Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Who's The Daddy? ❯ Chapter 1: Retuning Home ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Who's The Daddy?
A/N- Hello all and welcome to the first chapt of WTD. I have been really working hard on this one and it has become one of my favorite stories...
Disclaimer- Naruto is not mine, nor will he ever be. But I can dream can't I? Also, little Hibiki is all mine, so no touchy!
Chapter 1: Returning Home
“Slow down Hibiki, we'll get there soon enough there's no need to hurry.”
A young boy of about seven slew to a stop and turned to face his companion, his long black shaggy hair flew through the air at his fast motion, his deep purple eyes flashing with barely held excitement.
“Why not?! I want to get there as soon as possible, I just can't wait! This is going to be so much fun!!” Laughing loudly with a wide smile on his lips, the boy, Hibiki, spun around in circles before running up to his companion only to start tugging on his arm, trying his hardest to get the other to move faster down the path.
Unable to help himself at the cute puppy eyed look that Hibiki was now flashing him, the man bent down and swung the boy up onto his shoulders, his hands holding the child steady.
With his hands buried in the dark blonde hair of his companion, Hibiki smirked in victory, in his mind all was right with the world. “I guess going a little faster won't hurt, just hold on tight Hibiki, I don't want you falling off.”
Snorting in childish outrage, Hibiki stuck his tongue out at the man beneath him, “I won't mom, so stop worrying and get moving!”
Shaking his head, Naruto let a soft chuckle rise in his chest, his deep blue eyes sparkling with happiness and love. His son could be a handful sometimes, but as they say, like mother like son.
A smile crossed his lips at his own thoughts and Naruto tightened his hold upon his sons legs as he took off a fast run, the path flew by as Hibiki stretched his hands out to feel the air flying past, his laughter filling the air.
Naruto couldn't help but join in, letting his own laughter mix with his sons, today was the day he would see his home again and Naruto couldn't have been happier.
After running for what seemed hours and probably was, Naruto saw a familiar patch of forest up ahead and slew to a walk, as gently as he could Naruto pulled his sleeping son down from his shoulders and cradled him against his chest.
Tucking a stray hair behind Hibiki's ear, Naruto smiled gently in contentment as he looked ahead and saw that the gates to Konoha were coming up quickly.
Knowing his son would be disappointed if he couldn't get to see them, Naruto gently shook Hibiki and after a moment or two, a pair of unfocused purple eyes met his own in sleepy questioning.
“We're here, come on, it's time to wake up. You don't want to miss anything do you?” Raising an eyebrow in slight mocking, Naruto nearly smirked when Hibiki flushed red in anger and started to struggle in his embrace.
Feeling particularly devious, Naruto tightened his grip a little and burst out laughing when his son snarled and glared angrily up at him, “damn it mom! Put me down already, I can walk you know!”
Rolling his eyes, Naruto loosened his grip and let his son drop to the ground. As soon as his feet hit the dirt, Hibiki leapt away and started looking around in obvious amazement, but when his eyes fell upon the gate Naruto could only shake his head as his son ran towards it at top speed.
`I can't believe how much like me he is…but I do hope that this trip is eventful, he has got to be here somewhere. After all, if Tsunade got my message than everything has been taken care of and he'll be here…' hearing a loud yell up ahead, Naruto snapped out of his thoughts and ran at top speed to the gate only to come to a stop with an amused look on his face.
Apparently Hibiki had tried to pass through the gate and when the ninja guarding it stopped him, Hibiki got angry. So now as Naruto could only barely keep himself from laughing he walked over and pulled his son off of the unconscious ninja.
“Hibiki, please behave…” Hibiki glared up at him as he pointed a finger down at the now newly awakened ninja, “but he told me I couldn't pass, that's not fair. You said that we were being awaited and could just go right in, so how come he won't let me?!”
Letting out an aggravated sigh, Naruto helped the ninja to his feet and flashed him an apologetic smile, “sorry about that, my son is just happy to see that we have reached our destination. I am a ninja of this village and have been away for a long time on a mission, I currently have an appointment with the Hokage. My name is Naru…”
Naruto was stopped midsentence as the ninja before him crushed him in an almost backbreaking hug, his breath coming in wheezes, Naruto pushed the other away and took in big gulps of air as he eyed the guy before him warily.
A huge smile had broken out across the other man's lips as he stood there, his eyes going over Naruto whole form and that of Hibiki's as well, “Uzumaki…I never thought I'd see you again, in fact none of us thought you were ever coming back…man it's good to see you again and a father. I never thought I'd see it, you know I'm a dad too now, twin girls both are three. Kami, is everyone going to be happy to see you.”
His eyes only narrowing further in confusion, Naruto took a better look at the ninja before him and what he saw brought a huge smile to his face as well, `I can't believe it!'
“Lee? Is that you?!”
A smirk settled upon the barely familiar features at Naruto's words and Naruto couldn't help but copy it as well, “so you're a father huh? Who's the lucky lady?”
Lee let his chest puff out as he gave Naruto his most dashing smile, his now long hair was held back in a hair-tie and it seemed that his eyebrows had been thoroughly plucked into some semblance of normalcy, “Sakura of course, I told you that I'd marry her one day. Only it just took her awhile to figure that out as well…”
Shaking his head, Naruto clapped a hand on Lee's shoulder as he pointed down at his now confused son, “this is Hibiki…he just turned seven and it is good to be back.”
Nodding his head in agreement, Lee tilted his head as he flashed Naruto yet another smile, “so where is his mother?”
Jerking at Lee's words, Naruto pulled away roughly and averted his eyes, `should I tell him?' But it seemed that Hibiki had already made that choice for him, his son had stepped towards Lee threateningly and had narrowed his eyes, “he is my mother and I don't like you.”
Naruto watched helplessly as Lee's eyes blew wide and zeroed in directly on Naruto, gulping, Naruto walked over and gripped his son's hand. “Gomen…but can we talk about this later, I am expected and the sooner I speak with the Hokage the better…” letting another smile cross his lips Naruto slapped Lee on the back roughly, “besides, I'd like to see everyone again and your girls too, alright?”
Lee seemed indecisive for a moment before he smiled and lead them inside the gates, “sure, I'd love too…but first, we need to get you two to the tower. Come on, it's this way.”
With that said, Lee took off like a light and Naruto lifted Hibiki into his arms before running after him, it took about ten minutes before Naruto was standing inside Tsunade's office and his son was currently digging through Tsunade's desk.
Lee had promised to gather everyone at his home and had given Naruto the address before taking off, `more than likely returning to his post,' Naruto mused.
Just then the door opened and in walked a blonde woman that Naruto would never forget, he watched as she stalked over to her desk only to find Hibiki asleep and drooling all over her chair. Seeing that she was about to snap and wake his son, Naruto stood and quickly alerted Tsunade to his presence.
She whirled with her hand raised only to have her jaw drop open in shock as she saw just who was in her office, “Na…Naruto? You…you're really here…but I thought,” as she trailed off, Tsunade's eyes returned to the boy that was currently coating her favorite chair with saliva.
Sighing, Naruto walked around her and gently lifted his son into his arms, trying his best not to wake his son. “Hello Tsunade, I know that I am early but I thought I'd make it a surprise for everyone…” seeing her nod before her eyes went back to his son, Naruto smiled, “this little demon is my son, Hibiki.”
Tsunade licked her lips as she held out her arms slightly, “can I hold him?” His eyebrows rising in surprise, Naruto gave a slight nod of his head as he handed his son over and watched with a soft smile as Tsunade cooed over him.
Hibiki apparently sensed this and his face scrunched up in annoyance before his eyes snapped open and locked on the woman in whose arms he was now being cradled. “Let go of me yah old bat!”
Tsunade froze as her eyes narrowed in anger and Naruto could only watch in amusement as a slight case of nostalgia came over him, “what did you just call me you little brat?!”
For the next twenty minutes Naruto was content to watch his son and mother figure verbally duke it out, but when he saw that his son was about to pull out a kunai, Naruto immediately butted in.
“That's enough Hibiki, I think you've quite made your point and an enemy while you were at it. Tsunade, I want to know, did you do as I requested…did you summon them all?” Seeing Tsunade stiffly nod her head, Naruto let out the breath he had been holding as he shoved his son towards the door, “thank you, we'll be off then. I'll make sure to come back and report as soon as this little hellion has gone to bed, see you later Tsunade.”
The woman barely had time to wave before the door was shut, leaving her with but one thought, `Naruto has changed…'
Taking a deep breath of the fresh air of the home he had missed for so long, Naruto continued on his way to Lee's house, watching as his son darted from one spot to the other up ahead. Around them people had stopped and watched as they passed, surprise, relief, joy, and happiness were reflected in their eyes.
Finally reaching the location that was written upon the note he had been given, Naruto couldn't help but chuckle at the color of the house before him, it was dark green with bright pink molding. It seemed that Sakura and Lee got along well enough to have a house painted so ridiculously.
Shaking that thought off, Naruto called Hibiki over and walked up to the door, he was about to knock when the door flew open and two red blurs flew at him, knocking him solidly to the ground as, “Unkie Naru-chan,” filled the air.
Groaning slightly, Naruto blinked his eyes and as his vision slowly cleared he was surprised to find that two identical girls with dark red hair were currently sitting upon his chest and yanking at the front of his vest.
Letting a soft smile cross his lips, Naruto reached up with both hands and tousled their hair, pulling several giggles from the both of them. He was about to ask them what their names were when a sound a few feet away caught his attention, looking up, Naruto nearly leapt to his feet at what greeted his eyes.
Before him stood not only Lee but Sakura, Shikamaru, Kiba, Hinata, Tenten, Shino, Ino, Choji, Tamari, Iruka, Kakashi, and Kankuro. But it was the last four that really got Naruto's attention, Neji, Itatchi, Sasuke, and Gaara were standing a little ways off from the others and Hibiki had found his way over to them as well, but in all entirety they each really were a sight for sore eyes.
Naruto couldn't stop a heartwarming smile from breaking out upon his face as he gazed up at the people who meant the world to him, 'I'm finally here...I'm home.'

A/N- Ah...doesn't that just bring tears to you eyes?
Anyway, that's another chapt down and I am working diligently on the next one, which I promise will be up soon!
Till then,
Ja Ne!