Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Promise To Love Me ❯ Naive Minds And A Gentle Kiss ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of its characters, but I would love to that way there would only be yaoi couples and maybe NarutoxHinata,lol.
Warnings: This is a Yaoi/ Shounen ai fic
. As much as it is concerned, most of the fic is PG-13 with occasional R. For violence, mature themes/ sexual content, and language.
Chapter Ten
Naive Minds And A Gentle Kiss
Naruto woke up rather abruptly, yelling in the belief that he was fighting Tenten. Surrounded by unfamiliar white walls and the scent of medicine floating around in the air, helped Naruto conclude he was in the infirmary. He was bleeding. He had a bruise on his cheek where Tenten had punched him and there was a fairly large gash with blood, on his shoulder. Out of curiosity, he reached over to touch it but felt pain shoot through him. His head ached as well, but worse than that was the realization of having transformed into his demon side unexpectedly. He closed his eyes and tried to take inventory on everything that had happened.
"Naruto?" Sasuke lightly pushed open the door, "I thought you would be out longer than that. My mistake." Naruto watched wordlessly as he walked in. "What?" Sasuke stared at the blonde with a lifted eyebrow. "I would be expecting you to be bragging about how you kicked Tenten's butt."
Naruto looked down disconsolately. "I did it again, Sasuke..." He mumbled upsettingly. Sasuke sighed in frustration and approached the blonde. Calmly, he patted the blonde's scruffy hair and brushed it back. "When I change I can tell everything will be different. No one will look at me the same..."
"No ones going to hate you for what you did." Sasuke moaned though knowing it was a partial lie, "plus, most of this school doesn't know about the demon nine tailed fox." Naruto remained silent to return to his thoughts, without paying much attention to the shocked expression on the Uchiha's face when his wounds began to heal themselves.
"It took rather long this time." He said, looking back at Sasuke and smiled. "What? You didn't know it could do that?"
"Well..." Sasuke smiled a little and rubbed the back of his head. "I always knew you were full of surprises." He laughed, allowing to Naruto to feel better. "I only wish you would do some of that to Tsubaru like you did to Tenten."
"You wouldn't be mad at me?" Naruto broke the humorous atmosphere suddenly, causing Sasuke to look back at him like he had lost his mind.
"You would be doing the world a favor, not to mention saving my life." He smirked, sitting on the edge of the bed next to Naruto. "Unless you rather me be with Tsubaru than you."
"Hey! I never said that!" He exclaimed, nearly damaging Sasuke's ears with his out burst. "I just don't want to kill her...once I start I can't stop myself..." He murmured, putting back on his pity face.
Sasuke grinned and took the blonde's chin in his hand, so that two beautiful blue eyes met his black ones. "Then I would just have to stop you again." Naruto blushed as he saw Sasuke's face drawing closer to his, until their lips touched again. It had came in shock to him, that he had raised his hands to prevent it, but after the warming sensation shot through him, he reframed from the thought of ever stopping. Sasuke parted slightly, still able to feel Naruto's hot breath against him.
"You're not irritated by having to stop me?"
"I look forward to it." He smirked intimidating and caressed Naruto's flushed cheeks. "It's incredibly sexy when you transform..." Naruto immediately felt his whole face burn with embarrassment, but it quickly left the moment Sasuke's delicate lips nipped at his neck. He gasped as eager lips sucked at his throat and made their way back up to his own.
Naruto's hands fluttered helplessly for a moment before coming to land on Sasuke's chest, pushing him away and breaking the contact of their mouths. Naruto's cheeks were red and his breathing had quickened a little as he stared up at the Uchiha. His fingers twitched against Sasuke's chest and he responded by pushing Naruto slowly down onto his back. "Sasuke...we can't do this in school."
Sasuke sighed and kissed Naruto's lips gently again before heaving himself up into a sitting position. "I guess not. Damn." He winked with a laugh. "Well then we will just have to continue later. What do you say?"
"Alri-" Just before Naruto could finish his statement an abrupt disturbance came crashing into the room.
"Sasuke-kun!" Tsubaru charged into the Uchiha, who had rushed onto his feet for a quick escape. She hooked her thin arms around the slender waist and refused to loosen it. "Oh, Sasuke-kun! I've been looking all over for you! Word around school is, you were helping that demon after so mercilessly beating up Tenten! We would you do such a thing for that beast!" She cried pathetically, still clenched onto him tightly.
"That beast! Hello, I'm right here!" Naruto exclaimed, waving his arms in the air.
She paid no attention to him continued smothering Sasuke. "Come on dear! Let's go somewhere less contaminated." She forced the Uchiha to the door violently against all of his struggling. Before he had a chance to speak, he was already being dragged half-way down the hall.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhh! That bitch!" Throwing the very next thing beside him, which happened to be a flower vase on the desk beside his bed, it shattered into a million pieces as it collided with the door. As if to mock him, the door opened once more, slowly. Suspecting it to be Tsubaru again, Naruto picked up a pencil holder on the desk and prepared to throw it the moment she was in sight.
"Naruto? I-" A worried, long black haired Hyuuga found it hard to finish when a hard object was heaved into his face out of nowhere.
"Neji-kun?" Naruto's eyes widened in realization and he rushed out of bed and aided the Hyuuga. "I'm so sorry, Neji! I thought you were Tsubaru." He mumbled embarrassingly.
Neji blushed, he was still in shock from hearing Naruto call him 'Neji-kun', which sounded more adorable when he said it than some crazy fan girls. "It's alright Naruto." He sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose in agony. "That was some throw. Ever consider baseball?" He smiled to disguise the pain and ease Naruto's worry.
Naruto reddened. "I'm really sorry, Neji. I...I just seem to be hurting everyone today." It pained him to think he had tried to kill Neji as well as Tenten.
Neji quickly noticed the disappointment in the blonde's expression and had come up with a way to cheer him up. "It alright Naruto, really. Tenten's okay she just had to go off to the hospital for awhile and I'm already recovered." Alittle guilt lifted from his shoulders but the thought of still causing so much damage weighed heavily on his heart. "Hey, how about we get some ramen?"
Almost like a spell had been cast, Naruto tackled the Hyuuga excitingly. "Really! You're the best, Neji-kun!" The blonde affectionately embraced him, nuzzling his head into Neji's chest relentlessly. Neji blushed and patted and blonde's back. He may actually be glad to have gotten hurt if this was the outcome.
"Neji, I thought we were getting ramen." Naruto replied, looking curiously down a long hall with wooden floors.
"We are." He shouted from inside a room down the hall. Making sure that the last cable was securely connected, he grinned to himself.
"Then why are we at your house?" Naruto walked farther down, falling the sound of Neji's voice. He didn't expect Neji to lead him to his home when he was ask to ramen.
"Why go out to a shop and spend money we don't have on ramen, when I have plenty here at home for free?" Naruto didn't answer, it made enough sense to him. "Come on in Naruto,” Neji called; casting one last panicky glance around his room to ensure it looked respectable. Stupid for him really considering what a neatness freak he is, and as suspected, he found everything tidy and to his satisfaction, just like it was ten minutes ago when he’d last checked. He admit that maybe he was being a little paranoid, but this was his usually private, personal space that Naruto was entering, he didn’t want him to think that he was some kind of slob.
The door slid open slightly, and Neji looked up to see the blonde poke his head shyly through the gap before coming in, his eyes lighting up as he saw bowls of ramen along with an old games console resting on the floor, already wired up to the TV.
“Ramen!” he cried joyfully, bounding over to where Neji knelt and giving him a hug, a hug which made all his efforts seem worthwhile, “And you have video games! Can we play when we're done eating?”
Neji's grin grew wider as he sat there with Naruto's arms wrapped around him, “did you think I hooked it all up just to taunt you?”
He shook his head, "then let's eat!" Letting go of Neji (much to his disappointment), Naruto jerked the bowl up to his face and forced large portions of noodles down his throat at once. "You're the best, Neji!" He said, muffled through the mouthful of food.
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Neji replied teasingly, taking a bite of his ramen as well.
Suddenly he felt a gentle prod on his arm; “Can we start?” Naruto asked pleadingly, staring at him with puppy eyes, “Please?”
"What? But you just started eating!" Neji yelled in surprise. His eyes widened upon seeing Naruto's bowl already empty and his own still full. He sighed in defeat. "Sure thing," he said, wondering if it was possible for anyone to resist him when he went into cute mode, “After all, we’ve got a score to settle!”
"What score?" Naruto asked confused.
"You beating me earlier today at lunch. I own you an ass kicking!" Naruto picked up the remaining controller while Neji reached over and flicked the power switch, illuminating their faces with the glow of the title screen.
After losing to Neji ten time in the course of thirty minutes, Naruto was growing more rowdy. “Ok, this time I’m going to win for sure,” Naruto said, his voice filled with determination as he pressed the ‘start’ button.
“I won!” Naruto suddenly cheered delightedly down Neji's ear, throwing his hands up in the air.
“You just got lucky, I want a rematch.”
“As you wish,” he giggled.
They played four more games in quick succession, neither of them willing to give in. Neji got his revenge in the second race, only to be knocked back again by Naruto in the third, an event which he seemed to enjoy immensely. Fortunately, Neji managed to secure first place in the last two matches, resulting in him being victorious over all. Setting down his controller, Naruto flopped back onto the floor wearily and sighed as Neji followed his example.
“No fair,” he pouted jokingly, “You’ve obviously had an advantage since you own the game!”
Neji laughed at Naruto's pathetic sulking expression, “You’re just thinking up excuses ‘cause you can’t handle that I beat you.”
“The only reason you beat me is because you know I get sleepy after I eat ramne! That's why we ate first, it was all apart of your evil plan to beat me!”
“Excuses, excuses…”
“They’re not excuses!” Naruto closed his eyes and spoke more softly, “Besides… I’ll win the next game.”
Neji just grinned and laid there quietly, grateful for the break since his own thumbs had started to throb. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Naruto rolled over to face Neji.
“Hey Neji, why did you really come with me do spy on Sasuke and Tsubaru the other day?” He asked, concerned.
Neji blushed, what would Naruto say if he explained it to him. "I just thought you looked so pathetic there with all those girls, trying to stop the inevitable." He smirked, turning over so that his eyes met Naruto's blue ones.
Naruto chuckled to himself, rolling back over onto his back with his eyes closed again. "She’s probably glomping him right now..."
Neji sat up suddenly. “Or you know…”, raising a slender eyebrow mischievously, “They could be kissing.”
"Sasuke would never let that happen!" Naruto hollered suddenly jolting up. To his surprise Neji was sitting up right in front of him, so that when he sat up his head touched Neji's unexpectedly.
Naruto's heart started pounding, Neji was so close that he could count every fine hair on his head. He could even smell his sent, light and alluring and faintly flowery, something which he’d never noticed until now. Neji appeared to be totally at ease with their current situation. Seeing Naruto's distressed expression, he gave him a shy smile before leaning in further, diminishing the small gap between them so that only a few centimeters remained.
"Neji? What are you doing?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
"You really are cute when you're mad." Neji murmured sweetly, referring to the half second before he sat up in rage of Neji's remark about Tsubaru and Sasuke kissing.
He moved in, their faces hovering uncertainly in front of each other. Unsure what to do next, Neji impulsively took Naruto's hands in his own and closed his eyes.
Their lips connected, gently, carefully. Naruto felt Neji’s grip tighten as he continued, the kiss becoming stronger as he grew more confident. He couldn’t believe how good it felt, how nice Naruto's soft lips felt on his, and he released. Eventually Naruto reluctantly pulled apart, panting, and he opened his eyes to see Neji’s flushed face mirroring his own. Naruto was trembling slightly, and for a while all they could do was sit there, still holding hands, still only inches apart.
"Neji..." he murmured, having got his breath back.
"Why did you do that...? I hate being called cute."
“W-what!” Neji stammered, thrown off by the unexpected reply. As if the kiss hadn't just taken place, Naruto completely ignored it's occurrence. "I-" Before speaking, the phone rang. "Wait right here."
And with that he vanished through the doorway, while Naruto sat there gazing at the place where he had stood, partly trying to make sense of the afternoon’s events and partly wishing that it hadn't happened. Falling back onto the floor, he gingerly touched his lips, and sighed wistfully. It was going to take him a long time to figure out this. "Damn. And I thought I could trust Neji. That's low Tsubaru. Using my friends to keep me away from Sasuke, thinking I would forget him and fall for another. You'll pay."
To Be Continued...
A/N: Lol, Naruto is so naive! I can't wait to read reviews and I know you all can't wait to see Tsubaru get her ass kicked by Naruto either.