Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Mechanical Affection ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
(Sorry for the delay, I accidentally wrote the scenes in the wrong order. Messed the whole thing up. Not entirely satisfied but I figured we’d just move on already.)
EDIT: Chopped Chapter 6 into two chapters since one of the sites I post on had an issue with how long it was.

Mechanical Affection- Chapter 6
After the incident with the children, Matt began taking me along to wherever it was he went when he left me. Turns out, it was nothing magical and instead something perfectly ordinary: chores. With my rope tied to his hip, he went about with what I assumed was his normal daily business, which as far as I was concerned was just as boring as my routine of basking and eating. These things included but were not limited to: water collection, garbage burning, collecting firewood, and setting traps. All I can say is that I did my best not to think murderous thoughts about him. Oh god, was surviving dull. I wondered if I’d been that boring when I’d been alive. I sure hoped not because, if so, I deserved the lonely zombie afterlife.
He’d get started on something that was possibly important and about five seconds later I was doing my own business. Staring up at the sky probably wasn’t particularly helpful but Matt managed to make use of me anyhow. Tying packs around my neck or on my back, he’d fill them up with whatever it was he was working with and haul my ass around like a pack mule. It wasn’t tiring work but I felt a little ripped off. A snack here or there would have been nice, ya know, considering I was always starving and he’d yet to feed me a thing. I don’t think I remembered having eaten before, actually.
Today, which was some uncountable number of days since my arrival, he woke early. So early that the sun hadn’t risen and I’d gravitated towards his tents in hopes of soaking up the faint heat of his body. Can’t say that as boring as I found his habits that I wasn’t happy to see him. Nighttime was a drag.
Grabbing my rope, he untied me from my tree and then secured me, as usual, to his waist. Then, also as usual, he let me have a go at him. I attempted to maul him as he prepped me for the day’s work. Though, apparently, it was something new because prep consisted of tidying my clothes and mostly laughing at me. Patting my back, he chuckled something at me and wheedled his way out of my arms. Pulling my ropes to lead me on round his tent, I staggered after. We probably got, like, ten feet when he stopped abruptly and I practically tripped over him.
I wasn’t quite sure what he was looking at, either my vision was really getting worse or he was lookin’ at something that really wasn’t there. However, my ungraceful tumble into him roused him from his state and he stumbled forward with me. An uncharacteristically loud crow sounded nearby and Matt yelled, I think at the creature that made the noise. We continued on.
Weaving through some stock tents the sound of clucking and scratching grew louder. At least I assumed they were stock tents, otherwise the people living in them were packrats the size of five year old. Also no one looked out to bother us, which seemed to be a favorite pastime of the breathers ‘specially the younger ones. Popping their heads out to gawk, one would think they’d never seen a zombie before…. Maybe it was the collar and leash.
Another tent and then- Woah! Speaking of dog-related things, some fangs with fur lunged at my face. A roar of barks thundered through the once still air and I jerked back so hard that Matt flew off his feet. Served the bastard right. What the fuck Crazycakes?! Walk me straight into the lion’s den, why don’t you? Christ!
The dog pulled at his chains, lips pulled back it snapped and I groaned a growl back at it. Matt yelled at the dog, or maybe me. Who could really tell? And then he pulled at my rope and I pulled back. Oh no. No. No. No… Dogs were a no go. I don’t like dogs. Me and dogs do not mix. No way. But Crazycakes insisted. Pulling harder, I growled. I said no! Face chewing might have been a favorite pastime but only when I wasn’t on the receiving end.
Seriously Matt. Stop. I was not going over there.
Crazycakes grabbed me face and looked me in the eye. Eyes narrowed, he shook his head while he spoke, “A zombie afraid of dogs-“ Then the words turned into a jumbled mess. Hey! Don’t sass me! I’d love to see him take this thing off my face and then see whose ass was hightailing it. Dick.
He tugged my collar and I got this awkward vibe from him. His skin grew hot and he turned away. It was an irresistibly attractive force and I followed immediately this time when he tried to lead me by the dog’s post. It snapped and snarled all the while. Fuck you dog.
As he knotted my rope around a fence post, I took the time to look around. All around was a rickety looking fence, old wooden crates, mud, and dried grass, maybe it was hay. In the crates there were chickens and rabbits. Tied to the fence, like me, were a few horses. Then off to the far side there was a sectioned off area that held some ducks, I couldn’t imagine they wanted to be there but they didn’t fly away. And in the area we were in there were some goats on the loose.
Matt saw me eying the goats and he grabbed me by the face, “Don’t. Even. Think about it.” Oh, he could threaten me all he wanted but I was still gonna do it. Then he let me go and went to retrieve some grain from some burlap sacks that were draped over the rabbit hutches. As he scooped some out and began to feed the animals, my eyes drifted back to the goats.
I was so hungry…
They seemed to instinctively know my desire for their flesh because they huddled up against the rabbit hutches. Their terrified bleating seemed to go unnoticed by Matt, who was delving into grass stocks to feed the rabbits. That bastard. There was plenty to go around and he’d just left me to starve.
Grabbing at my face, I scratched at my restraints. Luckily my new glovers prevented me from in scratching off my face too. My aim was so non-existent, it was frightening. How I ever managed to do anything amazed me.
I grunted a little in frustration at my lack of success and Matt yelled over his shoulder. I quieted and dropped my hands. Trying to look innocent, I waited a moment. Nope, I certainly wasn’t trying to do anything naughty back here… Then I was back at it as he started cleaning out some of the cages. This really shouldn’t have been so hard.
Another disgruntled groan and Matt turned around. Caught red-handed.
In the blink of an eye, he was in front of me. Grabbing at my hands, he raised one of his own. I was actually kind of surprised by how hard he hit me, “No.” He said, trying to sound intimidating but he was too small to take seriously. A guttural moan earned me another slap across the face. What the hell was he hitting me with? It sure as hell wasn’t his hand, “No.” So I stopped doing anything until he was satisfied and left me to continue with his work.
Sorry Crazycakes. Maybe if he fed me every once it a while….
I was more successful the third time around. With the help of the fence post, I wriggled out of the cloth and instead wore it around my neck. Gaping, I stretched my mouth. Ah! Much better! It felt good to finally be out of that. I was beginning to think it would melt into my skin and become a part of me.
Lunchtime- Or not… Damn it! I pulled hard at my ropes, hoping they would snap but they held. The goats were just out of reach. Maybe if I scared them a bit more they’d scatter and I’d be able to nab one. I tried to shout but all that came out was loud barking noise that startled me but not my game.
Then I heard Matt say something that sounded a lot like, “You’re an asshole.” And I turned to find him holding that weird canister and hose contraption. Where the hell had that come from? It wasn’t like he pulled the damned thing from his back pocket. Shit.
Lips back, I bared my teeth in an uncomfortable grimace as I struggled to tell my body what to do. It always cooperated so much better when it wanted the same thing I did, but we were at odds. It wanted to eat, and I wanted not to be knocked on my ass. My body trembled as half my muscles cooperating while the other half continued to insist on pursuing food.
Damn it. My head jerked like it’d been snapped that way by someone trying to break my neck. Then my body followed it and I stumbled to the fence. Pushing up against it, I growled unhappily and pressed my face into the fence post. I bit into the wood and chewed at it as I sulked. I don’t know if it was because I was biting it, scratching it, or what, but Matt freaked out like the crazy he was.
Spraying me in the face, I was out like a light. See if I ever listen to him again. Dick.
When I opened my eyes, it was hot and the sun rode so high it disappeared behind the branched of the tree I was under. My mind was pleasantly blank… Where was I? I tried to sit up but something caught at my neck and I fell back flat. What the-?
Something cracked next to me and I turned my head. A skinny looking guy was hunched over something, toiling away. Ah, breathers… Always up to something. Wait a minute… Breathers? I tried to sit up again. Crap! I was stuck! Why was I stuck? I struggled and the guy looked over at me and… Smiled? How weird.
He said something and got up. There was something odd in his hands and I couldn’t quite decide on what it was. When he was right next to me, he crouched down and put his hand on my forehead. Oh! There was a tattoo on his arm… Mr. Trident-er- Matt! He did this! That jerk! Let me up!
I struggled, “Calm down, isljstamnt.” He could talk a little slower. Holding up the thing in his hands, he seemed to ask me something but I didn’t have anything to say. Did I ever? It looked like a… Mask… No, a muzzle. He held it up to his face and it covered up his mouth and nose. Metal bars broke up the worn leather and gave a weird impression, like a giant toothy grin. Did I look like a dog? Jesus, Crazycakes. Pin a tail on me and call me Fido already.
Securing it on his own face, he gave it a couple of tugs. If he didn’t look crazy before he did now with the crazy metal grin. Then he took it off and returned to his work station, which was a crate with a toolbox. Fancy.
I looked back up at the sky. I sure was hungry…
“You know…” A feminine voice drawled, “You really ought to feed that thing.” I looked and stared for a long while before it registered. It was Claire. She really did hang out with Matt a lot. Right now, I was wishing he listened to her a whole lot more even if she was kind of bitch. I would literally kill for a bite to eat right about now.
Matt said something back that was far too long to be an agreement to her statement and I groaned terribly loud. They both paused and looked at me before continuing on with their little conversation. It was mostly a confusing mess of jumbled vowels and consonants but at least Claire talked with her hands and was entertaining enough. Also, she was wearing some brightly colored clothes… With how fast she moved, it was like looking into a kaleidoscope. My brain just couldn’t keep up with her.
Time flew by and in no time at all. Crazycakes had finished with his wares and come back over. Kneeling over my chest, he placed the mask over my face and forced my head up as he secured it. Something tightened around my throat uncomfortably and I let a strangled yowl that sounded more like a dying cat. Struggling, he called in reinforcements and the girl grabbed my head and gave him a hand. When they were done, Matt untied me from whatever it was I’d been bound to and pulled me up.
I shook my head just a bit and growled. This thing was heavy! I relaxed and my head hung forward. Matt laughed and hit me on the forehead with his palm. Jerking my head up, I grumbled unhappily.
Crazycakes didn’t seem to care much. Still smiling, he grabbed my muzzle and pulled me in close. He looked me in the eye and I stared back. God, what a strange guy- He leaned in and kissed the upper edge of my leather mask. Yeah… No that wasn’t weird at all.
The woman said something and Matt just seemed to laugh more, but I guess he could have said something. Then he gave my rope a tug, guess it was time show off his handiwork… Or do some more handiwork. Whichever, I didn’t care. I was just kind of happy that Claire didn’t follow us.