Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konna Ni Chikaku De... ❯ Succubus ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
WARNING: this fic will contain a YAOI LEMON, meaning hot sweaty MAN SEX and if you DON’T LIKE IT well the TURN BACK, cause I could really care less about your bitching and moaning.

PAIRINGS: Mention Shika/Kiba Mainly Naru/Kiba


“With you it's whatever your pleasure is to give me pleasure that's why I call on you.”- Janet Jackson

17 year old Kiba Inuzuka sat in his history class on the verge of unconsciousness. They were 4 days worth of classes ahead of the others so they were learning about myths and old stories. Today they were learning about the Incubus and the Succubus.

Kiba honestly could’ve cared less about it, he was passing and that’s all he honestly cared about. Kiba laid his head in his arms on top of the desk he was almost sleeping until there was a tap on his shoulder. “Mr. Inuzuka If you would please pick your head up and join the class.”

Kiba let out a frustrated groan but sat up as the teacher continued what he was saying. “The Succubus comes from Medieval Times, back when people didn't know enough Physiology to know that during Adolescence, men have Nocturnal Emissions or as you call it ‘Wet dreams’.”

“In order to prevent the 'sin' of orgasm, sex, or wet dreams, it was explained as "A female demon coming in the middle of the night to feed upon men's desires and lust". It was usually used to prevent young monks from appearing sinful due to this natural physiological occurrence.”(1) (2)

The bell rung signaling the end of class and the last period f the day. “We will continue this discussion tomorrow, have a nice day.”

Kiba made his way out the school he headed to the front, bumping into a few random students along the way; he bumped into a blond and helped them pick up their books then continued on his way. He stood outside next to the doors and waited. He smiled when hands were placed over his eyes and guess who was whispered into his ear. “Shikamaru for someone who says everything is too troublesome you are a hopeless romantic.”

Enter Shikamaru Nara, Kiba’s 21 year old boyfriend, who happens to be the S.T. to Kiba’s Spanish 3 class. How the laziest person he’d ever met managed to make it to collage and make it through a day with ‘Troublesome teenage brats’ was beyond Kiba. In all honesty Shikamaru didn’t even have to work, let alone lift a finger; his father was the owner and creator of the top technology business in probably the world, Nara Industries, but enough about that back to the story.

Kiba smiled and captured the boy behind him in a brief kiss.

“And for someone as troublesome as you should just be happy I’m still dating you.”

Kiba frowned at the remark. “You wouldn’t dump me even if you had the energy.”


The two headed over to the student parking lot and Kiba stood there completely confused he could’ve sworn Shikamaru drove a Black 2006 Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder. (A/N: Sorry it was the first thing that popped in my head.)

“Ummm Shikamaru…where’s your car?”

“It’s at home.”

“Okay…so how did you get to school, because I know for a fact you didn’t walk.

Shikamaru walked up to a bike that had two helmets resting on the seat. He tossed a helmet to Kiba who caught it and stared at it. Kiba stared as Shikamaru mounded the Blue and Black 2007 Yamaha YZF R1. (A/N: Sorry it was the first thing that popped in my head again.)

“I’m not riding that-that thing!” Kiba yelled.

“It’s not a thing it a motorcycle, and if you don’t wanna ride fine walk.” Shikamaru turned the key and revved up the engine. Kiba hesitated He looked to his helmet, to his boyfriend to back to the helmet. He sighed in defeat and put it on.

“As long as you get me home by 11 I don’t care where we go, unlike you I have to be at school by 8 in the morning.”

“I can give you a ride u can sleep in that way.” Shikamaru said while slowly pulling out of the school parking lot.

“I’d rather walk.” Kiba said while tightening his grip around Shikamaru’s waist.

&$&$$&$&$&$&$&$&$&$& ;$&$&$

Later that night Kiba arrived at home and snuck up to his room. He took off his shirt and pants and flopped onto the bed, to tired to put on and oversized T-shirt or some pajama bottoms. Kiba quickly dozed off into a comfortable sleep.

Kiba gasped when he felt something move up his leg. He looked down but didn’t see anything he looked towards his clock and saw it read 12:22am he hadn’t even been asleep a full 2 hours yet.

He yanked his blankets back when he felt the sensation again he looked down to see a tan hand resting on his bed. “What the hell?” He followed the hand up the arm past the elbow and the shoulder to stop at a face. His breath hitched at the person before him. He had sun kissed skin, plump full lips, shoulder length golden blond locks, and the most startling and amazing piercing blue eyes he had EVER seen. He had to be in his late teens early twenties.

He watched in shock as the boy no not boy man crawled up towards him. Kiba’s eyes widened. “What the hell are you doing!? How the hell did you get in here?! Who are you?!” Kiba yelled as he tried to kick the person off.

The man grabbed his leg and pinned it to the bed. “I’m not doing anything you don’t really want.” The man crawled up further moving to straddle Kiba. Kiba went to push him off his arms were caught and pinned down next to his head. “I got here because you want me here.” He said while moving his hips in a slow grind against Kiba’s now slowly hardening member.

Kiba’s breath hitched and he held back a moan as the man ground into his now unwillingly hardening shaft. The man leaned down to be level with his ear and whispered lustfully. “My name is Naruto and don’t worry you’ll have memorized it by the end of the night.”

Kiba went to open his mouth in protest, but was stopped when lips attached to his own. He let out a gasp that turned into a moan when a tongue entered his mouth that tasted of cinnamon assaulted his senses.

Kiba realized he was responding to the kiss and turned his head away. “Stop and get out of my room.” Naruto only lead a trail of kiss down his jaw to his neck where he sucked and nibbled drawing a delectable moan from Kiba’s throat. Kiba gritted his teeth. “I said stop.” He tried to seem assertive but that spot on his neck turned his brain to mush.

Naruto leaned up and whispered into Kiba’s ear. “No means no, stop means go.” He gently pulled at the ear with his teeth before he moved lower trailing kisses along the way.

“I don’t want this.” Kiba panted out.

“Oh but Kiba this-” Naruto grabbed the bulging erection through the fabric of his boxers and Kiba let out a hiss. “-this tells me other wise.”

Naruto quickly removed Kiba of his boxers, which is when Kiba realized Naruto never had clothes on when he woke him up. Kiba looked down to see Naruto had a throbbing erection that was absolutely HUGE! He had to be at the very least 10 and a half inches, putting Kiba’s 8, and Shikamaru’s 8 and a half inches to shame. It didn't help that it was thick either.

Kiba started to struggle once again when he realized those ten and a half inches of throbbing cock where going into HIS ass. “Oh no! That-that thing is not going inside of me! It’ll rip be in half!” Kiba yelled/shrieked.

Naruto began to pump Kiba in a slow agonizing motion. “Oh but Kiba trust me when I’m done you’ll be begging for me to pound into you.” Naruto leaned down and licked the tip of Kiba’s erection

Kiba closed his eyes. “Please don’t….please stop.” Kiba begged a single tear rolled down his cheek.

“Shh it’ll be worth it if you let me continue.” Naruto engulfed Kiba’s erection.

Kiba let out a yelp as his erection was encased in the moist cavern. “Oh god!” Kiba gripped at the sheets as Naruto bobbed his head up and down. He would randomly increase suction driving Kiba closer and closer to the edge. “Please I’m gonna…you have to stop.” Kiba gasped out.

Naruto slid back to the tip and gently sucked, he place three fingers to Kiba’s mouth in a silent command for him to suck. Kiba in his lust filled mind obeyed. As he came closer and closer to his orgasm he began to suck harder.

Right when he was about to jump off the cliff of bliss Naruto stopped sucking an pulled back. Kiba let out a sound between a moan and a frustraited groan. "No, you have to finish you can't stop in the middle of something you've started!" Naruto let out a low chuckle and moved one of his slicked fingers to Kiba's entrance. "No thats not what I meant! No wait! Ah!" Kiba arched slightly as the digit slid in.

NAruto began to work the finger in and out of Kiba. a second finger soon followed the 1st, then a 3rd and a 4th. Kiba was a mess on the bed. his head thrashed side to side as he tried to fight against the pleasure he was getting. Naruto had long since found his prostate and was hitting it repeatedly. the only thing that was keeping kiba from coming right then and there was Naruto grip at the base of his cock.

Naruto removed his fingers from the panting Kiba, leaned over him while placing his knees on his shoulder. "Now this may hurt a bit." Even though Naruto's dick was dripping and covered in precome he wasn't ssure the streaching was enough. In one fluid thrust Naruto was in Kiba.

Kiba tried to move away from the pain but Naruto held him firmly in place. Kiba forced his tense muscles to relax. "Move." He said in a low voice. Naruto did as he was told, moving at a slow pace to allow Kiba to adjust to his greater length and girth. "AH!" Kiba tossed his head back as Naruto hit his spot.

Naruto smirked and began to move faster and harder, never letting go of the grip on Kiba's cock, still preventing him from coming. Tears began to roll down Kiba's cheeks. He didn't mean to cry, his obvious need to come and the slight pain from the rough entry and the continual pleasure caused tears to form on the corner of his eyes.

"Please I can't I need too cum it's to much." Kiba begged out.

Naruto only smiled and began to thrust harder and faster against Kiba's prostate.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Oh my fucking god! Please I need to come! I can't take it anymore!"

Naruto's thrusts didn't falter but sped up. Naruto was close he could tel by his sudden speeding thrust. Naruto shifted sligthly and was now not just brushing against Kiba's prostate but hitting it dead on with every thrust. Kiba tightly shut his eyes and began to claw at Naruto's back his toes curling. Naruto came with one final thrust ane released Kiba's cock.

Kiba came with such force that he blacked out before his orgasm was even over. Naruto watched and felt Kiba's body be wracked with tremors from his orgasm. He slipped out of Kiba and recovered him with the blanket. He waved a hand over Kiba healing and marks to make sure he wouldn't be able to exactly tell w hat happened. He stepped off the bed and began walking towards the wall then he was gone.


Ki ba sat straight up in bed. His heart was raceing as what he realised was a dream played over in his mind. He looked under his blankets, a very fufilling dream Kiba rose from his mess. He threw his blanket into the laundry room grabbed clothes and was off to the shower. He dressed ate a quick breakfast and was out the door.

Once at school he headed to his locker, grabbed his stuff and headed to his first period. The person from last night playing over and over in his head. He made through the day and was once again on hiss way out the door to meet Shikamru when he bupped into a person knocking their books out of their hands. it was the blond from the day before.

"I hope this doesn't become a daily occurance." Kiba said with a small laugh as he helped the blond pick up his things.

"I wish I could say the same thing." Kiba looked at the blond confused for a second until the blond lifted his head to reveal the same face from his dreams.

"Hey your the kid from my-!" Kiba started to yell but was inturrupted.

"Hey look your boyfriend." He said while pointing.

Kiba turned to look for Shikamaru. and turned back to see Naruto gone. Shikamaru tapped kiba on the shoulder. "You okay?"

Kiba stood up laceing his fingers in Shika's. "Yeah i'm perfect." He said not totally sounding convincing.

"Well come on then i have the car today." Kiba followed along side Shika.


Kiba lied awake in his bed that night. he looked at the clock and saw the time. 'Maybe he isn't coming?' Kiba had just dosed when he felt a hand on his leg.


(1) I got the information from this site . If any of it is wrong I’m sorry I’m just going by what the site said.

(2) We actually did have this conversation in history class and we had it in language arts when we were doing myths. So that’s why I used it.