Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Tamming Two Hearts or Breaking One ❯ Remembrance ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 3 Remembrance
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto but I wish I own Hinata
Hokage's office
Naruto enter Tsunade's office and sweat dropped because she was sleeping on her desk while next to her there was a a lot of paper work to do it seems she was sleeping on the job.
Naruto smirk(some things never change)he clear his throat loudly making the slug sanin wake up with a startle
“What…what's wrong are we under attack?” Tsunade said sounding sleepy she then saw the blond ninja with a smile on his face
“Hey granny Tsunade you were sleeping again on the job” Naruto said with a smirk
Tsunade glare at him” thank you Naruto for waking me up from my nice nap as a reward Im going to punch to the next village” she got up from her desk while glaring at him
Naruto went pale” whoa granny Tsunade you call me here remember don't do anything rash”
Tsunade stop her threatening she sighed” yes Naruto you're right its just that I hate paper work a lot” she then smile while looking at him” look at you, you've grown so much and you have become quite handsome like the Fourth Im pretty sure you're gonna break many hearts” she said in a teasing tone
Naruto blush from the compliment” oh come on granny Tsunade its no big deal and besides the Fourth was my father after all”
“What do you mean no big deal you are handsome and you have surpass the Fourth too” Tsunade said still teasing him
Naruto was still blushing from the compliment” thanks granny Tsunade, so um….are you going to tell me?”
Tsunade blink” tell you about what?”
“You did call me here about my genin team right?” Naruto said in a hopeful tone
Tsunade's eyes narrow and her face expression change to a sad look” Naruto I……I did contact every genin team available but………you see Naruto I couldn't get you a team because…….” she gave a long paused not daring to tell the reason why
Naruto chuckle a little while hanging his head down” its al right granny Tsunade you don't have to tell me why I already know…..they don't want the vessel of the Kyubi to be their children's Jounin instructor right?”
Tsunade nodded sadly” so it seems Im very upset myself for them to be still thinking like that Im very sorry Naruto, but don't count me out just yet I will do everything in my power to get you a genin team Im not the Hokage for nothing”
Naruto raise his head back up while smiling” thanks granny Tsunade but its al right if they don't want me to have any genin teams after all they are afraid that the Kyubi might take over me and kill them”
“Now that's enough Naruto you shouldn't be thinking like that I was able to manage to use that jutsu Jiraiya gave me and use it in you to reinforce the seal of the Fourth making sure that it doesn't disappears preventing the Kyubi from merging with you the rest belongs to you as long as you can control your emotions you should be fine” Tsunade said
“Thanks granny Tsunade well I better go I promised to be somewhere else” Naruto said as he turn to the door of the office
“Naruto?” Tsunade called to the blond getting his attention” are you going to visit him?”
Naruto gave a sad smile” yeah but Im going to buying him some flowers first”
Tsunade raise an eyebrow” flowers you do know who are you going to visit right? I think a more suitable present for him would be that new book Kakashi wrote he dedicated to him” she chuckle a little
Naruto laugh a little” yeah I know but its better that I gave him something that is not perverted well I gotta go granny Tsunade see you later” he then open the door to the office and left leaving Tsunade with her thoughts
(Naruto Im going to give you genin team even is the last thing I do)
Yamanaka flower shop
Sakura enter the flower shop and spotted Ino watering the flowers her hair was a little longer and she was more beautiful than before she had her normal ninja outfit but she also had an apron over cloths.
Ino spotted her and smile” hey Sakura how are you?”
Sakura smile” Im fine Ino so how's it been?”
Ino smirk” you tell me you came here to talk to me right so Im all ears”
“Can I visit my best friend” Sakura said with a frown
Ino giggle” sorry so Sakura have you tell Naruto that you liked him?”
Sakura sighed sadly” no I haven't” she then gasp” WHAT how….how did you know Ino?”
Ino put her hands on her waist” come on Sakura its written all over your face”
Sakura sighed again” does it really shows that much?”
Ino nodded” so why haven't you told him?”
“Hello Ino he has a girlfriend” Sakura said with a sweat dropped
“Hey that's right I forgot that's he's with Hinata, can you believe it the same hyperactive knucklehead we all know has a girlfriend and Hinata no less Im amazed how she was able to tell him how she feels” Ino said
“Tell me about it” Sakura said with a frown on her face
Ino smirk” well Sakura since you don't have a boyfriend I guess I finally beat you on something two things to be exact”
“Very funny you don't have to rub it in” Sakura said she then gave a puzzle look” what do you mean two things?”
Ino blush a little while playing with her blond hair” well one I have a boyfriend and… never mind”
“Come on Ino don't be mean you already know I like Naruto so why can't you tell me?” Sakura said
“Well its kind of personal you know Chouji and I have been dating for a while right?” Ino said while blushing” well a few days ago we……” she trailed off while blushing hard
Ino's blushing was enough to make Sakura realize what she was trying to tell her” Ino oh my you….you didn't” she said in a shock tone
Ino blush even more” I did and it was amazing who would it thought that Chouji was so passionate” she started giggling
“Well congratulations Ino” Sakura smiled
“So you see Sakura I beat you on two things I have a boyfriend and lost my virginity and you don't have a boyfriend and you're still a virgin” Ino said
Sakura glared at her” so what if I don't have a boyfriend and Im still a virgin Im not perfect okay”
“Whoa easy Sakura I was just kidding okay you don't have to chop my head off” Ino said while backing off a little
“That's sounds like a great idea” Sakura said with a smirk
“Very funny” Ino said” so what are you going to do with Naruto?”
“What do you mean?” Sakura said
“Are you going to tell him how you feel about him?” Ino said
“Of course not Ino he's with Hinata if I tell him he'll obviously will reject me and I wont be able to deal with heartbreak again its hurts too much” Sakura said while her voice was breaking
“You're only hurting yourself and by not telling him you're making things worst, so you should go for it and tell him already” Ino said
Sakura shook her head” I….I can't I wont it will be better if I let things they way they are”
Ino sighed” if you want to be stubborn then fine by me if you're not going to tell him then you'll have to get over him”
“I don't think Ill be able to do that the only thing I can do is staying as his friend and I think its better if I remained his friend” Sakura said unsure
“If you think that's the right thing to do” Ino said worry
Sakura nodded sadly, Naruto then enter the shop Ino saw him and smirk” well speak of the devil hi Naruto”
Sakura blush when she heard Naruto's name she turn around and saw him he smiled at her” Sakurachan you're here”
“Um Naruto why are you here?” Sakura said while blushing a little
“Isn't it obvious Sakura he came here to buy flowers for you” Ino teased
Sakura blush while glaring at Ino making her shiver in fear(Im gonna killed her for saying that comment) Inner Sakura said
Ino gulp she looked at Naruto and to her surprised she saw him blushing a little she smirk
“Actually Ino I came here to buy flowers for the perverted hermit” Naruto said
“Oh you're going to visit Jiraiyasama's grave” Sakura said
Naruto nodded” do you have any white lilies?”
Ino nodded” you bet white lilies coming right up” she went to pick up the white lilies and wrap then in a clear wrapping paper” here you go” she handed then to Naruto
“Thanks Ino” Naruto said while giving her the money
“Naruto can I go with you?” Sakura said
“Yeah of course” Naruto said with a smile
Sakura smile” well Ino Ill see you later”
“Bye Ino” Naruto said as both ninjas left the flower leaving Ino at deep thought
(I wonder the way Naruto blush at my comment there might be something going on with him I should keep tabs on him oh this is gonna be great) Ino thought
Hokage memorial ground
In the middle of a large field five grave stones were placed the, the first grave stone has the name of the First Hokage founder of Konoha next to him the second grave has the name of his younger brother the Second Hokage who was the builder of the leaf foundation the third grave stones has the name of the Third Hokage disciple of the First and the Second Hokage successor of the will of fire the fourth grave stone has the name of the Fourth Hokage the hero of the village and Naruto's father and finally the fifth grave stone has the name of Jiraiya. Even if Jiraiya never became Hokage Tsunade gave permission from the leaf council to be buried next to his student and his teacher and also because he was a great ninja taught by the best in the village, Naruto Sakura stop in front of the grave of the toad sanin Naruto put the white lilies next to his grave.
“Here you go perverted hermit I know you're not the kind of person that like to received flowers but I wanted to give you something nice and not perverted so deal with it” Naruto said
Sakura stood silent she knew that this was hard for him even three years has passed since Jiraiya was killed he was still getting over his death. She could still remember at Jiraiya's funeral Naruto was silent he didn't said a word but he finally break down when he locked himself in his apartment he was sobbing uncontrollably. It pained her a lot remembering that she try to convinced him to open the door and she eventually break the door open along with Tsunade to finally enter his apartment and talked to him.
Naruto was silent for a moment before speaking” you know Sakurachan I…..I miss him a lot the Fourth was my father but the perverted hermit was the closest thing I had to a father next to the Third and I really miss him, I even miss when he was being a pervert when he was peeking in the woman's bath and I always hit him from stop looking and now I still can't believe he's gone” small tears started falling from his blue eyes
Sakura put her hand in his shoulder” its okay to cry Naruto Im sure Jiraiyasama was very proud of you he really cared about you just like your father”
Naruto dry his tears while giving Sakura a smile” I know thanks Sakurachan Im glad that I meet someone like him” he started chuckling
“What what's so funny?” Sakura said in curiosity
“I just remember when I first met the perverted hermit I was training with Ebisu in the hot baths you know the water walking exercise and Ebisu saw him peeking in the women's section Ebisu ended up being lick by one of his toads he was paralyzed I even used a thousand years of pain and he still couldn't wake up” Naruto said while laughing
Sakura laugh a little” hey wasn't Ebisu the one you call closet pervert?”
Naruto nodded” yeah he's a pervert like the perverted hermit”
Sakura giggle” oh that remains me did Tsunadesama gave you your genin team?”
Naruto's happy expression changed to a sad looked, Sakura notice his expression” what's wrong what happened?” she said worry
Naruto sighed” granny Tsunade couldn't find me a genin team because their parents don't want someone like me to be their Jounin instructor can you believe it they don't want the Kyubi vessel to have a genin team” he felt like crying again
Sakura's faced soften as she saw the ninja that she love at the brink of crying again” Naruto” she whisper
“I still can't believe it after all this years they still hate me they still see me as a monster why…….why do I have to keep suffering why can't I be normal?” Naruto said as he began to cry more tears fell from his eyes
Sakura fell her heart aching if there was one thing that will hurt her more it's the sight of her precious ninja crying she couldn't take it anymore she took the blond ninja in her arms as he continue to sob in her arms. She deepened the embrace while hoping not to let him go forever the thought of having him for herself came to her mind, for a moment she didn't care about the rest of the world the only thing that matters to her most was now sobbing in her arms. She took one hand and started caressing his blond hair to conform him even more she lean closer to his ear and whisper.
“Its al right it doesn't matter don't forget that the whole village doesn't hate you Shikamaru, Neji Leesan everyone from the rookie nine they don't care about the Kyubi they care for you as a friend and comrade and don't forget about me I will never hate you Naruto I care about you(and I love you with all my heart and soul)” Sakura whisper in his ear
Naruto broke the warm embrace making Sakura look a little disappointed she just wanted to hold him forever he smiled at her” thanks Sakurachan I feeling better now”
Sakura smiled back at him” good Im glad I was able to help you”
“Hey you two”
Naruto and Sakura turn around and saw the mask ninja Kakashi holding a small box
“Oh hi Kakashi sensei” Sakura said
“Hey Naruto I hope you're not cheating on Hinata with Sakura” Kakashi said with a smirk place under his mask
That comment made Sakura blush while giving the mask ninja a death glare which he notice and took a few steps back Naruto blush a little while waving his hands in a innocent matter.
“Kakashi sensei Im am not cheating on Hinatachan Im just hanging out with Sakurachan” Naruto said
Sakura sweat dropped(unfortunately) Inner Sakura said sounding hurt
“Im just kidding Naruto I came here to pay my respects with Jiraiyasama and I also brought him this present” Kakashi said while showing them the small box
“What's in the box?” Sakura said curious
Kakashi didn't answer instead he went to Jiraiya's grave and open the box he took out a familiar blue book which Sakura knew immediately.
“Here Jiraiyasama I brought you a copy of my new book I dedicated to you Im sure you will love it reading it on the other side” Kakashi said as he lay the perverted book near his grave stone and next to the white lilies that Naruto gave
Naruto and Sakura sweat dropped
(I should it know he will give that dirty book of his) Sakura thought
(But it's a good book) Inner Sakura said
(That's what granny Tsunade told me to bring him) Naruto thought
Kakashi left Jiraiya's grave” well I have to go, by the way Naruto Hokagesama told me that team eight should be returning from their mission tomorrow”
Naruto's face lit up as he gave a big smile” really Hinatachan's coming back tomorrow al right”
(Damn) Inner Sakura cursed
“Well I guess Ill see you guys later I have other business to attend to” Kakashi said while walking away
Naruto smirk” yeah right you're going to read your own book”
Kakashi didn't say anything as he took his own copy of his book and open it as he was reading he started giggling to himself while Naruto and Sakura sweat dropped.
(Once he wrote that book of his he has become more of a pervert than ever)Sakura thought
(Maybe I should buy that book everybody is talking a lot about it) Naruto thought
“So Naruto how about we go sit somewhere?” Sakura said
Naruto smile” yeah why not”
The two ninjas left the Hokage memorial ground Naruto took one last look at Jiraiya's grave and his fathers grave too(watch me perverted hermit and dad watch me become Hokage and next time dad I will bring you flowers to your grave)
They both got sited in one of the many benches of the village, Sakura looked at him who had a big smile on his face” you seem to be happy?”
Naruto looked at her and smile again” of course I am Hinatachan's coming back tomorrow”
(DAMMIT) Inner Sakura cursed
“I see” Sakura said sounding a little disappointed” Naruto can I ask you something?”
“Yeah what is it?” Naruto said puzzle
Sakura paused before speaking” if Hinata wouldn't have become your girlfriend which girls do you think you were with?”
Naruto raise an eyebrow” why are you asking me that?”
“Im just curious that's all now come on tell me and be honest” Sakura said while looking at him
Naruto gave a thoughtful looked” well if Hinatachan wasn't my girlfriend I….I don't know which girl to be my girlfriend maybe I would still be single”
Sakura raise an eyebrow” really? Are you sure you're telling me the truth?”
“Yeah….hum…..well there….is….someone I would like to be my girlfriend but…..a never mind” Naruto said while shrugging his arm
“No come on tell me I want know?” Sakura said in high anticipation
Naruto was starting to get nervous” um….look Sakurachan I have to go Ill see you later bye” he got up from the bench and left leaving a very irritated Sakura behind
(Oh Naruto you jerk TELL ME I WANT TO KNOW) Inner Sakura said upset
Naruto was walking while sighing(Sakurachan the answer to your question is if Hinatachan wasn't my girlfriend you would have been my girlfriend but that would never happened because Hinatachan is my girlfriend and you love Sasuke now the big question is do I still love Sakurachan?) he continues to walk while thinking about Sakura and his relation to her
To be Continued
Well it seems Naruto is unsure whether he still in love with Sakura or not, send me your comments and your reviews and folks don't worry about Hinata she will be appearing in the next chapter farewell.