Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Who are you and what have you done with Sasuke? ❯ Chapter 4

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Arigatou for the reviews (^ ^). Hope you like this chapter.
FYI: I'll refer to Sasuke in feminine terms except when he is thinking in first person (for obvious reasons)
{February 4th, 2008}
Chapter 4:
` these people not comprehend the concept of personal space,' wondered the Uchiha as she was pushed yet again onto her companion. She glared at the whiskered teen out of the corner of her eyes. `Look at him. Grinning like a brat on Christmas morning. I should kick his ass here and now, in front of all these people. It was due to his clumsiness and curiosity that I am even in this situation. Me. An Uchiha. Born a male but currently a female. My ancestors must be rolling in their graves.'
“Hey, let's go over to that stand,” cried the blond.
The stand in question was crowded and obviously popular. Sasuke's scowl deepened. This is the third booth, out of three, that Naruto has dragged her to. All were games geared toward females and children. The concept of this one was simple: catch a goldfish using a thin screen (netting on a loop which is connected to a handle). The catch is that the screen very easily breaks with the thrashing of the fish. It takes skill, concentration, a steady hand, and above all patience. `Naruto clearly lacks these qualities.'
The burly vendor laughed as he accepted more money from frustrated customers determined to succeed. Many kids avidly watched and cheered on their parents or older siblings. Naruto paid the vendor and recited the rules to Sasuke.
The Uchiha sighed softly and elegantly lowered herself to the ground, on level with the basin of fish. She held the screened wand in one hand while the other held the draping sleeve of her outfit. She calmly lowered the wand near the water. A look of concentration appeared on her pale face, evident only by the slight contraction of eyebrows. Clearing her mind she breathed slowly, evenly. When the timing was right, she swiftly dove the wand into the water and gently lifted it. The goldfish lightly flopped, but not enough to break the screen.
“Tousan! Kaasan! She got one. Sweet!” came a random reply from the crowd. The child's exclamation attracted the attention of others in the crowd. They congratulated and applauded her success.
“That was awesome,” praised Naruto.
Sasuke could not help but smile at him. `That fool.'
“And what prize do you want, my lady,” asked the vendor. Sasuke just raised the goldfish questioningly. The burly man laughed good-naturedly. “I can't give out all the caught fish, but I'll make an exception for a beauty such as yourself. Just smile once for me and it is yours.”
Sasuke mentally cringed, but complied nonetheless. Tilting her head slightly to the side, she flashed a smile and closed her eyes.
`Kawaii,' thought Naruto, as the vendor safely packed the fish in a clear plastic bag with enough water and air to survive the trip home.
`That actually works,' snorted the Uchiha mentally.
“Hmm…where to next?” wondered the blond aloud, lips pursed while in thought.
“Let's go over to the archery booth,” suggested the ebony-haired girl. One hand held the bagged fish protectively while the other pointed toward the indicated booth.
“Oh…okay.” The orange-clad teen followed the girl to the booth. The game involved shooting a target with a bow and arrow. Paying the man, Naruto picked up the bow and one of two arrows.
Sasuke moved next to the teen, smiling encouragingly. `The dobe is a poor shot. If he makes it, it will only be due to a lucky accident.' She inwardly smirked. She watched the whiskered boy as he notched an arrow. Squinting his eyes in focus, he released. `Just as I predicted.' The arrow shot through the archery vendor's pitcher of alcohol on the table near the targets.
“Hahaha, that kid sucks,” came a reply behind them grabbing the attention of more surrounding people.
Ocean blue eyes shyly turned towards his companion in clear embarrassment. “Uh…it slipped. My fingers are a little sweaty.”
“Hmm…dobe,” lightly laughed the raven-haired beauty.
“What did you call me,” asked the fox-teen seriously, all signs of embarrassment gone.
Sasuke realized his mistake. Thrusting the goldfish at Naruto she asked, “May I try?”
Accepting the fish, Naruto slowly handed the bow to the girl. Suspicion was clearly evident in his demeanor.
Intent on dispelling his doubts, Sasuke flashed his most brilliant smile yet. Naruto blushed deeply, hand scratching the back of his neck. He stepped to the side allowing her room.
Sasuke grabbed an arrow and stepped into position. Notching the arrow, she applied the same calm focus she used at the goldfish booth. As she slowly inhaled, she aimed for the target. When she exhaled, the arrow was let loose. A roar of applause sounded when the arrow found purchase dead center on the target.
Sasuke turned toward the awestruck blond. “No more kiddie booths `kay?”
The teen could only nod as Sasuke set the bow back on the table.
The gangly archery vendor pointed towards a display of various stuffed animals. “Which one do ya want, miss?”
Sasuke considered the choices until her eyes came to rest on the second to the last stuffed animal.
“I want that one,” stated the girl, indicating the rust-colored fox plushie.
“Oh my. That's not supposed to be there; at least not when we're in Konoha. Jin, you lazy brat! I told you about which prizes to display in which villages. A fox in Konoha is just asking to be thrown out.”
“Oops,” came the insufficient reply from Jin, who was preoccupied with a group of girls on the opposite side of the booth.
“Sorry miss. I'll remove that one right away,” exclaimed the vendor with a slight bow.
“No. I want the fox for my prize,” firmly stated the girl.
“O-okay," stated the vendor, relieved that he did not offend a Konaha villager.
Naruto watched as the archery vendor handed the fox plushie to the raven-haired girl. She gave the whiskers a caressing stroke then shoved the plushie in front of Naruto's face. “Say hello to Naru-chan.”
“W-what?” blushed the equally whiskered teen. He turned even redder when some observers laughed at him.
The mid-afternoon sun shined brightly on the festivities. A few stray clouds drifted by providing little shade for the people below. One couple was leaving one of the many food stands spread throughout the area. One was clearly enjoying the dango purchased moments before. The other was loaded with various prizes and souvenirs, trying to keep up with his companion. He watched as she pulled another dango ball off of the stick in her right hand; in her left was a rapidly emptying frog coin purse, Gama-chan.
Naruto turned toward a distinctly green-clad ninja who was waving enthusiastically at him.
“Yo, bushy-brows.” Rock Lee and his teammate Hyuuga Neji made their way over to Naruto.
“It is so good to see you, Naruto-kun. How are you?”
“I can't complain. What are you two doing? Where's Ten-Ten?
“Her parents are weapons specialists. They have a booth here at the festival. Where's Sakura-chan?”
“She's visiting a sick relative in another village.”
“What? Will she be here for the dance?”
“You know. The dance held in the great clearing on the third and final day of the festival. It takes place before the midnight fireworks show.”
“Oh…well, I don't think so. Why?”
“I hoped to ask Sakura-chan out to the dance. You see, the dance is for couples. I wanted to escort her there as my date.”
“Date?” questioned the blond.
“Speaking of dates, who is that woman you are with, Naruto-kun,” asked the Byakugan-user.
Naruto turned around. His `date' was returning to his side after disposing of her trash.
“Oh…this is my friend…um…”
“Kouya,” interrupted the ebony-haired girl with her disarming smile.
“My apologies, Naruto-kun. We did not intend to interrupt your…date,” replied the pearl-eyed teen.
Kouya blushed cutely at this, while Naruto stuttered, “We're just friends.”
“Friends?” Neji smirked at this bit of information.
Naruto caught the Hyuuga giving Kouya the `once-over'. Jealousy swelled within the teen, as well as possessiveness. Kouya placed a slim hand on his forearm and suggested they depart.
“We really must be going.”
“Bye guys!” called the loudmouthed youth, eyes lingering a little more on Neji.
“Bye Naruto-kun,” called the taijutsu specialist. “Neji-kun, lets get some dango.”
The Hyuuga silently followed his teammate, pondering what about that girl was bothering him. There is something about her; something drawing him towards her.
*********** *************** ****************
The couple watched as the troop of acrobats performed another set of complex moves. The crowd roared its approval as a little girl executed a series of flips and cartwheels. Naruto watched as Kouya scooped another spoonful of coffee ice cream into her mouth, eyes focused on the entertainment. Her eyes shined with delight as she laughed and clapped along with the audience, fox plushie in her arms. Her laugh was like music to Naruto's ears. She freely laughed in his presence. It was like she had never done this before. At first she was cautious around him. When they first entered the festival, she was reserved. `I had to force her to participate. It was like she was humoring me. She probably didn't think I noticed.' Her eyes followed everything, trying to absorb all the details. The smallest thing brought a smile to her face, enhancing her beauty.
Naruto noticed the envious glances thrown his way. Some were the typical hate-filled glares, but he was used to that. His sunshine blond hair and distinct whisker marks made him stand out. They knew who he was; at least the adults knew. Naruto's fox-enhanced hearing did not fail to pick up on the comments about him.
“Who the fuck does he think he is? Escorting one of `our' women to the festival.”
“How can she even stand the sight of him, much less the stench.”
“We should have killed him years ago.”
Kouya turned towards Naruto, spoon in her mouth, with an expression of concern on her face. Naruto tried to reassure her with a smile, but failed. `Just ignore them, baka. Don't worry Kouya, not when she is having so much fun.'
A spoonful of ice cream was shoved in his face. Naruto looked at Kouya questioningly, who only smiled. Naruto returned the smile and opened his mouth, accepting the ice cream.
“Its good,” mumbled the teen. She softly laughed. “What?”
Naruto froze when she lifted a hand to his face only to swipe a bit of ice cream from the corner of his mouth. His eyes widened further when she placed her finger in her mouth, tasting the ice cream. From his face.
`K-Kyubi. I-I think she likes me. What do I do?'
[Take her to a secluded part of the forest and fuck her senseless.]
That snapped Naruto back to reality. `Damn perverted fox.'
The acrobatic troop bowed and announced that they were taking a short break. They started to collect money from gracious audience members. Naruto looked out at the horizon. The clash of orange and yellow made the sky look like it was on fire.
“Hmm…sunsets are always beautiful,” commented the fox-teen.
“The what?! Sunset? I have to go!” cried Kouya.
“What? Already? You don't have to go, do you? We're having so much fun,” said the blond slightly desperate.
“It's late. I have to go home or…my parents will be furious,” informed the midnight-haired beauty, fear and desperation lacing her tone. “Please, I have to go.” Naruto had grabbed her wrist at the last minute.
“Can I see you tomorrow?” requested the blond. `Anything is acceptable but an option without you.'
“Tomorrow…umm…okay,” appeased the girl. “I'll meet you at the training grounds. Naruto, I really have to go, okay?” She grabbed the fox plushie and swiftly left the area, expertly weaving through the crowds.
Naruto watched her leave, pondering the sudden feeling of loss overtaking him. A little dejected, but hopeful at tomorrow's prospects, he stood up from the table. He grabbed his goldfish and other prizes and left the festival grounds with a grin on his face.
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Sorry. This chapter was kicking my ass. I had so many different ideas for the date. I didn't want to move too fast. Well, drop a review if you want. Later!