Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konna Ni Chikaku De... ❯ Happy Birthday (HET) ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Okay someone asked me to write a NARU/SAKU/HINA fic and I warn you now I have NEVER even THOUGHT of this pairing so this is an absolute FIRST. So in fair warning this fic will contain a LEMON. A THREESOME.
Naruto sat on his bed in his room waiting for his girlfriend of 4 years to come home finally. Today was Naruto's 24 birthday and she said she had a killer surprise for him when she got home which really got Naruto excited, the only problem was she wasn't there yet.
Naruto let out another sigh and went into the kitchen to fix him something to drink. He found a can of coke in the fridge. He walked out of the kitchen while drinking his soda.
“Hey Naruto.”
Naruto took in a deep breath and began choking. When the voice came out of no where.
“What the -chough- hell Sakura, you damn near -cough- gave me a -wheeze- heart attack.” Naruto managed to get out between coughs and wheezes
“Oh sorry Naruto. I thought you were expecting me? And what are you wearing? You need to change! We're going out for a bit for your birthday! Club gear and don't forget the hair glitter again.” She ordered after seeing that her boyfriend wasn't going to die anytime soon. She was incredibly nervous about the surprise later on tonight. If everything went well they may add a bit more happiness into Naruto's life.
Naruto just rolled his eyes at his bossy girlfriend, used to it after all the years he's known her. If she didn't boss him around he would me worried. He had gotten used to her aggressiveness over the years. And It also reassured him that she still cared and was over Sasuke.
Sasuke had found love in the arms of another. He'd broken up with Sakura viscously in front of they're friends when she had refused to let go of him. He'd left with Shikamaru before Sakura started crying. He'd never been able to stand seeing a girl cry. Especially not one he'd known for years. Naruto had wrapped her in his arms and let her cry herself out. He'd taken her to his home and looked after her as her heart shattered. He'd stayed by her for weeks after that keeping her spirits up and making sure that she knew that life went on.
Sakura stepped out of the bathroom dressed in a short blood red crop top, and a pair of tight black jeans that clung to her hips like a lover. She'd painted her nails hot rod red, and lined her bottle green eyes in a black eyeliner and red eye shadow. Somehow none of the red clashed with her cherry blossom pink hair. It was a mystery that he had yet to figure out. But one look at her and his mind did a nose dive into the gutter. Almost immediately he felt flushed and realized that his cock was beginning to strain against his leather pants.
Hoping to spare himself from any embarrassment he quickly turns back to the mirror. If Sakura had already done her makeup nothing he could say would convince her to spend the night at home in bed with him. And truth be told as his body calmed down he was starting to look forward to whatever his love had planned for him tonight. He'd always loved dancing. He realized with a jolt he had no idea where they were going tonight.
Naruto quickly pulled his blue fishnet shirt over his head and headed downstairs. He grabbed his keys and turned to Sakura. “Ready to go.”
Sakura looked up. “Yeah-no.” Sakura frowned.
“What?” Naruto asked totally and utterly confused.
“Glit-oh hell no! I'm not putting it on Sakura!”
“Oh yes you are.” She stated.
“Oh no I'm not, it's my birthday not yours I dress how I want. Get over it.”
Sakura pulled out her puppy eyes. “Please?”
“No.” Naruto turned and headed out the door.
“NO! Hey you're supposed to listen to me!” Naruto kept head towards the car. “HEY! You don't even know where we're going!” Sakura yelled after him.
“Then come on and tell me where the hell we're going.” Naruto yelled back to his girlfriend before getting into his car.
20 minuets later they were pared outside of a club that looked like they weren't even open. Naruto stepped out of the car and over to help Sakura out of the car, something that wasn't necessary but a subconscious action Naruto did.
“Where the hell are we?” Naruto looked around for a sign to at least give him the area.
“Don't think to hard you might get a headache, now come on” Sakura grabbed Naruto's hand and dragged him into the club. They headed down a hall, made a right headed known another hall, then through a door which lead to some stairs to a door where a man stood out of.
Sakura looked the man up and down as he looked at her expectantly. Sakura suddenly perked up as if she just remembered something. “Debauchery.” She said happily. The ma opened the door, and the couple entered. They walked through an extremely short hallway and Naruto whispered to Sakura.
“Sakura where the hell are we?” Sakura opened a door and outrageously loud music began to play.
“Naruto my wonderful caring boyfriend, welcome to club Debauchery.” Sakura said with a smile and pulled Naruto inside door slamming shut behind them.
&$&$&$&$&$&$&$&$&$&$& $&
To say Naruto had fun was definitely the understatement of the century. Naruto was buzzing he was so hyped. But after three shot, 4 martinis, a beer, and a Bloody Mary, who wouldn't be buzzing. Naruto flopped on the barstool with a big smile on his race. He was deciding on what to order to drink when a tug on his arm interrupted him.
“Come on Naruto I have a surprise.” Naruto went with the pull of his girlfriend. She pulled him up a flight of stairs located near the back. They walked past a few rooms before Sakura threw open a door and tugged Naruto in slamming the door behind him leaving them in complete darkness.
Sakura hit the switch and the light turned on to reveal a Girl lying on the bed. She wore a black long sleeve fishnet shirt, with what looked like a black sports bra underneath. She wore a pair of low-rise dark Navy almost black pants. Her nails were painted a dark purple, she had on dark purple eye shadow, which made her pale violet eyes stand out. She was watching the couple intently.
Naruto was starting to ask Sakura who was on the bed but was rudely interrupted when a pair of red lips roughly connected with his. Naruto pulled back. “Sakura who the hell is she?” Naruto asked in a haze. (The drinks now catching up to him full force.)
“Clothes now questions later.” Sakura pushed Naruto back towards the bed.
This was definitely an unexpected birthday gift to say the least. As I fell Back onto the bed the girl that was there moved out of the way and was no kneeling next to me watching as Sakura ripped, literally, my shirt off. I started to complain but was once again stopped as a pair of lips crashed into mine again.
They soon pulled away and we sat there with the sound of my harsh breathing filling the air. Sakura looked to the other occupant in the room.
“Why so quiet and shy?” Sakura asked with a lustful yet worried look on her face.
The girl only shrugged and looked away. Sakura reached over and turned the girls face back to her gently, smiled, then gently captured her in a kiss. I must admit it was pretty hot. Sakura gently ran her hands down the girl's body; she unnoticeably unbuttoned the girl's pants and slipped a hand in. The girl let out a sharp gasp and I saw Sakura smirk into the kiss.
She laid the girl down on the bed gently and pulled back from the kiss. “Hinata, all you have to do is relax and feel.” The girl now known as Hinata nodded and allowed Sakura o remove her pants the rest of the way. I was surprised when what greeted my eyes was nothing but her and all her glory. She wore no panties of any kind. Shocking.
After I laid Hinata on the bed I was surprised to find that she had actually listened to me and didn't wear any underwear. I was definitely not one to complain. I heard Naruto come behind me and felt him kiss my neck. I sat up and lifted my arms a signal for him to remove my shirt. He did so with no hesitation.
I removed my own pants and continued with my task at hand Hinata. I pushed her shirt and bra up until it bunched up over her breast. I was greeted with to pink nipples. I captured one in my mouth as I pinched and tweaked the other as well as massaged her breast. I alternated which breast was under the torture until I felt Naruto slip one finger inside me.
I was wet instantly and I knew from past experiences that he was probably smiling like an idiot. He and more fingers and began to thrust into me The feeling was incredible, he always knew how to make me so wet and hot to fuck me speechless.
Sakura was driving me insane. I guess me being the shy girl and having hardly and sexual experience that would make anyone sensitive. I lost my Virginity to Kiba on a whim, and instantly regretted it. Turns out he was with Neji and Neji had asked him to date me and take my virginity as a favor. But enough of that.
Sakura began to trail kisses down my stomach. She skipped where I wanted her to be and kissed and nipped at my thighs instead. I saw Naruto in the corner of my eye move behind Sakura while pumping himself. I remember when I had a crush on him; I suppose that only made the experience even more thrilling.
All my thinking distracted me from Sakura and I let out a deep moan When Sakura began to lick my clit to say the wasn't expected was an understatement. The feeling was insane, my legs began to close and I tried to pull away, it was just too much. Sakura grabbed my legs and put me back in place.
All I could do was moan and trash my head as Sakura ate me out. This was insane!
After I had thoroughly finger fucked Sakura I couldn't wit anymore. Her pussy was dripping I positioned my self and was in, in one swift motion. She was so warm so moist and so slick it had to be a crime. I slowly pulled out and pushed back in harshly and was greeted with a moan from Sakura, which I'm assuming the vibrations did something to Hinata because she gripped at he blankets on the bed rather harshly.
I smirked and began to thrust into Sakura at a medium pace. I felt Sakura muscles clench around me something she learned to do to signal me faster. And I eagerly obliged. I began to set a harsh pace the had Sakura moaning like a whore, but she is mine only so I really could've cared less.
I saw Hinata grab at the headboard for what I'm sure to be balance, meaning her orgasm was close. The way I was Thrusting into Sakura made her lick and suck at Hinata rather forcefully, that didn't stop me the looks Hinata were making were incredible.
If it was possible I began to thrust faster as I felt my orgasm nearing. I soon saw white, and the next thing I knew we were all laying on the bed in a heap panting.
“Happy birthday Naruto.” I heard Sakura say. I smiled. Yeah Happy birthday to me.
“Hinata?” I asked and heard a small yes come from my right. “You're next.”
Happy Birthday to me indeed.