Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Promise To Love Me ❯ Fan Girls, Fiancés and Admirers, Oh My ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of its characters, but I would love to that way there would only be yaoi couples and maybe NarutoxHinata,lol.
Warnings: This is a Yaoi/ Shounen ai fic
. As much as it is concerned, most of the fic is PG-13 with occasional R. For violence, mature themes/ sexual content, and language.
Chapter Six
Fan Girls, Fiancés and Admirers, Oh My
Sasuke, when you told me you wanted to be with me, I was ready to explode. There is nothing in the entire universe more meaningful to me than that. I had lost my breath just at the thought of an eternity with you. Absolutely no other thing could make me happier. To stay with you, to stand by your side is my desire. Each word lingers in my mind, reassuring me there is no greater pleasure. So I've decided...I will remain by your side, forever.
Entranced by the constant motion of the raven haired basketball player
, Naruto kept quiet and still watching from the gym stands. Blue eyes followed the steady beat of the orange ball as it was juggled, player to player across the court. Konoha was winning against the Sand village team at 16 to 10, Sasuke and Kiba making most of those hoops. Everyone in the stands agreed Gaara was the only player with actual skill on the Sand's side. But no matter how good you are you can't win the game on your own, which was exactly what Gaara was doing. He cunningly managed to steal the ball from Shino and run past the others without any problems. He shot the ball up into the sky, Rock Lee unable to block properly, wasn't very helpful. The basketball hit against the far rim of the basket and a black-haired Hyuuga flashed up to catch the rebound. Hyuuga Neji was improving in his skills but he was still no match for Gaara.
“Ah!” yelled Sasuke as Neji did a rebound on his shot.
“Go, Rebound King!” cheered Temari as she sat at the benches at the side of the court. Despite her ablitly to play better than half the team, she wasn't allowed to play on an all boys team, so she remain on the side cheering for her bratty brother, Gaara.
"Stop hating, cause you're losing!" Naruto burst out from the opposite side of the court. He wasn't going to let some prissy blonde chick pick on his favorite team.
Neji landed on his feet, turned and gave Naruto a look.
“Don’t look at the side of the court during a game!” snapped Sasuke.
“Hyuuga, catch!” yelled Gaara’s voice.
Neji looked toward the red head with astonishment. "Huh?-"
The basketball hit him directly on the head the very next second. The crowd went into a chorus of gasp as the black haired Hyuuga went down. Unexpectedly, the ball was stolen by Sasuke in midair after colliding with Neji's face and he quickly shot a basket just as the time ran out. Crazed fan girls erupted from their seats and cheered loudly. Sasuke turned his attention toward them and laughed to himself, Naruto looked amusingly pathetic, being smothered and pushed as he sat among the crowd. As result to all the rejoicing, Naruto covered his ears. Only when he noticed Sasuke's gaze a pond him, did he remove them and wave excitedly at him. Sasuke returned the favor, waving casual but anxiously.
"You were amazing, Sasuke-kun!" That teasingly, annoying voice cheered from the front row. Naruto's eyes widened as he saw that same long hair girl, Tsubaru jumped from her seat and embrace Sasuke on the side. She looked so pleasant, hugging him, they looked perfect for each other. Naruto could feel his pulse speeding up and he felt hot from anger. That girl was using the fiancé' excuse to float around Sasuke all day. Sasuke, of course not enjoying her presence, sighed loudly and grabbed both of her arms, breaking them from around him.
"That's right, bitch. Keep you dirty claws off of my beloved Sasuke." Naruto mumbled, fist forming, clutching roughly in his pockets. "Poor Sasuke, having to put up with that creature until we figure something out."
"I always knew that you were star player! The team would be nothing without you!" Tsubaru smirked. Sasuke merrily grouted and turned toward Naruto in the stands. Naruto blushed when he noticed Sasuke was looking back at him helplessly being embraced by the beastly girl. Tsubaru quickly caught Sasuke's distraction in the mist of staring back at him. She glared angrily at Naruto and jerked Sasuke by the arm. She wrapped both small, delicate hands, tightly around Sasuke's arm. "Come on Sasuke dear! Let's go out and celebrate, what do you say?" She smiled cutely and nuzzled her hair into his chest.
"Come on darling, I'm sure you must be hungry. I know you have been very busy lately, like practicing after school and cleaning up the practice room with that fox." She explained innocently. Sasuke's eyes immediately shot up and he turned slowly to look down at the girl. She was glaring at him evilly. "You mustn't keep things from your future wife, Sasuke-kun, it kills a relationship. With out trust there can be no relationship." She almost instantly changed back to her cute expression.
"If only it were that easy." Sasuke mumble sarcastically.
"What did you say, darling?"
"Nothing. Just let's go."
The blue eyed fox watched from his seat as that girl continued to smother Sasuke, it was sickening. He couldn't bare to watch but forced himself to of concern for Sasuke's well being. "That girl really gets on my nerves."
"You said it. That tramp is nothing more than some gold-digger." A young girls voice interrupted. Naruto turned around and staring down at Sasuke as well was Sakura and Ino, along with a group of unknown fan girls.
"She nothing but a man stealing whore. She doesn't even care about Sasuke-kun!" Sakura bellowed. She stared at the girl with extreme hatred. "I can't stand her."
"She's been stalking him for weeks now, and I doubt she'll ever stop." Ino retorted. Naruto blushed at the thought all these other girls felt the same way he did.
Sakura quickly turned to Naruto and stared at him curiously. "Naruto?"
"You like Sasuke-kun too, right?" She pointed at him suspiciously, in result made Naruto jump in shock and shook nervously.
"W-well..." He looked down pathetically and reddened. "I do."
It remained quiet as the girls took in this new discovery. Every waking second ate away at Naruto's nervousness, what would they think of him? Would they be so jealous as to hurt or expose him?
"Really?" Ino asked slowly, like Naruto was mentally handicap. He nodded. And without hesitation the girls flooded to his side, they surrounded him in every direction. They all started talking at once. Naruto could only manage to hear a few words from each.
"That's so sweet."
"How? Why?"
"You're gay?"
"What happened to Sakura?"
"Wait! Calm down!" Ino burst from the crowd, silencing the gathering. "Okay, Naruto. If you like Sasuke, then you should know how we feel?" He nodded in response. "Good. Cause we have a plan to break them up." Naruto's eyes suddenly widened.
Ino finally had her turn to nod. "Yep, but first we'll need your help to gather data, for we can know what we are dealing with, okay."
"Okay, so what's the plan?" Naruto leaned in closer for details.
Neji, who was completely ignored after being hit by the ball by everyone's rejoicing for Sasuke's victory, had finally stood up. He looked around disappointingly, no one cared at the fact of his injury, even someone who he would expect to. He marched back over to the benches, passing the crowd surrounding the popular Uchiha, and he noticed the gathering of girls and Naruto.
"What's going on here?" He interrupted rudely. The girls quickly turned there heads and stared angrily at him. Naruto on the other hand smiled.
"Oh, hi Neji. It's nothing much, Sasuke scheming, Tsubaru's destruction, world domination, you know, the usual." He teased.
Neji blushed and looked down. "You guys are bothered by that? That new girl, Tsubaru. Why do you care so much, Naruto?"
"Well...umm..." Naruto tried to come up with an excuse for being in this situation, but none came to mind.
"Naruto is helping us, against his will." Sakura smiled, sneaking in a wink to Naruto. She understood he didn't want his secret to be out there. "We need a strong male to do all the hard stuff." The rest nodded in agreement.
Neji turned his attention to Naruto who was seemed to happy to be forced to help Sasuke fans against his will. "Than can I help?"
Everyone got silent just like before, Naruto was in even more shock than the rest. "Why?" Ino asked, the only one welling to ask at this moment.
"Because I don't think Naruto will want to he the only boy here, and he has all the hard work. Isn't that unfair to him, after all, Naruto isn't the strongest male here, more like the weakest." The girls looked around at each other and then gathered into a huddle, whispering softly. After several minutes of conversing they scattered, and Ino stood up.
"Alright, Neji. We'll allow you to help Naruto, but everything we discuss and everything you witness is strictly confidential and forbidden to ever be mentioned outside of this group, understand?" He nodded. "Good. Okay, everyone listen up."
A/N: I think this will end up cute somehow, Naruto and Neji helping our well known fan girls. I'm already excited about writing the next chapter, lol, cause the rough draft is already juicy, I can't wait.
Also, I hope you all are wondering why Neji has suddenly had a bigger role to play. What's with his intrusion? Is he doing this to destroy Sasuke and Tsubaru's relationship as payback for Sasuke stealing the glory or to steal Tsubaru for himself. Or is it he has a crush on one of the girls and wants to help her, for she can't notice him. And then there is the secret option he has a crush on Naruto or Sasuke himself and wants to eliminate the competitors, or is it something more secret than that?I want to know what you all think, cause I already know. And it should be dead obvious,lol! Review and tell me!