Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Who are you and what have you done with Sasuke? ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sorry for the dry spell. Well, here's another serving. Enjoy!
Key: “conversation” `thoughts' [Kyuubi `s vocal input]
Chapter 3:
Three days later…
“That's it! Sick or not, that bastard is gonna have to let me in,” seethed the blond. He was currently brushing his teeth. Small flecks of toothpaste sprinkled the lower half of the bathroom mirror due to his frequent intervals of yelling. `I'm his best friend. His teammate. I'm supposed to have his back when he needs me.' He furiously spat then rinsed his mouth. “Fucking bastard!!” He recalled his previous attempts to visit the raven-haired youth. After getting through all the traps, the stubborn Uchiha refused him entry. He wouldn't even open the goddamn door. He just talked through the door claiming illness.
[Quit bitching, gaki.]
`No one asked for your input, fox. Satisfied with the few, quick brush strokes to his spiky hair, he tied his headband on. Clad in his signature orange and black outfit, he departed.
************* **************** ***************
The marketplace was crowded. The first day of the summer festival was in full swing. Vendors and shopkeepers have been preparing for days. Streamers with hanging lanterns lined the streets. It seemed like all of Konoha was out today, despite the heat. Families browsed the different stalls their children dragged them to. Some were already loaded with prizes won from games. Others were eating a variety of snacks and treats, succumbing to the festival atmosphere. Ignoring the enticing smells and attractive displays, the teen headed in the direction of the Uchiha district.
Turning towards the caller, he noticed Kiba wave him over. The team was standing outside of a local favorite eatery. Naruto hesitated, and then sighed. `Sasuke is not my only friend.'
“Yo, Kiba!” he exclaimed, patting Akamaru on the head. The nin dog, who came up to his waist, just sniffed and licked his hand.
“Ohayo, N-Naruto-kun,” Hinata shyly greeted.
Naruto's smile broadened. “Hey Hinata-chan.” He then turned toward Shino and nodded. “What are you guys up to?”
“We're waiting for Kurenai-sensei. She is treating us to some Korean barbeque for lunch, since we've been on non-stop missions. You?” Kiba asked smugly.
“Uh…well, with Sakura-chan and Kakashi-sensei gone…,” mumbled the blond youth.
“I'm sure Tsunade-sama will send you on a mission soon,” added Hinata.
“I don't know. Sasuke-teme is sick. I'm actually heading over there now.”
“Well, don't let us keep you from babysitting. Oww!
“Have you had lunch yet, Naruto-kun?” asked Hinata with concern in her voice.
“Not yet.”
“Why don't you join us?”
“You don't mind?”
“Hey. You're paying for yourself, though,” threw in Kiba.
“Kiba-kun,” reprimanded Hinata. “Are you going to the festival tonight? I know it has already started but everyone knows the real fun is at night.”
“I don't know. I'll have to check with Sasuke-teme. If not I'll definitely go tomorrow night.
“What? You have to get permission from your boyfriend?” teased Kiba.
The appearance of Kurenai-sensei successfully diverted that oncoming dispute.
*************** ***************** ****************
An hour and a half later, found a cheerfully stuffed blond with a takeout bag of barbeque in his hand. He decided to take a detour through the training grounds, in hopes of organizing his thoughts and walking off his meal. He breathed deeply, allowing the air to fill his nostrils, his lungs. The air was fresh and clean here. It was less noisy as well. The smells and sounds were simpler here. More natural. He could easily sort through and attribute what smells and sounds came from what. He always felt a sense of tranquility in the forests of Konoha. It may seem empty and quiet, but the forest was teeming with life. Another interesting fact was that he always felt the urge to just run through the forest. A sense of freedom and joy would well up inside of him; even at just the thought. It must be due to the fox.
He took his time strolling the familiar path to the trio of wooden stumps. The fox youth snorted, remembering Team Seven's survival examination and his abysmal performance. `But, I have grown since then. I've come a long way.'
As Naruto approached the clearing, he heard a series of groans and sounds of frustration. With the realization he was not alone, his fox/ninja instincts kicked in. Intent on discovering the trainee, he followed the sounds. `Who's that?'
Standing a few feet away was a girl in a simple, black yukata. White bandages wrapped from ankles to knees and mid-fingers to elbows. A deep crimson belt encircled the narrow waist. A single, matching crimson ribbon bound raven-hair while allowing thick strands to frame the pale face. The girl continued attacking the wooden post, alternating between fists and feet. Naruto caught brief glimpses of creamy white skin. When the girl executed high kicks, she consequently raised the hemline of her outfit. He also noticed her tense posture and how waves of frustration practically pored out to her surroundings. She looped towards the back of the post; fist ready to strike. Her peripheral vision must have caught the orange-clad ninja because she abruptly stopped her assault. She looked up, question in her dark eyes, and something akin to recognition. She then focused her attention to the ground, nervously tucking her dark hair behind an ear.
“Gomen. I didn't mean to intrude,” replied the fox-teen.
The girl continued to look at the ground. She was clearly uncomfortable, as if caught doing something she should not be doing.
Intent on diffusing the awkwardness, Naruto took a few steps closer with a welcoming smile on his face. The girl looked ready to bolt. Her eyes were discretely looking for an escape route.
Uncomfortable with the idea that this beautiful creature might fear him, he took a step back. “You have excellent form. I don't think I've seen you around the village before. What's your name?”
When her eyes finally came to rest on the takeout bag, it was her stomach that responded.
Naruto lightly laughed at the appearance of a blush across her nose and cheeks.
“I was actually going to take this to a friend of mine, but I don't think he'll mind. Come on. Let's sit under some shade. You're obviously hungry,” said Naruto invitingly. `She probably won't sit with me. My luck with members of the opposite sex was slim to none. They are either indifferent, disgusted, or annoyed by me; or just a bewitched member of the Uchiha Sasuke fan club.'
Naruto chose a spot under a large oak tree with thick grass at the base. He removed the takeout box and chopsticks from the plastic bag. He suppressed a sigh of relief when the midnight-haired beauty sat down next to him. His smile only broadened when she accepted the Styrofoam box and utensils.
Unmindful of the teen next to her, she practically `dug' into the food.
“I'm Naruto, by the way. Uzumaki , Naruto.”
She tilted her head slightly towards the blond. Her dark eyes regarded him while chopsticks were positioned at her full lips. All in all, it was a very cute pose.
Naruto continued to sit looking out at the horizon, occasionally sneaking glances at the female next to him. `Slim, but obviously in shape enough to take care of herself.' A breeze gently blew through her midnight tresses bringing her scent to his sensitive nose. Her scent hinted at strength and something slightly familiar. Her eyes, complimented by long lashes, spoke of passion dark and mysterious. Those luscious lips, gleaming with the juices from the barbequed pork, were begging to be nipped and sucked on. Her breasts, though a little on the small side, were perfect for her petite frame. Naruto's seventeen-year-old mind had no problems with this train of thought. Neither did his fellow tenant whose supply of `reel-like' scenes showcased Naruto and the raven-haired girl in several compromising positions. `Stop it, Kyuubi. I just met her.'
“Arigatou,” softly replied the girl.
“M-my pleasure,” stuttered Naruto, not wanting this meeting to end. `What should I do? She won't even tell me her name.'
[Ask her out. Is that not the way of you humans? Escort each other on those so called `dates.' You waste time on pretty words and pretenses when all you want to do is fuck.]
Naruto could practically see the leer behind those words. `Girls only answer in the negative, or haven't you noticed. I'm not exactly Mr. Popular here.'
[That is because it is hard to desire you when you are as annoying and loud as you are, gaki.]
`Well, if you're so clever, help me out.'
[This could be interesting. You lead such a boring life. Seventeen and still a virgin…]
`Hey, you overgrown furball. (deep sigh)Just tell me what my next move is.'
Moments later, the woman gracefully stood up and whispered another word of thanks. Naruto stood up as well, unsure if he should be so forward. As the girl turned to leave, he reached out. One hand lightly grasped a slim wrist while the other brushed against a pale cheek; effectively turning her head towards him.
“Come to the festival with me,” firmly stated the blond.
Eyes wide, she quickly recovered, unsuccessfully removing her wrist. “I do not think so,” she responded with that blush again.
“I would much rather prefer your company over Sasuke-teme's,” informed the fox-teen.
“Sasuke…?” came the confused reply.
“Oh, we're on the same team. He was the friend I was referring to about the food. I was going to visit him before I got sidetracked.
“You were going to take this Sasuke to the festival?” she inquired.
“More like force. He's closed himself off from...everything for the past three days. To be honest, I'm kind of worried...”
“I'll go,” interjected the beauty. “I mean...I will accompany you to this festival. Can we go now?
“Uhh...yeah. It has already started. Let's go!” `Kyuubi, she said yes. Did you hear?'
[How could I have not? One piece of advice—do not talk her to death.]
He then proceeded to curl up and sleep. Naruto could not stop grinning. His infectious smile was bared to all.
R&R. I'll try to upload another chapter (the date) within the week. Bye for now!