Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konna Ni Chikaku De... ❯ Only Death Can Keep Me From You ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Okay a friend asked me to write her a Sasu/Itac one-shot, because the ones she came across she didn't really like to much. So I warn you now, the fic will have UCHIHA-CEST it's ITA/SASU their will be a LEMON, meaning hot sweaty MAN SEX and If you DON'T LIKE IT well the TURN BACK, cause I could really care less about your bitching and moaning.
Summary: “Your relationship is absolutely despicable, you are and Uchiha, not some low class scum. I should disown you for what you have done, instead I will send you to America and you are to NEVER come back.” Sasuke's world shattered around him. His brother, his LOVER was being sent away.
Sasuke walked into the house, after a long boring day at Kohona High. They say your senior year is supposed be your best year…yeah right. Sasuke started on his way to his brothers room, Itachi was 25 so he didn't really live there he just stayed the night a lot, which Sasuke had no complaint about.
He was about to go into his room until he heard his fathers voice. He sounded upset, he was probably mad that Itachi had missed the meeting this morning. Sasuke smirked at the reason for Itachi's absence, it was definitely worth it. Sasuke put his ear against the door to listen to what his father was yelling about.
He heard the sound of skin hitting skin of a powerful blow. “Your relationship is absolutely despicable, you are and Uchiha, not some low class scum. I should disown you for what you have done, instead I will send you to America and you are to NEVER come back.” Sasuke's world shattered around him. His brother, his LOVER was being sent away.
`How did he even find out? We hid it from everyone, even our best friends.' Sasuke continued to listen to his father.
“I'm sure you're wondering how I found out,” Sasuke heard something hit the floor. “You brother left the ring out on the table. How idiotic, to be caught by something so simple.” Sasuke hands instantly flew to his ring finger. Itachi had givin him the ring as a gift for his 17th birthday. On the inside was engraved `And Only Death Can Keep Me From You'
Itachi had a ring similar; the only difference was what was engraved on the inside of his. `Forever Brothers, Forever Lovers…' Sasuke heard footsteps approaching the door he stepped back until his back connected with the wall behind him. His eyes began to water, something they hadn't done since the death of his mother when he was 8.
He looked into the eyes of his enraged father; he didn't know what he was supposed to do. He looked past him to Itachi who was packing his things for the trip that was inevitable.
Itachi slightly flinched at the sound of Sasuke getting hit then falling to the floor, but he never stopped his packing he just listened what went on.
“The only reason I'm not sending you away instead is because you are young enough to be cured, Itachi is to far gone.” Sasuke looked up at his father confused; he spoke to him as if loving his brother was some type of disease.
“You are to go to mandatory therapy, and you are never to have contact with him again unless it is in my presence. You have 15 minuets to help him pack then you are to go to your room until I tell you otherwise.” With that he walked away downstairs probably to make plans for Itachi departure, and a place for him to stay until the trip could be made.
Sasuke slowly stood from his stop on the floor and walked into his brothers' room, he grabbed his hand that was about the place another shirt into the suitcase hand moved to stand in front of him. “You can't go; you swore that we would be together forever.”
Itachi yanked his hand back from his brothers' grasp, and continued to pack as if he was never there in the first place. “Itachi listen to me I'm not going to let you go!” Sasuke yelled while knocking the suitcase onto the floor. “Just because father doesn't approve doesn't mean anything! We can run away together! You don't have to go! PLEASE!” Tears soon found their way onto his face as he looked his lover in the eye.
Itachi wrapped his arms around his brother, and action reserved just for him. “Kakete yukeru kara.”(1) Itachi whispered into Sasuke's ear. Then pulled away and continued to pack as Sasuke left his room and returned to his own.
Sasuke lied awake in his bed unable to sleep knowing his lover was soon going to be thousands of miles away. Sasuke rolled over at the sound of a vibrating phone. It was a text message. `Be ready in 20 minuets.' Sasuke looked at the clock. In 20 minuets was when his dad always went to the bathroom, which gave him a time frame of 5 minuets to get out of the house.
Sasuke quickly packed a few pairs of clothes, and grabbed all the cash he had saved up from gifts and random money he had been given money from his father. It was more than enough to last he and Itachi for a year. He looked back at the clock and saw it was time he looked out the window and saw a car pull up with the lights of.
He threw the bag over his shoulders and headed down stairs. He got to the front door and he heard the bathroom door open. That was definitely shorter than 5 minuets. He heard foot steps heading downstairs. He quickly opened the door and closed it as quietly as possible behind him.
He started on his way to the car when the door flew open behind him. He looked back to see his enraged father looking at him. His father began to run towards him. Sasuke stared for a few seconds until instincts told him to run. He ran to the car as fast as his leg would carry him. He tripped but didn't fall but it gave his dad the leverage he needed. He reached the car but before he could open the door he was grabbed roughly from behind.
“NO! LET ME GO!!! ITACHI HELP!!!” Sasuke thrashed wildly trying to free himself from his fathers grasp but it was useless he was being dragged back to the house. “ITACHI PLEASE!!” Tears threatened to fall once again but he absolutely refused to cry in front his father.
The sound of a car door opening was music to Sasukes ears. He fell harshly to the ground when his father released him out of shock. He looked at his father to see blood going down the side of his lip. Sasuke stood up and took a few steps backwards towards the car.
“Get into the car.” Itachi commanded he nodded and began to go to the car.
“Don't,” he stopped I his tracts. “Don't you dare get into that car Sasuke. As your father I demand you listen to me and don't get into the car.”
Sasuke's hand that was reaching for the car door lowered to his side and he turned to face his father.
“And as your lover I'm telling you to get into the car and don't listen to him.” Sasuke hesitated for a few moments but opened the car door and got into the car closing the door.
Itachi glared towards his father, who glared back with equal if not greater strength. “You will not take my son away and taint him.”
“And I will not allow you to turn my lover against me.” Itachi turned and headed towards the car.
“Don't think you'll get away with this.”
“America is a big place, with many places abandoned, I think I will.” With that Itachi got into the car drove away.
Sasuke lied in the hotel bed, daydreaming. He heard the bathroom door open and watched Itachi exit with only a towel adorning his waist and another towel being used to dry his hair. Itachi looked over to Sasuke and smirked at the sight before him. His lover lied on the bed in nothing but a pair of black silk boxers to cover him.
He walked over and leaned over him. “And exactly what are you staring at with glazed over eyes?” Itachi smirked at Sasuke as he turned his head away and a barely noticeable blush covered his cheeks. Itachi gently grabbed his chin and turned his head back towards him and captured his lips in a tinder kiss.
Sasuke returned the kiss, and granted Itachi the entrance he asked by a gentle nip to the lip. Sasuke let out a soft sigh of content and slowly pulled away from the kiss. Itachi crawled on to Sasuke straddling him. Itachi leaned forward and captured Sasuke in another kiss, searching that moist cavern that tasted of Carmel, Sasukes secret weakness.
Itachi followed an invisible trail from Sasuke's lips, down his jaw, to his neck where he nipped, kissed, and sucked drawing delectable moans from his mouth. Itachi began to crawling down further, capturing one of Sasukes nipples in his mouth drawing a moan from his mouth. He sucked and nipped at the nipple, while tweaking and pulling the other to a bud.
Sasuke arched into Itachi causing their erections to meet, drawing a moan from the pair. Itachi continued to kiss his way down leaving a burning sensation where ever his lip touched. He pulled at the elastic waistband of Sasuke's boxers with his teeth letting it snap back onto Sasuke. He hooked a finger on each side and pulled them down tossing them onto the floor with he long forgotten towel.
Itachi grasped the prod erection of his lover and slowly began to pump him. Itachi rubbed the head with thumb, coating it in pre-cum. He leaned forward and captured the head of his erection in his mouth
“More.” it was barely a whisper but itachi heard it loud and clear. He engulfed Sasuke's entire erection. Sasuke threw his head back and opened his mouth slightly as a gasp escaped his mouth. Itachi bobbed his head up and down. He massaged Sasukes balls as he continued is ministration.
“Oh god Itachi…more please…more.” Sasuke rasped out between gasps. Itachi removed himself from Sasuke with a `pop' and searched for something to use as lube. He saw a small bottle of lotion and grabbed it. He coated his fingers and inserted them into Sasuke's entrance.
Sasuke arched off the bed at the feeling of being penetrated. He grabbed onto the cover until his knuckles were white. “Deeper…harder…please.” Sasuke moaned out. Itachi stuck something deep inside of Sasuke causing him to arch in what had to be a painful way.
Itachi removed his fingers and quickly replaced them with his coated and weeping cock. Itachi began to thrust in and out of Sasuke at a teasing pace. Causing Sasuke to wring the blankets for all their worth. “Please Itachi…harder…faster…deeper.” Sasuke said while meeting Itachi for each agonizingly slow thrust.
Itachi speed up his thrusts and began a relentless pounding into Sasuke. Sasuke Threw his head back. “Oh god Itachi.” Itachi grabbed Sasuke's neglected member and began to pump him in tune with his thrusts.
Itachi leaned forward and began to bite and suck at Sasukes neck. Sasuke threw his head back baring more for Itachi to devour.
“Oh god Itachi…I'm gonna oh god.” Sasuke threw his head back in a silent scream as his orgasm finally came and caused his muscles to spasm. Itachi clenched his teeth around Sasukes neck as his orgasm soon followed.
Itachi collapsed next to Sasuke on the bed. Itachi lied there catching his breath as Sasuke cuddled into him. “I love you Itachi.”
“I love you too Sasuke.”
The two fell asleep in each others arms allowing the afterglow to wear off leaving them exhausted.
Itachi woke to the sound of the T.V. turning on.
“Isn't a little early for T.V?” Itachi groaned out as he rolled over to face Sasuke who was sitting up remote in hand.
“It's 12:45, it's late enough.” Sasuke continued to flick channels until something caught his attention.
“…In unrelated news, a 17 year old boy was kidnapped by his brother late last night.” A picture of Itachi and Sasuke appeared onto the screen. “This is a picture of the suspect and his hostage If any one knows the whereabouts' of these two please call-” Itachi grabbed the remote from Sasuke and turned the T.V. off.
“We have to get out of here.”
(1) Kakete yukeru kara: I'll run away with you.
No lyrics in this one The person that requested it didn't want any so I didn't put any. Umm I hope you enjoyed it and this'll probably turn into a mini series or something I dunno depends. But please review and I hope u enjoyed it! And sorry for any mistakes!