Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Mechanical Affection ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Mechanical Affection- Chapter 7
First stop was a quaint river nearby where he tied me to a post, which supported a rope, and knelt by the water to wash some clothes. He talked to me over his shoulder but I didn’t understand it because he was too quiet and too fast for me to hear properly. I watched him for a while before I grew bored of him and just stared up at the sky and basked in the sun. The river was much better for sun than in the forest. Pesky trees… Another reason why I like the ‘burbs… As I recalled, and I don’t recall much, there were fewer trees and more basking spots.
Ugh, I was so hungry…
“Mitch!” Huh? Snapping out of my sunny daze, I looked around. I nearly looked right over Matt, but he placed a hand over my shoulder. He nodded his head towards the river and untied my rope. I don’t think so Matt. I don’t do cold running water. Actually, I didn’t do water in general most days. Anyway, wasn’t I clean enough? The jerk had just hosed me done like- er- well, recently! I was not going in that water.
He pulled my collar and I didn’t move. With a groan of his own, he pulled harder, “Oh come on!” He urged as he put more of his weight into it. I don’t think so Crazycakes, you go in. I’ll just stay right up here where it’s warm and dry.
I felt a growing warmth behind me, and I turned to see it. Unfortunately, that gave Matt enough leeway to pull me over and I fell onto by back. At least Matt was quick to run over and help me back up to my feet. As he brushed off the sand, I got a look at the newcomer. A female. She was about Matt’s height, long dark hair, dark eyes, and tan skin. If I’d met her, I didn’t remember her.
“What’s going on here?” I didn’t recognize her voice either. Not like Claire’s at all. She put her hands on her hips and furrowed her brows at me when I moaned quietly. I narrowed my eyes slightly at her, don’t give me that look. I was just standing there minding my own business.
Matt shook his head and told her that I just wouldn’t move or something along those lines. I was a little pre-occupied with his hands now trailing down my ass and legs to really pay attention. Mm, he would be so damn tasty. I’d eat every last shred of meat of his gentle bones. And he’d be so warm too. I turned round as he stood up straight. I think he saw it coming but didn’t jump out of the way fast enough, and I snatched him up in my arms. Amazing how quickly I forgot about my muzzle, right? Sue me.
A sharp yelp left the throat I was trying to rip out and both his hands came up to put space between us. Of course, I had a vice on him and he didn’t have much luck pushing me away. Then he started laughing. Seriously? This again? Well, whatever, I didn’t care as long as I could rub up against him and attempt at chewing him to bits.
At some point, he must have cried out for help because something grabbed me from behind and pulled me hard. Matt lurched with me before ducking out of my arms. Pity… I thought we were both enjoying it.
When I was released, I realized that it was the dark skinned girl who’d grabbed me. I assume she was Latino, but I’m not so good with races. She could have been any number of tanned skin people. Anyway, that wasn’t important, “Zombies really don’t make good pets.” She told him as she walked around me and went to him. Her lack of concern for me was entirely refreshing, “You should just stick with Dodger.” Who?
Matt made a face, “He’s not a pet.”
“Really?” My sentiments exactly. The collar really does give off that vibe, Crazycakes. Even the woman knows it. Hm… As far as alternatives go, maybe some handcuffs and shackles? Gives off a prisoner vibe but at least it was more human.
“Really.” Matt confirmed as he eyed me suspiciously. Oh, I was done… For now.
“Have you seen Mary?” Asked the woman as she looked around. She continued but the pace of her voice picked up and I couldn’t understand it. So… Who was Mary? And who was Dodger? There were way too many of these people. How could I ever keep track of them all? And didn’t Matt mention some others earlier? Damn… I was never going to be able to keep up.
Matt tipped his head back, “I think… She left with Kim and Nate this morning.” Oh god! More of them? Really. How many breathers were we currently living with? And how many of them wanted me dead- er, more dead than I already was? He added something more which ended with a slower sentence I could understand, “I saw traps in the hummer.” A hummer?! Now that’s something I could get along with! I think we should relocate to wherever that was.
The woman hummed, looking disappointed. I couldn’t blame her. I hadn’t even seen the hummer and I missed it. Oh wait, she was probably more concerned with the breathers in it, “Well…” She looked from me to Matt and then back, “Don’t do anything stupid.” Me or Crazycakes? Wasn’t having me there pretty stupid already?
Matt chimed in with an irritable, “I’m gay, not a necrophiliac.” Wait, what? Should I be concerned?
She shrugged amiably and looked at me, “I didn’t say that.”
“You were thinking it.” Matt accused and she rolled her eyes. I was inclined to believe Matt on this.
“Fuck me.” She said in a breath as she sneered. Then she offered a resentful smirk, “Oh wait, you wouldn’t be able to do that, would you? Anyway, he’s still got his cock and balls right?” Thank you for noticing! “Not much of a leap there.”
“You’re such a bitch, Josie.” And she shrugged and left us alone. Thank god, because I was really only marginally attached to Matt. Everyone else just seemed like they got in the way… So… I stared at Matt. I suppose the whole homosexual thing explained that weird kissing incident earlier. It probably should have been obvious, but my deductive skills were pretty poor, “Come on, Mitch.” He pulled my leash and guided me over to the water then up along the river’s edge instead of going inside.
We trudged along for quite a while until we came upon what appeared to be a small secondary camp. There was a small tent with scattered tins and containers next to it. Of more interest was a cage located out in the water and several poles. Fishing equipment it looked like, I was at least that perceptive. Matt tied me to a tree and picked up around the tent before tending to the lines. Reeling in each, he checked for fish. A couple had some nice sized river fish, trout or salmon. I certainly wasn’t an expert. The larger ones he unhooked and tossed into the wire cage and the smaller ones he threw back. On the last line he unhooked a small fish and turned to me, “Want it?” He asked and held it out by the gills. I attempted to sneer at it, but it was less than effective considering half my face was covered up. So instead, I lifted my nose to it.
Bleck, fish! Cold and slimy, not exactly appetizing. Come on, Crazycakes. Offer me something warm and savory, huh? Your face would do nicely…
Matt sighed and tossed it back. Casting out the lines again, he ducked inside the tent and pulled out a fold-up chair. Setting it up beside me, he took a seat and leaned back in it. Sighing heavily, he closed it eyes and rested his head back on his arms.
He inhaled deeply and spoke something I didn’t catch, then added, “It’s nice right?” I wasn’t sure what he was talking about so I looked around. If he was talking about his little river nook, I supposed it was pretty nice. Quiet, sunny… If only there was something to eat.
Matt gave me a bit of a start when he suddenly sat up. I had just settled in. Couldn’t these breathers just lie back for a while? Relax. The end of the world had already come and gone. The race was over… I stared at him. He didn’t get the message. Why was I not surprised?
Getting out of his chair, he picked up a rock and a branch. Then he stood in front of me, “This ought to settle it.” Settle what? I looked at the stick and then the rock. I wondered if he was going to poke me or hit me. What else would he be doing with a stick and rock? “Mitch, listen.” What else would I be doing? And then he said painfully slow, “If you can understand me. Look at the branch.” Clever boy, Crazycakes. I looked at the branch and a smile lit up his face. It was a great looking smile, “I really have lost it.” And I looked at the rock. No, right? That smile was wiped clean off his face.
Sure, Matt was crazy to give me a shot, but this was no dream. Crazycakes, you just discovered yourself something that’s going to change your life. Also, it might get you killed.
Swallowing hard, he shook his head, “I, uh… You understand…” I think he was having a hard time with that. Welcome to my world, just about everything is that hard to comprehend, “Uh…” Apparently that new bit of knowledge left him with a distinct lack of words. Come on, man, speak up!
Placing the back of his hand to his forehead, he practically swooned… I’m not sure why, “What to ask…” Oh boy. How about something about me? How about the weather? Any subject works, just ‘yes’ or ‘no’. “Do you… Remember?” Remember what? He realized the error and continued, “I mean… From before… Who you were- er, are?” I looked at the rock. This got him thinking and I could practically see his mind working, “Do you… Remember when Logan was shot? In the mall?” I was glad he was trying to word his questions carefully because otherwise he’d probably have said them too fast for me to understand.
I looked at the rock again, “No?” He muttered to himself and thought more, “Do you remember… When you were shot in the leg by Trinity?” I looked down at myself. I was shot? When? God damn it! I looked at the rock, “Again?” He thought, “And what about… When I caught you in the snare?” This I paused on… Then looked at the rock, “Shit, do you remember anything?” I looked at the branch. Cut me some slack, I live day to day. What do I need to be remembering yesterday for? As long as today is going well no need to worry about the past. And, as a zombie, I’m sure I didn’t need all that baggage. I had enough problems.
At my answer he smiled a little, “All right… This morning?” I looked at the branch, “That’s something.” Yeah it was. Then he frowned, “About… Me.” Matt struggled. Oh come on Crazycakes. Any question. I’d answer anything he’d ask, I wasn’t shy. This is the first real conversation I’d had since… Well since I could remember, “You heard… Right? I’m gay.” Well yeah. I glanced at the branch, “Does that bother you?” I looked at the rock. Oh Crazycakes… If he didn’t care that I was a zombie, I sure as hell didn’t care if he was queer. Hell, he could be- “Thanks.” Oh you’re welcome. Though I had the feeling I ought to be thanking him. After all, apparently someone had tried to shoot me. I was still standing so I supposed he had something to do with that.
Wrapping his arms around me, he gave me a squeeze. I don’t think I ever liked hugs this much when I was alive but boy did I enjoy them now. Hm, fuck he was warm. Grabbing him, I let out a content little noise as I pressed my face into his neck. I wanted to eat him… Bad. Because I had the munchies… Bad. He might not have been so friendly it he knew how much I wanted to gobble his scrawny white ass up. Breathers are surprisingly fond of their asses.
As it was, he only laughed and pushed me away. Rubbing his neck, he grabbed my rope. He said something and untied me to lead me away. Back at the main camp, he began to search the tents. I presume for someone in particular because he waved off quite a few people in his search. I wondered if I knew them, or if they were supposedly someone I had saved. God knows my brain didn’t have those answers.
Eventually, he seemed to find the one he was looking for. Some guy who resembled a lumberjack in his stone washed jeans and red plaid shirt. He was pretty big too, taller and wider than both me and Matt. Well, being taller than Matt was pretty easy… Sorry Crazycakes, you’re a short little bastard.
Big Red limped over to a chair, supporting himself on a cane, and had himself a seat. I eyed his leg. I wasn’t sure but it seemed to be recently injured. The heat radiating off of it was mouth watering, if only my saliva could moisten my cottony mouth. I was so intent on it that my gaze should have practically been able to burn through his denim to reveal the injury… Also I didn’t hear a word Matt said.
“Mitch!” Sorry I wasn’t listening, what did you say? “Pay attention.” Come on, Matt! I was hungry! I started to look back at Big Red and he grabbed my face, “Please.” He looked me in the eye and then let go, “Answer his questions.” His questions, who was he? I didn’t know that I really wanted to talk to him. “Show him you understand.” Let’s not and say we did… He turned me towards the lumberjack. Oh all right. But I’m going to bellyache tonight like no one’s business. You will not sleep until I get something to eat.
“Mitch.” That’s my name, says so on my shirt. Oh! Another thing I remembered!
I stared at Big Red, waiting for him to continue but he didn’t for a while. When he did speak it was too fast and I didn’t move at all. What was I supposed to look at if I didn’t understand what the hell they were saying? Not knowing this, I just stared on forward blankly. Maybe that would help convey my confusion.
He raised his voice, not sure if that was at me or not but Mat quickly jumped in and said something to him. The guy looked skeptical, “Can you understand me now?” He said more slowly and I looked towards the branch, which Matt had laid down on the ground towards Big Red’s right. The rock was to his left, “Do you know my name?” I looked to the rock, “My name is Logan.” Okay… Oh, wait? The same Logan I supposedly saved? Too bad I couldn’t ask questions…
“Are you hungry?” Christ, Logan, like always! I stared at the branch and didn’t look away until he spoke again, “If you didn’t have your mouth covered… Would you kill me?” No offense, I looked at the branch again, “Would you regret it?” Unlikely. I don’t regret much these days.
The questioning stopped for a moment and Matt and Logan talked to one another a moment. Matt spoke so fast it was almost like he didn’t say anything at all. He held up his hands to Logan and then placed a hand on my shoulder, “Mitch… Do you want to kill us?” Seriously guys. It wasn’t like I enjoyed making you breathers suffer (most of the time). I just wanted a bite to eat. It just so happened I couldn’t eat unless somebody died… I looked at the rock.
I’d never had a breather take the time to get to know me. This was great. I was really enjoying having someone around. And I was pretty sure that if I ate everyone and tried this again, things would turn out less than stellar. Also, just getting this far was a lot of work… At least, I think it was because I didn’t exactly remember how long I’d been there.
They spoke to each other again and Logan silenced the conversation with, “Then why?” That wasn’t a yes or no question buddy. Please rephrase… I’m hungry, people are slow, and a single bite will kill you. Try to put that into a yes or no question and you’ll have your answer. I was amusing myself with how stupid I could make them appear without actually being smarter than them.
“As long as he’s got something covering his face, he’s harmless.” Mostly. And another heated conversation ensued. Probably something about my future in the group and whether or not I would be exiled or executed…
Matt wrapped his arms around me protectively, “Just give him a chance!” Yeah, Logan. Listen to the short crazy guy. I liked his ideas.
“Can you promise me that he won’t hurt anyone?” Asked Logan, I could see he was being less than understanding. I couldn’t exactly blame him though. Hundreds of thousands of my kind now ran rampant in the streets slaughtering breathers left and right. That’d be a great question for them to ask. Was I different from the others? Because that answer would be ‘yes’ and I think they might have found that comforting. A little.
These guys needed to work on their zombie conversation skills.
Matt stroked my head. Mm, yeah that was nice. I practically purred like a kitten for that. I think I still had hair of some length because I felt the resistance of it as his palm smoothed over my skull, “He’s a lamb.” Huh? I guess if lambs ate people.
“All right then… Bring him to the fire tonight.”