Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konna Ni Chikaku De... ❯ Selfish ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
PAIRING: Nruto/Itachi This was a request a long time ago like the Sai one. God I really need to look at my reviews more often.

Warning: This one-sshot will have non consit in it if you are not for that then don't read it. Other than that there is no warning if you're this far in you should know what the hell to expect so no need for me to really do these anymore.

FYI!!!!: If things go as I planned for the weekend the chpater of the sequal will be up by sunday!!!! YAY!!!!!! I hopefully will not have to babysit any children, and won't get any unexpected company so please pray for me!! And enjoy this one-shot!!!Man for future referance if u make a request for a pairing and i don't do it in the time frame you would like just send me and e-mail saying you've been waiting for a while. DO NOT MAKE IT OBNOXIOUS OR YOU WILL BE INGNORED!!!!!


Naruto sat on the couch watching Supernatural waiting for Itachi to get home from work, yet dreading it. They had argued before he had left for work and he would always keep it botteled up until he got home and took his anger out in one form or another. He looked down to the red headed 13 year old with his head in his lap. They had adopted him 7 years ago. He was a joy to have around a tad quiet, and when he did talk it was almost non stop, very enegetic but still a joy. Naruto nudged The boy to get him to wake up.


"Go into your room." The boy shook his head no. "Do you want me to leave you on the couch then?" He shook his head no again. "Then get up kyuubi." He shook his head no again.

Naruto let out a sigh. "Do you wanna lie in bed with me?" Kyuubi nodded. "Don't you think you're getting to old for this?" He shook his head no and Naruto let out a low laugh. "Well get up and lets go." Kyuubi got up a tad grumpy and headed to Naruto's and Itachi's bedroom. Kyuubi flopped in the bed and was alseep almost instantly. Naruto lied down to watch TV. He flicked channels until he came across Entertainment tonight and decided to watch. Shockingly it had a clip from one of Itachi's interviews.

"It's a well known fact that your an openly bisexual actor. Is their a special woman or man in your life?"

"Honestly, I'm to busy to be held back by a partner, so no i don't. I'm focusing on my carrer right now."

"Any plans on one in the future?"

"As of now? No."

Naruto shut off the tv. 'That stupid fucker. Is he serious, no partner? I swaer to god when he comes home.' Naruto didn't wait long before there was a car door being shut. He raced downstairs and opened the door before Itachi had even reached the porch.

"Are you done being pissy?" Naruto asked harshly.

"Yes, what is wrong with you now?"

"Let's see, "Honestly, I'm to busy to be held back by a partner" "I'm focusing on my cerear right now." That might have a little bit to do with it."

Itachi let out a snort. "What was I supposed to say?" He walked into the kitchhen to get a drink.

"I don't know, maybe mention the fact that you do have a boyfriend AND a kid? Or you could've at least said you were looking to have a relationship in the future."

Itachi slammed the glass he was drinking from down onto the counter causeing Naruto to flich slightly. "Will you just shut up. You know you are mine and mine alone so why are you being so paranoid and outrageous?"

"Becase I don't know if you'r eonly mine! You're always out filming something or the other, how the hell am i supposed to know you're not screwing some tramp on the side!"

Itachi quickly apprached Naruto pining him against the door frame. "Don't you dare ever, EVER accuse me of being a whore. If you know what's good for you."

"I'm leaveing."


"I'm takeing Kyuubi and we're leaveing."

"You aren't going anywhere." Itachi stated simply.

"Yes we are we're going tomorrow morning. We're going to stay away for a week or two then we'll come back and if you're back to normal we'll stay." Naruto made to move off of the door frame but Itachi grabbed him by the neck and slammed him back against the door frame.

"Naruto You aren't going anywhere." Itachi took his other hand and trailed down his chest to his sweat pants. "Not now, not ever." He undid the loose knot in the string that helped hold the pants up. "Not this life or the next." He placed his hand into the now to big pants and began to rub against the soft cock. "I own you." He placed a soft kiss on his cheek. "I own Kyuubi." He nipped gently at his earlobe. "And i'm never going to let you go." He grabbed almost harshly at Naruto cock.

A single tear ran down Naruto's cheek. "Get off of me you sick fuck."

"Never." Itachi released Naruto's neck and cock to grab Naruto's hands and pin them aganst the wall. While Itachi was busy Naruto kneed him in the crotch. Yes it was a cheap shot but Naruto didn't care, he quickly ran to his bedroom and shut and locked the door. He looked to his bed to see Kyuubi looking wide eyed and lost. Naruto ran over to him and quickly pulled him from the bed.

"Get under the bed and no matter what happens do make a sound and don't move." Kyubbi opened his mouth to say something. "Don't, just do it."

Kyuuby hesitated but nodded and got under the bed. Naruto fixed the bankets so that you couldn't see kyuubi, it wasn't perfect there was a little over an inch space between the blanket and the floor but he was sure Itachi wouldn't notice Kyuubi. He heared Iitachi pounding on the door. "Open this fucking door."

"Itachi you're drunk or something. Go into the living room and sleep it off i'm not opening this door." Naruto heard a soft chuckle then footsteps. he listened to hear which direction they were going. they sounded like they were going towards the master bathroom. Naruto eyes widened the bathroom door is connected to their bedroom, and there is no lock to keep him out of the bedroom. He ran to get the door but was to slow Itachi opened the door and walked in.

Naruto walked backwords into the bed room. "Itachi whatever it is you have planned don't do it."

"You mean fuck you raw and force you to enjoy every minute of it? Now why would i want to do something stupid like that?"

Naruto took a step back and tripped over his pants that had gotten to loose and had fallen around his ankles. Naruto's head hit the floor with a thud, Itachi kneeled over him with a smile. "Aww did that hurt?"

Naruto went to knee him but Itachi was ready for that move and backhanded him. "Don't you dare ever hit me in your life." Naruto went to puch him but Itachi caught the fist and with his free hand punched Naruto. "I told you not to hit me." Natruto spit blood and spit into Itachi's face. Itachi grabbed Naruto's hair and slammed his head against the floor. "Will you ever learn?"


"Aww but I fully plan on fucking you dear Naruto." Itachi said with a smirk.

Naruto started to struggle in Itachi's hold. Itachi let out a low laugh Itachi eventually got Narutos two hands above his head. Naruto began to kick out in an attempt to hit Itachi. Itachi flipped him over onto his stomach and forced his hands behind hiss back. He pulled off his belt and used it tie Naruto's hands together.

"Naruto what's the matter any other time you would love being tied and helpless." Itachi said with mock concern. Naruto didn't answer. He was looking under the bed at Kyubbi who looked ready to jump out and help. He mouthed 'No' to Kyuubi who mouthed back 'Let me help you.' Naruto mouthed no back. Itachi leaned over to look Naruto in the face. "Do you hear me speaking to you? You really shouldn't ignore people when you're in this kind of situtaion."

Naruto didn't respond, Itachi let out a sigh. "If you insist on being stubborn, I guess this can't be helped." Itachi leaned over and bit harsly into Naruto's neck. He broke the skin slightly and Naruto had let out a slight whimper. Itachi chuckled and rubbed his hard cock against Naruto's boxer covered ass. "Do you want this?" Naruto didn't answer. Itachi yanked him onto his knees by his hair. "I said do you want this?" He whispered harshly into his ear.

"Rot in hell." Was Naruto's answer. Itachi tsked and shoved Naruto back onto the ground.

"That was the worst thing you could've possibly said Naruto."

Naruto heard the sound on pants being unbuttoned and and a zipper being pulled down. He heard the rustle of clothes then he felt his boxers being ripped off. He instantly siffened when he felt hands on his hips. "Don't tense up Naru-chan, you know that only makes it worse. Naruto's ass was pulled into the air he had expected to feel a blunt head at his entrance but when he felt something warm and moist instead enter him he couldn't hold back the accidental moan.

His eyes began to water as he felt himself harden slightly. He felt one of Itachi's hand leae his waist and pump his shaft. He felt the warm tears cascadeing down onto the floor. He turned his head to see kyuubi under the bed with his hand over his mouth and eyes glistening with unshed tears. Naruto shut his eyes and opened his mouth in a silent gasp when fingers entered him to help streach him further.

It didn't take long for Itachi to find his prostate, he hit it harshly and repeatedly. Naruto was a mess on the floor he was hateing every minute of it but he couldn't help how his body reacted. He was so far gone by the time Itachi entered him he couldn't even hold back the tears and the moan. "I. Hate. You." Naruto choked out.

Itachi mad no hint that he heard what Naruto had said. His thrusts never faltered only became deeper and harder. He stuck to his word and forced Naruto to enjoy every moment. Itachi was close to his release and began to pump Naruto in time with his thrust to bring him to his end. As Naruto came he let out a yell that sounded a lot like bastard. Itachi only came with a low grunt, He pulled out of Naruto, untied his hands, and pushed him out of his way.

"I'm going to take a shower, clean yourself up." Itachi walked out of the room and Naruto lied there crying silently and a mess.

Kyuubi came from under the bed only when he heard the shower water running. He walked over to Naruto an kneeled next to him. He wanted to touch him but wasn't sure if he should, he wanted to say something but wasn't sure what to say. "Help me up." Naruto whispered. Kyuubi did as he was told and helped Naruto clean up the mess and took him to the other bathroom where he helped him wash himself.

Kyuubi snuck back to the other room to grab Naruto a pair of pants where he saw Itachi fast asleep. He was tempted to smuther him with a pillow but decided against it. He grabbed Naruto a pair of pants and returned to him in the bathroom. He helped him dress then to him to his bedroom. Kyuubi lied him down on his bed, locked his bedroom door and crawled in next to Naruto. he placed his head on Naruto's chest where the sound of his heartbeat lulled him to sleep.

Narauto watched Kyuubi while he slept. Soon he was sleep as well, with the hope that this night was some sick and twisted dream.

&&&&&&&&&&&& ;&

Kind of a depressing one-shot but i had to make up for the crappy Sai one I did. I hope you enjoyed this one.