Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Dear Misty ❯ Brock, he’s not a Pokémon ( Chapter 6 )
Dear Misty
Chapter 6
Ash - (wakes up an hour later) Umm… Where am I? (he looks around the hospital room) Strange room. (something touches his hand)
Misty - Oh Ash, you're awake. Brock and Tracey carried you to the hospital. (she pushed the call button)
Ash - What's wrong with me?
Nurse Joy - (enters room) The doctor says you've been castrated like a eunuch.
Ash - OH MY!
Misty - Who needs anymore Ash Ketchums?
Ash - I do! I always wanted a child to carry on my stupidity.
Brock - We don't always get want we want.
Tracey - Tell me about.
Misty - Why are you still here? I only needed you to carry him here.
Brock - We have to protect him from you!
Tracey - Because you two are always fighting, nothing ever calms down and someone always get hurt.
Misty - Why I oughta! (slams fist down)
Ash - Get her out of here! (looks down to Misty's fist, just inches from his pelvis)
Misty - I'm sorry. (moves hand)
Brock - (grabs Misty and pulls her into the hall) Stay away from him! (returns, locking the door behind him)
Tracey - So, are we sure he can never have any kids, or could time repair it?
Nurse Joy - I'm not sure, I'd have to ask the doctor. (Dr. Nick enters from the closet) Hey Doc. Could Ash ever have any kids?
Dr. Nick - I could give him a special cream, and he could be back to normal in days.
Ash - Really?
Dr. Nick - Yeah! It's a little thing I've been working on for awhile now.
Brock - Where did you say you went to Medical school again?
Dr. Nick - I went to school in Cambridge, Massachusetts
Tracey - You actually went to Harvard Medical?
Dr. Nick - No, I went to Clown College. But I flunked out of that and decided to be a doctor. I knew this guy who got me a really good fake diploma. And the rest is history.
Ash - I feel safer now… (gives a strange look)
Brock - Ash, are you sure you want to try this cream? I'm a bit uneasy about it. Listen, I've developed a Pokémon food for sterile Pokémon that works miracles. It just might work on you.
Tracey - Brock, he's not a Pokémon.
Ash - I'll try it! I'm sorry D. Nick, but I'm not going to use your cream.
Nurse Joy - (reading Ash chart) I'm sorry but my mistake, you're not sterile, you just have brain damage. It was Fernando that's sterile.
Dr. Nick - Oops! I shouldn't have given you those pills.
Brock - What pills?
Ash - You mean the ones that had to be inserted anally?
Tracey - Ewww . . .
Brock - What exactly were they for?
Dr. Nick - They were to cause long arousal. I was going to take a sample of 'fluid' to see if they were specimens for the program - then maybe the cream would work…
Ash - More Viagra™? I just came down from the bottle I had earlier.
Dr. Nick - So, you already took two Viagra™ in the past few hours?
Ash - (laughs) No, I had a bottle and a half about 8 hours ago.
Dr. Nick - Umm… I think that's not a good thing. Too many Viagra™ is poison to the system.
Ash - Oh god. I think I need to take a walk. (gets out of bed) Don't follow me. (walks out into the hall, and bumps into Misty) Oh, I forgot you were out here.
Misty - Forgot?! (fumes) So, what's happening?
Ash - To make a long story short, I'm brain damaged and not sterile. And sometime soon the Viagra™ will kick in.
Misty - Didn't you take that a long time ago?
Ash - I'm not really sure. I think the doctor gave me some more. But he said it was a mistake.
(Jesse and James wander down the hospital hall, arguing about something)
Jesse - It was a mistake James!
James - Jesse, say what you want now, but it doesn't change the facts.
Jesse - We can't have a baby! This can't be happening! ARG, why me?!
James - Why are you complaining still Jess, we can't travel back in time. What's done is done.
Jesse - Shut up James, what do you know?
(they stop arguing when they notice Ash & Misty staring at them)
Jesse - What are you two twerps doing here? And what are you looking at?
Misty - Uh, nothing.
Ash - We were just leaving.. Is what you said true? You're pregnant?
Jesse - Unfortunately.
James - Jesse, don't talk like that.
Misty - Uh . . .
Jesse - (to Misty) Trust me, and don't ever let them near you. They'll just do what they want and leave you with the consequences.
James - Hey, I'm standing right here!
Ash - Me too!
Misty - Er. Uh . . . (backs away slowly) Ash, I think we'd better go . . . Uh, good luck with everything you too.
(Ash and Misty run down the hall and out the door of the hospital, dodging Nurse Joys who look quite confused.)
Ash - Promise we'll never be like them.
Misty - Ash, don't worry, I will never go through a pregnancy.
Ash - What?
Misty - I always take my birth control pills. And if something ever happened I would take the morning after pill.
Ash - Isn't that a little much?
Misty - No, I don't want to bring another Ash Ketchum into the world.
Ash - True but I want to at least raise a kid. So, could you ever see us having one?
Misty - I guess, maybe when I'm use to just one Ash.
Ash - Okay. So anyways, what am I suppose to do about the doctor's Viagra™?
Misty - I did take those pills today. (she winks)
Ash - Oooh. There's your gym across the street. (points)
Misty - Oh Ash, that sounds great. (they cross the street and meet Gary and Daisy outside)
Misty - Hey Daisy, Gary.
Ash - Yeah! Hi Daisy. (ignoring Gary)
Daisy - Hey sis, sorry but we're busy out here. Can we talk later?
(Ash looks at the long line of people waiting for autographs from the famous couple)
Gary - A lot of people liked the movie. I would think they would rather like to see my life story but no, they wanted Ash's. (slightly annoyed)
Ash - Yeah, I know! I made 60% of the profits from those movies.
Misty - I didn't even see a penny for it!!!
Daisy - Misty, don't whine. It's not like you were a big part in the story. They just made me a star in a part based on you, only better.
Misty - You - Why you! (raises fist)
Gary - (steps between them) Now, now ladies. Not in front of the fans.
Ash - (looking at the next person in line) Hey look, it's Sam Bernstein.
Sam - It's the domestic dispute.
Ash - And Dr. Nick. How'd you get out here? And so quickly?
Dr. Nick - It's my brain damaged patient. Did my clone let you leave? Oh great, it's starting to malfunction again.
Sam - You have a clone? I only have my twin to take over my clients.
Ash - Speaking of twins, there's mine with your sister Misty, look!
(Richie and Violet walk up to the autograph table)
Misty - Oh god!
Ash - (quietly to Misty) Wow, your sister's have the weirdest choice in guys!
Misty - (quietly to Ash) You think that's weird. You should meet 'Lily's -
(suddenly everyone sees Lily walking up holding hands with May Oak)
Ash - Well, that's different.
Misty - You should have seen when she told our parents.
May - Hey, you should see who we saw back there in line together. Giovanni and the Officer Jenny from Pallet Town with his lackeys, Butch and Cassidy.
Ash - May, you know what's weird? I always suspected you were 'playing for the other team'
May - (slaps Ash)
Gary - (laughs at the unfolding scene)
Lily - May, cool it?
Misty - Ash, don't be so obnoxious!
Lily - May, Misty, it's okay. Ash is just a narrow minded little pipsqueak. Who might I add, has pitched quite a tent.
Ash - It wasn't that hard. Just push the right buttons and it pops right up. (gestures to the pop-up tent beside him)
Misty - Gotta go! (pulls Ash inside and closes the door)
Ash - Why Misty?
Misty - Here Ash, you can come and see my room here at the gym! I use it whenever I came to visit my sisters. (grabs his hand and pulls him up a long, winding staircase overlooking the pool)
Ash - Misty, I don't mean to put a damper on your whole guided tour of the gym, but I'm kinda in need of some sexual healing!
Misty - Yeah! I kinda get that. (they reach her room and open the door)
Ash - Umm. Misty it's nice and clean. (he sits down on her mermaid bed) Bouncy… No squeak… Um . . . this will do.
Misty - Oh Ash. (joins him)
Ash - Hey, there's actually a pretty nice view from up here! (wraps his arm around her and looks out the one-way mirror that was a window from inside the room and looked over the large swimming pool. The walls of Misty's room were made of aquarium's filled with tropical fish)
Misty - Hey, that gives me an idea . . . how about a swim? (Misty's smile turns devious) It will cool you down . . .
Ash - (raises his eyebrows) Uh, okay Mist…
(they run down into the empty pool/stadium and Misty starts taking her clothes off)
Ash - Huh, what are ya doing?
Misty - Haven't you ever skinny-dipped before?
Ash - Uh, well nooo… (he strips down to)