Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Naruto Chronicles ❯ Fem. Haku ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Not all of these will end up as a happily ever after, so don't be surprised if a few end so. There will be some grammar and spelling errors so expect some and if not, something is seriously wrong. And yes every chapter will be a one shot not entirely based on the lemon but more on a possible relationship building between the two with lemons all squeezed into one long one-shot. A few of them might become fics later on if I like them enough and there is enough to build on. There will be some slight bashing of characters during the fic, but never to much and it will be different people for the most part (mainly because everyone has something about them that I hate, i.e. Kakashi non existent training of Naruto, Sasuke's prick attitude and betrayal, Sakura for sometimes being a bitch and belittling Naruto, Jiraiya and his suppose training of Naruto during the two and a half years, etc...). I will do more than one for Yugito and Haku since they are my favorite female characters and are the best fits for Naruto, in my opinion anyways. This is obviously in the Wave arc so Naruto is 12 while Haku is 14 and is a girl, NOT a boy. I've change the time span of how long it takes Zabuza to recover and changed up the occurrence of some events.

I Do Not Own Naruto. Otherwise Haku would have lived and been a girl so I could get the two together with Yugito.


Chapter 2 Fem. Haku

A young girl wearing a pink kimono was walking through the forest looking for herbs to help her precious person recover. She had a creamy pale skin complexion and had her brown hair flowing down to her waist and had eyes deep brown eyes that showed joy and sorrow. She was moving to another area to collect more herbs when she noticed something bright and flashy in the distance. Curious as to what it was, she went to check it out. She moved silently towards the source and noticed it was the blonde Konoha shinobi that managed to get Zabuza to release his hold on Kakashi.

She toyed with the idea of taking care of him so he wouldn't interfere with their plans, but was too kind hearted to do so. She walked forward to check on him when she noticed he was sweating heavily and thrashing around as if something was attacking him. She figured it was a bad dream and went to wake him up when she heard him speak in his sleep. "Stop... please... I don't want to be hurt anymore... I'm not a demon... Am I?"

She stopped dead in her tracks as she heard him and to say she was surprised was an understatement yet Naruto sleep talking wasn't finished yet.

"Please stop... it hurts... what did I do to deserve this..."

Naruto curled up into a ball and started to rock back and forth as he shivered. Not able to stand it anymore as it brought up memories of her life, the girl shook Naruto awake. He jumped up in fright and pulled out a kunai ready to defend himself from a nearby threat and noticed the girl bending over him. Naruto looked at her with distrust at first, but put his kunai away deeming her as not a threat.

The girl noticed the darkness in his blue eyes and how different they were from their vibrant blue as he fought Zabuza. Shaking that off, she kneeled down next to him. "Sorry about that. It looked like you were having a bad dream so I woke you up from it."

Naruto winced at those words and mumbled under his breath so low that it was almost unable to be heard... almost. "Dream, tch."

The girl's heart dropped as she heard that. 'It wasn't a dream. That means it was a memory...' She took a deep breath to calm herself down before speaking. "So what were you doing out here that you fell asleep?"

Naruto looked at her and decided to answer honestly. "I was out here training so I can become stronger."

She nodded in understanding. "Why do you want to become stronger? You already seem pretty strong to me."

Naruto looked darkly at that making her wonder what she had said to get that kind of reaction. After the short pause, the girl was about to ask what was wrong when he spoke. "Strong huh, never been called that before. Normally it's dobe, kainashi, yajuu, oni-gaki..."

He stopped there not really needing to continue as the girl looked stunned at the revelation. 'Has he had no one to encourage him?'

As she though that Naruto answered her unasked question. "The only positive things I get are from Hokage-ojij, Iruka-sensei, Teuchi-ojij, Ayame-nee-chan, Konohomaru and oddly enough Sasuke-teme, even if it is just a grunt."

The girl broke out of her thoughts and put on a forced smile. "So your jounin instructor one of your precious people."

Naruto rolled his eyes and spoke with contempt. "That asshole, no. He is more interested in training Sasuke-teme and Sakura over me. This is the first time he has actually attempted to train me in something while he taught Sasuke some fire jutsu and gave Sakura some sessions in genjutsu. He hasn't eve bothered once to help me train once."

The girl wince at his tone but did believe it was appropriate. During the pregnant pause noticed the herbs in her basket. "Hey, you need help finding herbs?"

She looked surprised at his question but answered. "Yes, it would be helpful. Oh, by the way, my name is Haku."

Naruto lightly smiled at her. "I'm Uzumaki Naruto."

Haku smiled at him and offered a hand to help him up, which he accepted.


"Here's one." Naruto pulled out a green moss looking plant and gave it to Haku.

She looked somewhat stunned at his knowledge of plants and what they do so she asked. "Um... Naruto, how do you know this much about plants?"

Naruto smiled lightly at Haku's question. "I love to garden so I keep books on what plants do what so I can use them when needed."

Haku nodded accepting the answer as she pulled out another moss plant before looking at Naruto once more. "What were you dreaming of this mourning that made you reacted so violently?" Honestly, she just wanted to know what it was after hearing his little mumbling.

Naruto shook his head as he pulled up another plant. "It wasn't a dream. It was memories I thought I've berried long ago."

Haku winced as he said that. 'So it is true.' She looked to the ground with some sadness seen in her eyes.

Naruto noticed this but that wasn't what intrigued him. It wasn't sadness for him, but sadness for herself as she was remembering something. Walking over to her Naruto poked her shoulder making Haku jump as she wasn't expecting that. Naruto looked at her and spoke. "You know it helps to talk about your pain otherwise it just bottle up inside."

Her eyes widen slightly but she managed to cover it up quickly. "I don't know what you’re talking about."

Naruto's eyebrow rose at that. "You eyes say it all, but if you don't want to say anything about to me it's alright."

He shrugged his shoulders and went back to picking more herbs as Haku mentally fought over whether or not to tell him. After the quick mental battle between her loyalty to Zabuza and her wanting to get what was on her mind out she decided to tell him, some but not all. She sighed before breathing deeply. "You might want to sit down; this is going to take awhile."

Naruto nodded and sat down using a tree for cushioning as Haku sat down Indian style in front of him. "Well, I guess I'll start from the beginning."

Haku took a deep breath before continuing. "The day I was born my kaa-san hid my true gender from my tou-san since he wanted a son saying that a daughter would make his life miserable. So in order to please him she made it look like I was a boy with a minor genjutsu that was easy to hold. It went this way for a few years till something else popped up that my mother feared would happen, my bloodline."

Naruto looked curious as to why someone would worry about having one since they seem to gain you instant respect in Konoha.

Haku seeing this decided to inform him. "I was born in Mizu no Kuni. There, the people hate bloodlines with an extreme passion saying they are yajuus." Naruto winced at this part but let her continue on. “There was so many of them that they manage to convince the government to go on a bloodline purge, killing anyone in Mizu that had one. My kaa-san was one of those that managed to escape and hide herself from them while most others were not as fortunate. She married my father who happened to be one of the bloodline haters, and when she realized it she hid my power away from myself."

Naruto nodded in understanding, who would want their child to be killed for something they couldn't control, which made him feel more connected to the girl in front of him.

"Now as I was saying one day my kaa-san saw me perform our bloodline, the Aisuseishi or ice control. She reprimanded me for it and told me to never use it in front of tou-san. I did so, but on one day I was attacked by a large wolf and was forced to use it in self defense. Tou-san saw it and went away. I ran to the house to see him covered in my kaa-san's blood. He came towards me calling me a yajuu and tried to stab me. In self defense I activated my bloodline and had a blade of ice run through his heart, killing him instantly."

Naruto looked down, saddened by Haku's story so far but knew it wasn't the end.

"I became an orphan that day and had to dig through trash just to survive. I couldn't use my bloodline to help since people were still after us. I was without a purpose and a life. It continued this way until he came and rescued me."

Haku purposely left out the he was Zabuza, but Naruto didn't need to know that but she knew he would ask. "Who's he?"

She deeply sighed, hating when she was right. "He is my master, the one that saved me from my darkness. He took me away with him and gave me a purpose to live for him and serve him without question. He is my only precious person and I will do anything to protect him."

After listening to the story, Naruto had to agree if he were in her position, he would have done the same. But that still didn't make it right that she was nothing but a mere slave to him. He sighed knowing he couldn't do anything about it before he tried to get up, but was stopped as Haku grabbed his shoulder and pushed him back down. "Now since I told you mine, you will tell me why your eyes show the same kind of darkness."

Naruto's eyes widen and cursed his luck knowing only a miracle could get him out of this. And that miracle occurred.

"Hey dobe! Where are you." came from a slightly pissed Sasuke.

Haku cursed her luck while Naruto was praising whatever deity that was up there for getting him out of it. Haku looked down on him and was about to leave when Sasuke found them. "What the... I don't even want to know. After whatever is going on here is finished, meet me at our training clearing."

With that said Sasuke turned around and walked off leaving a smirk on Haku's face and a horrified Naruto. Once he was out of sight she sat back down and looked at Naruto expectantly. Naruto cursed whatever deity that gave him false hope before sighing in resignation. "Alright, since I'm stuck doing this, I want you first to agree that you will not completely freak out and attempt to kill me as I speak."

Haku was not expecting to hear something like that had to think about it for a second before nodding her head. "It started on October the Tenth, twelve years ago. Kyuubi no Kitsune attacked our village for reasons unknown. In order to stop it, Konoha gathered all it's shinobi to stop the incoming threat. But it couldn't be stopped. It ripped through our force like a kunai through a sheet of paper. It killed many of our shinobi and even managed to make it to our village and kill some civilians before it was stopped by the legendary Yondaime Hokage."

Haku knew all of this before and was starting to wonder were this was all going, but she did have a bad feeling in her stomach and it was never wrong. Unless she was having her period, then it would be wrong constantly. "Well in the history books it said that Kyuubi was killed by the Yondaime, but that is false. He did not have the strength to stop the kitsune so he did the next best thing... he sealed it. Now there is only one thing in the planet that had the power to seal an entity with so much power since no mere object could hold it in. A human was used, but not just any human, a newborn child."

It all clicked in Haku's head as she heard this. 'So he's the jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi no Kitsune. Did he expect me to hate him because of that?' Seeing the look on his face confirmed it and his next words did as well. Naruto lowered his head in sadness and fear, letting his bangs cover his eyes as he spoke “I guess you'll leave now that you now what I am since you probably hate me now."

Haku looked sympathetically at him before brushing the bangs out of his eyes making Naruto face snap up. "Why would I hate you for holding a creature of destruction back? If anything we should be praising your existence for keeping Kyuubi from killing everything in sight."

Hearing this had tears falling like streams from Naruto's eyes before he glomped Haku. She was surprised by the reaction and blushed somewhat as she saw where his head was between her breasts, but lightly hugged him back. After finally calming down enough Naruto let go and pushed himself back against the tree. "Thank you. Only a few people have ever accepted me for me before."

She smiled lightly at Naruto. After a pregnant pause Naruto spoke again. "I guess you want to hear about the rest huh?"

Haku nodded as she had not moved from her spot. Naruto sighed, not really wanting to do it.

"I'm just going to gloss over it since I do not want to say everything." Haku nodded in understanding as she did the same thing. "Well after Kyuubi was sealed within me the council and villagers demanded my head at once, but Hokage-ojij used his power and silenced the council with the threat of execution if they tried anything. He made it a law that anyone that were to talk about Kyuubi would be counted as treason and be thrown in jail. If I was found being beaten for the said reason it was execution. So all they could do for years was glare at me since the law."

Haku was slightly glad that the old man hokage, as he called, went that far to protect him sense Naruto seemed to be very kind individual.

"But on my six birthday things change. They realized that if there were a lot of people doing it a one time, he wouldn't be able to do anything other than imprisonment since it would be seen as unjustified to the Daimyo's eyes and would help the council oust him. So they came after me and gave me a beating I have never quite experienced before. If it weren't for the Anbu and Hokage-ojij arriving on time I would most likely have been burned alive as I was crucified."

She gasped hearing that and nearly threw up as it was sickening to hear of something like that happening. And to a six year old no less! Once she managed to regain control over her stomach she looked at Naruto in shock.

"That was the worse beaten I ever had and they never got worse than that. But they continued weekly after I got out of the hospital. And because the orphanage refused to take me back in I had to live on the streets until the old man got me an apartment, but they trashed it and continued my beatings anyway. In order to stop it Hokage-ojij had Anbu watching me at all times to keep it from happening. Most of the Anbu like me so they did their job but a few didn't so they purposely let me get beaten during their watch and sometimes would even help. All this was before I got into the academy. Once in the academy I was treated like I was outside. They would give me questions that no one in the room could answer, including themselves."

He sighed and wiped his forehead before continuing. "It was like this for three years and every year I failed the gennin exam since they allowed me to take it early. This last exam I failed one of my teachers tricked me into stealing a scroll by saying it would allow me to pass. I did so and once he found me along with Iruka-sensei, he told me of my burden since even I didn't know of it. I naturally freaked out, but thanks to Iruka-sensei for accepting me I was able to overcome it and stop him from procuring the scroll. After that I became a gennin and well, the rest is history since I'm here."

Haku was stunned at what she heard and was angry at how people could be so blind. "I guess we are alike in some ways. We both were considered yajuu by the people from where we were born and had past we both wished never happened."

Naruto nodded having the same thought track going through his mind. Haku sighed a bit before smiling at him. "But at least we found someone that we hold precious to us."

He nodded at the assessment before speaking. "So you consider Zabuza precious to you then." Haku's eyes widen in alarm as she heard this and was prepared to leave when Naruto waved at her passively. "I won't tell anyone. I really should but after our little conversation I feel strangely connected to you and it would feel right to betray you after spilling we spilled our hearts out to each other."

She had a small smile on her face but then turned confused. "Um, how did you know?"

Naruto smirked and tapped his nose. "I do have one good thing from the furball. It does give me heightened senses so I remembered your scent." Naruto got up and stretched his legs. "Well I better go train with teme or he'll get worried, even if he doesn't show it."

He extended his hand to Haku which she accepted. He pulled her off the ground but used a little to much force and accidentally pulled her into his chest. Both blushed madly and locked eyes with the other and were lost in the tranquility of their eyes. The two mouths closed in and locked lips and started to lightly kiss.

After a few moments later they separated lips to get some air before locking lips once more in a much deeper and more passionate kiss. As they deepened their kiss Naruto has unconsciously laid Haku on the tree he was sitting on just minutes earlier while Haku had wrapped a leg around Naruto's waist and had a strap to her kimono fall off as they continued their little make out session. The two separated and started to kiss once more when a scream echoed throughout the forest, and probably Nami no Kuni.


A pink haired girl wearing a red dress with navy blue shorts underneath it walked into the clearing to see the two making out. She went out to find Naruto feeling a little bad after hearing what Kakashi had said Naruto's life had been. So when she walked into the clearing to find Naruto making out with a girl who, in her opinion, and truthfully, was hotter than her. So she was pissed.


Haku and Naruto stopped their make out session to see a pink haired girl storming over towards them rolling up her sleeves, planning on beating Naruto to the ground since she was jealous. Just as she was about to reach them a blue and white blur appeared between the two and grabbed the girl's fist. Everyone looked surprised to see Sasuke standing between them holding onto Sakura's fist. "Sakura."

She looked up to see a scowling Uchiha looking at her. "What do you think you're doing?"

Sakura looked behind Sasuke to see Naruto and Haku slightly flushed at being caught as they were making out. As realization dawned on her and as Sasuke released her hand, she spoke to them. "I'm sorry; I was looking for Naruto and wasn't expecting to find something like this happening."

Haku blushed as Naruto moved off her and she straightened her kimono. "Um... We weren't expecting it to happen either. It just happened."

Not wanting to hear about this anymore, Sasuke turn to Sakura. "Aren't you supposed to be guarding Tazuna?"

Sakura eyes widen and rushed towards the house. Sasuke rolled his eyes at her before starting to walk back towards where he was when Naruto stopped him. "Hey teme!"

Sasuke turned back around and glared at Naruto. "What?"

Naruto walked in front of him. "How the hell did you get her so fast? Wait you weren't watching us were you!" HE said the last part horrified at the thought.

Sasuke rolled his eyes at him. "I heard Sakura coming here and tried to intercept her. Though if I knew this would happen I might have stuck around to get a few pointers when I'm ready to revive my clan."

Hearing this, Haku spoke up. "Well I better go. By Naruto-kun." 'What the fuck? I've never called anyone kun before!'

Haku grabbed her basket and rushed out of the clearing with a major blush on her face. Naruto was in his normal horrified stance as he looked at Konoha's last loyal Uchiha.

Sasuke smirked at Naruto's stunned face. "What thought I was gay because of me never accepting any offer my fan girls give me?" Naruto numbly nodded at the statement while Sasuke scowled. "Well I'm not. It's just those girls are ravenous and don't really care for me as a person but a plaything."

Finishing that, Sasuke turned around and started to walk off once more as Naruto walked behind him still a little shell shocked. Once Naruto caught up to him he spoke. "Um... you were just kidding up watching us if that happened right."

Sasuke smirked at the Naruto. "Dobe, I may be a genius, but I know crap about pleasing a woman. So I would do almost anything to learn how to so I couldn't be outdone."

Naruto stopped horrified that his rival would actually have watched him have sex with a woman just to learn how to do it when he was ready. Sasuke walked off with a large smirk on his face as he gotten pay back for not getting Naruto to tell him the secret of tree walking.


Haku walked into the room with Zabuza lying in a bed, flipping through the channels on the TV. "There is nothing on. The fucker has over eight hundred channels and there is nothing on! What the hell!"

As soon as she heard this, Haku sweat dropped as she heard this. Shaking that off, she put the basket on the table on muttered something about people needing to have their priorities straight. Zabuza didn't notice this, but he did notice Haku. "Haku."

She turned around at him and spoke with an angry voice. "What!"

Zabuza flinched at her volume and figure it had to be two things. One, it was her time of the month or two, something had happened and it made her irritable and he was going with the latter seeing the flush she had on her face or possible both as it was right around that time of the month. "Okay what happened?"

Haku cursed mentally at Zabuza being able to read her like a book. "Nothing."

Zabuza raised a non existent eyebrow. "And I'm the Mizukage. Now what happened?"

Haku was debating on whether or not to put him in a near death state again to shut him up or to just tell him. When she drew the senbon out Zabuza looked a little worried. "Okay something is definitely up. But I'm not sure I want to know now."

She sighed and put her senbon back in her pouch and decided to tell Zabuza. "I met Kakashi's team today."

Zabuza nodded in understanding as he looked up at her. "And what did you get from them?"

Haku sighed knowing she couldn't lie to her master. "I know the blonde hair boy is a jinchuuriki."

Zabuza's eyes widen hearing this. 'Damn! That is going to be a hard obstacle to overcome, especially if he doesn't use it till he has no choice as it would seem from that kid.' Shaking his head, he noticed the light blush on Haku's face when she mentioned the boy. "Haku, why are you blushing?"

Haku looked at him in shock. "Eh! I'm not blushing! I'm sick!"

A large sweat drop developed on Zabuza's head at the lame excuse before growling out. "What happened between you two?"

Haku looked shifty eyed as if she was looking for a way out. "Um... I don't know what you’re talking about."

Zabuza resisted smacking his forehead since it would have hurt like hell to do so. "You two did something didn't you?"

Haku blushed deepened. "Yes... No! I mean maybe."

Zabuza couldn't resist the urge this time and smacked his forehead and howled in pain for doing so. Once he wasn't in pain he turned to Haku in annoyance. "You’re a terrible liar you know that right."

She could only nod as it was the truth. "So what did you two do?" Haku's blush deepened and made sure her shoulder strap was on. Zabuza seeing this had eyes widen to the size of dinner plates. "You didn't!"

"NO! We just made out." Haku said defensively not wanting to have her master thinking that. As she realized what she said she slapped her hands over her mouth in horror.

In response Zabuza snickered at her. "Well I'll see if we can spare him seeing how you’re acting; it might be fun to have you two around.” Haku looked at her master in shock as he was thinking something that would make Jiraiya green with envy. Shaking that thought off Zabuza turned to Haku. "Well anyways, get to work on the healing herbs."

Haku nodded and went straight to it, glad they were of the subject of her making out with Naruto.


It was later at night back in the clearing as Naruto was beating the living day lights out of his kage bunshins. "That little brat. You would think last night would have had some effect on him. But no, he had to play the drama queen once more and try to make it seem like it was my fault. Sometimes I think I should be like Sasuke, at least then maybe I would stop having people treating me like dirt."

Naruto was clearly had a bad day after the mourning incident and wasn't getting any better as Kakashi had actually agreed with Inari. He was glad that Sasuke and Sakura had taken his side but it still frustrated him to no end with the man. "At least he could actively show his dislike for me instead of making it seem like he doesn't care at all!"

Haku was jumping tree to tree wearing her hunter-nin out fit without her mask trying to calm herself down. She had told Zabuza she needed to cool herself down after Gato had tried to hurt Zabuza and she snapped his arm like a twig. Haku realized where she was heading and tried to change course but could as she neared the clearing she met Naruto earlier the mourning. A small part of her was hoping he was there so he could help her cool down and an even smaller part of her was hoping to continue wear they left off.

She really doubted that he would be there but decided to go anyways. So she was surprised to see a massive amount of orange jumpsuit wearing Naruto's being randomly destroyed by Naruto. During the destruction of clones, one of them noticed her and yelled out to tell their creator, and to make fun of him. "Taishou! You're girlfriend is back!"

The reaction was instant; all the clones dispelled leaving a clearing full of smoke. Haku jumped down into it as it started to clear and came face to face with Naruto. Haku blushed shyly at the close range. "Um... hi."

"Hey Haku." Naruto said with a small blush on his face remembering what had happened earlier in the mourning. "Why are you out here?"

Haku sighed and made sure no one else was around. "Gato threatened Zabuza and I kind of broke his arm as he tried to physically harm him. So I came out here to cool off. So why are you out here?"

Naruto sighed as well. "The little prick at the house decided to be an asshole as well as Kakashi-teme. So that's why I was beating the hell out of my clones when you arrived here."

She nodded in understanding as she sat down against a tree as Naruto did the same thing and looked towards the moon. The two stayed silent as they watched the night sky before Haku broke the silence. "Um, Naruto. I was wondering. If we both manage to get out of this, would you like to go out for something to eat?"

He turned towards her as if it was an odd question. "I wouldn't mind, but my team would if they realized who you were."

Haku sighed as she figured much, especially if they succeed. Naruto sniffed the air as he caught the scent of something weird. It smelt a little like honey... and fish? Naruto turned to Haku. "Um, Haku. Do you smell something that smells like honey and fish?"

Her eyes widen in alarm as she heard him and noticed that she was a somewhat wet. She twitched at that fact. 'What the hell! Just being around him has gotten me wet. Damn hormonal system. I will never understand you.' As she was about to answer him she noticed Naruto was sniffing her.

"Wait it's you. Why do you smell like fish? I get the honey part but..." Haku blushed madly and pushed Naruto away from her and had half a mind of calling him pervert while the other was going ride him. Haku would have mentally cursed her mind but was caught up at looking at Naruto in the moon light. She had a slight drool on her face as she noticed the light reflected his complexion perfectly and made him all the more irresistible.

Without thinking, Haku jumped Naruto and kissed him deeply, surprising the twelve year old. As Haku tongue pressed against his lips, Naruto couldn't help but give into his desire and start kissing her back making Haku moan. The two kissed passionately as their hands roamed around each others bodies. They broke their kiss to get a breath of air before continuing their tongue war. Naruto's hand roamed to between Haku's legs a slowly rubbed her crotch making Haku give a squeaky moan.

After a few more moments the broke their kiss and both started panting. Haku looked down at Naruto and had her mind dead set on what she was going to do. She took her kimono quickly and pulled of her sweater to reveal her petite breast to Naruto. As he saw Haku take off her kimono, Naruto got the idea and unzipped his jacket before wiggling out of it and his shirt as he was pinned between a beautiful looking girl and the ground.

Haku smiled lightly at this and kissed him on the lips lightly before head down stairs and stopping at the zipper of his pants. Biting the zipper handle, she dragged it down till it stopped and pulled his pants off, with a little help with Naruto. Once they managed to pull the pants off, Haku looked at Naruto's boxers and saw her attended target was fully hard. She grabbed his boxers and pulled them off much easier then his pants and gasp as she saw how well endowed Naruto was. 'Damn! He’s bigger than most of those in the videos.’

She licked her lips at the thought of that and gripped his shaft in her hands and slowly started to pump it as she pulled herself closer to it. Once her head was close enough she noticed the head was slightly purple and his shaft had a few veins bulging out on it. Smirking devilishly she extended her tongue and licked the crown of Naruto's cock making him jump with surprise. Grinning to herself as she saw the reaction, Haku started licking the underside while she cupped his balls with her hands and slowly started to massage them.

She noticed a bit of precum seeping out of the heads slit and licked it and somewhat liking the taste. Remembering the video she once got caught watching by Zabuza, who got the hell out of their not wanting to have to explain it to her, opened her mouth and engulfed the head with her mouth. Naruto moaned loudly as he felt the warm of Haku's mouth around his little soldier and tried to buck his hips, but were held down by Haku who had abandoned massaging his sack. Once she engulfed the head, she slowly started to bob her head up and down his shaft while swirling her tongue around it giving Naruto immense pleasure.

She kept this us till it reached the back of her throat. Remembering the Icha Icha she swiped from Zabuza once described a girl taking a large man all the way by loosing the muscles in her throat. Haku following its example relaxed her throat muscles and slowly slid Naruto's member into it. Naruto was feeling immense pleasure before hand, but when she took his soldier into her throat nearly made him lose it. Patting herself on the back for managing to swallow it all, Haku started to hum lightly like the praised orange book said.

Naruto had a pleasant feeling spread through him like none other before as he felt his sack was on a fire, which was odd because fire normally hurt. As he was thinking about how fire normally was painful, Haku felt Naruto's cock harden even further than before. Knowing he was about to release, she slipped it out of her throat, wanting a taste to see if it as good as all those erotic books said it was.

As the first load of the stick white liquid spilled into her mouth Naruto forgot about whatever he was thinking of and moaned loudly in ecstasy. Haku didn't have time to taste it as another load shot into her mouth followed by another and another. Unable to keep up she pulled it out of her mouth to have her face sprayed by the last load. Haku swirled around the cum in her mouth and decided she like it before gulping it down greedily before licking off some of it off her face before wiping the rest off.

Seeing this made Naruto aroused even further for a reason he couldn't explain, but wasn't complaining as she took of her pants and her white panties with them. Once Haku got them off she turned to Naruto only to find him staring her in the face before his head moved down towards her slit. "Naruto... what... AH!"

Haku screamed out as he inserted a finger into her soaking wet vagina. Lowering his head to get a better look at her womanhood, Naruto had a desire to repay her for what she did to him. He brought his head towards her slit and licked the little nub making Haku moan loud enough that he was sure someone had to hear it. Grinning as he saw this reaction, Naruto decided to go further and insert his tongue in her slit making Haku moan in pleasure. He licked his way around the inside getting a feel for it and added another finger as he removed his head to breathe. He nibbled on the nub for a second before reinserting his tongue into her vaginal hole.

Scooping around the inside once more with his tongue he flicked across a spot that made Haku scream in pleasure. Naruto smiled and attacked this spot with all his tongue had making Haku grip his head to pin him to he finished his job. Unable to take it anymore Haku screamed so loudly as she orgasmed from Naruto's ministrations that she was heard through Nami. Naruto was surprised as he flooded but licked all of it up nearly making Haku lose it once more seeing it.

Haku pulled his head up kissed him deeply wanting to taste herself, which he was more than happy to give. As they released their kiss Haku stood up and walked to a nearby tree, which was oddly enough the one they were making out on earlier, and laid against and motioning Naruto over. Jumping up from the ground, Naruto rushed over and locked licks with Haku once more. Haku, being a few inches taller than Naruto, raised her hips and slowly lined herself up with his member.

Getting the hint, Naruto pushed inside earning a squeak from Haku, as he stretched her walls to fit his dick inside. He kept pushing in slowly until he reached a barrier and looked up to Haku in confusion as he didn't know what it was. She blushed madly before speaking. "It's my hymen since I never done this before."

Naruto blinked for a second then it dawned on him. "Right, then this is going to hurt then."

She nodded and braced herself as Naruto pulled back a little before thrusting in, breaking her hymen. Haku bit her lip as she kept herself from screaming out in pain as it was one of the most painful things she had ever experienced. Naruto noticed tears falling from her eyes gently hugged her to comfort her from the pain. Haku accept, glad that she lost her virginity to a caring person like Naruto instead of some jerk that just wanted to get his jollies off, though they never did get the opportunity as they either had a senbon end their ability to procreate or had a pissed off man swinging a head chopping sword at them.

As the pain died down, Haku could feel nothing but pleasure as Naruto member stretch her walls, filling her up completely. She wrapped her legs around Naruto's waist and started to slowly move her hips. Figuring she was ready, Naruto gripped her waist and slowly thrusted in. Haku moaned as Naruto member stretched her walls as further than she thought possible, but wasn't complaining as it was giving her immense pleasure.

She started to pick up the pace which was met by Naruto to keep there movements in sync. They both moaned loudly in pleasure as the two kept up their pace and kissed each other deeply as the burning sensations were reaching there peaks once more. As they reached their limits, Naruto thrusted in as fast as he could while Haku counter thrusted with speed that he couldn't match. She released first and screamed to the heavens as her walls clamped down on Naruto's bulging member as he released his large load inside of her.

As their climaxes receded both slumped to the ground and cuddled against each other, using the tree as support. Haku looked up at Naruto and had a genuine smile on her face before kissing him lightly. "That was wonderful."

Naruto smiled foxily at her and nodded his head. "Yeah, it was, Haku-chan."

Haku smiled at the suffix and snuggled into Naruto as he hugged her tightly.

Naruto kissed her forehead and spoke softly to her. "I will never let you be harmed, my tenshi. That is a promise."

Within minutes the two were asleep in each others arms.


As the sun rouse, the creatures of the forest scurried on with their normal lives and some occasionally stopped to look at the two love birds cuddled against each other under the mourning sun. A few of the more curious animals got closer to see the heart warming scene. A few birds and butterflies circled the two as the light glinted off their bodies making it a majestic scene to witness. But all good things must come to an end.

"Hey dobe!"


As on cue both of Naruto's teammates walked into the clearing to find the two sleeping without a care in the world.

Sakura passed out to blood lose as she noticed Naruto's equipment while Sasuke blushed heavily and cursed his luck that Sakura had to faint. Picking up a nearby pebble he aim and let it fly, smacking into Naruto's skull. "Ow! What the hell?"

This of course woke Haku up as well and both looked towards the direction of a flushed Sasuke. The two just stared wide eyed in horror at Sasuke before he spoke. "Naruto, when you’re dressed, get something to eat and then we can continue the damn tree walking exercise.” Sasuke grabbed Sakura by her feet and started to drag her away. "Oh, by the way. I do want some pointers for later use though."

With that said Sasuke walked out dragging Sakura behind him leaving a shocked couple behind. Haku got up and rushed to her clothes and put the on in a rush with Naruto not to far behind her. Once they managed to get them on, even if it was sloppily done, they turned to each other quickly locked lips once more. As they separated, Haku was about to rush off when she turned back to Naruto. "Naruto, I don't want you to be at the bridge from a week from now. If you do I can't insure your survival."

With that said she rushed off knowing she was going to be in trouble for being out so late without letting him answer. Naruto sighed and went to think about it as he headed back towards Tazuna's place and hope to whatever deity up there that Sasuke wouldn't tell a soul about what happened. Luckily for him Sasuke didn't, but unfortunately, it was Sakura.


It was a week after the two had made love and they hadn't seen each other during the entire time as to training or preparing to attack the bridge builder. It was finally the day of the attack and Naruto was currently dreaming about Haku and their short time together. Once the pleasant dream finished, he woke up and dressed himself before heading down stairs to see Tsunami washing the dishes.

"Oh, Naruto. Your team left saying you would be out for most of the day so I didn't think you be up this early."

Naruto blinked as the information sunk in. "NANI! They left without me! Those jerks!"

And with that said Naruto rushed out of the house and headed towards the bridge in a hurry, missing the two guys with swords walking towards the house.

As he raced towards the bridge he noticed something odd. There were many cuts along the trees as if they were sliced by swords and the same with the dead boar that was nearby. Naruto thought about it logically and realized that someone was heading towards the house and rushed back to help them. Once he arrived he noticed Inari rushing to swordsmen with Tsunami gagged on their back. One of the guys was about to slice Inari in half as Naruto quickly reacted. Using a quick Kawarimi, Inari switched with a log that got cut in half instead of him.

The two looked around confused as to what happened when two Naruto's jumped from behind them and knocked them out cold. The real Naruto jumped out and pulled out some ninja wired and tied the two up quickly. Inari looked at Naruto in aw as he saw this, but still had a little bit of his old nature still with him. "What took you so long?"

Naruto smirked at the young boy and ruffled his hair. "Heroes always arrive at the last second."

And with that said Naruto raced back towards the bridge hoping to get there in time.


Haku was currently making Sasuke into a pin cushion as an explosion was heard and a blonde hair boy stood in the middle smirking making everyone sweat drop at the stupidity. Kakashi slapped his forehead muttering about blondes that love flashy entrances while Zabuza through a few shuriken at the annoying blonde only for Haku to stop them. "Haku! What the hell!"

In answer he had to dodge the same shuriken as Haku threw them back. She turned towards Naruto and took her mask off, glaring at him. "I thought I told you not to come."

Sasuke jaw dropped as he noticed the girls face. 'OH HELL NO! I've been getting beat by a girl! This is so fucked up!'

Naruto shook his head at her. "Haku-chan, I can't let these people suffer anymore, and the only way to do that is if this bridge is completed. So I will oppose you to save these people since it is the right thing to do."

Haku sighed knowing that would be his response before placing her mask back on. "Then so be it. From here on out, we will be enemies then. I just hope you can forgive me Naruto-kun."

With that said Haku kicked Naruto in the stomach before rushing back to her mirrors and started making Sasuke a human pin cushion again. Picking himself off the ground, Naruto rushed over to help Sasuke. But forgetting about logical tactics, he rushed inside. Sasuke looked at him like he was a moron. "Naruto..."

"You idiot! You were supposed to stay outside!" Haku yelled at Naruto.

Sasuke normally would never have agreed with an enemy, but he had to on this. "Yeah, what she said."

Naruto sweat dropped and scratched the back of his head embarrassed. Haku sighed deeply as she looked sadly at Naruto. "Well since you’re in here, I can't give you any mercy."

(A/N: This is just a summary of what happened as the same as cannon)

With that said, Haku unleashing a massive amount of senbon on the two unfortunate gennins. After this happened a couple of times, Naruto started making kage bunshins trying to get to the mirrors as Sasuke started to catch her movements. He saw Haku move to stop Naruto, Sasuke managed to grab a hold of her and throw her into a mirror, pissing her off.

She noticed that he activated the Sharingan and threw an ungodly amount of senbon at the two and the majority hit Naruto as Sasuke dodged his. Noticing this Haku attempted something she didn't want to; she went for a fatal spot on Naruto. Seeing this, Sasuke jumped in the way taking the blow instead of Naruto.

Naruto looked shocked as he saw Sasuke do this. "Sasuke, but why?"

Sasuke coughed up some blood. "I don't know. My body just moved on its own." Sasuke slumped to the ground but Naruto caught him before he fell. "Naruto, since I'm not going to make it. I want you to do a favor for me." Naruto nodded his head, not trusting his words. "I want you to kill my brother. He killed my entire clan in front of me. Please... do it..."

Naruto nodded his head. "I promise I will. You have me word." Sasuke smirked before his eyes closed, letting the darkness consume him.

Haku winced as she saw this and stepped out of her mirrors. "Is this the first time you've seen death?" Not getting a response she could only figure it was. "Then I am sorry, but I have to protect my master. I will even kill if need be, even if I don't wish to do so."

Naruto gritted his teeth and looked up at her. "But why serve him? You could free yourself from him. Why not do it?"

Haku took off her mask and looked down sadly. "I thought I already explain it to you. He saved me and gave me a purpose. So until he sees I'm no longer fit to be a weapon, I will serve him."

Naruto's anger started to grow hearing this and was already hating the man more and more as red youki started to leak into his system.

Haku walked towards him. "I'm sorry Naruto-kun, but I have to do... Zabuza-sama!" She screamed as she saw the mist fading and he was pinned to the spot by a large number of dogs with Kakashi charging at him with lighting covering his palm.

Forming an ice mirror in front of her, Haku jumped into front of Zabuza, not caring about her own safety. Naruto saw this and his eyes widen as he rushed over to the spot in fear of what happen to Haku. As Kakashi's Raikiri came closer to Haku, Naruto began to get a tunnel vision and suddenly felt much fast than he ever been before. He didn't know what was going on, but everything seemed to be moving slowly to him, but he didn't care as he was going to get there.

In a flash of light, blood sprayed over Kakashi and Zabuza. But it wasn't Haku's or even Zabuza's. Naruto had gotten in-between Kakashi and Haku, stopping his attack from harming her. Kakashi's eyes widen as he looked frightened as he saw this and Haku's eyes widen as Naruto coughed up blood as he turned to Haku. "I told you I never would let anything harm you, tenshi."

Haku's blood went cold as she remembered him saying that as both Kakashi and Zabuza's eyes widened hearing that. Using the last of his strength, Naruto pushed himself off of the Kakashi's impaled hand and fell to the ground. Haku instantly was at his side with tears falling from her eyes. "No, no, no. It was suppose to be me. Not you!"

Naruto smiled sadly at her as blood leaked from his mouth and brushed her cheeks, whipping away some of the tears. "I'm sorry, but... I couldn't see... you... be hurt." Naruto coughed up more blood as his eyes started to close.

"No! Stay awake! You can make it through this!" Screamed Haku shaking Naruto as his eyes closed. "No! No! Please wake up!"


Naruto was floating in back abyss in front of a giant reddish orange nine tail fox. The kitsune looked over towards its tenant. "You know, normally I would be pissed that we are dying. But since it's only you, I don't really care since you and that girl gave me an escape out of this prison. But, still. If I was in your position I would do the same thing. Except without being killed though. Because I'm the Almighty..."

"Shut up fur ball."



Seeing Haku scream as she was made something inside of Zabuza's mind snap as he looked at her. 'I never did give her the chance to be herself. I only let her train to be my weapon and never let her do the things that normal girls her age would do.' A tear slipped down the demon of the mist eyes but dried up quickly as he heard a voice from the other end of the bridge.

"Well, it seems it was a good idea to come here after all. It seems you can't even do one simple job correct and that bitch of yours as crying over a pathetic blonde haired kid. Though I guess I can still have my way with her after I kill everyone on this bridge." Zabuza snarled at Gato and readied Kubikiri Houchi to fight when a blast of malevolent youki covered the area. Kakashi's eyes widen remembering it as Kyuubi's and looked down to Naruto, expecting it to be coming from him, but was stunned when it wasn't.

Haku stood up from Naruto's corpse with a crimson glow around her that was being drained from Naruto's stomach before she turned around and glared at Gato with crimson eyes filled with an unbelievable amount of rage that made him and a good amount of the mercenaries wet themselves. The crimson youki around her started to change her features, making her fingers into claws, growing fangs and her face become feral as the youki condensed and for the shape of a fox with one tail. Haku was about to charge the mercenaries with thought when Zabuza chopped the back of her neck, knocking her unconscious and stopping the youki flow.

Once she was out, Zabuza turned to Kakashi. "Take care of her, for where I'm going, she cannot follow."

And with that said Zabuza rushed towards the mercenary army. Once it was all said in done, Zabuza lived up to his name of Demon of the Mist as he decapitated Gato before he fell himself. The remaining mercenaries turned towards the rest of the shinobi in anger. "Since our money ticket is gone, I guess we'll kill all of you and raid the town for its money now."

As he finished speaking an arrow lodged itself in front of him. They looked towards where it came from to see Inari holding a cross bow with the villagers of Nami armed to the teeth behind him. "Just try it."

The mercenaries knowing they were out numbered ran off like cowards. Sakura rushed over and hugged to Sasuke when he started coughing, indicating he survived the attack. After pushing she off he spoke. "Where is the dobe?"

Sakura's eyes widen and looked down in sorrow as she tilted her head towards where he was. Sasuke looked that direction to see Naruto with a hole through his chest where his heart should be. Sasuke's eyes widen as he shakily stood up and walked over towards him. Once he reached him, he noticed Haku had an arm wrapped around him and had dried up tear marks on her cheeks.

Sasuke's eyes soften at that even if she was an enemy not to long ago. He remembered everything that involved Naruto in his past and smiled sadly before kneeling in front of him and whipping some of the blood of Naruto's mouth before cutting up in hand and mixing them and spoke so low that only Kakashi could hear him. "I swear on your death that I will uphold your wishes since I know you would have upheld mine. We will meet again, Naruto."

A soft blue glowed around the cut before healing itself; signify it as a blood oath. Kakashi smiled lightly at the scene. 'Naruto, you changed everyone around you for the better.'


(Thirteen Years Later)

"Kaa-san!" Haku smiled a twelve year old boy with blonde hairs and blue eyes with two whisker marks on each cheek glomped her. She chuckled as she pried him off of her. "So Arashi-kun. It seems like you passed."

Arashi nodded his head happily. "I sure did, I even got the rookie of the year."

Haku smiled at him. "Your really are your father's child. Though he was never too brilliant, but he worked as hard as you did."

Arashi smiled at his mother and asked excitedly. "So can we eat ramen tonight?"

A small chuckle was heard from behind them. Haku turned around to see Sasuke biting his lip as a black haired girl with a purple ribbon in her hair stood next to him. Haku nodded to them. "Hokage-sama, Kin-san."

Sasuke rolled his eyes at her before shaking his head. "You don't have to be formal with me. You know that."

Haku nodded at him. "Sorry, old habits die hard."

Sasuke shook his head before he was tackled by a blonde blur. "Otooji!"

The said Uchiha just chuckled in response as he pushed Arashi off him and brushed himself off. "Alright, I heard someone hear asking for ramen, so let's go."

Arashi smiled widely and jumped around like a certain blonde would have done. "Thank you otooji."

Sasuke chuckled at the blonde’s response and ruffled his hair before they headed off towards Ichiraku’s. Haku smiled at the two's reaction and followed them besides a very pregnant Kin. They both could only chuckle as Arashi asked Sasuke to teach him some super cool jutsus. Suddenly he turned around as he sensed something familiar.

All three looked at him oddly as he looked back and looked all over. Sasuke blinked in confusion as he activated his Sharingan, trying to see what was causing this reaction. Seeing nothing, he deactivated them and looked at Arashi. "Hey, what's up?"

Arashi shook his head as he turned back to Sasuke. "Nothing. I thought I felt something familiar. Anyways, let's go get some ramen!"

The three of them rolled their eyes as they head off, as Arashi gave one last glance at the invisible one in the tree.

In the same tree, a red haired woman chuckled deeply at the sight before scowling as she realized what she was doing. "Damn kit. I'll never understand how you and your damned son changed me."

And with that said she disappeared in a swirl of flames.