Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Tamming Two Hearts or Breaking One ❯ A little date ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 12 A little date
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto but I'm trying
Hokage Tower (medical area)
Moegi was in the middle of her medical training Sakura was watching carefully as she saw her student focusing her chakra to heal the injury of a small bird who had its wing injure. Moegi focus as her hands were glowing with green chakra carefully she pointed the green chakra at the injure wing of the bird in a couple of seconds the wing was healed the bird started flipping both of its wings happily.
“Good job Moegi you are getting the hang of it pretty quickly”
“Thanks sensei it's all because of you”
“You learning very quick looks like you might become even better than me”
Moegi blush” you mean it sensei?”
Sakura nodded happily” yeah you will become the best”
Moegi smile back” because I'm learning from the best”
“Flattery won't get you nowhere we still have some physical training to do” Sakura said with a smirk
Moegi sighed” do we have to sensei I'm still feeling the pain from last training”
“You want to become as strong as me right? so you need the training and besides you will need the strength for Konohamaru when he gets perverted a good punch to the face will knock some sense into him”
“Yeah that's right and sensei speaking of him I…..I ask him out on a date” Moegi said blushing
Sakura raise an eyebrow in interest she then smirk” really……so what did he said?”
Moegi blush again” I told him the truth, that I like him a lot and I ask him out”
Sakura grin in satisfaction at her student” so you did took my advice and ask him out what did he say come on tell me” she started jumping up and down like a little kid in anticipation
Moegi sweat dropped seeing her teacher acting so unsensei like” well he was really shock at first he look a little nervous but he smile and he was blushing he said yes” she was blushing a lot
“Blushing eh?” Sakura said putting her index finger on her chin” that's a good sing Moegi that means he likes you too you must be so happy”
“I am but I don't know what to do on a date”
Sakura looked horrified” you're kidding what do you mean you don't know what to do on a date all you have to do is be yourself and have fun that's all its not so hard”
“But what if Konohamarukun doesn't like the date?” she said in sad tone
“That depends of how you act just enjoy yourself Moegi have fun with him talk to him about things that both of you like”
Moegi smile” yeah I can do that it will be like hanging out like we always do”
Sakura nodded” you bet having fun is the most important thing on a date”
Moegi nodded when she completely turn red” oh no…..what if he kisses me I….oh dear Kami I don't know what to do it's a little too soon can I really do this what if I can't go trough with this?”
Sakura clench her fist in anger she grab her student and started shaking her like a rag doll” ENOUGH stop thinking negatively you have to be positive otherwise the date is going to be a total failure” she let go of her and Moegi was very dizzy
“O……..okay…..sensei” Moegi said dizzy
“Moegi if you want your date to go smoothly there's only one thing to do?”
Moegi got over her dizziness and she was paying attention to her teacher
“I'm going to help you on your date I will give you some advice by the time I'm done with you, you will have him wrap on your little finger”
Moegi cheered” yay thanks sensei now I know that my date will go smoothly”
“I'm a love expert after all you will Konohamaru's heart you'll see”
“Oh I can't wait for tonight”
“Maybe I can start by giving you some advice right now?”
“Really sensei go ahead I'm all ears”
“But first physical training”
Moegi fell anime style she was dying in anticipation to hear her teacher she got up and sighed” fine”
Sakura giggle” good let's go then”
They left the medical room and headed to the training grounds
Moegi smirk” you know sensei you know a lot about romance the way you talk to me is like you have a boyfriend”
Sakura blush from her student's comment” no….of course I don't have one don't be silly Moegi”
“There's someone for everyone that's what I always say there might also be someone for you”
“I already have someone” Sakura whisper
“Huh did you said something sensei?”
“No it wasn't nothing come one let's go I wont hold back Moegi”
Moegi nodded as they continue to walk the hall of the Hokage tower, Sakura was in thought thinking about the blond ninja that she loves she then thought about Konohamaru.
(Konohamaru must be training with Naruto he will obviously tell Naruto about his date with Moegi I wonder will Naruto gave some advice to him that's going to be a little interesting seeing Naruto give some advice about dating) Sakura thought whle giggling
Training ground number ten
Ten Konohamaru clones appeared facing against a hundred Naruto clones Naruto grin
“A hundred to ten those numbers are not good Konohamaru you should give up”
“Never I will never give up that's my way of the ninja”
“That's the attitude Konohamaru fight me with everything you had”
The konhamaru clones charge into the hundred Naruto clones before they got a chance to attack they change into a cloud of smoke reveling ten wooden logs with a explosive tag in each of the logs.
Naruto gasp” NO WAY”
All of the clones were demolished by the large explosion, Konohamaru jump from a nearby tree he looked at the result of his strategy and smirk.
“Ha bet you didn't see that coming boss”
Naruto jump from the tree he was hiding and smirk in satisfaction
“Good job Konohamaru you are getting stronger al right let's take a break how about some Ichiraku' ramen?”
“You bet I am hungry after all that training”
The two left the training ground as they were walking into the streets of the village Konohamaru was a little restless somehow Naruto notice his behavior and got worry.
“What's wrong Konohamaru?”
“Huh what do you mean?”
“Come on something's bothering you its written all over your face”
“Well ……Moegi ask me out on a date” he blush a little
Naruto was surprised but he smile” really congratulations Konohamaru you did accept her offer right?” he looked at his student who blush deeper
“Yeah I did she also told me that she like me like me I didn't know she felt that way about me all along I'm so stupid not to realize sooner”
“Its al right Konohamaru nobodies perfect (it's just like me I didn't know Sakurachan love me for three years) now the big question is do you feel the same way?”
Konohamaru blush again” I….I…..I…..I don't know I just found out about this I don't know what to say but I agree to go out with her because she's my friend but I don't know if I see her more than just a friend”
Naruto sighed as he put his hand on his shoulder” I understand how you feel Konohamaru it's not easy to realize about your feelings for a girl who has been your friend for a long time its up to you to realize those hidden feelings……but don't take to long though”
“So how do I figure out that I have feelings for her?”
“When you go on your date with Moegi just look deep within yourself and think about her and tell your self what do you think of her does she make you happy does she makes you laugh does she understands is she cool to hang with him all those kinds of questions”
Konohamaru smile” oh I get what your trying to say I will and maybe I will have Moegi as my girlfriend its going to be cool although too bad Moegi doesn't have big boobies like Hinata”
“Yeah that's true” Naruto said before realizing what he said” HEY don't talk about Hinatachan like that show some respect”
“Boss but its true she does have big boobies you are so lucky to have her as your girlfriend”
Naruto grin” I know” he suddenly remembered the horrible secret he's been keeping from her that he cheated on her with Sakura his face sad and depressed
Konohamaru notice his expression and got worry” hey boss are you al right?”
Naruto snap from his daze” what what happened?”
“I said if you're okay you look a little sad just now”
“Its nothing come one Konohamaru let's keep going I really want to have a big bowl of ramen”
Hyuga Compound
Hinata was in the dojo doing her daily training she was concentrating on her moves focusing her chakra to execute her moves in perfect balance, she suddenly thought about her boyfriend she has seen acting strangely lately and she could tell that something was bothering him. She remember the day he refuse to make love to her and from the very moment she knew something was wrong with him, what bother her the most is that he has lie to her something he has never done to her before making her suspect more about his behavior. She stop her training and gaze at the floor only thinking about her boyfriend she love him so much that it bothered her so much that she would even cry, she try to hold her tears she was about to leave the dojo until she bump into her cousing Neji.
“Hinata are you al right?” Neji said worry
“I'm……I'm fine Neji I guess I'm tire from training that's all”
Neji sighed” Hinata you're lying, you're blinking too much and your upper lip is trembling I don't need my byakugan to know” he gave her a small smile
Hinata sighed” I was never a good liar”
Neji put his arms on her shoulder” what's wrong Hinata?”
Hinata finally gave up she knew she could not avoid her worried cousin” I think there's something wrong with Narutokun”
“What do you mean?”
“He's being acting strange lately he hardly talks to me anymore and when he's with me he's a little distance he used to be so close and attach to me, but now he's a complete different person now and……” she was about to tell him about the day he rejected her from having sex with her but she knew that was a personal subject only to be discussed with her boyfriend
“Is there more?”
“No that is all”
“I see maybe I should talk to him maybe he will tell me?”
“Please don't Neji I'm sure Naruto is busy with his team and missions so I don't want to interfere”
“But you're worry about him you have the right to tell him and find out you are his girlfriend”
“Yes you are right Neji I will talk to him but later I will make special plans with him and we'll talk see there is need for you to talk to him”
“But still?” Neji said worry
“No buts Neji you won't talk to him period as the head of the Hyuga main branch I order you not to tell him are we clear?” she said in a serious tone
Neji was surprised but he smile at her authority” you are right I will leave him to you I trust you Hinata” he then bow and left the dojo
Hinata sighed in relief ( Neji has become more overprotective of me now what am I going to do with Narutokun I have an idea I will get trough Narutokun) she giggle as she left the dojo thinking of the future plans she has for her boyfriend
In the streets of the village Sakura was walking she was thinking what to do about Moegi's date with Konohamaru she notice someone tapping on her shoulder she turn to see Ino smiling at her.
“Hey Sakura?”
“Oh hey Ino”
“What's wrong I saw your look you look like you were in deep thought”
“Well I'm thinking what to do about Moegi's date with Konohamaru I told her I was going to help her so I need think how to help her”
“Oh that so nice of you Sakura why don't you take her shopping to pick up something nice for her date”
“Yeah I had that in mind maybe I should give her some advice she's so nervous its her first date”
“That is the obvious choice she'll be fine with you helping her”
“Yeah I wonder if Konohamaru will be having help from Naruto” mentioning the blond ninja's name Sakura became saddened and depressed she started thinking about him
Ino knew where this was going so she decided to help her best friend she took out a scroll from her pocket and made a hand seal changing the scroll into a book.
“Hey Sakura I got something for you” Ino said offering the book
“What's this?” she took the book in her hands
Ino grin” it's a special book that will help you I bought it just for you well actually I have another one it has help me a lot with Chouji”
Sakura looked at the title of the book” Kama Sutra” she became a little curious she open the book and what she saw made her blush like all the blood from her body has flooded to her head” INO WHAT THE HELL IS THIS GOING TO HELP ME”
“It will help you once I find you a boyfriend you do need one so badly”
Sakura growl” I don't want a boyfriend”
“No you want Naruto” Ino said while sighing” Sakura when will you realize that he's taken you can't have him”
“Don't you think I know that but I can't stop thinking about him I love him so much and he loves me too I want him so much why why can't I have him” she sob a little
“Need a shoulder to cry to?” Ino said with a smile
“No I'm okay I better go I want to take Moegi shopping I'll see you later” she was about to leave
Ino saw Sakura she was holding the book she gave him and smirk” hey Sakura you're going to take my gift for you after all”
Sakura blush a little before turning her gaze to Ino” of course since you it was a gift from you might as well take it (of course I will use it oh yeah I like the position in page five I want to try that with Naruto) Inner Sakura said while having a nose bleed
In another part of the village Naruto and Konohamaru were walking with their stomachs full.
“Oh yeah that sure hit the spot” Konohamaru said happy
“Yeah ramen always hit the spot”
“So boss where are we going?”
“I'm glad you ask we are going to get you some nice cloths for your big date”
“Okay so what am I going to do I don't know what to tell her or even what to do on this date I'm so nervous I'm getting butterflies in my stomach already”
“Leave that to me I have everything under control I will make sure your date go smoothly”
“Really al right boss I can't wait you know I'm actually happy and nervous of this date”
“So you're looking forward to the date huh?” Naruto said with a smirk
Konohamaru bush a little” yeah I guess”
Naruto chuckle” good that's a good start to find out if you have feelings for Moegi”
“I guess is that how you found out about Hinata?”
“Yeah I did when she confess to me I knew I had feelings for her I just didn't knew all this time she had a huge crush on me I am so lucky”
“Very lucky boss”
Naruto chuckle as they continue towards the mall his mind drifted to Sakura how much he missed her he shook his head as he focus in Konohamaru's date.
(Oh well at least this will make me forget about my problems) Naruto thought
Sakura and Moegi were walking the large halls of the Konoha shopping center it was the one of the biggest buildings in Konoha and also the biggest shopping center, you could buy anything from ninja clothing weapons even adult novels. They arrived at the department store for women and started searching something nice for Moegi to wear on her first date, Moegi pick a few pieces of clothing she thought they were great she was going to try them on. Sakura also found clothing that would make her student very attractive on her date she pick them up and gave them to Moegi as part of her clothing list to try on. Moegi went to the section to try the clothing Sakura stood outside waiting for her student to come out with the clothing, she came out wearing different clothing and her teacher was the official judge to accept the clothing.
Sakura looked at the cloths Moegi was wearing and she completely dislike it making Moegi to go back and change, it took over an hour for Moegi to find the right cloths to wear. Sakura looked at her and smile she gave him two thumbs up while Moegi smile back she has finally found the perfect cloths to wear on her big night, she was wearing a red tank top follow by a cream skirt reaching her knees. Moegi bought her clothing for her date of course Sakura ended up buying some cloths for her own with the purpose of getting the attention of a certain blond ninja that she loved with all her heart. After buying some clothing they went to the shoe store to buy shoes for Moegi's date, selecting the perfect pair took another hour and a half but they wee successful and bought a beautiful pair of white high heels they left the shoe Sakura was very happy knowing she had chosen the most wonderful cloths to wear for someone's first date.
“Thank you sensei I really like the cloths I hope Konohamarukun likes it too”
“Oh he will like it trust me when he sees you tonight he will flip”
“I can't wait I am so excited” Moegi said while blushing
“Its pretty normal to feel that way it is your first date after all”
“So sensei you say you were going to help me on my date?”
“You bet I have the perfect tool that will let me help you on your date but I need you to come to my house before seeing Konohamaru got it?”
“Good then lets go you have to prepare for your big date tonight”
Moegi nodded happily as they continue walking she was so happy knowing that with her clothing and her teacher helping her she knew that the date will be a success.
In the men's department Naruto and Konohamaru just left with a shopping bag they have bought Konohamaru's cloths for his date with Moegi, they went to the shoe store and it didn't took long for Naruto to chose the right pair of shoes he bought them and they were on their way to leave the shopping center.
“I have the perfect outfit for tonight I can't wait”
“You bet when Moegi sees you in those cloths she will faint”
“So boss you said you were going to help me in my date what is it that you have in mind?”
“I'm glad you ask Konohamaru I have something that will allow me to give you advice without me actually being there”
“Oh you mean a communicator?”
Naruto smile” yup that's it so I need that before you go on your date tonight come to my apartment so I can install it”
“Okay I'll be there”
“Now I suggest you get back to your house and get ready for your big night even if it's a little early” Naruto said with a wink
“Yeah thanks boss for taking me shopping and for helping me it means a lot to me”
“Of course I'll do anything for my student”
The two walk out of the shopping center as they took different directions and Konohamaru left to his house very happy knowing that he has bought the perfect clothing for his first date.
Night fell on Konoha Konohamaru arrived at Naruto's apartment he was wearing his outfit for his date it was a blue collar shirt with a of jeans and white sneakers. He knock on his door he heard a come in and he enter the apartment when he enter Naruto's room he saw the whole room like a real mess he sweat dropped not believing that his teacher will have his room in such conditions. Naruto made a sigh of relief as he finally found what he was looking for he grab a small piece of metal follow by a head set.
“There I finally found it Konohamaru” Naruto said
“Oh you found the communicator boss is that why your room is such a mess it's even messier than my room”
“Yeah I hide it well since the last mission I use it, so Konohamaru here put this on your ear” he gave the small metal piece
Konohamaru nodded and put it it on his right ear” I guess we should give a test try”
“Right we'll do it while you wait for Moegi”
Konohamaru nodded and they left the apartment
At Sakura's house Moegi arrived wearing the cloths that Sakura help her chose she knock on the door and the door open revealing Sakura.
“Moegi right on time come in”
Moegi nodded and enter the house” so sensei what the thing that is going to help me on the date?”
“It's right here” Sakura said showing her a small metal piece and a head set” here put this on you ear”
“A communicator?” Moegi said as she put the metal piece on her left ear
“You bet with this I can give you advice from a far away location”
“This is great sensei it's the perfect tool to help me on my date”
“Yeah now lets go test it you're going to wait for Konohamaru in front of Ichiraku so let's test use it near there”
Moegi nodded happily as they left her teacher's house
Near Ichiraku's Konohamaru was standing waiting for the reply of his teacher.
“Ramen lover calling date boy come in date boy”
“Date boy here I hear you loud and clear ramen lover the communicator works perfectly”
“Good then let this date begin”
In another corner near the ramen shop Moegi was standing for the reply of her teacher's.
“Cherry blossom calling date girl come in date girl”
“Date girl here I read you loud and clear cherry blossom the communicator works”
“Al right then let's go you have a man to tame”
Moegi blush at Sakura's comment she went to the ramen shop, in a couple of seconds he two teens meet face to face for a while they just stood there looking at each other. They stare in a daze and they blush noticing that both look very attractive, the long silence continue until Sakura made the first move.
“You look very handsome Konohamaru” Sakura said trough her head set
“Um….you looked very handsome Konohamarukun” Moegi said while blushing
Konohamaru blush again he became nervous not knowing what to do or what to say for the matter.
“You look extremely gorgeous Moegi” Naruto said trough his head set
“You….looked extremely gorgeous Moegi”
“Um…thank you Konohamarukun so where to?”
“Well since we are in front of Ichiraku let's eat some ramen” Naruto said
“Well since we are in front of Ichiraku's lets eat some ramen” Konohamaru said
Sakura sweat dropped at his comment (for crying out loud ramen he's hanging with Naruto too long)” can we eat something that is not ramen?”
“Can we eat something that is not ramen?” Moegi said
Naruto sweat dropped at her comment (Moegi starting to talk like Sakurachan she's hanging around her too long)” come on since were here already let's have a couple of bowls?”
“Come on since were here already let's have a couple of bowls?”
Sakura sighed (whatever)” fine lets go”
“Fine let's go” Moegi said
Konohamaru smile as they enter the ramen shop they were greeted by Teuchi and Ayane they stood quiet while the ramen was being made.
“Ask her about your training?” Naruto said
“Moegi how is your training with Sakura?”
“Well I have been doing well with my training Sakura sensei is a great teacher I'm learning a lot of things with her”
Sakura nodded in pride (that's my student)
(CHA I'm the best teacher in the world) inner Sakura said
“I see I'm glad you're doing well you will grow strong Moegi I just know it” Konohamaru said
“Ask him about his training?” Sakura said
“What about you're training Konohamarukun?”
“I'm doing great the boss is helping me become strong I just wish he teach me rasengan”
(I have been thinking about that but I don't think he will be able to do it) Naruto thought
“Rasengan is a powerful jutsu it was the special jutsu that the fourth Hokage created after all” Moegi said
“Yeah that's why I want to learn it I will be even stronger if I learn it”
Moegi giggle and that's when their ramen arrived they eat their respective bowls, from far away Naruto was watching with a smile on his face.
(Well so far so good) he thought
He didn't know that Sakura was also watching the date
(Everything is going smoothly damn I'm good) Sakura thought
The two hidden ninjas saw that the dating couple finish with their ramen and they left the shop both ninjas vanish following the two. Naruto and Sakura carefully dash trough the buildings watching the two teens walking the streets of the village, still both ninjas haven't notice their presence they were only focusing on the dating couple. Konohamaru looked at Moegi and she was blushing being very shy which was very unusual of her he has always known Moegi to be a carefree person, he guess that since this was her first date she was obviously nervous and he was also a nervous.
Naruto groan he knew he had to do something to help the mood between the two so he thought what is best” take her hand Konohamaru”
Konohamaru heard his teachers voice from his ear piece and he couldn't believe what he heard he blush at the statement he gulp a little, he took a glance at Moegi and she was still blushing and being nervous. He was going to do it somehow deep in his heart he felt like doing it he took Moegi's hand in his, she was surprised at first but once she felt his warm hand she blush and smiled at him and Konohamaru did the same. They were now walking happily hand in hand like they were an actual couple, both were happy and just continue to their next destination.
Naruto watch the new couple walking and smile he couldn't help but feel very proud of his student looks like it wouldn't be long before he realizes his hidden feelings for his friend. Not so far away Sakura watched the two teens with a smile on her face she was very proud of her student she has taken action in telling Konohamaru about her feelings for him and she did the right thing. She suddenly felt sad she wasn't like Moegi she told her feelings for Naruto too late three years too late and now she was paying the consequences with Naruto as Hinata's boyfriend. She knew she was going to suffer for the rest of her life for not having the blond ninja was the worst punishment she could ever face, she sighed as she saw that the young couple stop walking.
“So where are we going Konohamarukun?” Moegi said while blushing and honestly she didn't care where they were going since he was holding her hand
Konohamaru didn't know what to say because he completely forgot about everything he was just thinking that he was holding her friends hand and deep inside of him he liked it, and just before he notice his teacher went to his rescue again.
“Let's go to the top of the Hokage mountain and watch the stars it's a pretty night” Naruto said
“Let's go to the top of the Hokage mountain and watch the stars it's a pretty night”
Moegi smile” oh Konohamarukun that so nice of you let's go”
Konohamaru smile as they left walking hand in hand, Sakura watch with a slight blush on her cheeks.
(Smooth move Konohamaru I never knew he was such a Casanova) Sakura thought just before she was going to go after the two teens she notice
She gasp when she saw on a far away building there he was she couldn't believe it her blond love Naruto it seems he was watching the young couple as well what shock her the most was that he was wearing a familiar head set just like hers. She finally figure out that he was the one who was giving advice to Konohamaru and she couldn't help but blush and grin she slowly jump from building to building and carefully went towards him without him noticing her presence. It didn't took her long to reach her destination she walk slowly towards the blond and she crept behind him she immediately cover his eyes making him gasp in shock.
“What who are you what do you want?” Naruto said in a serious tone he cursed with himself he couldn't believe he fail to notice the person who was coming at him
Sakura went to his ear and whisper” so you were giving Konohamaru friendly advice I should it know it was you, you have become such a Casanova lately”
Naruto grin as he took Sakura's hands off from his eyes he turned to looked at her beautiful jade eyes” and you were the one giving Moegi advice why am I not surprised you were always such a smooth talker Sakurachan”
“Well I wanted to help Moegi to go trough with this she was really nervous and if you're here then that means the same with Konohamaru right?”
“Yeah he was but I help him go trough with this”
“So shall we keep an eye on them?”
“Yeah I want to see how their date goes in the end”
“Then let's go”
The two ninjas vanish
Konohamaru and Moegi were standing at the top of the Hokage mountain they were in awe watching the beautiful scenery lay before them the night sky filled with stars was gorgeous follow by the view of the entire leaf village. Naruto and Sakura arrived they were hiding a few miles from the mountain in one of the trees Naruto knew what he had to do he was going to use the communicator one last time.
“Konohamaru its time you had to tell her”
“What do you mean?” Sakura said puzzle
“You'll see” Naruto said with a grin
Konohamaru nodded and understood clear he finally knew the truth and he was going to tell Moegi tonight.
“It's so beautiful right Konohamarukun?” Moegi said while watching the view
“Moegi there's something I have to tell you” Konohamaru said getting the attention of the young kunoichi” you told me your feelings and I am happy that you felt that way and now I have to tell you how I feel about you”
Moegi eyes widened she blush this is what she was hoping she was finally going to know if he feels the same way about her, she waited eagerly to listen to his answer.
“Moegi I like you too you are a dear friend to me and I also like you a lot”
Moegi smile she immediately embrace him and he accepted after they broke the hug they went to look at the stars and admire the beauty of it. Naruto and Sakura watch the whole event and they both smile they were proud of their students and it seems it was the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Sakura felt like her heart was being press by a dozen kunais she was about to cry watching the two teens admitting their feelings for one another reminded her of the biggest mistake she has ever done not telling Naruto her feelings for him and letting him go to be taken by Hinata. Tears fell silently from her jade eyes Naruto notice her tears and immediately got worry.
“Sakurachan what's wrong?”
“Oh it's nothing Naruto I'm just happy for them they looked so happy together and they don't have no problems at all at least Moegi wont be suffering because she can't have the man that she loves she wont be making the mistake I made of letting you go” she started sobbing
Naruto didn't wasted time he took her into his arms and hold her like his life depending on it he caress her pink hair with one hand while the other caress her back in a conforming matter. Sakura accepted his embrace and she felt like melting in his strong arms how she wanted to stay like this forever and forget about the rest of the world only that she was being embrace by the ninja she loves with all her heart and soul. Naruto slowly broke the embrace he heard Sakura whining a little like she didn't wanted to break the hug, he looked into her eyes full of hurt and sadness he knew that there was one thing that could make her feel better his love and affection.
Sakura removed her head set follow by Naruto's they both didn't wanted to ruin Moegi and Konohamaru's date so they cut their communication with them.
“I'm sorry Sakurachan”
“No don't apologize its not your fault its mine I didn't tell you because I thought I was never worthy of you okay I never treated you with respect and I never admitted that you have become into an amazing person I didn't even tell you thank you for saving my life twice and you didn't have to do that to the person who use to think of you as a talent less idiot so don't think it's your fault”
“Sakurachan please don't say that it's my fault your in pain” Naruto said while putting his hands on her shoulders
“Naruto I don't know what else to do it hurts this pain I can't find a way to end it I love you so much I want you so badly its driving me crazy please Naruto kiss me take me make me yours please rape me right here give me your love your pleasure everything” she slowly went to claim his lips with hers
Naruto kissed her with intense passion as they both moan at the contact of their lips Sakura's tongue invaded his mouth and claim his tongue which he accepted and they started their tongue war. Both teens moan in pleasure as they tasted each others lips and tongue they have lost themselves in the lust and the pleasure reaching a very high level of arousal to one another.
(You guessed it right people it's another lemon)
Sakura continue to tongues kissed him she reach and grab her objective which was Naruto's manhood she started rubbing it trough his pants she wanted to be in hard mode so she can claim it for her own enjoyment. Naruto broke the kiss only to moan feeling Sakura's rubbing sensation on his member he wasn't going to be left out he reach for the zipper of her red vest and open it Sakura didn't mind at all she help him take it off she then took off her bra revealing a pair of erected pink nipples. Naruto now completely taken over by his hormones reach and started licking her nipples making the medic ninja moan loudly she love the licking sensation of her blond love in her breast.
Sakura open his pants and took off his boxers revealing his manhood which was very hard, she moan as Naruto was doing his ministrations on her breast she grab his member and started stroking it making Naruto moan she stroke it faster and he moan louder. Naruto continue his licking and kissing on Sakura's breast he went and took off her pink skirt along with her black shorts he was so horny that he rip her pink panties, he reach his destination which was her clit and started rubbing it faster. Sakura moan loudly as she was now feeling her clit being rub along with the licking on her breast she felt so powerful and alive she wanted to show Naruto that she was in control so forcefully shove him to a near by tree and gave him a look that meant stay still.
Naruto didn't know what she had in mind until he saw her bending on her knees and took his whole member on her mouth she lick it so fast that Naruto felt like he has die from pleasure and went to heaven. Sakura did all kinds on ministrations on him from sucking to licking to stroking to licking his testicles she even put her mouth in one of them completely. Naruto moan louder he felt like he was about to reach his climax and it seems it was going to be a big one, that's when Sakura stop and got back to her feet she was giving a very arousal look. Naruto took her arousal look and trade places with her he went down and reach for her clit and lick it real fast follow by putting two fingers in her, Sakura's result was a loud moan follow by mentioning his name begging him to continue and never stop. Naruto felt all the juices that were coming from her pussy he stop rubbing her clit and went to lick all her juices once he was clean he lick her clit follow by licks to her hole.
Sakura was reaching her limit she really loved this Naruto was an amazing lover he knew exactly how to please her in every way, she was going to hate doing this but she order Naruto to stop his ministrations making him look confuse. She gave him a wicked grin she was going to try that new position she saw in the book that Ino gave her she told the blond ninja to lift her right leg up and so he did, but Naruto knew already what she had in mind he hold her leg and inserted his manhood in her pussy both moan as they began the act of sex. Naruto thrust faster in her as Sakura was moving her hips doing her part in the pleasurable act both moan loudly as they increased their speed.
Naruto didn't know if he could increased but he try he move faster while Sakura increase her speed too, Naruto had another thing in mind he lift Sakura's other legs and lift her up completely now he was the only one doing all the work but he didn't mind he move faster while Sakura wrap her arms around his neck while moaning loudly. Naruto kissed adding his tongue Sakura took his tongue without thinking, both moan while they were on their tongue war they knew they reaching their climax it was going to be one to remember.
Naruto gently put her on the ground she open her legs while rubbing her clit faster Naruto grab his member and started stocking it, they both came Sakura released a huge wave of her nectar on the ground while Naruto released an amazing wave of cum which hit Sakura's face she open her mouth to gladly receive it. Their orgasm was over they both breath hard as they were exhausted from their work out, Sakura grab all of the cum from her face and lick it all she loved his seed so she swallow it with pride. Naruto got seated next to her they both embrace each other naked they looked to the night sky filled with stars it was truly a beautiful night.
After a few minutes they got dressed and they look at the top of the Hokage mountain they notice that Konohamaru and Moegi were already gone looks like they have left before they started their love making.
“Its late we should go back” Naruto said
Sakura nodded” yeah I have to work early tomorrow”
“Come on Sakurachan I'll walk you home”
“Are you sure I don't want to bother you?” she said worry
“You never bother me Sakurachan so let's go”
“Al right”
They walk back silently not saying a word to one another Sakura was thinking about the session that they just had.
(That was amazing best fuck I had and Naruto doesn't look so tire)
(I think he can take another round?) inner Sakura added
(Cool it you pervert for now this is enough and I'm tire)
(Spoilsport) inner Sakura said while stucking her tongue like a little kid
Naruto was deep in thought he loved what he did with Sakura but now he felt more guilty than ever he has cheated on his girlfriend Hinata yet again he couldn't take it anymore it was the last draw.
(That's it I can't take it anymore I have to tell Hinatachan tomorrow I will tell her even if I will regret it for the rest of my life)
To be continued
Well looks like Naruto is finally coming clean what will happen will Hinata handle it find out in the next chapter. I am going to try and update this story more often so feel free to leave me your comments and reviews but no flames or I will delete them. So how was that lemon huh not to shabby farewell until the next chapter.