Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Promise To Love Me ❯ Be Prepared ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of its characters, but I would love to that way there would only be yaoi couples and maybe NarutoxHinata,lol.
Warnings: This is a Yaoi/ Shounen ai fic
. As much as it is concerned, most of the fic is PG-13 with occasional R. For violence, mature themes/ sexual content, and language.
Chapter Fourteen
Be Prepared
A drown buzzing sound rudely drew Naruto from his sleep the next morning. He groggily moaned and turned on his side with much frustration. He was still extremely soar from last nights activities, and having Sasuke cling to him in his sleep didn't help much either. He lifted one aqua eye and spotted the alarm clock blinking in bright red numbers '6:30' am. Lucky for him, he set it earlier to get extra school work done, so he wouldn't be late if he decided to drift back off to sleep. He wiggled his weak arm from beneath the blanket and Sasuke's protective grip and quickly stopped the irritating sound. He yawned loudly and cuddled closer to the Uchiha beside him and fell silently back to sleep.
Upsettingly enough he was waken again by another surprising phenomenon. Except this one was casually followed by gentle caressing and tender groping. He moaned sleepily once more. "Sasuke...let me sleep." He heard a sarcastic laugh and then felt a rough pinch on his right nipple. "Ah! What the hell?!" He eyes flew open and glowered at the snickering Uchiha beside him. "What'd you do that for?!"
"If you don't wake up, we both will be late." Sasuke smirked seductively. "Unless you want another round before we go." Naruto blushed ravishingly.
"I'm still soar from the first round..." He whimpered innocently. "But I'll glady take you up on the offer after school." He winked, sitting up exhaustingly. A frown crossed the semi-amused Uchiha's lips as he watched his love struggle to his feet in pain.
"I'm not surprised; you were yelling like one of my fan girls." Sasuke teased, sitting up as well.
"Oh, great! Compare me to those brainless, self-absorbed, hyenas, with the obsessive giggling disorder!" Naruto remarked with a flat expression directed to the amused raven haired teen still sitting in his bed. "Come on, Sasuke-kun!" He whined pathetically.
"Aww, my poor little Naru-chan." Sasuke chirped sympathetically with a concerned frown. "Would you like me to dress you, sense it hurts so bad to move." He joked, climbing out of bed and quickly attaching himself to the blonde. Tightly wrapping his arms around the naked form before him he smiled and kissed two luscious lips softly. Naruto kissed back, wrapping his own arms around Sasuke's neck.
"You better get started then." Naruto cooed with a smirk. "I'm going to go take a shower." He noted not having token one last night. Naruto left the room as Sasuke started to rampage the closet. When he returned, Sasuke was already dress in a tight, long sleeve, dark blue shirt and slightly baggy black jeans.
An excited smile illuminated his face when he noticed his blonde's return. Admiring how sexy Naruto's sunny hair looked wet and dripping and his chest glistening with small beats of water, Sasuke escorted the blonde to his bed and laid him down. Smirking seductively he climbed on top of him.
"Do you have to get dressed? I like you better this way." Sasuke muttered, slowly removing the white towel around Naruto's waist. "I love seeing all of your beauty..." He leaned down and gently kiss the blonde again. Naruto redden under the Uchiha's intense stare. And slightly destroying the mood, Sasuke poke again. "What are we having for breakfast?"
He was rewarded with a clueless stare. "Breakfast? Hmm...anything you want I guess. Help yourself to anything we have." Naruto explained bluntly completely oblivious to Sasuke's target.
"I think I will..."
Smirking against the glistening flesh of Naruto's abdomen, Sasuke kissed him down along the smooth expanse of skin until he had reached his navel, smirking more while traveling lower and lower with each tantalizing kiss that he bestowed upon his quivering body.
Naruto watched glanced him through half-shut lids, groaning deeply from the back of his throat. "Sasuke...we got school..."
"This won't take long..." Sasuke murmured, running a hand down along the smooth tan chest and navel, finally seizing him between the legs once more and leaned down in order to take Naruto into his mouth.
Blowing warm air along Naruto's tip, he then wrapped his tongue greedily about the member and slid him nearly completely into his mouth. He began a steady rhythm as he bit, licked, kissed, and sucked the hardening length.
"Sasuke-kunnn!" Moaning and churning his hips in order to get more of the incredible sensation at hand, Naruto began to feel an incredible pressure. Now completely swollen from Sasuke's sweet kisses and tender affection, he knew he was about to come. But such tremendous desire was far too intense to allow him any verbal warning.
A lustful gleam in Sasuke's eyes shown brighter than any before as Naruto, rigorously impaled him with a sweet, white nectar. "Sasuke-kun! Ahh...ah..." Naruto cried loudly in raspy moans and husky yells. Sasuke smirked as his lover cringed briefly between each steady release. Not letting a single drop escape, Sasuke quickly had his fill of the delectable syrup.
Having emptied the blonde of all energy, Sasuke sat up, licking his lips playfully. "You're delicious Naru-chan." He winked as the blonde's face exploded into hot red. "See told you it wouldn't take long. And I didn't even make a mess." The raven haired teen snickered, now dressing the blonde like he was suppose to do before.
"Sasuke! What if someone heard?!" Naruto pouted.
"Oh, I know I someone heard. You're already normally loud." Sasuke teased again, causing Naruto to growl. "Cheer up, Naruto. I'm sure everyone thinks we are just fighting as usual." He climbed off the blonde and grabbed his backpack. "Come on, we can't be late, then they'll really think something’s up."
"Oh and you don't think me walking around limp all day won't spark their suspicions?" Naruto stated sarcastically, getting his backpack as well. Sasuke merely laughed as they both headed for the door.
Surprisingly, they were stopped by a familiar brunet instructor in the front room. He looked curiously at the to enthusiastic teens coming down the hall. "Naruto, what was all that screaming?"
Coming to a complete halt, Naruto hesitated with a blush. "Hmmm..."
"We have to go, Naruto!" Sasuke interrupted, forcefully dragging the blonde out the door before Iruka could question him again. Just as the two exited the door they passed by Kakashi, with a perverted gleam in his eye as he wink and waved good-bye.
"I didn't know Naruto liked Mr. high and mighty Uchiha." Kakashi smirked.
Iruka sighed loudly. "Kakashi. What am I going to do?"
"Let them have their fun." Kakashi chuckled in a perverted tone.
"What?! Are you kidding?! Do you know how painful that'll be if they don't know about lube?!" Iruka barked back.
"Well than I guess you should introduce them to it." The silver haired sensei smirked, tossing the brunet said item from his pocket.
"Um...Kakashi why do you carry this around?" Iruka stared at him suspiciously. He received no answer, not that he really need one though, sense it was Kakashi.
"What the hell?!" Naruto exclaimed, pointing furiously at what would probably be the end of his life with Sasuke.
"What's wrong Naruto? I said I make the rules. You didn't object then, why so testy today." Tsubaru smirked, stapling a larger colorful poster to the bulletin board.
"I didn't think you would do this!" The blonde yelled back.
"Well, to bad. I'm not changing it." She smirked and walked away full of pride and evil plots.
Naruto sighed loudly in defeat as he reread the flyer.
Alerting all Sasuke admirers,
exactly two weeks from today, the most important completion of your young pathetic, Sasuke-less lives will begin. As a peace resolution to the huge Sasuke fan problem, a contest of great strength and love will take place. All fans are invited to participate. The objective; one-on-one battles against fellow Sasuke fans to receive the ultimate prize. Uchiha Sasuke, himself. The final contestants will face off for the ownership of Sasuke. The strongest girl or boy(mostly Naruto)
yes she actually put Naruto's name on the poster for the whole school to read will be worthy enough to have Sasuke to them self without fear or completion! So start brushing up on your jutsu's and train! Cause you all will need it if you intend to defend Tsubaru! yes she put her own name on there too, lol. Isn't she arrogant!
Ta-ta future failures,
"I hate that girl." Naruto moaned loudly. "Now, I'll have to fight all of Sasuke's fans to have him to myself. And who knows how strong that slut might be. If Sasuke's parents arranged her to marry an Uchiha, she must be from a pretty important clan. Looks like I'm back to after school training."
A/N:Lol, how was that?! I hope you all enjoyed that! I'm so happy now cause now I can have all of Sasuke's fans asses kicked by Naruto and of course Naruto wiping the floor with Tsubaru! That means Ino and Sakura fighting as well, and unlike the chunin exams, one will actually win- See ya all soon, with a whole lot of action to come!