Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Promise To Love Me ❯ Rivals to Friends to Rivals to Lovers ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of its characters, but I would love to that way there would only be yaoi couples and maybe NarutoxHinata,lol.
Warnings: This is a Yaoi/ Shounen ai fic
. As much as it is concerned, most of the fic is PG-13 with occasional R. For violence, mature themes/ sexual content, and language.
Chapter Five
Rivals to Friends to Rivals to Lovers
I fear I will never understand you, Sasuke. Your reasons and actions are and will always remain a mystery to me. I still think that if you didn't have a fiancé you would still treat me as you did back then, so what does haven't one mean now.
Sighing softly, Naruto made his way into the classroom. He placed his books down on the floor next to his desk and searched for a notebook. After the first minute of searching he turned forward expecting
Sasuke to be sitting in the front. Almost like a premonition, Sasuke turned around, having noticed two blue eyes were on him. Naruto quickly looked down and ignored the Uchiha as he had done for the past couple of days. Class went by slower this time. The clock took it’s good old time holding the students in their last period class before the bell rang. The class waited in silence for the sound that would release them from school and conjure up a storm of students in the hall.
“I couldn’t help notice you weren’t yourself today, Naruto.” Shikamaru interrupted his focus on the clock.
“I guess, I’ve just been thinking about stuff.”
“I guess that explains it, but what about all those other days? Oh, why haven't you been showing up at basketball practice. You seemed to have fun last time you came. Strange as it is, you and Sasuke seemed like you've been friends forever. Did you'll have a fight?”
Naruto shook his head with a grin, “when have we ever been friends? I guess that was a one time thing for we wouldn't ruin everyone else's time.”
With those words the bell rang and everyone rushed into the hall. Naruto waved him goodbye as he packed up his belongings. He looked around the room once more and noticed Sasuke lingering as well. The teacher was long gone and they were the only ones left.
Naruto headed for the door, completely ignoring the raven haired Uchiha.
"You have nothing to say?" A wave of curiosity swam over him that moment he spoke to Naruto. Sasuke walked over to him. "Tsubaru explained it to you and you won't even ask me if its true?"
"What could I say and what difference would it make?" Naruto grunted taking another step. "What could I do if you were previously engaged to her? After all I'm just your rival."
Sasuke frowned and sneered up. "You are my rival." He pushed Naruto out of the doorway and walked away.
No, Sasuke! What are you doing, dammit! You are suppose to stop me, tell me I'm wrong...tell me I'm much more than that to you! You are suppose to make everything right again! I want you to tell that I don't feel so stupid for hopelessly wanting you to dump that Tsubaru girl. Reassure me, support me, strengthen me, inspire me, help me, me. Anything...anything other than reject me. I would be happy to even have you just be my friend, but not rivals.
"You really are dense, Naruto!" Sasuke pounded his fist against the punching bag with a last burst of energy, causing the sand inside to burst and dribble generously out of the huge tear. Panting, Sasuke straightened up and surveyed the wrecked training room before glancing at his watch. Five fifty-five. He’d been here two hours now – venting his anger on anything solid he could get his hands on.
He kicked the punching bag away from him and when it swung back, splattering sand, he slugged it off the hook with a rock-hard punch. Choking out tired breathes; the Uchiha’s eyes took on a dangerous look. "If you want to be rivals, I'll give you rivals."
Naruto rushed down the hallways towards the training room. His teachers were so use to him stay after school to help Sasuke, they started having him do work for them after school and now the he was finish he had to clean up and turn off all the lights. The only room left was the training room.
Naruto slowed as he neared the open door of the training room. To his surprise, it seemed like someone was already inside… Naruto frowned. If someone was inside, why’d they not turn off the stupid lights themselves?
He peered into the lite room and gasped. The entire room was ripped apart and in the middle of the room stood a familiar dark haired Uchiha. Naruto gulped at the enraged presence emitting from the young man. At the slight sound from the blonde, Sasuke turned around slowly and his eyes lock with Naruto’s.
“Naruto.” Sasuke hissed.
Naruto felt his heart race; Sasuke is even sexier when he's mad. Tensing his stance in a defensive position, Naruto demanded, “what are you still doing here?”
Sasuke moved to walk past Naruto when suddenly the blonde grabbed his collar with surprising strength for such a small body and jerked his face level with his.
“Hey! Don't just ignore me!” The little blonde roared. “And why’d you wreck the training room? Huh!”
The raven haired smiled in faint delight. Naruto was taken aback by a gorgeous smile that bloomed on Sasuke's face. His heart began to thump quickly. "What else would I be doing in a training room, Naruto?"
"Don't get smart with me, Sasuke!" Naruto blurted out, releasing the Uchiha's collar. "Keep your damn smarty pants comments to yourself!"
"Well if you don't like me answer I will just give you an example." Sasuke smirked and not even having enough time to gasp, Naruto found Sasuke's fist imbedded in his gut. Sending him half way across the room with one blow, Naruto coughed out.
"What the hell was that for!" He looked up and felt fear in the very foundation of his being as Sasuke glared at him seriously.
"Isn't this what you wanted, Naruto? To be rivals." And with those words, Naruto felt the Uchiha's strong hands grasp the collar of his shirt and lift him to his level. "I will give you rivals." Enduring another punch from Sasuke, Naruto completely blanked out.
What is he doing? Why is he doing this? Has he lost his goddamn mind?
"Fight me, Naruto!" Sasuke bellowed watching the blonde go into shock after the second punch. He had never seen Naruto so confused and frightened; leaning against the wall for balance. "I would expected the nine tailed demon fox to be more of a challenge!" Sasuke approached the panicking blonde and kneeled down beside him. He lifted Naruto's chin with his thumb and index finger. "If you can't protect yourself, than you are worthless to me and yourself."
And almost like a charged bust the blonde punched the Uchiha from a close ranger. Sasuke, unexpectedly went soaring across the room and ran into the wall; looked up and wiped the newly running bood from his lip with a smiled. "I'm not worthless, you bastard!" Naruto rushed back over there, jerked the Uchiha up and relentlessly used him as a punching bag. One strong hit after another let its fatal wrath a pond Sasuke's head.
"Is that all I have to do to get you to treat like a rival! I have to make you feel like crap!" Sasuke smiled, despite the bruises and sores now on his flawless face. He kicked Naruto's side as if he was not injured himself. The blonde released him violently to hold his incased ribs. It didn't take long for the two to go at it like mindless fighting machines. Neither giving up or resting to show they were actually getting their asses kicked by each other. "You punch like a girl, Naruto!" Sasuke taunted.
"At least I don't look like one! Your lips and cheeks are so red it looks like make up!" Naruto delivered another kick followed by a another punch. "I've never realized how easily you bruise, pixie Sasuke!"
"Shout up, loser! You're more girly than Sakura, and that should be a honor!" Sasuke blocked Naruto's attacks with his own coming at the same rate.
"You would know wouldn't you, Sasuke. You being a girl and all!" Naruto smirked, grabbing Sasuke's arms and holding him still.
"Oh, so is that your excuse?" Sasuke quickly turned the table and flipped Naruto onto his back and sat down right on his stomach. He smirked at the blondes fidgeting and whining. "Is that your excuse...for liking me?" Naruto went into shock, and his whole face reddened.
"What are you talking about?" Naruto looked down and pushed off the Uchiha weakly. He sat up and took time to catch his breath.
Sasuke, sitting beside him also took a rest; watched intensely as sweat rolled off the blonde's forehead. Naruto, unconsciously; removed his shirt and revealed his perfectly sculpted body to the crisp, cool air. Sasuke went into blush himself, his eyes running down Naruto's chest that glistened with sweat. He watched as his chest raised and fell with the compressing and depressing of his lungs. "Naruto..." he whispered in embarrassment.
Naruto took one final exhale, "that was fun. Actually I haven't had a worthy fighting partner in ages." Naruto cheerfully smiled. Sasuke's whole face felt hot just looking at the blonde being so happy. Sasuke doubted he could contain himself any longer. "We should do this more often, don't you think Sasuke?" Naruto turned toward him but found the Uchiha uncomfortably close. His eyes and face were in lined with Sasuke's. The Uchiha crawled on his knees and approached the blonde slowly. Naruto slid away just as slow. "Sasuke?" Naruto panicked as the Uchiha's hands moved on each side of him. Finally coming close enough, Naruto leaned back down, so that his head wouldn't collide with Sasuke's. He looked up embarassedly at the Uchiha on top of him.
"You really are okay with just being rivals?"
"What are you saying, Sasuke?" Naruto felt like crying and yelling out 'hell no, I'll never be okay with just being damn rivals'.
"I don't want to be with Tsubaru...because I like someone else." Sasuke mumbled the last part faintly.
"Than why are you putting up with her? Just dump her stupid ass! It shouldn't matter if you are happy with someone else, your parents should know that." Naruto closed his eyes in stress; he shouldn't be getting envoled in Sasuke's matters. Sasuke could be talking about someone completely different.
"I want to be with whoever I want...and I" Naruto's eyes slew open and he felt suddenly overwhelmingly warm inside.
"Sasuke, I-" Before Naruto had a chance to finish, he found it hard to speak. Soft, warm lips had lightly met with his. Naruto closed his eyes once more as Sasuke did the same. The warm feeling was like an inferno of passion and heat. The blazing flame of compassion had overwhelmed them both. For what started out sweet and gentle for a few minutes turned deep in harder. Sasuke deepened the kiss, moving faster and more swiftly. His lips ran over Naruto's lips, taking him in. Naruto noticed a hungry tongued trying to make its way in and he allowed it. After so quickly finishing one battle, another one started up with the tongues. Sasuke's playfully teased Naruto's; circling and touching his. Sasuke crawled in closer on Naruto, laying down in between the blonde's spread legs. Sasuke felt Naruto's legs cross after entangling them with his. He moved his hands from Naruto's side and ran them through Naruto's wild blonde hair.
For ninjas, the two were not that very cautious, because a pair of eyes from an unknown onlooker had found its way to them.
After what seemed like hours of just making out, Naruto finally ended the kiss. "We defiantly need to do this more often."
Sasuke smiled and nodded. "You should get back home before your parents worry." Naruto groaned and frowned which caused Sasuke to laughed. He sat up off of Naruto but was surprisingly held back.
"I don't want you to go. Because when we leave tonight, everything will return back to normal."
"It doesn't have to. We will figure this out, together. You just need to be patient, okay?" Naruto nodded and sat up as well. "Well we better clean up this huge mess we made before it gets to late."