Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Tamming Two Hearts or Breaking One ❯ The Hyuga's Temptation ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 13 The Hyuga's temptation
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto it's the truth
Naruto woke up to find himself in a warm sunny beach the sea was so blue and beautiful, and the sound of the waves crashing was so relaxing he felt like he could get some peace of mind. He got up and notice that he was wearing a couple of blue swim trunks it was obvious since he was on the beach, he walk and smile as he felt the wet sand because of the waves he continues walking with a big smile.
Naruto turn the other way and what he saw made him blush till no end, he was looking at Sakura wearing a red swimsuit barely covering her body. The top was a thin string exposing her small frame and the bottom was a thin string covering a little of her private parts. Naruto had a nose bleed while his manhood reacted to the piece of fabric that supposed to be a swimsuit and just before he tried to do anything or even say a word.
Naruto then saw Hinata next to Sakura and he had another nose bleed, she was wearing the same swimsuit as Sakura but it was colored navy blue. His eyes were about to be pop out from his head seeing her beautiful cleavage on the piece of string it look like it was ready to blow by the force of her powerful frame. He look at both beauties with lust and passion he wasn't going to waste time he was going to devour the two kunoichi's.
“No Naruto you can only chose one of us” Sakura said while rubbing her breast
“Narutokun you want me right?” Hinata said while pinching her nipples
Naruto gulp” I…I…..I… I have to choose between the two of you?”
“Yes Naruto” Sakura said in a seductive tone while removing her small swimsuit revealing her naked form
“Narutokun you think I'm sexy right?” Hinata said in a naughty voice she remove her swimsuit
Now Naruto felt like his manhood was about to blow staring at a naked Sakura and naked Hinata and he gasp seeing them rubbing their clit. Sakura pinch her nipples and slid her fingers in and out she then rub her clit faster while moaning Naruto's name. Hinata did the same while rubbing her clit quickly she slid her fingers in and out and she also suck her nipples while playing with her voluptuous breast. Naruto remove his pants revealing his full erected manhood both kunoichi's blush and stare hungrily at his member, they lick their lips at the amazing sight before them. Naruto saw how wet both of their pussies were they were begging to be penetrated by him he didn't wanted to bang only one he wanted both of them and got closer to them while they were still masturbating.
“NARUTO FUCK ME” Sakura shouted in a desperate tone
“NO NARUTOKUN FUCK ME” Hinata said in a pleading tone
He smirk wickedly at the two” better yet I'll fuck both of you”
Just before he got close enough to them everything turned black; Naruto woke up in his apartment he cursed while looking below noticing his manhood was in morning wood mode again.
“Not again damn I need help” he got off from his bed and took a very cold shower
After the shower he went to the kitchen and eat a couple of noodle cups and got dressed, he left his apartment in search for Konohamaru since he had another day of training with the young genin.
Forest outside of Konoha
Sakura and Moegi were doing some physical training they were having sparring match and it was no pretty sight since the outcome of the match always leaves some destructive results to the environment. Sakura was annoyed the reason they were training outside of the village was because so far in their training they have destroy three training grounds and it was giving Tsunade a headache to fix them again so she told her to train outside of the village. Sakura however didn't argue about her sensei's decision after all having the whole forest as their training field was better than a training ground which was only half of a forest. She then focus to her match with her apprentice Moegi who was giving her one hell of a workout, she smile in her mind she was very proud of her she has learn a lot during the past weeks.
She was also very happy to have a student to follow in her footsteps and not just that but she has developed a close friendship with Moegi it was the kind of relationship that brother and sister have. She admit that to her Moegi was more like a little sister to her rather than her student the thought made her happy, they become such good friends that they always went to the mall to buys some cloths and other stuffs like weapons. She gaze at Moegi who was now wearing a familiar uniform from hers, she was wearing a yellow vest just like Sakura's vest only different was the fish nets design on the sleeves she wasn't wearing a skirt like hers just a pair of red shorts with some bandages wrap on her right leg her shuriken hostlers was on left leg and her kunai pouch was on the right side of her back she was also wearing a pair of black boots who were identical to Sakura's her leaf headband was red just like hers and finally she was wearing the same black gloves as hers. Another thing she was proud of Moegi was the fact that unlike her she told the person she loves the truth in time before someone else took him from her, she was thankful she took her advice and she won't have to suffer like her destined not to have the boy she loves and adores with all her heart.
She grins as she saw Moegi charging at her with a fist glowing with chakra she dodge it with ease and Moegi hit the ground instead leaving a huge crater, she counter with a kick which Moegi dodge it with a back flip. Sakura gasp when she was grab by a Moegi clone from behind but she anticipated her move when one of her own clones came and hit the Moegi clone making it vanish. Moegi took a kunai and charge at her while Sakura and her clone took a kunai as well they began clashing their kunais, she grin suddenly a Moegi clone came from hiding in a tree and attack the Sakura clone making it vanish. Sakura took the opportunity and charge her fist with chakra she hit both of them and they vanish in a cloud of smoke. Sakura gasp they were both shadow clones Moegi appear behind her and hit her with her own fist charge with chakra, Sakura's body was replace by a wooden log.
Sakura landed in front of her with a smile” good work Moegi you are getting better now let's take a break”
“Right sensei”
They went to pick their back packs and they took a small bottle of water, while Moegi was drinking her water she gaze at her teacher and she wasn't drinking her water she look like she was in deep thought she had a pretty god idea what she was thinking she was worry and it wouldn't hurt to ask.
“What's wrong sensei?”
“Huh?” Sakura said while snapping back to reality”
“I said if you're okay you look like you have something on your mind?”
“Nah I'm fine I was just thinking about others things I have to do I also have to work at the hospital its hard being popular you know” she said the last part with a hint of humor
Moegi sighed knowing that she was lying she look at her bottle of water” sensei I know that you like Naruto”
Sakura's eyes widened she took a sip of her bottle before looking at her student” how long did you knew?”
“For a while now I can clearly see you like him very much”
“Please Moegi I don't want to talk about it” she said in a whisper
“But you love him right there's nothing wrong if you love someone very much” Moegi said in matter to cheer her teacher up
“But it's wrong to love him when he's with someone else it's not right”
“Love is a wonderful thing sensei it's not wrong to be in love with someone especially when you know him for years”
“I know what you're trying to say Moegi but I still don't like it I don't know what to do about these feelings I have for him”
“Do you miss him?”
Sakura blush of course she misses him she wants him to be by her side forever she haven't forgotten when they had sex a few days ago near the Hokage stones faces, she lick her lips she could still taste Naruto's seed in her mouth and it was addictive and intoxicating. Moegi was staring at her teacher with a confuse look she was blushing while giggling she obviously got the idea that she was the thinking about the blond ninja.
“I'll take your blushing and giggling as a yes” Moegi said with a smirk
Sakura sighed” I guess anyone can see it clearly that I like him”
“So what are you going to do sensei?”
“What do you mean?”
“You know what are you going to do with Naruto?”
She shook her head” nothing leave things the way they are I can't interfere in Naruto and Hinata's relationship”
“But sensei….” Moegi was cut off by Sakura
“Moegi I now what are you trying to do and I really appreciate it but this is what I have chosen I don't want to hurt Hinata and she's deserves to have Naruto not me” she said while giving her student a quick hug
“But still it hurts, doesn't it hurt you sensei you love him very much and he's already with someone else but you can't have him and no matter what you do you can't forget him from your heart”
Sakura chuckle” yes Moegi I'm well aware of this feeling it hurts but when I think about it Naruto has experience worst pain than me and he was able to overcome it so why can't I do the same I will be strong like him that's my way of the ninja”
“Sensei I hope you find happiness like me”
“Oh yeah that's right you have Konohamaru now” she patted Moegi on the head
Moegi giggle while blushing they finish drinking their water and got back up to their feet
“Al right Moegi break time is over time to get back to training”
“Yeah and this time I will beat you”
Sakura smirk” you still need more training if you want to beat me”
“I will beat you this time”
“Oh is that a challenge?” Sakura said in amusement
“Then bring it” Sakura said playfully
The two went back to their usual training spot and got back to the fight at hand
Training ground number seven
Naruto and Konohamaru were having one of their training routines, and so far it was even they were fighting another shadow clone showdown it was fifty Naruto clones against ten Konohamaru clones. Even if the numbers were against him Konohamaru was not showing any sings of giving up his clones charge and they punch and kick every clone in their path. Naruto was impress the way Konohamaru was fighting he was really improving he could take on fifty of his clones, he felt proud for the young genin he was getting stronger and who knows maybe someday he will get stronger than him. Konohamaru successfully defeated all of the Naruto clones they all vanish while his own clones vanish, he smile he won the match it wasn't easy but he did it he was he saw his teacher walking towards him and just when he was about to gloat to him for his victory he fell to the ground.
Naruto caught him just in time before hitting the ground” easy Konohamaru you're exhausted you push yourself too hard”
Konohamaru gave him a weak smile” I did it boss I beat you”
“Yeah you did but you must know I was holding back on you” Naruto said giving his fox grin
Konohamaru grin” yeah I know that boss but soon you will have to fight me without holding back”
“Yeah maybe and with the way you're improving it could be sooner than you think”
“Come on let's continue training”
“Konohamaru you can barely stand I'll take you to your house we'll continue training tomorrow”
Naruto pick up his student and carried him on his back, they left the training ground and into the streets of the village. After walking for a few minutes he arrived at Konohamaru's house which was big since he's the grandson of the late third Hokage and nephew of Asuma who also die the Sarutobi name was very popular as well as wealthy. He knocked on the front door when it was open and he was met by Ebisu who has taken responsibility to take care of Konohamaru. When Ebisu find out that Konohamaru was part of Naruto's new team he didn't disagree after all he knew that Naruto is the son of the fourth Hokage so he supported Naruto in taking Konohamaru as his student.
“Oh Naruto what brings you here?” Ebisu then notice the exhausted Konohamaru on his back” Konohamaru is he al right?”
“He's fine he's just tire from our training he fought well he's getting stronger so I came to drop him here and let him rest”
Ebisu” of course everyone needs rest please do you want to come inside?”
“No it's al right I'm on my way to eat some ramen well I better get going see you later Ebisu”
“Wait Naruto?”
Naruto looked back at him” what is it?”
“You have become into a great ninja the third Hokage and you're father the fourth must be very proud of you” Ebisu said while smiling
Naruto gave a warm smile” thank you Ebisu you don't know how much that means to me” he then left the house
He walked the streets with a happy face the training with Konohamaru have really open up his appetite and he was heading to Ichiraku to eat all the ramen he could eat. When he was near Ichiraku he was surprised to see Neji standing in front of the ramen stand.
“Oh Neji hi”
The Hyuga look at him and smile” hello Naruto I trust you are well?”
“You bet I'm going to eat some ramen”
“I see before you go to eat I was ask by Hinata to tell you to meet her at the hot baths tonight”
Naruto blink” really Hinatachan wants to see me at the hot baths okay then I'll go there tonight thanks for telling me Neji”
Neji stood quiet for a few seconds before speaking” Naruto can I have a word with you?”
“Yeah sure I can wait to eat ramen so what is it that you want to talk to me about?”
“Naruto you know I care about Hinata and you but I have been worry lately I can sense that you have been a little distant with Hinata lately is there's something wrong?”
Naruto try to give a very good excuse enough to convince Neji” no Neji nothing's wrong if I have been distant with her it's because I don't have enough time to spend with her you know I've been busy with Konohamaru's training and I'm sure she's busy with missions and now that she's the head of the Hyuga clan's main branch so I guess we haven't been together lately it really bugs me out but that's okay now that will be seeing each other tonight”
Neji stare at Naruto's eyes” is that the only reason why you have been distant with Hinata?”
Naruto made a soft gulp” y…yeah that's the only reason what else could there be?”
Neji activated his byakugan” you're lying Naruto your heart beat speed has increased and your upper lip is trembling why are you lying?”
Naruto looked very nervous” I am not lying I'm telling you the truth”
Neji smirk” you're lying again”
Naruto gulp” look Neji I'm hungry and I really want to eat I'll see you later” he then enter Ichiraku
Neji walk off with a serious look on his face he now he knew that there was something going on with Naruto he had the proof when he was lying so there was only one question he was asking himself.
(Naruto what are you hiding?)
Back at Ichiraku Naruto has order his meal and he was thinking about tonight he knew that once he takes action there was no turning back.
(Neji is suspicious and it wont be long before he finds out the truth I have no choice tonight at the hot baths I will tell Hinatachan the truth)
Sakura was walking towards the hospital she sighed knowing it was going to be another hard day in the office, when she open the door she ran into Ino who smile at her.
“Hey there you are Sakura I was looking for you I thought you were going to work today?”
“I am I just finish training with Moegi and now I'm going to work”
“Well before you go to work I want to ask you did the book help?”
Sakura raise an eyebrow and decided to act stupid” what book?”
“You know what book I'm talking about the sex position book?” Ino said with a smirk
Sakura blush” oh that book no I haven't seen it”
“Yeah right you must have taken a look already and…..did you give it a good use?” she grin
Sakura blush harder remembering the position she did with Naruto and it was amazing she giggle a little and saw Ino smirking.
“Maybe I did” Sakura said still blushing
“Good I knew it will help you now I have something else for you” Ino said giving her a video cassette
Sakura took the cassette” what's this?”
“It's a movie silly”
Sakura read the title of the movie” sex education 101” she blush like a tomato” WHAT Ino… this…..a hentai movie?”
Ino nodded with a smile” you bet it's a good movie I have already try it with Chouji it works wonders….” She paused as she saw Sakura looking at her with a shocking expression” what?”
“I can't believe this my best friend is a total pervert no worst you're a sex junkie”
Ino frown” no I think the sex junkie fits you more than me”
Sakura growl” I am NOT a sex junkie you're the one who keeps bringing me sex stuff”
“Sakura I'm worry about you and I want to help you I know you are going trough a difficult time with the hold Naruto thing so that's why I'm helping you relieve your sexual stress it's not healthy to have all that stress bottle up inside”
“Gee thanks” Sakura said in a sarcastic tone
“Seriously Sakura take it it's a good movie” Ino said while giving her a wink
Sakura sighed” al right I'll take it but you will give it to me later after I leave work okay?”
“Fine I will see you later” she left with the movie
Sakura sighed again as she walk the halls of the hospital
(I have become into a big time pervert I wonder how good the movie is?)
It was nightfall in the village Naruto was now heading towards the hot baths he didn't know why would Hinata wanted him to come in the night knowing that they were never any people using the baths. For him tonight was going to be a bad evening because he has finally made up his mind he was going to tell her the truth he couldn't take it anymore keeping this secret from her it's been killing him he never to tell her and get it over with. He knew that Hinata was going to be devastated when she finds out but it was worst if he keep it a secret from her for so long, so he walk towards the hot baths with confidence and he pray that it wasn't going to be the last night he would spend with Hinata. Once he arrived at the hot baths he notice that the place was still open of course it was going to remain open for a couple of hours so he went inside, he saw that there was no one in the front desk it look like there was one in the place working.
He shrug his shoulders he will pay when he leaves he change his uniform and put a towel around his torso, he open the sliding door of the men's area and he wasn't surprise there was no one in the bath he took off his towel and went to hot water. He sighed happily the hot water was really relaxing the water was good to help the muscles especially when you had a busy day from training or a mission. He inhale the wonderful steam coming from the hot water while sitting in a comfortable position he was now more relax than ever, he then took a look at the wooden wall that separates the men's area and the women's he wonder if Hinata was already there. Since there was no one in the area he got up from the water and went to the wooden wall he started looking if there was anyone in the area, for a moment he felt like Jiraiya he chuckle at the memory and continued looking once he saw that his girlfriend wasn't there and since there wasn't any women in the area he went back to his position in the water. He relax once again he felt like taking a nap but his thoughts of sleeping were interrupted when the sliding door open he thought it was some guy who was going to enjoy the hot water but he was wrong it was no man the person who enter he gasp seeing the person in front of him.
“Hinatachan what are you doing here this is the men's area” he said shock while looking at his girlfriend who was only wearing a white towel around her body
Hinata gave a innocent look” oops I guess I got the wrong area, oh well it's better being with you this close”
“Hinatachan you can't be here you're supposed to be in the women's area” he felt like an idiot here she was wanting to be with him and he was trying to convince her to leave
Hinata giggle” it's al right Narutokun I have a conversation with the owner of the baths and let's just say that for tonight it's going to be a share bath”
Naruto blink in surprise” really well if that's truth then I guess its okay for you to be here”
She giggle again as she reach for her towel” well I won't be needing this” she took off her towel showing her heavenly naked body
Naruto gulp while blushing he felt his member reacting even with the hot water he could feel his member getting bigger, he saw Hinata walking towards him in a very sensual manner she reach for him and kiss him softly. Naruto kiss her back with passion and now his manhood has reach his erection level limit which it was an impressive level. Hinata broke the kiss and made him got up from the water she smile while looking at his full erected member she made him sit in a corner outside of the water. She kiss him again while grabbing his member and gave it a soft squeeze making Naruto groan a little, as she broke the kiss she look into his blue eyes and smiled sweetly at him.
“I'm so glad that we finally have some time for ourselves I have been quite busy”
“Yeah me too” he said with a grin
“Tell me Narutokun” she said while facing his hard member” I know you have been busy with Konohamaru's training but I notice that you suddenly have been keeping your distance from me why is that?” she said in a sweet tone she then gave a quick lick to the tip of his member
Naruto groan while breathing hard” I…..Hinatachan I don't know what are you talking about I….AH” he moan as Hinata was slowly licking the tip
“Narutokun tell me the truth I know that there's something wrong with you so please tell me I'm worry” she continue licking the tip of his manhood
Naruto groan (I can't believe Hinatachan is doing this so I could tell her the truth damn)
Hinata smile” so you won't tell me okay Narutokun I have ways of making you talk” with that said she lick the tip while stroking it making Naruto groan in pleasure
She then took his member into her mouth she suck it very slowly in a torture like way, Naruto felt like he was being punish even if he deserve to be punish after what he did, Hinata was teasing him so much it was making him very desperate. Hinata didn't know how long she could keep up the teasing torture session she was getting turn on herself and it wouldn't be long before she was taken over by the pleasure. She stop her sucking and look at him she could tell he was desperate and turn on too it was working so far she stroke his member a little before giving him an innocent look.
“Well Narutokun are you ready to tell me the truth?”
“Hinatachan I already told you the truth” Naruto said while groaning Hinata was rubbing his member
“Maybe I believe you…..maybe not” she left her best tactic for last she knew her boyfriend was going to love it
Naruto's eyes widened he saw Hinata putting his manhood between her breasts she started moving them up and down, he groan feeling her breast rubbing his manhood.
(Damn I love it when she does that but right now she's using it to torture me dear Kami it feels so good)
Hinata speed up her actions on his member she added more pleasure as she took the tip into her mouth and suck it with satisfaction, Naruto moan he could feel the pleasure building up and it wouldn't be long before he climax. Hinata felt her wetness between her legs it was a lot she was getting desperate herself she wanted now to have her boyfriend's manhood inside of her. Naruto was about to blow some of his seed was dripping from the tip, that's when Hinata stop her actions on him he look at her surprise why did she stop suddenly.
“Narutokun I'm not letting you come until you tell me the truth” Hinata said with a smirk
Naruto growl (SCREW THIS SHIT)
Hinata gasp when Naruto grab her by force and took her in his arms he tongue kiss her while massaging her breast, he pinch her nipples and with his other hand he rub her clit. Hinata broke from the kiss and moan loudly she growl this isn't what she had in mind it wasn't going with her plan.
She growl she was expecting to make him tell her the truth but she let it flew from her mind she was too horny and she wanted this more than anything, she kiss him again before moaning. She was about to grab his hard member but Naruto didn't let her he wanted to give pleasure only her since he already had enough torture pleasure from her, he continued to kiss her while massaging her breast and rubbing her clit. Hinata was now moaning in desperation even if she love what Naruto was doing to her she was getting desperate to have contact with his member.
“Narutokun what are you doing stop I want you inside of me” she said in a pleading tone

Naruto gave her a wicked grin” no not yet since you teased me I'm going to do the same Hinatachan beg for it I want to hear you scream”
He stop rubbing her clit he wasn't going to let her come he massage and pinch her nipples he kiss her lips and her neck he then suck her nipples. Hinata moan louder she was too desperate now she couldn't take it anymore she wanted to feel his manhood and she wanted now.
“Narutokun…..please I want you” she said while moaning
“Do you want it now?”
She moan again” YES NOW”
“Finally because I want it now”
He put her in the floor and he open her legs he look at her pussy which was very wet he grin it was expected after teasing her a lot, he took his hard member and penetrate Hinata's pussy both moan feeling the wonderful sensation. He pound her faster there was no way he was going to do it slower he was taken over by his hormones and with the torture Hinata did to him he was very horny. Both moan loud as he continue to pound her, the steam of the water was getting thicker because of their actions. The only thing that could be heard from the hot baths were the moaning and the erotic sound of their bodies colliding with one another. Naruto got tire of the position he got seated and put Hinata on top of him both continued their actions he kiss her while licking her breast he then grab and squeezed her butt tight follow by a couple of spankings. Hinata moan in delight she love getting spank by her boyfriend, Naruto quicken his pounding while Hinata did the same he suck her nipples while spanking her.
They continued their actions while kissing feeling their climax getting near.
Both moan loudly as their orgasm hit them hard Naruto release a huge wave of his seed into Hinata's pussy both stood still waiting until the feeling of their orgasm faded. They both kiss passionately while Hinata giggle this was the best sex she has ever had with her boyfriend however she was never expected to the news she was about to hear from her boyfriend. She embrace him wanting to stay like this forever with him, after a couple of minutes she heard sniffing she look at her boyfriend and saw him crying he was crying like he was in pain. She didn't understood why he was crying after doing their love making seeing him cry was the last thing to see from him, she got worry something was definitely wrong.
“Narutokun what's wrong?” she said worry
Naruto continue to cry after what he did with her he was about to tell her the most devastating news ever it was going to kill but he had to do this, he look into her pale eyes which they were full of concern he took her hand and kiss her he kept looking into her eyes.
“Hinatachan I'm sorry”
“What what do you mean?” she said confuse
“Please forgive me I did something unforgivable I know you have every right to hate me but I have to tell you I can't kept this from you any longer” he said with tears in his blue eyes
Hinata was scare she though of the worst to happen” Narutokun are you going to tell me the truth?” she said in a scare tone
Naruto nodded while sniffing” yeah I'm sorry Hinatachan but I……I ….c…..I cheated on you with another girl”
He look at her, her pale eyes show no sing of life she immediately broke her hold from his hand she stood still she started trembling like she was freezing to death even if she was in a hot bath. Silent tears were form from her pale eyes she prayed to Kami that this was one horrible nightmare and if it was she wanted to wake up now.
“What did you say?” she said in fear hoping that she heard wrong
Naruto took a deep breath hoping to have more courage to tell her” Hinatachan I cheated on you with another girl”
The tears were now falling from her cheeks her upper lip trembling she could feel her heart shattering into a million pieces.
Naruto gulp” with Sakurachan”
She sob silently she couldn't believe what she was hearing he cheated on her with her teammate the girl he used to have a never ending crush.
“How long?”
“Three weeks” he said sobbing” I'm sorry Hinatachan I really am please forgive me if you want to hit me then go ahead hit me I deserve it I deserve more if you want to hate me then hate me if it makes you better”
Hinata was sobbing hard she felt like she was about to break into a million pieces Naruto was about to embrace her but she stop him.
“DON'T TOUCH ME” she shouted upset she sob again while shaking her head” I knew it……..I knew it……I was never good enough for you Narutokun”
(WHAT) Naruto shouted in disbelief
Hinata left the water and pick up her towel she wrap t around her body and left the area she quickly got dress and left the hot baths running while crying. Naruto try to caught up to her but it was too late she was already gone, he went to the water and hope the earth will come and swallow him he felt like not existing in this world. He continue to cry it was the only thing he could do it hurt him so much to see her expression and now there was nothing he could do Hinata will obviously hate him for good and eventually she will end her relationship with him. He felt so hurt the same girl who had a crush on him since the academy the same girl who was inspire by him to get stronger it was the same girl which he cheated and now he was paying the consequences, he pray to Kami to make things normal again but he had a feeling that after this they weren't and it will probably get worst.
(What have I done Hinatachan I'm sorry)
To be continued
Wow Naruto had a lot of courage to go trough with this poor Hinata what will happen now that she knows the truth how will Sakura take it will she take advantage of the situation find out in the next chapter now I'm going back with the ultimate tournament I have lots of ideas for the story farewell.