Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Promise To Love Me ❯ The Challenge ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of its characters, but I would love to that way there would only be yaoi couples and maybe NarutoxHinata,lol.
Warnings: This is a Yaoi/ Shounen ai fic
. As much as it is concerned, most of the fic is PG-13 with occasional R. For violence, mature themes/ sexual content, and language.
Chapter Twelve
The Challenge
I was overjoyed when Sasuke made that promise to me. Even if it was meant to be a joke just to tease me, I was so happy just to experience the belonging and sense of being cared for. I wouldn't care if everyone in Konoha hated me, including Iruka sensei, as long as Sasuke cared. As long as Sasuke feels for me like I feel for him...I know I can go on existing.
"Naruto!" Iruka's voice thundered through the house as he tried to wake up the sleeping teen from downstairs. He was given no reply and sighed as he made his way up to the blonde's room. He
graciously knocked on the poor, expecting the teen to just fall out of bed and answer it, but instead it was opened without hesitation. "What are you doing, Naruto?" His asked with a cliché tone, he knew the boy was up to something.
"Oh, nothing Iruka!" Naruto chuckled pleasantly as he rubbed the back of his head ferociously, still keeping the door crack so Iruka couldn't peer inside.
The brunet lifted a suspicious brow and placed one hand on his hip. "Why are you so cheerful? You're not a morning person." He noticed Naruto's hesitant reply and pushed the door open. "What are you hiding?" He forced the blonde teen aside and looked into the room, astounded by what he saw.
It was clean! The hundreds of ramen cups that were usually dispersed across his floor had magically disappeared without a traced. The mounds of dust and dirt that added an extra coat to all his unmoved possessions were gracefully wiped away from the now polished dresser and TV. Even his wrinkled clothes that were usually slung across his bed and door were folded and neatly placed in the closet and dresser. It looked as if the room was uninhabited by any form of life at all.
Naruto nervously laughed to himself as Iruka slowly turned toward him with a suspicious glare. Suddenly Naruto found himself being placed into a head lock with a kunai menacingly pointed at him. "What did you do with Naruto?!" Iruka bellowed.
"What?!" Naruto whined. "I am Naruto, Iruka sensei! I'm telling the truth!"
"Than why are you cleaning up your room?" He questioned, still holding the kunai to the boy's throat.
Naruto blushed and growled a little before giving a reasonable answer. "Cause I want a friend to come over today after school..."
Iruka slowly released the teen and put his kunai away. "Oh, really?" He lifted a brow and replied in disbelief. "Why would you clean your room for that, you seem to love bathing us all in your musk? And why am I the last to know about a friend coming over?"
"Well, can he Iruka sensei?!" Naruto quickly asked with urgency. "Please, we were going to study all night for this big test tomorrow!" He lied.
Iruka sighed softly in surrender. "I guess it would be okay. But no being your knuckle-headed self."
"Thank you, Iruka sensei!" Naruto shouted, embracing the man affectionately.
"You better hurry to school. Oh, and some friend of yours at the door wants to walk to school with you. He's been waiting about fifteen minutes now."
"Whaaaa?!" Naruto quickly let go of Iruka and rushed to door, thinking it would be Sasuke. He jerked the door open and was startled to see another black haired teen leaning against the door frame.
"It's about time, Naruto." He muttered annoyingly.
"N-Neji, what are you doing here?" Naruto stuttered to say in surprise.
"I thought I'd walk you to school today." He smiled politely and grabbed Naruto by the wrist. "Ready to go?"
Naruto didn't resist when the Hyuuga dragged him along the sidewalk once he got his belongings. Since the incident between them at Neji's house, Naruto remained quiet. Neji, who quickly grew impatient with the situation, broken the silence and spoke first.
"You never said anything after you left."
Naruto nervously looked at the clear, pouting eyes and sighed. "I didn't know what to say. And I was kind of hoping you would put it behind you if I acted like it never happened."
"Why? That only upsets me more. I'd rather know what you thought than being kept in the dark." Neji replied, broken hearted.
"Neji..." Naruto thought carefully about the words that he wanted to say. "You are a good friend to me...and I trusted you. But you broke that trust when you made a pact with Tsubaru."
Neji came to a complete halt. "What? Tsubaru? What does she have to do with any of this? And what pact?"
"About you trying to keep me away for Sasuke!" Naruto retorted, growing tired of Neji's innocent act.
"Tsubaru has nothing to do with this! I-" He calmed down slightly before continuing. "I...I kissed you because I love you and I can't stand seeing you with that Uchiha. He has every girl in Konoha to his disposal, but he chooses you to mess with." Looking carefully back at the blonde, he held his shoulder. "Do you understand?"
Naruto was lost somewhere back at the words 'I love you'. Everything else seem to just fly right over him. Confused blue orbs looked back into Neji's white ones and he gently removed the Hyuuga's hands. "I'm sorry Neji...but I love Sasuke..." Noticing how the older boy's fist tightened, Naruto murmured softly. "Can't you just give up on me? I know allot of people that like you Neji. And if they are anything like me, they are you shy and scared to tell the ones they love the truth, because they don't know how the other will react."
Neji had all the while during Naruto's request, turned red with fury. "I won't give up on you, Naruto! I'll even fight that damn Uchiha if I will prove how unworthy he is for you!" Not taking the time to hear Naruto out, Neji raced off, before the blonde got even one syllable out.
"Neji!" He called out on deaf ears. Suddenly he heard irritating laughter and turned around quickly.
The same hating eyes that haunted his dreams for the past couple of weeks glowered at him relentlessly as that ear bleeding laughter irked his nerves. "You just enjoy screwing around with people's lives fox-boy, don't you?" She smirk wickedly, flipping her long black hair off of her shoulders and twirling it on her index finger. "No wonder everyone hates you. You can't keep your filthy, little snot nose out of every bodies' business!" She pointed to him accusingly.
"Shut up, Tsubaru! That's not like this at all!" The blonde ferociously threatened the girl with an impatient fist.
"You should be grateful a guy from the respectable Hyuuga clan would even consider you a possible love interest, when you stand no chance with an Uchiha. Sasuke is mine, so I suggest you go crawling back to someone who will actually give you the time of day."
"Sasuke doesn't belong to anybody, especially you! If you weren't a girl I would so kick your ass for that! Naruto crossed his arms and stuck his nose in the air. "But of course you wouldn't be a match for me even if you were a boy. So you should give up little miss girly before you get hurt when Sasuke finally puts you down." He smirked and watched her flaring anger rise from the corner of his eye.
"Fine! Bring it on! I'll fight you for Sasuke! But I'll state the conditions." Tsubaru smiled proudly. "And since you are so confident, why don't we make this a public association. That way you can publicly be humiliated and exposed for the repulsive abomination you are."
"Whatever, bitch! I'm up for whatever you can throw at me!"
"Good. I'll give you the regulations tomorrow." Smirking cunningly the black haired girl walked away.
Sasuke was rather excited to see his favorite blonde after school, but still had to retain a unnoticeable composure around his classmates and defiantly Tsubaru. If she found out a bought this, she would bring all hell with her. The day seemed to be prolonged as Sasuke waited. Every class seem a hour longer, lunch felt like an entire century slowly going by just to torment him and his happiness with the blonde. But eventually he was in his last class; impatient and grumpy from the already long day. At least he had peaceful thoughts of his adorable Naruto to calm him and give him a reason to wait. If not for the blonde beautiful blue eyes that so much resembled the sky on a perfect day, Sasuke would have surely ripped the sensei's head off for lecturing the class on pointless material.
But finally the day ended without any mishaps, and Sasuke rushed to the exit; expecting his blue-eyed angel to be waiting at the gate. And just like he thought, the blonde was mindlessly leaning against the silver gate, twiddling with his fingers in boredom. Still having a weakness to teasing the blonde, Sasuke silently approach Naruto from behind. Releasing a tiresome sigh, Naruto was complete oblivious to the Uchiha presence.
"Wait long?" The Uchiha teased, smirking cunningly when the blonde jumped four feet in the air in astonishment. Landing on his butt roughly, Naruto looked up at the proud raven-haired boy and growled.
"Why'd you do that, Sasuke?! I hate it when people snick up on me!" Sasuke chuckled timidly and pulled Naruto up forcefully by the wrist.
"Ready to go?" Naruto nodded and lead the way. Tsubaru, who had watched the whole encounter upon leaving the school; was furious to see her Sasuke-kun being lead off to some unknown trap the blonde had most likely plotted.
"Damn fox. Well, it doesn't matter what you do now. Because very soon, I will have Sasuke all to myself and you will the humiliation of defeat." She laughed loudly, drawing attention to herself unknowingly.
A/N: Don’t worry the next chapter is a lemon, so it rated M! I just decided to add two chapters today, since I already promise you all a lemon next update!