Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ With arms wide open ❯ Losing you ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter II - Losing you.

"So how is he?" Kakashi asked the Hokage as she exited Naruto's room. The said woman looked worryingly at the door that was now lying on the floor after the blond's outburst several moments ago. Not looking up to meet Kakashi's eyes, she passed by the worried jounin and said quietly, " His condition is stable," approaching the front door of the hospital, she murmured to herself, "… for now."

In the room, the blond was sleeping calmly until the events of the previous night came haunting him in his dreams.

Naruto dodged as a foot came flying towards his face at a very high speed. He just came back from an A-rank mission two days ago. He was exhausted and this 'little' spar with Sasuke wasn't really helping. Breathing heavily, he blocked Sasuke's blow and turned his head sharply to the side, barely avoiding the kunai that was directed at him.

"I see that the fox has been slacking off lately." Sasuke said, his usual smirk plastered on his face as his kick was blocked again.

"He's resting." The blond spat out and hit Sasuke in the shoulder, sending him flying few good feet across the forest. As the Uchiha's back collided with a tree, breaking the enormous things in two, something that could have been called a smirk was tugging on Naruto's lips. "If you missed him that much, I can always wake him up."

Unaffected by the pain in his back, the raven haired boy was back on his feet in no time, hands moving quickly. "Idiot." Sasuke whispered to himself and let the cold air fill his lungs.

"Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu!" Sasuke called out as a giant fireball appeared, successfully surprising Naruto. Not wishing to be burned alive, the blond ninja whispered few words and jumped. Moments later the fire was gone and so was Naruto.
Sasuke looked at the spot where his spar partner stood earlier, not surprised to find nothing but black ashes. "Hn. Not bad… for a Dobe." The usually silent boy said quietly to no one in particular.

"What did you say?!" Came a scream out of nowhere. Smirking, the Uchiha turned around, his crimson eyes darting from one tree to another in search of the owner of that obnoxious voice.

"I said 'Couldn't you come up with something less lame?' " Sasuke said, rising his voice by few decibels and hoping that the mission didn't affect the blond's hearing. A loud and deaf dobe. Sasuke shuddered at that thought.

"Oh? And I thought I heard you say 'Naruto, you won. I'm so sorry for calling you names all those years. You are by far stronger than me. I accept you as my Hokage, best friend.' " Naruto yelled back at him, his voice overfilled with drama, then laughed at his own words.

"You have one wild imagination, Naruto." Sasuke growled dangerously.

"Yeah, I know. You probably don't even know what 'sorry' means. And you'll probably never—" His words were cut off by Sasuke's cold ones.

"You're not a friend to me."

Naruto's eyes widened as the words registered in his mind. The warmth was instantly drained from his body, replaced by a cold sickening feelings. Almost hearing his heart skip a beat, the blond ninja carefully let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding, fearing as though he will shatter if he was to exhale sharply.
He then shut his eyes tightly and shook his head,
That's not true. He thought and let a hopeful smile tug on his lips. He's only teasing me.

"Did Mr. Ice just cracked a joke?" With those words he jumped from behind a tree, only to find his teammate running at him with abnormal speed.
"I see you've been training, Sa—"


Pain. Pain crossed through his chest as his nose picked up the smell of blood. The earlier sickening intensified, making him dizzy, and he faught the bile down his throat. When the blur in his eyes cleared, blue eyes met fading crimson, then jet black eyes.

—suke." He breathed out, confusion dancing in his eyes as his smile disappeared with the noise around him.

"You are NOT a friend to me." The owner of the sharingan spat out and slowly dug the kunai deeper into the blond's chest all the while supporting Naruto's body with a hand on the small of his back. That touch was gentle, almost loving.
Love does hurt...
Naruto winced, but didn't hear Sasuke's words. He concentrated on the warm hand that rested on his back and stared at the boy with an unfamiliar to Sasuke gaze. Seeing Sasuke's lips move, the blond's eyes softened, as though he understood not the words, but the feelings behind them. He then let a faint smile grace his lips once more.

Now it was Sasuke's turn to be puzzled. Holding his breath for a moment, he then let it out and said in a low voice, "Why are you smiling? Do you find this amusing?!"

But the blond's smile did not waver, nor did he show any signs of fear.
Anger washed over the Uchiha heir and he felt something within him snap.

"You were always happy weren't you?! Always smiling so casually whatever happened! Well guess what?! I will break you.. i will prove you're not as tough as everyone thinks. I will wipe this stupid smile off your face!" he growled and swiftly twisted the kunai.

Shutting his eyes tightly and throwing his head back, the now semi-conscious boy whimpered in agony as the pain shot up his chest, then his arms and legs. When his hearing was back, the boy's blue eyes fluttered open, revealing a stunning scenery- The sky was crying frozen tears, the white dots fell freely around him, making everything seem almost ethereal.
You're beautiful with the snow around you, Sasuke. Naturo thought and smiled lightly. He then brought his hand to cup Sasuke's face, gently caressing the pale cheek with his thumb.

Taken by surprise, Sasuke stumbled backwards, leaving the kunai in the blond's chest.
Regaining his composure, he gave Naruto a cold glare and added with his usual heart freezing tone, " I am leaving tomorrow morning. Don't follow me this time."

Body covered in sweat, Naruto woke up screaming the first name that came to his mind.


To be continued...
