Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Promise To Love Me ❯ Resolutions Of The Equation ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of its characters, but I would love to that way there would only be yaoi couples and maybe NarutoxHinata,lol.
Warnings: This is a Yaoi/ Shounen ai fic
. As much as it is concerned, most of the fic is PG-13 with occasional R. For violence, mature themes/ sexual content, and language.
Chapter Three
Resolutions Of The Equation
Despite our happy ending last week, I could sense change. A lingering premonition of up coming problems, kept me feeling uneasy. I must remain alert and cautious...
"Naruto! Stay focus!" A high pitch whisper broke Naruto's concentration.
Finally redirecting his attention to the raven haired Uchiha beside him. "What? I am focus!" He whispered in response.
"Alright, testing
is now over. Put your pencils down and wait for your test to be collected." The teacher replied walking up to the first desk.
Naruto stared back down at his test, only three-fourths of it was completed. He's eyes widened and he panicked, trying to answer as much as he could before Sensei came to collect his paper.
"Times up, Naruto." He said simply, taking the test directly from beneath his pencil.
"Wait, please Sensei!" Naruto objected in a failed attempt to finish. The teacher ignored his pleading and continued down the aisles. Naruto sighed loudly, beating his head against his desk, which in return caused Sasuke to laugh quietly.
"You're such a loser, Naruto." Sasuke tormented the blonde, patting his head like a dog as school ended.
"Shout up! It's because of all those late nights doing you work that caused me to sleep through half of the test!" He complained.
"Whatever, I told you before that you didn't have to do the work." Sasuke smiled and pushed back his black hair. "Well it looks like I will remain on top but you..."
"Hey, you planned this from the very beginning so that I would be to exhausted to work and fall behind. You bastard!" Naruto framed, stomping his feet.
"Hah, you are too amusing. Are you going to stay after school today?"
"Why the hell should I, you never denied tricking me?" He stuck his nose in the air and crossed his arms.
"Because its for basketball practice." Sasuke winked.
Naruto sat down onto the bleachers in the gym and tried to catch Sasuke's eye, after a few minutes, he was successful. He smiled and saw Sasuke give him a little wave and he waved back before Sasuke turned his attention to basketball practice.
"Earth to Sasuke." Kiba; another member of the basketball team, clapped Sasuke on the back. "Come on, shirts/skins." Sasuke nodded and pulled his jersey off, tossing it onto the bench, Shino and Neji following suit. Naruto blushed furiously and pretended to look intensely interested in his textbook rather than the fact that he could see the sweat glistening on Sasuke's upper body.'re so damn sexy. He must work out a lot to keep a body like that. Could any other guy by more perfectly sculpted than you. Wait a fuck'in minute...why the hell am I thinking this! I'm not gay...right? Naruto felt his face exploding into red as he tried to look away.
"First to ten!" Sasuke shouted on court collecting his team; Neji and Shino. While Kiba's team was made up of Shikamaru and Rock Lee.
"Let's go!" Kiba yelled, and the game began.
Naruto swallowed, unable to take his eyes off of Sasuke, even to study for the test he might have to retake. A group of people were now on the bleachers around him, mostly fan girls, and Naruto had to painfully turn away. Suddenly there was a loud cheer as Sasuke sank a basket from across the court 9-6 in favor of the shirtless team. Naruto smiled and shouted along with everyone else, feeling like he sort of fit in. Finally the game was finished, with Sasuke's team winning. Naruto followed the group down.
"There's no freak'in way we can lose the cup this year!" Sasuke whooped and he grinned at the sight of Naruto's blush, winking. Naruto swallowed again, his eyes roaming over Sasuke's body. Laughing, Sasuke ruffled Naruto's already uncombed hair. "Want to come with us?"
"Out to celebrate." He received a blank stare and looked hurt. "We are sure to make it to the finals."
"Oh..sorry, I've just been busy with studying for class." Naruto looked disappointed.
"It's alright, you can study later. I'll even help." He teased, causing Naruto's cheeks to turn brighter red. "So I'm gonna go shower, then you'll come along, right?"
"I...guess so." Sasuke grinned and patted Naruto on the back.
"Great. Wait here." He ran into the shower room along with the rest of the team.
" many people are going to be here?" Naruto asked nervously. Sasuke shrugged and threw his arm around Naruto's shoulders.
"About five or so, why?"
"Hmmm? No reason..."
To Naruto's surprise the team went out to a restaurant/bar. A group of people filed into the booth that Naruto and Sasuke were sitting in, chatting and laughing. One of the girls from the bar stared at Naruto. She walked over to the table, calmly. "Oh, Sasuke, you're here again. Aren't you suppose to be studying like a good like boy." She teased. Naruto's jaw lowered, Sasuke was familiar here and with these people. The woman talking to him appeared to be about eighteen or older. She was greatly built with lots of curves and long black hair, that hid her beautiful blue eyes. She then noticed the blonde again. "Who’s your cute friend here, Sasuke?" She complemented, grinning, and extended a hand. "I'm Kanaharu." She giggled. Naruto blushed slightly and Sasuke laughed.
"This is Naruto." There was a chorus of greetings and then the waitress came by with two jugs of ale. Sasuke tossed a couple of bills on the table. "I've got the first round."
"Yeah, yeah." Kiba groaned and poured himself a glass, reaching in his pocket and pulling out some more money.
"So do you have a girlfriend, Naruto?" Rock Lee asked.
"No." Naruto replied quickly, trying to make sure Sasuke heard him.
"Why not, you're as cute as hell?" Kanaharu smiled innocently.
"What a tragedy?" Kiba barked, completely uninterested in the conversation.
"Maybe you should date Naruto, Kiba." Shikamaru mumbled, snickering, then yelped and glared.
"Very mature." Kiba groaned, trying now to ignore them all.
Naruto allowed himself to laughed, feeling a little more comfortable within a group. He smiled at Kanaharu. "Hey, Naruto are you like goody boy here? Do you study day in and day out for school?"
"I tried...kept getting distracted." Naruto said louder than he should have.
Sasuke turned a little red and cleared his throat, taking a sip of his drink. "It just occurred to me that it's possible we could be hungover for finals."
"Ah well." Kiba shrugged. "I have a high metabolism." He downed his glass and grinned.
"Why are you all drinking anyway? We're still freshman." Naruto budded in, receiving odd looks once he did so. "Don't you think you should stop?" Naruto's voice quieted as the looks grew more intense.
Sasuke looked around the room and noticed everyone’s attitude and decided to change the mood. "Sounds good to me. I don't want anyone screwing up on court anymore."
"Fine. Everyone do what the smart, popular, cool Sasuke says." Kiba recited solemnly, and received a smack upside the head by Sasuke. Naruto relaxed and smiled, happy to fit in finally. Plus it felt great, knowing Sasuke had had his back and defended him rather than reject his idea.
While walking home, Naruto felt content with this untitled friendship between him and Sasuke.
"Naruto." Sasuke said simply, his voice a little more creepy than usual.
"Yeah?" Naruto looked at the Uchiha with curiosity.
"Why are you doing this?"
"Doing what? I haven't done anything."
Sasuke sighed and stopped walking. "Stop being so stupid." Naruto blanked out and Sasuke noticed it as one of his slow thinking processing. "You are getting the wrong idea about everything."
"I'm not your friend nor will I ever be."
Naruto's heart suddenly cracked. He grabbed Sasuke's arm. "What the hell are you talking about!"
"I could never befriend such a stupid, annoying, demon like yourself." He said coldly, jerking his arm from Naruto's grasp.
What the hell is going on? Just last week he was saying how he had fun being around me and now he is disgusted by me. What the hell did I do wrong?
"Sasuke, what you are saying doesn't make sense? You said-"
"Forget what I said before dammit and listen to what I'm saying now! I hate you Naruto Uzumaki and you mean nothing to me!"
Everything's gone wrong with the world. Is everyone old of there flipp'in freak’ in mind? Why is he saying this to me? And just like my feeling, a change was going on...