Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Promise To Love Me ❯ Promises ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of its characters, but I would love to that way there would only be yaoi couples and maybe NarutoxHinata,lol.
Warnings: This is a Yaoi/ Shounen ai fic
. As much as it is concerned, most of the fic is PG-13 with occasional R. For violence, mature themes/ sexual content, and language.
Chapter Eleven
Groggy eyes raised and fell several times before deciding to let the lolling lecture from the sensei; convince them to stay shut. Much to Naruto's dismay, he gave his best effort into staying awake, but failed miserably. It wasn't until a firm hand prodded his shoulder that Naruto was brought out of his sleeping spell.
"Why sleepy all of a sudden?" An intimidating voice chirped.
Naruto reluctantly lifted one eye and saw the raven haired Uchiha kneeling down in front of him. He groaned, returning to his previous tired state. "I couldn't sleep last night
." He mumbled simply.
Sasuke smirked seductively, "is my fox having nightmares? Want me to help, I could come over? But I can't guarantee there will be any sleeping when I come over."
Naruto blushed, "the problem id Neji, so I doubt you can help."
At the very mention of the Hyuuga's name, Sasuke's smile quickly dissipated into that of a scowl. "What about Neji? What did he do?" The tone of his voice frightened Naruto easily, causing him to hesitate before answering.
"Oh, well...ah..." Naruto couldn't tell Sasuke, Neji kissed him without the Uchiha later going out to kill him. Though he didn't like Neji in that way he was certain he didn't want that to happen to him. The truth was he couldn't sleep because of the kiss. The very thought of Tsubaru using his friends to sidetrack him was overwhelmingly upsetting. "You see...I...well..." Sasuke was rapidly getting irritated by Naruto's meaningless stammering.
"Stop beating around the bush! What happened!" Sasuke finally erupted, catching the attention of the few stragglers in the class. Naruto looked around embarrassed, class was over but there was still enough witnesses to discover their secret. "Naruto." He barked, retrieving the blonde's attention once again.
Naruto glanced down at the floor. The dirty tiles had suddenly become more interesting than this conversation. But out of fear that Sasuke might ring out his neck, he spilled. "After you left the infirmary, Neji stopped by and he invited me out for ramen. And you know how irrisable ramen I agreed." Naruto looked up casually at Sasuke to see if his expression had changed any, but he still held the same serious frown as before. Rushing the rest out as fast he could, "but we didn't go out to ramen we went to his house for ramen. We got done we played video games, I was winning of course, so we played until we both were exhausted and..." He looked up again, still Sasuke's demeanor hadn't changed. "Hekissedme and then the phone rang and I ran off before he got back." Naruto rushed out as quickly as he could. Nervously he stared at Sasuke, who looked bewildered as if he didn't catch a word Naruto just said, and if so then Naruto's plan was a success.
Slowly the Uchiha's head fell, wordlessly Naruto heard a cracking laugh. He murmured something inaudibly and Naruto had to lean in closer to hear it. "I'm going to kill the fucking bastard."
"Sasuke?" Naruto's face paled in astonishment. Sasuke had literally lost his mind.
"That's the last time that ass touches my fox." He stated to himself.
"Man, Neji are you catching something?" Lee asked concernedly.
The Hyuuga hurriedly wiped his nose. "No. I don't think so."
"Maybe you caught a disease from hanging around that idiot Naruto." Tenten stated bitterly, crossing her arms. Neji and Lee both stared at her awkwardly, it wasn't like Tenten to hold a grudge. "What! Don't look at me like that! I have a the reasons in the world to despise that blonde." She pouted, sticking her nose to the air.
"Oh, really?" Lee smiled, "does one include being envious of his admirers."
"I'm not jealous of that knuckleheaded ninja!" She quickly answered back.
Neji shuck his head in confusion. Lee smiled and let it go. "Whatever you say, Tenten."
Some short time between Sasuke's furious self-reflection and Naruto's useless panicking over it, they were briefly interrupted.
"Naruto, Sasuke." The same tiresome voice that had put Naruto asleep just moments before, bellowed. The two teens quickly stopped their sulking and gave their sensei their undivided attention. "I was hoping you two wouldn't mind doing odd jobs around after school again? You both did such a wonderful job last time and we teachers are loaded with grades coming out soon."
Naruto gave Sasuke a suspicious glare, after all he was the one doing all the work while Sasuke watched. But he really didn't let it faze him, since things had changed slightly since then. "We don't mind, Sensei." Sasuke answered without Naruto's much needed consent. He walked away cheerfully, leaving the two teens alone again.
"You didn't even ask me." Naruto remarked indifferently.
"Do I have to? What, you don't like staying after with me?"
"No..." Naruto blushed. He actually loved staying after school since it was when they had time alone. Not to mention the intimate contact from that time in the gym. Now that he thought about it, they haven't had a single romantic moment since then. Maybe this could be his chance to fit one in.
School had ended expectedly, it's students rushing out in herds. And like always, the teachers quickly followed after ten to fifteen minutes later. So far everything was going as expected until Naruto got a good look at the work that was to be done. A mountain of random assignments and folders were sprawled around the teacher's desk, waiting to be filed in chronological order as instructed by the Sensei. Naruto released a heavy sigh before getting started on the hours of cruel and usual torture. Most upsettingly, Sasuke was delivering papers back and forth through out the school and left no time to even talk with Naruto. The plan so far...a complete failure.
It only took half an hour before Naruto was bore to deaf with the same duty. He had memorize each scratch and speck of dirt on the floor from occasionally stopping to groan in frustration and stare mindlessly at the ground. Surprisingly enough through all of Naruto's complaining and whining he had finished in about a hour. Placing the last paper in it's correct file he gave a beastly yawn and an exhausted screech before collapsing onto the floor.
"Darn. I was so hopeful too. But I haven't even seen Sasuke since school let out. So much for our romantic moment." He closed his eyes momentarily and laughed to himself. The classroom did seem a little to cliché, especially in perverted adult movies or in books he'd seen Kakashi read.
Naruto had found himself silently drifting to sleep among the lonely classroom until he heard the door noisily open. He sat up immediately and saw Sasuke looking over him suspiciously.
"You have enough time sleep when you are suppose to be working?" He smirked. "I always knew you were lazy."
"Lazy! I finished that filing a long time ago! I can tell you're just getting finished with your work!"
Sasuke burst into laughter, riling up the blonde brought him much pleasure. Naruto, who figured it was an inside joke, felt out of the mix. "Stop it, I didn't do anything funny!" Naruto protested waving his hands in the air.
Sasuke finally collected in calm demeanor and smiled. "Oh, but that's what I like about you. You're funny and clueless without trying."
Naruto gave Sasuke a big bottom lip and stood up. "And to think I actually thought you've changed, but nope. You're still the same jerk from years ago." He pouted crossing his arms.
The room suddenly went silent as the cold darkness of the evening set in. Naruto looked around the room nervously, the sun had gone down as if it was ducking from on coming trouble. "Sasuke?" Naruto mumbled hearing the classroom door shut and his slender body tensed up.
"Is that what you think. That nothing has changed..." Sasuke's eerily cold voice remarked. Naruto turned in the darkness to see two deep black eyes staring into his blue ones. He opened his mouth to speak but found it was difficult with Sasuke's lips pressing so firmly against his. Strong hands grabbed his shoulders and forced him against a student's desk. Feeling Sasuke climbing on top of him, shivering, they finally broke apart. Sasuke simply smiled and buried his face in the crook of Naruto's neck, his hot breath against the blonde's skin. "If you ask me, I think allot of things have changed." Slowly and gently he bite at the silky flesh of Naruto's neck causing a suffocated moan. Making his way back to Naruto's lips he bite his bottom lip playfully. Blushing, Naruto tightly gripped the Uchiha's shoulders as the playful nipping became forceful and rough.
"Sa..Sasuke..." He whimpered beneath Sasuke's feathery kisses. He hesitated with smile, nothing pleased him more than hearing his name from the blonde's lips.
Loving the adorable sounds he made, Sasuke's inner fire only grew more. In order to feed this hungry flame, Sasuke kissed Naruto viciously as his equally hungry hands roamed over the slender figure. Pulling Naruto's waist closer, he slothfully slipped his hands under the clingy white shirt that he wore. Naruto let an innocent moan slip by as soft, graceful hands caressed his tone chest. Making an inner triumphant smiled for hearing the blonde, Sasuke slowly broke apart again. The site of a panting Naruto with a feverish sweat riding down his head and chest made the Uchiha tingle with excitement. "The only thing that hasn't changed is how I leave you breathless." He smirked seductively. Naruto blushed, taking the full scene into mind. Sasuke's hasty hands were still under his shirt and he was so close he could feel Sasuke's hot breath roll over his cheeks. Sasuke suddenly leaned in so that his lips were courteously against Naruto's ears. "That and you always make my mouth water."
Then without any warning the Uchiha forcefully pulled off Naruto's shirt, revealing a beautifully sculpted chest and a thin stomach. Pushing the blonde farther up on the desk, he lowered his lips to brush over the freshly revealed skin, tasting every spot available. The high pitch of Naruto's voice was only intensifying as a hot, wet tongue ran over his chest, graciously stopping when spotting a nibble. Sasuke smirked looking back at the expression on Naruto's face as he gave the gentle nibble a soft squeeze. Satisfied by his desirable moaning, Sasuke kissed the sweetly pink nibble, finally taking it in his mouth and sucking lustfully as he squeezed the other in his hand. Naruto pressed his hips closer into Sasuke's, a low growl escaping him when Sasuke's free hand pushed his legs apart in order for him to lay between them. Sasuke opened his eyes and lifted his head, staring into the sea blue depths. They were hazed with desire, a mirror of his own.
He could feel a hard groin pushing against his stomach as he laid between spread legs. Naruto, panting more than before, sat up enough so he was face to face with Sasuke. Sweaty palms grabbed Sasuke's face and drew him into a fierce kiss. They became a jumbled mess of limbs, their mouths hungrily kissing every which way. Sasuke grasped the blonde's delicate hips as it was ferociously grinding into his own. "Sasuke...I...I want you..." Naruto gasped between harsh kisses. Sasuke shuddered with delight, forcing his tongue into Naruto's hot mouth. Naruto moaned again, the sound had made Sasuke's ears tingle. His hands strayed now to the hem of Naruto's orange cargo pants, lightly stroking the almost girlishly thin thigh of his right leg and crawling back up toward the waistband. He fastened his mouth to the tender flesh of Naruto's throat. He bit and sucked and kissed like it was candy, spawning heated cries of pleasure that only fueled his ferocity more. Redeemed by chance tenderness, the time was spent in laborious groping, pulling, yanking and jerking. Some time between their heated kisses, Naruto had managed to remove Sasuke's shirt, making his way eagerly to the Uchiha's white shorts. Naruto's eyes fluttered to the back of his head when Sasuke's finger tips slipped into his pants and playfully squeezed and toyed at the now hardening sensitive flesh beneath his boxers. "Stop teasing Sasuke..." Naruto spurted out between moans.
Sasuke laughed shortly. "It's too much fun messing with you, Naruto."
But quickly the humorous atmosphere dissipated at the sound of foot steps coming down the hall. Both boys frozen in place, not even daring to breath. The foot steps stopped at the classroom beside them and they heard a jingling sound, probably keys. They looked at each terrified that they would be caught like this. In a quick hurry, Naruto rapidly shoved Sasuke off of him and picked up his shirt. He hurriedly pulled in back on, Sasuke doing the same.
The very second Sasuke got his shirt pulled over his head the door opened slowly. A sloppy head popped out from behind it. "Oh, I had no idea anyone was still here. You two better leave now, or else I would have locked you in hear over night." The kind janitor teased, twirling his keys on one finger.
Sasuke and Naruto laughed nervously and grabbed their things. They earned suspicious looks, the janitor closely inspected their demeanor. They both were sweating rather much and panting in a hurry as well as their clothes were all misshapen and wrinkled. He lifted an eyebrow as he studied the room. There wasn't anything out of place since the two had cleaned up before engaging in their make out session. "Sorry, sir." Sasuke bowed politely. "We were just finishing up some work for the teachers." Naruto followed suit and bowed as well. "Come on, Naruto." Sasuke rushed by the man and jerked Naruto by the wrist. They raced out the door and through the front entrance. Once outside they sighed loudly, taking a breather.
"Man that was close. I thought we would actually get caught." Naruto laughed, but was quickly rewarded with a smack on the head.
"Idiot, if we'd gone any farther, we would have." Sasuke sighed once more, pushing back his hair calmly and started walking.
"We'll I didn't see you stopping before then." Naruto mumbled, following behind.
Sasuke smirked. "Okay then, if you want to." Naruto blinked clueless. "I'll come over your place tomorrow after school if you want to pick up where we left off." Naruto reddened and looked at the ground.
"Really?" He murmured almost inaudibly.
Sasuke smiled and flicked the edge of Naruto's nose. "You think I'm lying?"
"Than why ask? Either you believe me or don't."
"I do." Naruto whispered shyly.
Sasuke sighed in disbelief. "Fine, if you don't take my word for it." He stopped and lifted Naruto's chin with his finger. "I promise..." He leaned down and softly kissed the blonde's rosy lips.