looking out for the weak students.

Back to Naruto...

Naruto was slowly growing in his freak out level as he tried to figure out questions he couldn't answer. It was then the same timid and soft voice spoke up again next to him, "N-n-naruto-kun, if you want, you can look at my answers."

The voice barely loud enough to be called a whisper, got the ghost boy's attention. He thought for a moment before asking in another whisper, "Why?"

"I-i-i-i don't want to fail the test. Jus-us-ust, take a peak at my answers." said Hinata as she moved to make her answers visible. Naruto thought about it and was going to take that peak when he heard the thud of a kunai. It was the beginning of the examiners kicking out people who had been caught cheating.

'If I cheat like this and get caught, not only will my team suffer but so will Hinata's.' This moved him to speak to the white eyed girl.

"Thanks, but no thanks, Hinata. I'm going to pass this test on my own, believe." He whispered with his fox grin on his face. All the while his mind knowing he was going to get majorly screwed.

If Naruto had been paying better attention, he may have caught all of the cheating going on around him. Sasuke was using his technique to copy the test of anotehr student perfectly as he could see the lack of hesitantion of the boy. Ino had known that Sakura would know the information on the test and used the Mind Transfer Jutsu to invade the pink haired girl's mind to get those answers. Ino was tempted to share with Naruto, but expected him to use his ghost powers to cheat.

Gaara had created an eye out of sand and was using that to spy one of the students who seemed to know what they were doing, while his brother Kankaro was going to the bathroom with an examiner who seemed artificial in movements.

Exactly at the fourty fifth minute, Ibiki spoke, "Well maggots, it's time for the tenth question. Before you try to answer it, I have to tell you about the special rules surrounding it." The evil smiled returned as he seemed to pan the room to look at the fear in their faces.

We now look at the Jonin instructors...

Kakashi, Asuma and Kurenai were seitting out side the testing room. Each one wondering how their team was doing. Kakashi himself was wondering if Naruto had figured out the meaning of the test or had just blanked out on his abilities. He knew written tests were one of Naruto's nightmares.

"I hear that the first exam is being performed by Ibiki Morino this year." said Kakashi was he looked at the other jonin.

"Man, that's going to be a living hell for the kids." commented Asuma as he smoked his cigerette.

"What are you guys talking about? What's the problem with Morino-san?" asked their female colleague.

"Ibiki is what we would call a specialist. He's a real master of his work." said Asuma as smiled with a wicked grin.

"Ibiki is the head of the ANBU's torture and interogation squad," Kakashi answered as he looked at the shock and horror at the red eyed woman's face, "You don't have to worry about Ibiki physically hurting the kids, but his is willing to use stress and mental pressure to force only those genin best suited to becoming chunin to pass the exam. Makes me wonder what trick he will be using this year."

In the test room...

"The rules for the tenth question are simple. You first have to choose whether to take the question or not. Those who do not choose to take the tenth question will not fail. However, if you take the question and get it incorrect... your team will permanently loose the ability to take any other chunin exam... ever!" continued the examiner as he stood back a minute to let everyone take it in.

Kiba spoke up, "That's bull crap! There's people here who had failed and taken the chunin exam multiple times before."

"Those students never had me for a teacher. Trust me, I can prevent any one of you from becoming a chunin. So you have to ask yourself a very important question, can I answer this question? Does my team have enough points to pass the test if I skip this question? Can I rsik my chance to become a chunin at a future date under an easier teacher then become one now under this pain in the ass? Choose wisely." Ibiki finished and looked at them with the same evil eyes he had been giving them throughout the exam.

Silence fell across the room before any one of the students began to make their minds up. Many people started to rise up and leave the exam room, making it clear they didn't want to sacrifice their chances to become chunin. They raised their hands and left the room in defeat. Naruto was taking a hard look around as he saw Sakura slowly begin to move her hand up, so he beat her to it and rised his own hand up. Before it crashed down on the desk with a sudden, deafening bang!