Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Promise To Love Me ❯ Destinies Unknown ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of its characters, but I would love to that way there would only be yaoi couples and maybe NarutoxHinata,lol.
Warnings: This is a Yaoi/ Shounen ai fic
. As much as it is concerned, most of the fic is PG-13 with occasional R. For violence, mature themes/ sexual content, and language.
Chapter FourDestinies Unknown
It was a completely mystery to me as to why you suddenly snapped. It happened almost instantly when you made up your mind about me. I was completely convinced I had lost you that day, when you were not yourself. It was as if your heart and words were not your own. The time you told me you cared about me had more truth and meaning than when you told me you hated me. And because of those simple words, you continue to linger in my heart, taint my thoughts and enter in my soul. Though the meaningless words you feed me continue to nurture me; I can not scrap away the hurt that was so painfully chistled into my heart.
Naruto was in his bed, everything
was dark and the only source of light was coming from the moon, which he could see through his windows, windows that he swore were going to stay close.
It was too hot, he felt like he was going to burn, but that wasn’t the only thing that kept him from sleeping, also for some strange reason, he couldn’t go to sleep, like something was preventing him from doing so.
His blue eyes turn towards the shining moon, which was so peaceful. God how he wished Sasuke was here, this heat was making him feel a little bit arouse, and thinking about Sasuke was making him feel worst.
"I keep wanting what you said to just be a horrible dream. A dream that will never become a reality, one I shouldn't be having." He whisper to himself as he twist and turn in his bed, he closed his eyes and moan slightly as the thought of Sasuke near him lead him to peaceful stirrings, and he shiver as he felt a gentle breezed, wait a minute… a breeze.
Naruto immediately turn around to look at the window, the window that was now open, Naruto's ocean blue eyes shivered in curiosity. He sat up and approached the window frame. He crossed his arms and laid his head across them, staring at the night sky. "Sasuke..." He whispered, finding bathing in the light of the moon more relaxing then remaining in bed. He drifted to sleep with peaceful thoughts of the black haired Uchiha.
Due to your sudden impression of me, I was able to discover something about myself as well. Often compared to the strong, beastly spirit within me; I'm completely different. I am weak, vulnerable, easily targeted, and easily held captive. I let my feelings get the best of me, blindly following them to an uncertain doom. You've discovered this as well, long before I was aware and you didn't hesitate to turn it in your favor. You slowly nursed my emotions until I was unexpectedly trapped. Now I must under go a battle within myself. A war between love and common blindly follow you and let you continue to hurt me and hold my heart hostage or to find strength enough to ignore the spell you have cast on my heart.
"Umm...Naruto? Are you alright?" A shy, kindly voice whispered.
Naruto jumped surprisingly from his desk. He looked around and found a shy, coy looking Hinata Hyuuga staring at him worriedly. She blushed to his sudden reaction to her voice. "Y-yes, I'm fine." He nodded, embarrassed she had caught him sleeping in class. He looked around once more, everyone had left, heading for their next class.
"It's not like you to sleep in class." She replied softly. "I just hope you are getting enough sleep at home."
Naruto laughed, "you don't have to worry about me, Hinata. I can take care of myself." She smiled to his confident spirit. "You better head on to class, before you get in trouble." Hinata took his advice shyly and rushed out of the room. Narutp left out of the room and headed for his next class, but to his surprise a familiar raven haired Uchiha was talking in the hall with an unfamiliar girl. Naruto rushed behind a corner, not wanting to bump into their conversation.
The young girl talking to Sasuke was around the same age maybe a year younger. She had beautiful, long open black hair, similar to his. Her eyes were as green as she was tall, which left allot to be desired. She was slightly shorter than Naruto. She talked politely but more like everyone was inferior to her.
"Sasuke, dear. How long do you plan to keep me waiting?" She whined, placing her hands on each side of her hips. Sasuke just sneered up and crossed his arms.
"You are not entitled to me since my parents death."
"Entitled to him?" Naruto whispered to himself.
"As long as there will remains, our destinies are intertwined." She smirked.
"Intertwined my ass." Sasuke gave her an angered glare and walked away.
"You really tick me off." She said out loud, in result made Naruto jump. He looked around the corner and was surprised, the girl had disappeared. He leapt from his hiding and looked around once more.
"She just-"
"I was going to stick it out until Sasuke-kun came to me. But I have something to say to you, too." Naruto screamed once he recognized the voice coming from behind him. He turned around quickly to find the girl looking him straight in the eye. "I know you are in love with Sasuke. It seems that our private matters had to be shared. But just what are you to Sasuke-kun."
What is with this girl? Naruto thought. "What am I?"
"If you don't want your secret to get out, stay away from him. That being both, how you like Sasuke and have the nine tailed fox within you. You're an eye sore, Naruto. I'm Sasuke's fiancée after all, which means I get him regardless of how both of you feel." The girl walked away, leaving Naruto emotionally shattered. that why you hated me? To protect me from being hurt farther when I discovered you were engaged or do you truly love this girl and don't want me around. I need answers, I need to you love me like I love you?