Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Great Pokemon Race ❯ The Demonstration ( Chapter 2 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
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6 6 ¤6 ( Ì6 Ì6 Ì6 Ì ;6 Ì6 Ì6 Ì6 Ì6 Ì6 &Ici rc;6 Î6 Î6 Î6 Î6 Î6 ì ;6 4 7 J ì6 $6 ì6 ì6 Armored Red Eyes: Hello all! Just so you know, this ISN'T the competition yet. No...as you can see, it still isn't the 31st of July. Soooooo...yah. I'm just here to let you know that I've taken the liberty to DEMONSTRATE myself...one of the courses that your Pokémon will be going through. Now, my sister was the only one so far who has signed up. UNLESS you other people have been e-mailing me... Since of course...I haven't been CHECKING my e-mails for a while...
But! Anyway! I WILL be demonstrating the electric course. And with me today will be my Pikachu, uh, Pikachu!
Pikachu: Pika pi! ^_^
Armored Red Eyes: Are ya ready for the dangerous course that may cost you your life?
Pikachu: o.O Pika...?
Armored Red Eyes: Oh...uh, well... That's not what I MEANT. You see...I made the courses death-proof... *pauses, and then adds* For good measure. I just made all that stuff up to attract people.
Shi-Rauko: So no death?
Armored Red Eyes: No death, sis.
Shi-Rauko: *snaps fingers* Darn it.
Armored Red Eyes: Okay! So my Pikachu will kindly demonstrate your electric course now. He'll be the only Pokémon in the course, so it will be different for your Pokémon since they have competitors against them.
Disclaimers: Oh darn I forgot about THIS! O.O Ummmmmmmmmmm...Pokémon aren't mine, and they never were...
The electric course has begun. The only trainer for this demonstration is Kelly herself. She has a Pikachu. And she's going to use it. To demonstrate.
"Okay," Kelly said, and whipped out her Level ball. "Pikachu! Time for the demo! Let's go!" And she threw it forward, causing the white light to shoot out of the red ball, taking the form of her Pikachu.
"Pika!" he said in his low tone.
"Alright, Pikachu. The rest of your competitors haven't showed up yet. Annnnnd, they WON'T until YOU show them what they're in for! Ya ready?" Kelly said to her Pikachu.
"Kachu!" Pikachu responded, smiling.
"Good," Kelly replied. "Then let's begin."
Pikachu took his place at the starting line, stretching to prepare himself for the course of his little rodent life.
The referee pulled out a gun, pointed it into the sky, waited for a while, and then pulled the trigger. The gunshot went off high into the sky.
Right at that moment, Pikachu leapt over the starting line, and began to dash through the muddy path that was the first part of the course.
"And he's off!" the announcer cried from a high spot, watching the only competitor run through the muck. "This Pikachu's a fast one!" he commented. "It's really going through that mud, splashing everything everywhere!"
"Pika pika pika..." Pikachu panted, running along through the mud, making a first turn, accidentally sliding a little bit.
"Ka!" he cried unexpectedly, but kept on running.
"Go, Pikachu!" Kelly screamed for her Pokémon.
Pikachu was still running through the mud, which seemed to go on forever. Just when he thought he'd never stop running through it, he came to the next part of the course, the narrow ledge.
Instantly, Pikachu slowed his pace down, just enough to go through the narrow ledge without falling off. He decided when he got to a certain point, he'd much rather walk through it than run through it.
Just when Pikachu thought it was safe, it wasn't. Tons of huge rocks came tumbling down, right above his head.
"PIKA!!" Pikachu cried, leaping out of the rocks way. His eyes grew very wide, when another one came right in the path in front of him.
"Pikachu!" Pikachu cried, jumping back, but looking up to see once again, another rock.
"Whoa there!" the announcer cried, "Pikachu's already in trouble! The narrow ledge just got scarier when tons of huge boulders came crashing down upon him!"
"On no..." Kelly said, "Maybe I shouldn't have done that part... I KNEW I should've have Jolteon demonstrate..."
"Pika! Pika! PIKA!!" Pikachu kept on screaming, jumping every way he possibly could to avoid getting crushed.
That's when Kelly pulled out her handy dandy megaphone. "PIKACHU!" she screamed into it, "USE A THUNDERBOLT ON THE BOULDERS!!"
"Chu!" Pikachu cried, tucking his head closer to his body to unleash his powerful electric attack. "Chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!" Pikachu cried, electrocuting the bolder that was about to put an end to his racing.
"Yes!" Kelly said to herself, then used the megaphone again, "NOW! AGILITY TO GET OUTTA THERE!!"
"Pikachu!" Pikachu cried, disappearing from the rocky scene, and reappearing at the end of the narrow ledge. Pikachu nodded some satisfaction to himself, and then went on.
"Wow! That was a good strategy that Pikachu used! Using electricity and then speed to get out of that tight spot!" the announced commented again.
Pikachu was running for a while more, when he came to two different paths. He stopped dead in his tracks, trying to figure out which one was shorter. (They both got you there, one was just shorter than the other one.)
"Pika?" Pikachu stared, open-mouthed, obviously confused about which one was right, and which one was wrong.
Of course, in a REAL race, the Pokémon would have to think on their feet and go with the best choice on instinct alone, because it wouldn't be very wise to sit and try to decide when other players are just running right by you.
When Pikachu had made his decision, he chose the left path, (good choice), and ran off on it.
"Wow! What a smart Pikachu! He chose the correct path to take to get to the finish line in shorter time!" the announcer said.
"Phew..." Kelly said, wiping sweat off her forehead with her arm. Then she looked at everyone who was just there to watch the demo. "Well, I mean... It's not like there were any OTHER competitors, it's just a good thing that he picked the right path. Eheheheh..."
Pikachu continued to lightly pad along on his small paws. He was running along, no other Pokémon in his way at all, so he could save energy for running the course.
That's when a turn came up, and he served to the left, running SMACK into a lightning storm.
"Pika!" he cried in alarm at the sight of it.
"Whoa!" the announcer cried, "It looks like Pikachu finally reached the GOOD part of the course! The lightning storm! All the electric Pokémon in this course are going to have to try to survive the lightning that's coming down on them!"
"Piece of cake," Kelly said, "it's an electric course... These are electric POKÉMON. They can handle it. I wouldn't know about a water Pokémon... But any electric Pokémon can handle THIS..."
Pikachu gulped, but continued to move through it anyway. Even lightning can scare a lightning Pokémon. It DOES still hurt, just not as bad as long as the Pokémon can take it.
Just then, a lightning bolt came bolting down, directly in Pikachu's path.
"Pi-ka!" Pikachu cried, turning around, and bolting backwards as the lightning bolt struck the ground where he once was.
"Pika...chu..." Pikachu panted, getting back on his feet, since the lightning bolt made the ground shake uncontrollably.
"Kaaaa..." Pikachu whined, looking up at the storm clouds, hoping that another lightning bolt won't come down for a while.
Taking all the courage he could muster, Pikachu stepped forward once more, going around the huge hole the lightning bolt made where it struck the ground fiercely.
Pikachu was slowly approaching his destination, carefully estimating where the next lightning bolt would strike. He hoped it wouldn't be in front of him again.
Without warning, another powerful bolt of lightning came down a couple of feet behind Pikachu. Thunder rumbled with the lightning.
Pikachu jumped high in the air, screeched, and began to run as fast as he could, on only two of his legs, away from the scary thunder and lightning.
"Pikkaaaaaaaaaaaaachu!!!!" Pikachu screamed, now regretting more than ever the agreement to demonstrate the course.
Just ahead of Pikachu was a dark tunnel, a sign next to it, labeled, "The Underground Passageway." Pikachu nearly dived right into the tunnel, escaping from the deadly storm only feet behind him.
Once Pikachu was in the Underground Passageway, he felt a lot safer, and began to walk through the passageway, viewing his surroundings.
There were torches lit to keep the tunnel lighted so that the Pokémon racing would be able to see where they were going.
"Pikaaaa..." Pikachu said in awe of the mysterious tunnel he was taking to find the finish line.
After walking for a while, he saw a light just ahead of him. He rushed towards it gratefully.
"Pika pika pika!" Pikachu cried, a smile on his face, happy to be out of there.
There was another path in front of him, but it wasn't muddy like the first one. It was like a regular dirt road, and it led to the finish line.
"Pikachu!" Pikachu cried in his unusual low tone, and began padding along on all fours to the end of the race.
"And here comes the Pikachu now, folks! Boy, does he look like he got a good thrashing from that storm!" the announcer said to excite the few viewers that were there.
"Whoa..." Kelly said, "I didn't think a lightning storm would BOTHER a lightning Pokémon..."
Pikachu was nearly to the finish line. It was in plain view. Pikachu then began to light up, obviously using a Quick Attack to propel himself to go faster to make it to the finish line.
He got there a few seconds later, hopping happily over the finish line, and doing small back-flips.
The viewers cheered on the small electric Pokémon for completing the rough course.
Kelly came over to her Pokémon and picked him up. "Good job, Pikachu. I'll get you that cookie that I promised you now."
Pikachu's eyes lit up and began to sparkle; he obviously liked cookies.
"So there you have it, folks!" the announcer began, "Now you get a good idea of what those courses are going to be like for your Pokémon! Don't worry, because this is all made for the type of Pokémon that's getting entered in the course. The worst that could possibly happen is for your Pokémon to faint. Tune in at the end of the month to see the fierce combat of racing begin!"
Armored Red Eyes: So, how was THAT for a demo? Does that make any of you feel any better about what you're actually entering?
Readers: *look at each other, then shrug*
Armored Red Eyes: Oh...
Shi-Rauko: *mutters to Armored Red Eyes* I coulda done a better job.
Armored Red Eyes: Shut up.
Shi-Rauko: Grrrrrrrr...
Armored Red Eyes: Well, ANYWAY, I hope that all of you who are reading this will enter the race. It should be very good with all your guys' and girls' kick-butt Pokémon! I hope that you will leave me a review, but if you're e-mailing me, that's okay too. I just thought it would be easier in a review, even though it's got limited space. My sister just didn't use paragraphing in hers...
Shi-Rauko: I am Shi-Rauko!!
Armored Red Eyes: *just stares blankly* O-kaaaay... Well! That's my demo for ya! I hope you all enter and I'll be fair to all of your Pokémon! See ya! ^.~
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6 6 ¤6 ( Ì6 Ì6 Ì6 Ì ;6 Ì6 Ì6 Ì6 Ì6 Ì6 &Ici rc;6 Î6 Î6 Î6 Î6 Î6 ì ;6 4 7 J ì6 $6 ì6 ì6 Armored Red Eyes: Hello all! Just so you know, this ISN'T the competition yet. No...as you can see, it still isn't the 31st of July. Soooooo...yah. I'm just here to let you know that I've taken the liberty to DEMONSTRATE myself...one of the courses that your Pokémon will be going through. Now, my sister was the only one so far who has signed up. UNLESS you other people have been e-mailing me... Since of course...I haven't been CHECKING my e-mails for a while...
But! Anyway! I WILL be demonstrating the electric course. And with me today will be my Pikachu, uh, Pikachu!
Pikachu: Pika pi! ^_^
Armored Red Eyes: Are ya ready for the dangerous course that may cost you your life?
Pikachu: o.O Pika...?
Armored Red Eyes: Oh...uh, well... That's not what I MEANT. You see...I made the courses death-proof... *pauses, and then adds* For good measure. I just made all that stuff up to attract people.
Shi-Rauko: So no death?
Armored Red Eyes: No death, sis.
Shi-Rauko: *snaps fingers* Darn it.
Armored Red Eyes: Okay! So my Pikachu will kindly demonstrate your electric course now. He'll be the only Pokémon in the course, so it will be different for your Pokémon since they have competitors against them.
Disclaimers: Oh darn I forgot about THIS! O.O Ummmmmmmmmmm...Pokémon aren't mine, and they never were...
The electric course has begun. The only trainer for this demonstration is Kelly herself. She has a Pikachu. And she's going to use it. To demonstrate.
"Okay," Kelly said, and whipped out her Level ball. "Pikachu! Time for the demo! Let's go!" And she threw it forward, causing the white light to shoot out of the red ball, taking the form of her Pikachu.
"Pika!" he said in his low tone.
"Alright, Pikachu. The rest of your competitors haven't showed up yet. Annnnnd, they WON'T until YOU show them what they're in for! Ya ready?" Kelly said to her Pikachu.
"Kachu!" Pikachu responded, smiling.
"Good," Kelly replied. "Then let's begin."
Pikachu took his place at the starting line, stretching to prepare himself for the course of his little rodent life.
The referee pulled out a gun, pointed it into the sky, waited for a while, and then pulled the trigger. The gunshot went off high into the sky.
Right at that moment, Pikachu leapt over the starting line, and began to dash through the muddy path that was the first part of the course.
"And he's off!" the announcer cried from a high spot, watching the only competitor run through the muck. "This Pikachu's a fast one!" he commented. "It's really going through that mud, splashing everything everywhere!"
"Pika pika pika..." Pikachu panted, running along through the mud, making a first turn, accidentally sliding a little bit.
"Ka!" he cried unexpectedly, but kept on running.
"Go, Pikachu!" Kelly screamed for her Pokémon.
Pikachu was still running through the mud, which seemed to go on forever. Just when he thought he'd never stop running through it, he came to the next part of the course, the narrow ledge.
Instantly, Pikachu slowed his pace down, just enough to go through the narrow ledge without falling off. He decided when he got to a certain point, he'd much rather walk through it than run through it.
Just when Pikachu thought it was safe, it wasn't. Tons of huge rocks came tumbling down, right above his head.
"PIKA!!" Pikachu cried, leaping out of the rocks way. His eyes grew very wide, when another one came right in the path in front of him.
"Pikachu!" Pikachu cried, jumping back, but looking up to see once again, another rock.
"Whoa there!" the announcer cried, "Pikachu's already in trouble! The narrow ledge just got scarier when tons of huge boulders came crashing down upon him!"
"On no..." Kelly said, "Maybe I shouldn't have done that part... I KNEW I should've have Jolteon demonstrate..."
"Pika! Pika! PIKA!!" Pikachu kept on screaming, jumping every way he possibly could to avoid getting crushed.
That's when Kelly pulled out her handy dandy megaphone. "PIKACHU!" she screamed into it, "USE A THUNDERBOLT ON THE BOULDERS!!"
"Chu!" Pikachu cried, tucking his head closer to his body to unleash his powerful electric attack. "Chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!" Pikachu cried, electrocuting the bolder that was about to put an end to his racing.
"Yes!" Kelly said to herself, then used the megaphone again, "NOW! AGILITY TO GET OUTTA THERE!!"
"Pikachu!" Pikachu cried, disappearing from the rocky scene, and reappearing at the end of the narrow ledge. Pikachu nodded some satisfaction to himself, and then went on.
"Wow! That was a good strategy that Pikachu used! Using electricity and then speed to get out of that tight spot!" the announced commented again.
Pikachu was running for a while more, when he came to two different paths. He stopped dead in his tracks, trying to figure out which one was shorter. (They both got you there, one was just shorter than the other one.)
"Pika?" Pikachu stared, open-mouthed, obviously confused about which one was right, and which one was wrong.
Of course, in a REAL race, the Pokémon would have to think on their feet and go with the best choice on instinct alone, because it wouldn't be very wise to sit and try to decide when other players are just running right by you.
When Pikachu had made his decision, he chose the left path, (good choice), and ran off on it.
"Wow! What a smart Pikachu! He chose the correct path to take to get to the finish line in shorter time!" the announcer said.
"Phew..." Kelly said, wiping sweat off her forehead with her arm. Then she looked at everyone who was just there to watch the demo. "Well, I mean... It's not like there were any OTHER competitors, it's just a good thing that he picked the right path. Eheheheh..."
Pikachu continued to lightly pad along on his small paws. He was running along, no other Pokémon in his way at all, so he could save energy for running the course.
That's when a turn came up, and he served to the left, running SMACK into a lightning storm.
"Pika!" he cried in alarm at the sight of it.
"Whoa!" the announcer cried, "It looks like Pikachu finally reached the GOOD part of the course! The lightning storm! All the electric Pokémon in this course are going to have to try to survive the lightning that's coming down on them!"
"Piece of cake," Kelly said, "it's an electric course... These are electric POKÉMON. They can handle it. I wouldn't know about a water Pokémon... But any electric Pokémon can handle THIS..."
Pikachu gulped, but continued to move through it anyway. Even lightning can scare a lightning Pokémon. It DOES still hurt, just not as bad as long as the Pokémon can take it.
Just then, a lightning bolt came bolting down, directly in Pikachu's path.
"Pi-ka!" Pikachu cried, turning around, and bolting backwards as the lightning bolt struck the ground where he once was.
"Pika...chu..." Pikachu panted, getting back on his feet, since the lightning bolt made the ground shake uncontrollably.
"Kaaaa..." Pikachu whined, looking up at the storm clouds, hoping that another lightning bolt won't come down for a while.
Taking all the courage he could muster, Pikachu stepped forward once more, going around the huge hole the lightning bolt made where it struck the ground fiercely.
Pikachu was slowly approaching his destination, carefully estimating where the next lightning bolt would strike. He hoped it wouldn't be in front of him again.
Without warning, another powerful bolt of lightning came down a couple of feet behind Pikachu. Thunder rumbled with the lightning.
Pikachu jumped high in the air, screeched, and began to run as fast as he could, on only two of his legs, away from the scary thunder and lightning.
"Pikkaaaaaaaaaaaaachu!!!!" Pikachu screamed, now regretting more than ever the agreement to demonstrate the course.
Just ahead of Pikachu was a dark tunnel, a sign next to it, labeled, "The Underground Passageway." Pikachu nearly dived right into the tunnel, escaping from the deadly storm only feet behind him.
Once Pikachu was in the Underground Passageway, he felt a lot safer, and began to walk through the passageway, viewing his surroundings.
There were torches lit to keep the tunnel lighted so that the Pokémon racing would be able to see where they were going.
"Pikaaaa..." Pikachu said in awe of the mysterious tunnel he was taking to find the finish line.
After walking for a while, he saw a light just ahead of him. He rushed towards it gratefully.
"Pika pika pika!" Pikachu cried, a smile on his face, happy to be out of there.
There was another path in front of him, but it wasn't muddy like the first one. It was like a regular dirt road, and it led to the finish line.
"Pikachu!" Pikachu cried in his unusual low tone, and began padding along on all fours to the end of the race.
"And here comes the Pikachu now, folks! Boy, does he look like he got a good thrashing from that storm!" the announcer said to excite the few viewers that were there.
"Whoa..." Kelly said, "I didn't think a lightning storm would BOTHER a lightning Pokémon..."
Pikachu was nearly to the finish line. It was in plain view. Pikachu then began to light up, obviously using a Quick Attack to propel himself to go faster to make it to the finish line.
He got there a few seconds later, hopping happily over the finish line, and doing small back-flips.
The viewers cheered on the small electric Pokémon for completing the rough course.
Kelly came over to her Pokémon and picked him up. "Good job, Pikachu. I'll get you that cookie that I promised you now."
Pikachu's eyes lit up and began to sparkle; he obviously liked cookies.
"So there you have it, folks!" the announcer began, "Now you get a good idea of what those courses are going to be like for your Pokémon! Don't worry, because this is all made for the type of Pokémon that's getting entered in the course. The worst that could possibly happen is for your Pokémon to faint. Tune in at the end of the month to see the fierce combat of racing begin!"
Armored Red Eyes: So, how was THAT for a demo? Does that make any of you feel any better about what you're actually entering?
Readers: *look at each other, then shrug*
Armored Red Eyes: Oh...
Shi-Rauko: *mutters to Armored Red Eyes* I coulda done a better job.
Armored Red Eyes: Shut up.
Shi-Rauko: Grrrrrrrr...
Armored Red Eyes: Well, ANYWAY, I hope that all of you who are reading this will enter the race. It should be very good with all your guys' and girls' kick-butt Pokémon! I hope that you will leave me a review, but if you're e-mailing me, that's okay too. I just thought it would be easier in a review, even though it's got limited space. My sister just didn't use paragraphing in hers...
Shi-Rauko: I am Shi-Rauko!!
Armored Red Eyes: *just stares blankly* O-kaaaay... Well! That's my demo for ya! I hope you all enter and I'll be fair to all of your Pokémon! See ya! ^.~
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