Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Promise To Love Me ❯ Affecting With Affections ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of its characters, but I would love to that way there would only be yaoi couples and maybe NarutoxHinata,lol.
Warnings: This is a Yaoi/ Shounen ai fic
. As much as it is concerned, most of the fic is PG-13 with occasional R. For violence, mature themes/ sexual content, and language.
Chapter Seven
Affecting With Affections
Never had I once become known to such a feeling as this one. I want to hold onto this feeling but I'm scared that maybe if I do...something will happen.
At first I didn't feel anything at all, but somehow a feeling of longing manifested in me. Up till now I had no clue what this feeling was or that it even exist for a person like me, or that I would have this feeling for the person I did. Being able to share just the same room with
this person is magical. I've found that when I share my happiness with him, this feeling intensifies. Him! What life altering event convinced me to love him! It's not like I wasn't self-conscious, my friends kept telling me that dating the same sex was trouble. That I would have rather dated the opposite gender. But I didn't fall in love with gender. It just happened that the person I fell in love with was a boy. I’ve tried to convince myself to ignore this new and odd feeling. However, whenever I do hold it in, force it away, or try to pretend it doesn't exist at all, the feeling manages to increase within me, exploding after it has reach its limit. It doesn’t make any sense to me, even with my keen genus, I can't even grasp the thought of having loved another than him. I can’t escape this feeling of love I have for him and I doubt I ever will. Even back then this feeling was kept inside of me, waiting for the right moment to spring forth and trap me within impenetrable walls.
When it first happened...
Neji Hyuuga jogged across the soccer field, hearing his cleats squeaking loudly on the damp grass. His socks were soaked, his jersey was plastered onto his back from perspiration, and he was starting to develop an uncomfortable burning in the back of his nose from running too much, but there was only a minute left in the game. He was determined to see this through to the end.
"Neji!" A fellow teammate shouted as a warning. Neji glanced up and watched as his teammate passed the ball. He sped up so that he could dribble properly, but was soon met with one of Sound's defenders. Neji pulled backward with the sole of his left foot and kicked, ignoring his free teammate following him for the ball, but a Sound player charged out of nowhere and took possession of the ball. Another teammate of Neji's chased the player, reclaiming the ball after a moment, and fled down the field. Neji hunched over, gasping for breath and watching as his teammates made their way toward Sound's goal.
"GOAL!" The referee screamed as the ball spun into the net with enough force to bounce back and smack the goalkeeper in the back of the head. "Konoha wins with a score of 8-6! And you'll are going to the championship!"
There were a number of victory cheers from his teammates, and then the coach was calling for them to leave the field. As Neji entered the locker room and headed for one of the shower stalls, he heard two teammates behind him, already discussing the game.
"I can't believe him," one commented, tugging his jersey over his head and tossing the damp garment into his gym bag. "That idiot also cost us the game. He's so damn independent. The high and mighty Neji Hyuuga must do everything himself." He opened his locker and grabbed a fresh pair of blue jeans and a dark, sleeveless top.
"This isn't the first time. He's always like this, even in class. He keeps to himself and ignores everyone like he's so superior than we are. Well no one gives a damn about the important Mr. Neji Hyuuga." The other added immediately as he undressed. He mussed up his hair when he pulled the jersey over his head, and quickly smoothed the strands back into place. "He's completely worthless if he can't work with the team."
"Since when does anyone give a damn about anything?" Neji muttered gloomily as he threw his jersey on the floor and dropped his shorts. After a quick shower, Neji changed into some black trousers and a white shirt. He walked out of the locker room and headed home.
While leaving the school Neji was stopped by a annoyingly familiar voice. "Neji! Wait up!"
He glanced at him as a show of acknowledgment, glanced away...and then, very slowly, he turned to peer at him again. "What is it Naruto?"
Naruto was smiling, his blue eyes warm, and he was wearing his favorite orange jacket over a fishnet shirt that closely hugged his slender body and black cargo pants. His face was pale and seemed to glow despite the fact that none of the sun's rays could sneak past the heavy cloud coverage.
"I managed to catch a few clips of the game and I saw what you did. If you saw your teammate open why didn't you kick it to him? It would have made it easier for you all and you probably would have won by a greater number." He smiled and scratched his cheek, innocently. "This means you'll are going to the championship, right?"
"Yeah." Neji grumbled moodily. He checked his watch to make sure he had enough time to get home before curfew, and then he lifted the handles of his duffel and swung the bag over one of his shoulders.
"Something wrong?" Naruto blinked at him for a few moments, his smile replaced with a mildly curious look. Neji shook his head. Naruto seemed to lose the curiosity quickly. "Oh...I may not be an expert on this but...if you don't like something, you shouldn't have to do it." Neji slightly lifted his head toward the blonde. "If you don't like soccer or the people you're playing it with than why not join another sport?"
Neji smiled shortly, his anger leaving him slowly with every moment he spends with Naruto. "I would, but I wouldn't know what to do. I did this mainly because I still can stay in shape while having extra curriculum activities on my record."
"You should try basketball." Naruto interrupted loudly, with excitement. The statement startle Neji at first. "I bet you would be good at it, better than me at it anyways." Naruto smiled, making Neji feel awkwardly warm and comfortable. "I suck at everything, too many rules to follow. So I stick with books, there's not as much competition for that."
"I think you would be at good soccer."
"You're easy to trust." Naruto lifted his glance to Neji would had an unusual looked on his face. Something between shy, happy, and longing. Naruto laughed suddenly.
"Me? Not likely. Everyone says I'm unreliable and worthless."
"Not everyone, including me." Naruto went quiet with blush spreading on his face. They remain quiet for awhile as they walked home.
A pond seeing Neji's house up the street, Naruto had to break the silence again. "Well I have to headed home." He patted Neji on the back. "See ya. Oh, and I hope you win the championship. I'll try my very best to catch it, promise." His perky statements cheer the Hyuuga up more than expected and he watched as the blonde disappeared into the distance.
"And I promise to win."
The boys immediately gathered in a circle and stretched before getting ready to start their championship game. The stretches consisted of leg lunges, thigh pulls, toe-touches, etc. They all jogged onto the field after stretches, Neji walking into the center circle- his territory. Since they had field choice, the opposite team have kick off. The whistle blew, signaling for the game to start. The opposing teammate kick the ball but was quickly stolen by a Konoha player. Sending a spiraling pass to his teammate, Neji shot up the field, watching two of them pass back and forth. “NOW!” he yelled, causing one to abruptly shift, sending the ball to him, who slammed it into the goal. YESSSSS! Neji yelled triumphantly in his head, returning to his original position for a kick off. “HEY!” The opposing center yelled, receiving a pass and dribbling down the field and slammed into a Konoha player roughly, forcing him to kick the ball straight to Neji, who promptly punted it down the other end of the field.
"Yikes!" Neji yelped, stumbling as a short player in a Sand jersey effortlessly stole the ball from him. The Sand player dashed back across the field, his movements quick and smooth as he evaded each of the Konoha defenders.
"Come on, Neji show these loser how the game is played!" Naruto yelled suddenly from the stands, watching as the small player launched the ball past the goalkeeper. Neji quickly noticed the blonde and was surprised he actually showed up. Neji smiled proudly and nodded, the very next play he stole the ball and goaled. "That's right! You show them!"
Back and forth the game wavered, from goal post to goal post. The referee blew three short blasts on his whistle, signaling the game over. “The winner of the city championship is Konoha's Team!” he yelled, causing Neji, Naruto, and the team to erupt in cheers. “The final score,” the referee continued, “was 10-6.”
His voice boomed through the speakers and resounded over the stands, which were packed with at least a hundred spectators from both Konoha High and the Sand village.
The team returned to the locker rooms soon after. A few teammates stopped to complement Neji on the way. "I didn't know you had it in you Hyuuga, you played well."
"Way to go Neji, you kicked their asses!" Naruto's voice exploded with laughter as he approached the Hyuuga with a friendly pat on the back.
Neji smiled, "thanks, Naruto."
"I should be thanking you. You made the whole game worth watching, if not I would have been put to sleep long before the first half." His gentle caring smile complemented his expression. "We should celebrate!" He quickly lug his arm around Neji's shoulder.
"If you're paying."
"Crap. I was hoping to get you to, but I guess just this once." Naruto teased, receiving a small laugh from Neji. "Alright, where to?"
"On my salary we can probably only get ramen. That okay by you?"
"Sure." Neji nodded and followed the blonde toward the Ramen Shop. "About what you said. I think I will try out for basketball next time. That's if you come see me play even if I really suck."
"I doubt you suck, you're good at everything." Naruto smiled back, leading the way.
Not allot has changed since then. Naruto and I still talk occasionally, being the reason I now have him to thank for inspiring me to join basketball, which kills all my chances to spend time with him. When I first started I was excited, mostly to have him in the stands cheering me on, but one thing has changed. It seems that he has more reason to be at every game and practice, a reason other than me; which causes me some sort of pain. I have to admit, I adored his perky, ongoing attitude and the way he is always so optimistic that you just have to try and smile just to see him grin.
I have noticed a change in atmosphere. It's a growing tense every time I'm in the same room with Sasuke. He's been on my nerves lately, being him always yelling at me on the court or talking to Naruto during lunch and after school. After hanging around the two, I've noticed how they change personalities to hide their suspicion. Regardless of how well they trick everyone else, I know the truth, that more than a friendly relationship has been developing between the two. And I now know my competition, Uchiha Sasuke. For right now, my only mission is to ensure there is no other person for Naruto to turn to. Naruto Uzumaki will know how I feel for him, and that I will never give him up to that self-absorbed, popular, perfect, stuck up Uchiha Sasuke.