Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Promise To Love Me ❯ Goal Set Goal Met ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of its characters, but I would love to that way there would only be yaoi couples and maybe NarutoxHinata,lol.
Warnings: This is a Yaoi/ Shounen ai fic
. As much as it is concerned, most of the fic is PG-13 with occasional R. For violence, mature themes/ sexual content, and language.
Chapter Eight
Goal Set Goal Met
The goal of up most importance: win Naruto's heart. Seems easy enough for a Hyuuga, but it is the hardest challenge I have yet to face. That's why it requires skillful planning and no subtle or forward actions.
"Okay, here's the plan, Sasuke fans." Ino collected everyone together around her. "Objective: destroy and/or ruin Sasuke and Tsubaru's date; here at Konoha shopping center. Everyone will split into groups and do anything to make this date worse than hell!" They all nodded in agreement. "Alright, here's the groups! Me and forehead here, Naruto and Neji..." She continued until she had partnered up everyone. Without hesitation everyone scattered across the shopping center; hiding until their moment arrived.
Neji and Naruto found an inconspicuous hiding stop, behind a shrub along the walkway to the stores. Neji kneeled down, having more trouble to hide his whole body than the small Naruto. Due to the size of the bush, he had to stay close to Naruto, which seemed more difficult than expected. Neji's face redden from the close contact and nearly lost site of his mission when he became intoxicated by Naruto's unique scent. He turned his head slightly so that it wasn't directly near Naruto's.
"What's wrong Neji?" The blonde asked, clueless.
"Huh? Nothing..." He sighed softly and returned his attention to the stores, sure Sasuke would be coming into one soon. Before long, ten minutes had passed and yet no sign of the Uchiha. Neji was starting to think this whole plan was a dud and that he and Naruto were wrongly informed.
Suddenly Neji spotted the two, emerging from the crowd, heading toward a store near him. The girl annoyingly had her arms wrapped around one of Sasuke's, with her just as irritating mouth yapping relentlessly. "Oh, Sasuke. I'm so glad you agreed to go shopping with me." She squealed, making Naruto cringe in annoyance. Neji noticed Naruto's jittery reaction to the girl, and felt slightly upset that Sasuke was causing such unfamiliar feeling for Naruto. "Let's go to this store!" Tsubaru exclaimed, lightly pulling Sasuke into the store.
Naruto clutched his fist, "come on Neji."
"What do you have in mind, Naruto?" Neji asked, returning his attention to the blonde after watching Sasuke and Tsubaru walk into a pet store.
"I want you to release all the animals, and I'll do the rest." Neji nodded as he and Naruto headed in.
"Oh, Sasuke-kun, look at this bunny, it's almost as adorable as you." She held up a small white rabbit and showed it to the uninterested Uchiha. Sasuke merely rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
"Are you done yet? I have more important things to do." He asked coldly, glaring strongly at the fuzzy creature in her arms.
"What could possibly be more important than spending time with your own future wife, Sasuke dear?" Tsubaru replied sweetly, trying o put on her cutest face yet.
"Everything." He answered briefly. Neji could barely contain his anger now, Sasuke was showing off and trying to look good doing it. Plus, Sasuke's constant comebacks are encouraging Naruto, which Neji can't have.
"Okay, Neji go!" Naruto gave an immediate whisper, demanding that he do what was planned. Neji did as he was told and stealthy crept over to the fire alert, pressing it quickly, releasing all the animals from their cages. "Good." Naruto commented, while positing his hands signs and immediately using his transformation jutsu.
"What the hell is going on!" Tsubaru called out, a chorus of free animals now escaping their opened cages and out the door. Sasuke watched casually as several creatures walked past him without any struggle.
"Don't just stand there! Catch them!" Demanded the store owner, noticing the two not contributing to the prevention.
Tsubaru jumped at the man's startling words and quickly did as she was told, randomly chasing after the stray pets and locking them back up. Of course Sasuke, not wanting to do anything with her, wasn't much help at all. Neji watched amusingly as the two scrabbled across the store, gathering any pathetic creature they could manage. He giggled softly to himself.
"Naruto, you sure come up with some really weird stuff." He complemented, only to find out the blonde was gone. "Naruto? Naruto?" He looked around, but couldn't find the blonde. Instead he saw a goldish looking dog, scampering around the store suspiciously. "Naruto?" The dog looked at him, almost grinning and then ran a head, toward Tsubaru.
"Hey! Come here, pretty doggy!" She replied nicely, trying to approach the goldish dog. "Tsubaru isn't going to hurt you..." She reached out a hand to the dog, but was in for a surprise. The goldish dog had immediately snapped at her for approaching, quickly embracing her hand with it's teeth. "Ahhh! You stupid mutt!" She lashed out, trying to free her hand from the beast's mouth, in a failed attempt. "Let go now!" She jerked and pulled repeatedly, but the dog's teeth were embedded into her fist and refused to unlatch. "Sasuke-kun! Help me, darn it!" She yelled back. But when she saw Sasuke staring at her curiously and then suddenly laugh out loud, she was in dismay. "Sasuke-kun? Help me!"
"Fine...I...will." He managed to whisper between laughs. He walked over, uncaringly and grabbed the dog by its waist. And almost as if it was light as a feather, Sasuke pulled the dog from her. He petted it amusingly and put it into a cage. "Is that better?" He asked.
"Yes, thank you Sasuke-kun." Tsubaru sighed in relief.
"Not you, I was talking to the dog. It must have been horrible to have such a rotten taste in your mouth." He teased, pretending to look caringly at the dog. He petted it softly before returning to catching the other animals. Tsubaru was furious by that last statement and was more cautious around the rest of the animals.
The dog snickered silently to Tsubaru's reaction. Neji released a quiet laugh or two himself. Tsubarau quickly took note of this and planned a refreshing revenge. "So you think thats funny little mutt?" She smirked mischievously. "Wait till you see this." The dog growled slightly as the girl approached him with that evil expression. When she opened the cage he was reluctant to escape, but as that girl reached out for him he started to whimper. "Now, now, little mutt, how about you help me find that fire that start this all?" His ears immediately fell along the sides of his face when the girl lifted him. Neji grew infuriated and was ready to attack her, but he knew Naruto would be upset if their cover blown. Several minutes later Tsubaru returned surprisingly, the dog no longer with her. "Sasuke! Sasuke! I found the fire!" She exclaimed, acting as frightened as she could.
Neji jump, "she wouldn't!"
He raced after Sasuke who was being lead be Tsubaru. "Look!" She yelled again. When Neji peeked from his hiding he spotted the goldish dog, running and yelping around for dear life, as his tail was on fire.
"Oh my god, Naruto!" Neji whispered to himself.
"Tsubaru, what are you doing?" Sasuke requested looking angrily at her.
"Nothing. That mutt helped me find it. But I guess he was to stupid to stay away." She shook her head innocently. "Its not my fault, he did it."
Sasuke groaned before quickly fetching some water and putting out the flames, which he suspected she caused in the first place. "Come on, before you cause anymore trouble!" he hissed, making her reframe from talking back. The moment Sasuke and Tsubaru were out of site, Neji rushed to the scene.
"Naruto! Are you okay!" The goldish dog heard his name and charged for Neji. Immediately jumping into his arms, the dog transformed into the familiar blonde. Neji tried to contain the reddening of his face, when the whimpering Naruto embraced him. Quickly seeking any protection, Naruto wrapped his arms around the Hyuuga.
"Neji! She's a demon! She caught me on fire on purpose!"
Neji sighed, looking down at the frightened boy embracing him. He smiled slightly, wrapping his arm around Naruto's waist. "It's okay Naruto...everything is okay." Petting the blonde rangy hair with his free hand, "I'm just glad you are safe now." He's just like a baby, thought Neji. Once he was calm, Naruto removed himself from Neji's grasp. "What's wrong?" The Hyuuga questioned, noticing the awkward embarrassed expression on his face.
Naruto hesitated and stuttered. "Promise not to laugh?"
"At what?" Neji looked at him suspiciously.
"Just promise."
"Fine. Now, what?" Naruto bashfully turned around, taking Neji's promise to mind. Neji's eyes suddenly widened and a light pink blush crossed his cheeks. Where Tsubaru set fire on his tail was really his rear. The fabric on Naruto's favorite pair of black jeans were clearly burnt through, revealing his green boxers with ramen bowls on it, which also was burned through to his flesh. he could clearly see Naruto's butt, "Uh...I wouldn't try to sit down if I were you." Neji teased with a small smile.
Naruto blushed, "I can't go around like this."
"Than let's go shopping. I’m sure the others can handle the rest. I'm sure no one can top what you did." He winked, taking Naruto by the hand and leading him to the nearest clothing store. Arriving at the store, Neji quickly spotted a store worker.
"May I help you?" The female employee asked politely.
"Yes, he needs underwear." Neji gently shoved Naruto in front of him. The lady looked at him curiously.
"Right this way." She lead them to that section of the store. Naruto continued to blush as the lady forced him into the changing room and started collecting clothes.
" I really need all this?" his voice shaky behind the door.
"Yes, Naruto. Now get dressed." Neji instructed when the lady returned with several different types of underwear. She gave him the pile of clothes.
"Call me if you need any help." Neji nodded and watched her disappear.
"Okay, Naruto. Ready?"
"Umm...Neji I think she misunderstood my intentions." Naruto said, mumbling.
"Why?" The door opened slowly and Naruto emerged, instantly causing Neji's nose to bleed. "What the hell are you wearing!"
"What she gave me." Naruto answered simply, trying to conceal the flesh the Speedo like underwear did not.
"It looks like a thong." Neji whispered shyly, trying not to make eye contact with Naruto's almost naked body. The sides hugging tightly at his hips, revealing every curve Naruto posses. "Wait here." He quickly looked around the store, coming back with regular red boxers and a pair of green cargo pants. "Hurry and come on." Naruto nodded, taking the boxers and the pants.
After getting redressed, Neji and Naruto traced down Sasuke and Tsubaru. The couple was casually observing the items in another clothing store. "Looks like they are going to take awhile, lets go walking around." Without giving an answer, Naruto was dragged by Neji to another store. They looked around for an hour or two, before ready to buy anything. Neji was mostly looking for something to buy Naruto, that would most definitely make him fall for him. He returned to the front of the store, where he had spotted Naruto checking out the jewelry. "What are you looking for?" He asked, noticing Naruto's eyes on several types of bracelets.
"Oh, just a present."
"So you do have a girlfriend." Neji smirked. "Is it Sakura, is that why you are helping?"
Naruto blushed and shook his head. "No."
"Than who? Hinata? Or is it a girl from another school?"
"Hey, what did you buy?" Naruto interrupted, changing the subject.
Neji smiled. "Here." He handed the bag to him. Naruto stared at it curiously and then opened it. "I thought you would need one, cause you always seem to get yourself in trouble."
Naruto looked at the cell phone Neji had supposedly bought for him, with a little gratitude and a little upsettingly. "Thanks, Neji."
"Maybe I could call you know if you don't know anyone that will right away. For you won't go around with an empty cell." Neji said, slightly higher than a whisper.
"We better get going. Sasuke and Tsubaru are leaving the store." Naruto turned and faced the door, completely ignoring Neji's offer to be the first person Naruto ever calls. Neji sighed in defeat and followed the blonde.
"Hey, Sasuke why did you buy that?" Tsubaru asked, walking out of the store with an annoyed Uchiha. "Even when I asked you, you wouldn't buy anything for me." Sasuke merely groaned and murmured alittle that Tsubaru missed. "Let's go for a walk in the park!" She exclaimed, taking hold of his arm once again and dragging him to follow her.
While spying, Neji repeatedly heard Naruto growl every time Tsubaru snuggled up too close to Sasuke as they walked. It was starting to get on his nerves, but he would never admit to how annoying Naruto could be some times. The only thing Neji enjoyed was the effect of running around all day, had on Naruto. After hiding behind a bush for a little over five minutes, he was already knocked out, leaning against Neji's shoulder as he slept. "You are truly something Naruto." Neji whispered, allowing Naruto to rest his head along his lap when it became to much of a hassle to sit up against a shoulder. "Hey, Naruto. Wake up, we should go home now." Neji whispered again, shaking Naruto's shoulder gently. " We have been here hours and nothing has happened." Naruto blinked a few times before sitting up to yawn.
"Man. I thought we would at least get to play one more trick on her." Yawning and stretching his arms, Naruto wipe the sleep from his eyes. "Has the others showed up ye-" Just before Naruto could finish his sentence, he spotted Tsubaru leaning in to kiss Sasuke. "What the hell is she doing!" Naruto exploded, forgetting their under cover mission in order to charge at the girl.
"Naruto!" Neji yelled, unable to stop the raging blonde from attacking her. To Neji surprise, Naruto wasn't the only one rushing in to stop this kiss, but the fanclub as well. "Where the hell have they been!" He asked himself out loud.
Tsubaru quickly reframed from kissing Sasuke when she saw a group of charging angry fan girls heading directly for her. "What are you all doing here?"
"Why the hell are you trying to kiss our Sasuke-kun!" Sakura yelled out before the rest. Before soon the girls were all arguing over the issue. Neji remained in the bushes as Naruto approached a startled Sasuke.
"Naruto?" Sasuke hesitated before continuing, he could see a light blush across Naruto's cheeks. But Naruto also looked upset as well. "I'm sorry...I didn't really tell you I was going on a date with her." Sasuke apologized, shyly.
"No, Sasuke! I'm sorry. I know you can't get rid of her right away..." Naruto twiddled with his fingers, toying for awhile as he spoke.
Sasuke smiled and handed Naruto a bag. "Here. I just thought you would need it after what Tsubaru did to you." He blushed slightly as Naruto began to open it.
Naruto opened it and found a pair of green boxers just like the one he had earlier today. "How did you know?" Naruto stuttered, feeling a little awkward for getting this gift.
"Well, I actually knew it was you when Neji kept calling out your name. I had a feeling it was you before too. But I didn't know what to buy so I just got you what you lost." Sasuke nervously scratched his head. "But if you don't like it I-" Naruto quickly embraced the Uchiha suddenly. Wrapping his arms around his small waist and nuzzling his head into his firm chest.
"I'll love anything you give me." He whispered softly. Sasuke just hoped the girls weren't watching and blushed slightly at the thought of being found out. Neji on the other hand was astonished by Naruto's affection for the Uchiha, and was ready to gag at the sight he just witnessed.
"So did you buy anything today?" Sasuke asked.
"Oh, yeah. I did." He released the Uchiha and opened a bag he had from earlier when he was shopping with Neji. "Hold out your wrist." The blonde commanded, Sasuke obeying. Sasuke watched with curiosity as Naruto snapped on an usual bracelet. "I bought it for you." He pulled out another bracelet and snapped it around his own wrist. "Now we both have one." Sasuke smiled proudly at the simple silver chain around each of their wrist.
"He bought that for Sasuke!" Neji commented, noticing the bracelet from before in the store. He sighed in defeat. "No matter what I do, the Uchiha still manages to charm his way into Naruto's heart without doing anything."
"What's that?" Sasuke pointed to the unfamiliar cell phone also in the bag.
"Oh, Neji bought it for me." Naruto picked it up lightly and stared at it. "I should really pay him back. Its wrong to let him buy clothes and a phone for me, especially when he had to do this mission with us as well."
"Don't tell me, Neji is apart of my fan club too. I thought Neji was totally straight!" Naruto burst into laughter and shook his head.
"Don't flatter yourself, Uchiha. I would rather spend an eternity in the fiery pits of hell then even consider falling for you." Neji mumbled with fury.
Sasuke smiled, happy to see such a peaceful expression could be brought to Naruto's face so easily. Without much warning he then snatched the cell phone from him and started to tamper with it. "Hey! Sasuke, give it back! I don't want it broken! Now hand it over!" Naruto quickly protested trying to snatch the mobile back, but to his surprise Sasuke gave it back to him without much struggle. "What did you do?"
"I'm on speed dial one, so if you ever need me." He winked. "And I just wanted to be the first number on your phone." Naruto grimaced and nodded, giving the Uchiha another hug.
As all this went on, the girls were finally getting over their argument. "Forget it! I'm not explaining myself to a bunch of hoes like you. Come on, Sasuke! We have better things to do." Tsubaru interrupted him and Naruto, instantly jerking Sasuke by the arm and leading him away.
"Thanks for walking me home, Neji. I'll see you later, okay?" Naruto stated reaching for the knob to his home. Neji waved goodbye and walked away once he saw Naruto head in.
"Everything okay, Naruto?" Iruka asked, noting a depressed Naruto walking through the door. He shook his head and rushed up stares before another questioned could be asked. "I wonder what's wrong."
"He's a teen, you'll never know what's going on in that little head of his. After all he is Naruto, and his thoughts are like a maze. Bazaar and practically impossible to understand." Kakashi teased as he sat on the couch in the living room. Iruka nodded in agreement, sitting down on Kakashi's lab and kissing him sweetly.
"I think he gets it from you." He smiled, feeling the arms of his lover wrap around his waist tightly, pulling him closer.
After arriving home Naruto dragged his things up to his room and fell onto the bed like a rock. He moaned loudly through the quilt and kicked off his old black shoes. If life could just be a little more merciful, than maybe he wouldn’t have fell asleep three hours before dinner from exhaustion. He liked sleeping on his back mostly, because it made him feel relaxed and peaceful, but he fell asleep before he had the chance to turn over on his back. As he slept he still couldn’t remove the event today from his mind.
“People like her really make my blood boil. Why does Sasuke put up with her?” he pouted and complained, half asleep. Suddenly just as he was passing the border from consciousness, Naruto heard his cell phone ring. He fumbled over to the wall, where he had left it in the bag. "Hello." He answered, he moaning and half yawning.
"So you aren't happy to have me call?" The familiar voice teased. Naruto quickly lost his tiredness and became perky.
"No, that’s not it! Not it at all! I was kind of hoping you would call me..." He murmured the last few words.
He heard an amusing chuckle on the other line. "I would regret having Neji call before me." He grinned and sighed. "I just wanted to call before you fell asleep, but I guess I'm too late for that."
"I wasn't sleeping...just really tire."
"Than get some rest okay, I'll see you in the morning. Good night, Naruto." Sasuke replied softly. Naruto blushed and gave the biggest smile he could muster, even though Sasuke wouldn't be able to see it. It just felt so good to here that from Sasuke himself.
"Okay. Good night, Sasuke." Naruto replied back, waiting until he heard the click on the other line, signaling Sasuke had hung up. He smiled to himself and held the phone close to his heart. "This day will be remembered forever. That and the soreness Tsubaru gave me." He laughed before falling over in exhaustion once again.
A/N: I hope you all loved it! I'm sorry for the delay, but I had written it all before and I couldn't find any time to finish typing it. I'm so sorry! But I can't wait for the reviews!-