Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konna Ni Chikaku De... ❯ Only Death Can Keep Me From You Pt. 2 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sasu/Itac continuation of a one-shot. So I warn you now, the fic will have UCHIHA-CEST it's ITA/SASU their will be a LEMON, meaning hot sweatyMAN SEX and If you DON'T LIKE IT well the TURN BACK, cause I could really care less about your bitching and moaning.
Summary:Sasuke and Itachi are now on the run and bump into some unexpected and unnecessary complications.
They quickly threw their things into their bags dressed and headed downstairs. Sasuke walked slightly behind Itachi to try to avoid any attention. The lobby was filled with people, anyone of them could've watched the news this morning and saw them.
“Umph!” then two thuds were heard as Sasuke and the person he collided with hit the floor.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry.” The words repeatedly fell out of the other persons mouth as he helped Sasuke pick up the few items that fell out of his bag. “I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going and…I…” Sasuke looked up to see why the person trailed off then stopped.
Sasuke saw him looking up and behind him; he turned to see what he was looking at and saw Itachi standing behind him glaring at the boy. The boy gulped and began to stammer. “I-I w-wont tell I saw you two I swear!” Itachi's glare only increased.
Sasuke stood up and replaced the strap of the bag on his shoulder and watched Itachi grab the boy by his forearm and begin to drag him out of the hotel. “Itachi what are y- no, he can't come with us. He said he wouldn't tell.” Sasuke pleaded.
Itachi threw the boy into the backseat of the car and climbed in and waited for Sasuke to do the same. Sasuke got in the car and removed the keys from the ignition. “Itachi he's NOT coming with us. We can't possibly kidnap everyone who sees us.” Itachi glared at Sasuke.
“Give me the keys.”
“No, Itachi he's scared shitless let him go.”
Itachi passed the boy a glance to see tears almost spilling over as he realized Itachi had the child locks on and he was trapped in the car. “Please… I'm begging you let me go. I won't tell I swear.”
“Sasuke give me the fucking keys.” Itachi growled out ignoring the boys' pleas. Sasuke only glared indicating he still refused. Itachi grabbed for the keys and Sasuke moved them out of his reach. Itachi sighed. He grabbed Sasuke's hand that wasn't holding the keys and yanked it towards him. He captured Sasuke into a kiss and with the distraction he grabbed the keys from the boys hand and, started the car and drove off.
They had been on the road for a few hours now. And the boy and fallen asleep once but was now awake and had silent tears cascading down his cheeks. Sasuke let out a sigh; he knew the kid was miserable, and scared. He turned all the way around in the seat so that his arms were lying on the head rest and his chin resting on his arms.
“So…..What's your name?” the boy gave him a look that said are you serious then let out a mumble that Sasuke didn't quite catch. “Huh?”
“I said my name is Naruto.”
“Naruto what?”
“Naruto Uzumaki.”
“Oh well I'm Sasuke and the prick driving is Itachi.”
“I know who you two are. He kidnapped you.”
Sasuke let out a snort. “Kidnapped not so much. I know this is gonna sound completely ridiculous and disgusting but…Itachi is actually my lover. My dad didn't take to fondly of the idea that his two sons were going at it. So he kicks out Itachi but Itachi wasn't leaving without me. I snuck out but I must've done a bad job because my dad wasn't to far behind and him and Itachi got into it. My dad swore Itachi wouldn't get away with me so….here we are.”
“Uh huh.” Naruto said slowly then returned his gaze back out the window. “How old are you two?” Naruto asked.
“I'm 18 Itachi's 25. Why?” Naruto shrugged. “No one asks a question for no reason. How old are you?”
“I'm 16. Today is actually my sweet 16…”
Sasuke's heart sank to his stomach. They had kidnapped a kid on their birthday. What are the odds? Sasuke sighed and turned around. A low vibration was heard. Sasuke looked at Itachi who only shrugged then Sasuke looked in the rearview to a Naruto who was fumbling in his pocket. Naruto flipped open his phone.
“Kyuubi help me! They kidnapped me and I don't know where they're taking me!” Itachi reached into the backseat to try to grab the phone from the boy who only had to move to the other side Itachi could reach that far while driving.
Sasuke climbed into the back to try to wrestle the phone from the boy. “No let go! Kyuubi help! Let go! Sasuke let go!!” Sasuke and Naruto wrestled in the back seat over the phone. “It's a black convertible! We're on route 22! Kyuubi! Kyuubi help!” Sasuke finally got the phone from the boy and rolled down the window, and threw the phone out. “NO!”
Naruto began to beat at Sasuke's “Why! Why won't you let me go! I didn't do anything.” Tears began to flow freely down the boys face. “Why can't I go home?” the words came out in a whisper.
“Are you crazy?! You could've gotten us caught!”
“That's kinda the damn point! I don't know you! All I wanted to do was go and screw my boyfriend for my sweet sixteen but no! You two fuckers had to go and ruin it didn't you!?”
Itachi had have enough of the whining, crying, and fighting pulled over. “Get the fuck out!”
“I can't!” Naruto yelled. “You put on the child locks remember?”
Itachi got out of the car and opened the door Naruto quickly exited the car. Itachi got back into the driver seat, and pulled off.
“Are you seriously going to leave him there?” Sasuke watched as the figure of the boy became smaller and smaller. “He could come in handy you know. Like a pet or something. He could get us rooms to hotels, no ones looking for him yet.”
Itachi stopped the car. “You do know if we pick him up that we HAVE to take him all the way to America with us?” Sasuke nodded. Itachi sighed. Sasuke smiled and leaned over to capture Itachi in a kiss. It started off with soft pecks, then Sasuke was sucking on Itachis upper lip while Itachi sucked his bottom. Itachi soon had control over the kiss and allowed his tongue to into the moist cavern.
Sasuke moved to straddle Itachi. He slowly ground his slowly growing erection against his bothers. Itachi moved from Sasuke's lips to suckle on his neck. Sasuke rested his forehead on Itachi's shoulder, never stopping the rocking motions of their hips. Sasuke gave a sudden hard thrust that made Itachi moan and push back against him.
Sasuke smirked and began to unbuckle Itachi's as well as his own pants. Sasuke somehow managed to get his own pants around his ankles and Itachis down enough to free his erection. Sasuke reached into the glove compartment and pulled out a bottle of lube and coated Itachi's erection generously. Sasuke re-straddled Itachi and positioned him at his entrance, and slowly slid down.
Itachi could only let out a moan as he was encased in the warmth he had grown to love. Sasuke had set a slow pace that Itachi enjoyed but it wasn't what he wanted right now. He grabbed onto Sasukes his and began to speed him up and began to thrust harder. Itachi shifted and brought Sasuke down hard. Sasuke's breath hitched and his grip on Itachi's shoulders increased greatly causing crescent shapes to appear on his shoulder.
Itachi realized he hit Sasuke's prostate and began to hit it with perfect accuracy. “Oh god Itachi, I can't- I'm gonna.” Sasukes breaths came out labored.
Itachi seeing his brother was close increased his thrusts. Sasuke grabbed hold of his weeping cock and began to pump him self. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.” And then Sasuke came. Itachi felt the spasms of the muscles around him and soon followed. The two shared a brief kiss. Before they cleaned up redressed sprayed some air freshener to hide the smell of sex and sweat, and turned the car around to pick up Naruto.
Naruto sat on the side of the rode. He looked at his watch he'd been sitting there for a little over and hour. He let out a sigh. He was hours away from civilization, without a cell phone and was kidnapped.
He saw a car coming towards him. It took him a few moments to realize that it was the car he had just been kicked out of. “Oh no, no, no, no, no, not those two again.” Naruto began to walk in the opposite direction. Sasuke rolled down the window and stuck his head out. “Get in.”
“No.” Naruto kept on walking.
“Do you want me to drag you to the car?” Sasuke asked with a raised eyebrow.
“I dare you.” Naruto growled out, and wasn't at all surprised when the car stopped and Sasuke stepped out. Naruto now realized Sasuke was taller than him by a good 2 or 3 inches.
Sasuke went to grab Naruto's arm but Naruto wasn't about to be manhandled again. He threw a quick right hook tha Sasuke wasn't expecting and punched him square in the jaw. Itachi seeing this was out of the car in an instant. Naruto seeing this took a step back before he took off in a run.
Naruto could hand Sasuke but he knew he stood no chance again Itachi. He ran as fast as his legs would carry him he looked back to see Itachi was gaining on him. He pushed his legs further with a new source of adrenaline flowing throughout his body. He took another glance back and saw Itachi was closer than he thought. Naruto let out a yelp as Itachi reached out and grabbed him by his jacket.
He quickly unzipped and removed his jacket and continued running but only made it a few feet before Itachi had grabbed him by his hair and was now being dragged back to the car. He was roughly thrown into the back seat and the brothers entered the car after him.
“You sure pack a hell of a punch you know that?” Sasuke said while rubbing his sore jaw.
“Fuck you.”
“And such vulgar language for a young boy.” Sasuke said with mock shock.”
“You're two years older than me go fuck yourself.” Naruto said he began to pound on the windows. “Let me out of here!!” Itachi reached in the glove compartment and pulled out a pair of hand cuffs and rope. Sasuke raised an eyebrow at that.
“Not a word. Cuff his arms behind him and tie his legs. Sasuke did as he was told, and was done with his task with little trouble. Naruto sat in the back seat staring at the back of the heads of the two people he really wanted to kill.
Sasuke sat on the bed next to Itachi while Naruto lied asleep in the other bed in the room. “What the fuck are we supposed to do with him.” Sasuke asked now realizing, they had kidnapped the boy for no reason and he seamed to be more trouble than he was worth.
Sorry for not updating in forever. And I know the addition of Naruto was kinda random but it spiced things up a bit. And for those who read this sorry I haven't updated in a VERY LONG time.