Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Who's The Daddy? ❯ Chapter 2: The Reason Behind It All ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Who's The Daddy?

A/N- Here's chapt 2! Finally!

Disclaimer- I have soo much fun playing with these character's but unfortunately I do not own them! T.T

Oh well, what can yah do...

But anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this chapt. It is mostly explanations and I did my best to have it hopefully it did.



Chapter 2: The Reason Behind It All

"Kaya, Kari...get off of him at once. There will be time to play with Uncle Naruto later alright, for right now, us adults need to talk, so go play with your friends and make sure your back before dark." Sakura's voice was gentle but stern as she gave her daughters each a hard look, the twins merely nodded their heads before giving Naruto one more squeeze.

"Bye bye Unkie Naru-chan," and with that, both girls were gone in a flash of wind and red.

Shaking his head, Naruto took Sakura's offered hand and got to his feet, brushing himself off before turning to regard his friends that were now gathered before him.

"I bet you all have questions and I'd be very happy to answer them for you, but first can we head inside," receiving smiles, nods, smirks, and grunts in reply, Naruto chuckled lightly, "alright then, Hibiki come..."

Naruto's eyes widened as he saw what had become of his son. Hibiki was curently riding piggy back with none other than Gaara and Naruto couldn't stop himself from smiling again at how adorable to two of them looked like that.

As if sencing his gaze, Gaara looked up and locked gazes with him and Naruto mouthed a silent 'thank you' as they followed everyone else into the house. Gaara just inclined his head as he walked at Naruto's side into the house and then into the living room, Naruto walked over to the couch and sat down, Gaara felt inclined to follow and soon he was seated next to Naruto while Hibiki sat between them.

Once everyone had settled down and had found themselves somewhere to sit, all eyes turned to Naruto and he knew that it was time to start explaining a few things. Taking a deep breath, Naruto closed his eyes and did that all too familiar shadow clone jutsu, letting Kyuubi take it over and join them.

Everyone remained silent as they watched this and as soon as Kyuubi had appeared, Hibiki leapt up and leapt at him, "Granny Kyu!" Kyuubi turned in time to catch Hibiki and he couldn't stop a soft smile from crossing his lips, "hello little one...come, let's sit down." Hibiki nodded his head and after Kyuubi had sat near Naruto's legs, Hibiki hopped into his lap and looked perfectly content to be there.

Smiling at their little interaction, Naruto looked up at everyone, "if you haven't guessed already, this is Kyuubi. She wanted to be involved in this conversation, since she is the one who brought all this about in the first place. So, who wants to go first?"

After glancing at everyone else, Lee bent forewards onto his forearms as he gave Naruto a serious look, "you told me eariler that Hibiki is your son, but he said that you were his mother..."

Sighing, Naruto shifted as he looked down at where his hands were resting in his lap, "he told you the truth. I am his mother, I gave brith to him because of a side effect that Kyuubi has given me."

"But Naruto, if you are his mother, then...who is his father?" Sakura's voice was enough to have Naruto flinching in place as he looked down at his son and Kyuubi, Hibiki must have seen his mother's fear and wairiness, because in the next moment he was on his feet with his eyes blaizing angrily.

"Quit bullying my mom, he doesn't know who my daddy is...that's why we came here, we are going to find him before mommy goes into another one of his seasons. So stuff it lady!" Sakura narrowed her eyes in anger while everyone elce watched in amusement, Naruto was nearly laughing but as Sakura started to reach for her kunai pouch, Naruto quickly grabbed his son and pulled him into his lap.

"Alright, that's enough Hibiki...don't be rude. Sakura-chan wasn't trying to be mean..." looking up, Naruto flashed everyone a rueful smile, "sorry Sakura, he's just a little high strung right now. This is his first time here after all."

Sakura let out a sigh before noding her head in aceptance, "it's alright, my girls can be like that sometimes too...anyway, what were you up to all these years and where exactly were you?"

Scratching the back of his neck, Naruto just chuckled, "it's a long story, but I guess can at least explain part of it...I asked Tsunade-sama to send me to the farthest village that needed help in anyway. I ended up somewhere deep in the lightning reigion and after Hibiki here was born, I quickly got a job. After all, who else was going to provide for us, if not me?"

Smiling at the very memory of his first job Naruto ran his fingers through his son's hair lovingly and felt completely at peace, "well...after a few hits and misses, I finally was able to keep a job and we were finally able to get off our feet. For the first two years of Hibiki's life I was hit on by almost every girl in the village and I'll tell yah, it's not something that I'd ever like to experience again if it is humanly possible."

Sending a conspiratory glance towards where a surprised Sasuke was standing, Naruto sobered and quickly became serious, "it was flattering and all, but I had already been taken and for is forever. And that leads me to why Hibiki and I came back so quickly."

Hibiki looked up at Naruto and flashed him a small crooked smile that warmed Naruto's heart, helping him to continue. Lifting his head, Naruto gave everyone in the room a hard look as he straightened his form.

"Eight years ago Kyuubi and I picked a male shinobi, he and I created a bond. One that binds me to him for as long as I live, this bond is also how Hibiki came to be. As you all know, Kyuubi is a fox demon and is subject to these heats, that I refer to as seasons. I am about to undergo another one of these seasons and if I do not find him, no one in this village will be able to stop me from going on a rampage, just as Kyuubi did all those years ago."

Watching as everyone's eyes flooded with surprise, Naruto let his shoulder's slump with weairyness, "the only thing is I don't know who he is..." hearing someone clear their throat, Naruto paused as he looked over and saw Kiba waving his hands to get Naruto's attention.

Seeing that Naruto's eyes were on him, Kiba put his hands back in his lap, "is there anyway to know, I mean, could we help?"

Smiling at the worried tone in his friends voice, Naruto gave a slow nod of his head. He was about to open his mouth to speak when he felt Hibiki tugging on his shirt, when he looked down he couldn't help but chuckle.

Hibiki was pointing to himself, it was apparent that he wanted to be the one to say it. Naruto nodded his head again and Hibiki broke out in a big smile, "in two weeks, mommy's going to start his next season and when that happens..." Kyuubi smiled up at Hibiki in encouragement.

Puffing out his chest, Hibiki held his head high as he spoke. "Daddy's going make his appearance. The bites will prove it, right 'kaasan?" His smile only deepening at his son's words, Naruto tilted his head to the side and shifted his hiyate out of the way, revealing a set of matching bite marks that marred his tanned skin.

They were easy to spot and gave Naruto a more rugged appearance. Once sure that everyone had seen the bites, Naruto recovered them and glanced about the room again, "when we picked the male, Kyuubi and I bit him just as he did me. Two weeks from now, on the night of the quarter moon, the bites that I had inflicted will appear and Hibiki's father will finally be revealed."

"There is one more detail though...I do have some I idea of who it might be, but I can't be sure until that night." Naruto shifted in his seat and Kyuubi could see that he was uncomfortable, so she decided to step in and finish this.

"What he is trying to say is that before all of this started, I had him pick out four male shinobi and then we chose between them. One of those four is Hibiki's father and so, I'm going to have to ask them to be there two weeks from now."

It seemed that Sasuke felt he'd been excluded from the conversation long enough, because he cleared his throat to get everyone's attention, "and just who are these four shinobi Naruto? Or are you just going to keep dodging the question?"

Hibiki narrowed his eyes as he glared at the Uchiha, not liking him one bit. "Mom, that guys a total jerk, so don't answer him!" Naruto nodded his head in agreement, "yes Hibiki, Sasuke is a jerk. But I do need to answer him, it is very important, alright?"

Huffing, Hibiki crossed his arms as he continued to send Sasuke the most deadly look he could, "fine...but you have to make dinner later, deal?" Naruto smiked as he patted his sons shoulder, "deal."

Kyuubi smiled at the tender moment that was shared between his kit's but when he saw that the Uchiha was about to break the moment, he decided to break it instead.

"What my Kit was trying to say was that the four shinobi that were chosen are in this very room," seeing shock fill everyone's eyes, Kyuubi gave a solemn nod of his head, "yes, it is true. Four of you are possibly young Hibiki's father, but it is my kit's place to tell you just who each one of you are, not mine."

Naruto placed a hand on Kyuubi's shoulder in thanks as he gave everyone a solemn look, "Kyuubi is right, it's my place to tell you. I am sorry I didn't before. The four are...Sasuke, Neji, Itachi, and..." pausing, Naruto turned his head and locked his eyes with the confused one's of the red-head at his side, "Gaara."

Hibiki's eyes lit up as he looked up at Gaara, a wondering look on his face. Gaara looked from Naruto to Hibiki in surprise for a couple moments before his eyes softened, he then proceeded to run the fingers of his left hand through Hibiki's hair.

Shifting, Hibiki climbed into Gaara's lap, surprising the red-head and everyone else in the room. Naruto lifted an eyebrow in silent questioning, but Hibiki just smiled, "it's more comfortable this way, right?" Looking up at Gaara, Hibiki flashed him a pleading look and Gaara just gave a nod of his head in response.

Naruto couldn't stop a content smile from crossing his lips as he watched his son and Gaara interact, it seemed that his son had already picked the one he thought was his father. 'I hope that he's right...'

Sparing a glance at the other's, Naruto saw that Neji and Itatchi looked skeptic while Sasuke looked...well, he frankly looked like he had just eaten something sour because he certainly looked pissed off to Naruto's eyes.

'For both of our sakes, please let Hibiki's father be Gaara...I don't know how the other's would handle it if they were the one. Sasuke doesn't look happy at all...I wonder why?' Before Naruto could dwell longer on his thoughts, Lee gripped his shoulder and shook him roughly to get his attention.

"Just how will you be able to tell Naruto, I mean, unless you've got an extra special sence of smell as well..." Naruto nodded at Lee's question and turned to face him once again, "well, you see...Kyuubi left a mark, well, a bite mark actually. It has healed by now, but it will once again rise to the surface when the time comes. That will make identification a lot simpler."

Immeadiately, the four men in question looked and felt their neck before looking at Naruto in confusion. Neji folded his arms behind him as he tilted his head slightly, "Where exactly is this 'mark' located?"

Naruto looked down at Kyuubi for help. Getting to his feet, Kyuubi cleared his throat, "there are actually three of them." Naruto's eyes widened in surprise as he looked up at Kyuubi in silent questioning.

Kyuubi just smiled, "yes kit, I never told you for a very good reason. But a question was asked and it is my job to answer it. The first bite is on the right side of the neck as you have already guessed, the second is just above the heart."

Placing a hand over his heart, Kyuubi lifted his other hand and placed his just on the inner part of his left thigh, "this is where the last mark lies. They will glow a dark red when the time comes and can be seen even through one's clothes. But I suggest that there be no clothes to cover, the bite over the heart, for the heat alone that comes from it will melt through your very clothes."

In reaction, just like what happened with mentioning the bite mark, all four men gripped the front of their shirt in the spot above their hearts. 'I never knew that...but if what she says is true than I am going to have the same problem. I guess that will be taken care of somehow when the time comes. But it's getting late...'

"That's enough for now." As Naruto's voice filled the silent room, everyone turned to look at the blonde in silent questioning.

Looking down at where Hibiki lay dozing in Gaara's lap, Naruto smiled, "it's time that I went back to my appartment, it is getting late afterall and it's time that Hibiki went to bed. Would you mind carrying him on the way Gaara?"

Gaara just mutely nodded his head before getting to his feet, cradling Hibiki's tiny form to his own. Naruto caught a flash of something in Gaara's eyes, something that made Naruto smirk to himself.

It took a few minutes to say their goodbyes and once they were done, Gaara amd Naruto were on their way. As they walked though, several villagers stopped and watched in awe and hate as they passed by them.

But Naruto didn't care and nither did Gaara, besides they were used to it by now.

A/N- And we are nearing the chapt that Hibiki's father is revealed! It should happen in the next two chapts or so...anyway, I hope you guys will continue to stick with me and still review! I really like them and they help a lot!

Whelp, that's it for now and the next chapt should be posted in the next two month's...for sure this time...

So till then...

Ja Ne!