Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Flame Of Recca Fan Fiction ❯ Starlit to Lifes, Curses and Demons ❯ Pervert ( Chapter 7 )
Disclaimer: Ranma isn't mine; he is the property of Takahashi-sensei as well as Flame of Recca by Nobuyuki Anzai. Yu Yu Hakusho isn't mine either, he's belong to Yoshihiro Togashi while Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto. Can I have them a year for free…? Anyway, I don't make any profit out of this so… don't sue me. Anything I don't stated is mine.
Why when I upload my fanfic in the fanfiction, it turns out a lot of troublesome! Lost this word and that, add I don't know what here and there (symbol of trademark, etc instead of [`] ). All turns bold or italic… so sorry if any words turn wacko non to be understandable.
"Blah" speech, `blah' thoughts, blah just to highlight,
-Blah- mind talk, -: Blah :- Makai language, "Blah" inner speaking to outer (guess?)
Telling Ranma to take the cart to the edge of the town, Kurama and Urameshi sprint away from the cart, dashes away to the source of the plants' energy reaction, Haku's residential. By the time they got there, Haku's mother has slump down, unconscious but not dead as the plant made a barrier to shield her off while Haku is fighting with his father who right now insanely attacking his son to kill him. Kurama and Urameshi hid themselves up near in the house and decided to help Haku if it's really critical. Time fly by, Haku killed his father...
"Gomen ne... Ottosan." His body have some cuts here and there, blood sip out from them. Haku looked up to his mother, crying, "Okasan..." walking clumsy to his mother but the plant stops his from getting near to her. Teardrops make its way to his eyes. Kurama came out from his hiding and walk near Haku, startle Haku.
"Who are you?!" Haku ready to fight in case it's going to happen.
"Stop right there!" Haku yell but Kurama just moves on towards him. Haku is ready to attack despite the fear toward Kurama's unchangeable expression. Instead, Kurama just passed him by and paid no attention to him. Haku confuse for a while and looked Kurama standing beside his mother. Kurama use his youki to order the plant back into dormant state and then back into a seed again. He checks on her condition and begin to clean her wounds. Haku stand there, doesn't know what to do afterwards.
Urameshi came out and stand beside Haku, "don't worry, his a good healer. You and your mother gotta go away from here before anybody found out what happen here."
"Who are you?"
"Don't you remember you and your mother buys flowers from us? Actually there are four of us." Urameshi watch Kurama for a moment and came near him to help him up. Haku followed onward after that. Haku' mother moan, open her eyes. At first she saw fuzzy figure until it became clearer for her to recognize. "Anata... the one who sold flowers to me...?" Kurama nodded. "Don't worry, you'll be fine" talking to her so he wont fall to unconscious state again. "Onamae wa...?"
"Makoto" she said, more like whisper.
"Makota-san, try to stay wake ne? Oganai." Kurama continue on his work
"Ano... Haku, do have anything to bring along? Better pack up whatever thing you have fast. Let both of us take care of you mother ne? Then, get away from here."
They locate Ranma's energy signal, get out of the town as fast as they can. Tug in Makoto in comfort position and cover with blankets, everyone ride up on the horse cart. Urameshi sat at the backside again.
Urameshi gesture a nudge to Kurama, who was tending Makoto near him, he whisper -: Should Zabuza be here to pick him up? :- he asked.
-: I believe that his father should used more time to kill his mother before fighting to death with him. Therefore, now Haku's father died earlier than it supposes to be. We should get outta here before he comes :- Kurama looked at Haku and Makoto.
-: Kurama, you know that we just disrupt this world timeline. Haku's mother should died and Haku gone be a nin Hunter :- Puu flies down to Urameshi's lap.
-: I know :- looking at both of the mother and son, sleeping side by side. -: He should have much better fate than that and to have his mother alive by his side :-
-: Miss you mother? :-
-: I do admit that I am, in fact he's almost like me. I did killed my real father and saw with my own eyes how my ningen father dies :- he moves his attention to Ranma. "We better go now, Ranma. Let's move."
"Hiyah! Giddy up!" the cart moves.
"There's another town across the boarder of this country, Fire Country. If we move tonight, we probably reach there in two days... without any interfering of course, away from these ninja of Mist since that place is out of their boundaries." "Where did you know that?" Ranma asked while watching the horses' movement. "When we sell those flowers, I asked the customers."
Rains starts falling down from the clouded sky, falls light but moment later, it starts pouring hard.
"The Fire Country... sounds firing for me. Hope it won't have much rain this lot. This country rains a lot! I forget how many times did I get wet in the rain! Lucky we got this top covered horse cart." (A/N: He's still in Ranko.)
"Indeed, we are lucky," Urameshi put his has behind his head, -: Kurama, are you suggesting that we go to Kohona? :- Urameshi asked eying suspiciously to Kurama.
-: Not really do want to go there intentionally, we gotta get away from the Mist nin. Better get off boarder of this country and we're near there, we get there... :-
"That hissing and grunting again! Guys, would you mind talk in the language that everyone understand? What's language did you spoke of anyway? You hiss, grunt, growl and spat!" Ranma, sitting down and lays his back against the cart's wooden side while holding the rein.
"Ancient Secret language"
"Teach me"
"Why not now? Huh!"
"Its late. I'm going to sleep, night." Urameshi ignoring Ranma and went to sleep.
"... Maybe next time. You better watch the horses and drive us away from here. It's not easy to learn so learn it later, not now okay?"
They're on their way... to the Fire... Fire Country
(A/N: can I say their going to the burning Fire Hill/Mountain in Journey to the west?) (Urameshi/Recca/Ranma: NNOOO!!)
They nearing the boarder guard post the next two days...
"Can we through the guards?" Ranma warming up in case they have to fight.
"That will be Recca's job. He can use his dragon of illusion, Rui."
"Me? Don't you have seen enough that my ability is a bit... haywire"
"If you use your right hand"
"I don't get it to Kurama," Urameshi cross his hand, "but I'm listening."
"You always use your right hand to call your dragon out." Recca nodded Kurama's fact. "How about instead using your left hand to call them out without your ring-bracelet interfering your fire since the bracelet is in your right hand."
"Come to think of it, just this morning, you zap the animal we hunt and when you try to lit fire up on the wood, it grows leaves. We have to find new woods since Kurama don't let use the instant-green-up-firewood. You did scare Haku and Makoto the hell up few times. Good thing yesterday you are too tired to use any of your abilities," Urameshi smile. "So try it with your left hand, it wont hurt to try. You do use your left hand but rarely right?"
"Yeah, yeah..." Recca jump down the horse cart after Kurama stop it. "But you guys are bad enough to start learning how to use chakra without me..."
"You are tired yesterday. you can learn it anyway later..." Urameshi answer back.
Kurama tell Recca what to do, "make an illusion of a man that acts like a father and a husband for Makoto-san. We all become the children and Makoto-san, can you act through this?"
She nodded while Haku hug her, still can't wear off the shock from killing his father. Her wounds all heal up by Kurama but still weak from the incident. She thank to Kami that they are safe even so, she is sad that her husband died by the hands of her own son. He did tried kill her and her son just because he accidentally discovers the secret of her bloodline limit that everyone in the Mist hated much. 'It seams that I have to go on live with my son and this bunch of playful, odd but independent kids that help both of us.' She looked at Puu, 'I hope that animal is not dangerous even it is cute.'
"Don't you zap me Recca but you can zap Ranma if you want."
"Urameshi!! You really a fucking dam hell demon! Stop annoying me or you will get it!" Ranma stopped warming up.
"Can't help it since I am a demon, ha ha..." Urameshi laugh.
"Puu, pu... puuryu!" (A/N: Puu... laugh?)
"Better you're the one get zap and electrified that sent you into the seventh Hell!! And you too Puu! And stay there as torture demons..." he goes on with some more colourful languages.
Makoto smile but twitch her eyebrows, hearing those two arguing, 'definitely need someone to teach a lesson for manners of language uses.'
"RUI !"
A dragon came out along after a kanji symbol character from his left hand. "What kind of a person do you have in mind?" Rui asked. Recca thought a while only to think of his adopt father, Hanabishi.
"Good choice." Smoke came out of Recca's body and mould up into a figure.
"Hei! Yatta! You did it!" Urameshi stop his argument, ignoring Ranma.
"Lets go! We need a place to settle down for awhile before we fine a decent place to stay."
"I've thought that guard will never stop talking!" Recca whining and complaint about the guard guarding the boarder post keep on talking about almost everything while letting go of his illusion. They got past the boarder post easily. Who would think a family with a lot of children playing and brawling with themselves, as someone badly needed to be suspicious?
They road off to the next town...
They introduce each other without revealing where they come from or about demons in case of unwanted freak out by Haku and Makoto. (A/N: Recca's right hand problem already made them freak out.) So they put aside that information to be tell if it is necessary later.
Nothing much happened along the way except they found a chestnut tree full with nuts on it. Ranma was happy and pickup up to two bags of sack into the cart. He handed some to Recca to burn some with his left hand as well as to help Recca to adjust himself to use his left instead of his right hand.
All roasted chestnut all went down to their tummy.
In the cart, they learn by themselves how to manipulate chakra, guided by what been teach to them. Other then that, Kurama either resting, driving the cart other than Ranma or tends Makoto with closely guarded Haku not wanting to lose another parent. Ranma, Recca and Urameshi switch places for lookout and all agree that Recca right hand need to be cover up so no more eying thieves interest on it. That ends up Recca's hand cover with bandages without going up to his arm. (A/N: I don't want him to be too Hiei for the two demons to be remind AND to the town they GOOOO.......)
It was mid afternoon when they reach the town. The town is full with people, the hustle and bustle of selling and buying merchandize. They stop by a shop and buy some supply and went out to an inn to stay for a night later as well as a good bed for Makoto to rest. The cart secured using Kurama's plant that would warp anybody who tries to steal anything in the cart.
Kurama goes off into the heart of the town and sell flowers again to gain more information of the surrounding as well as making money. Haku stayed with his mother while Recca, Ranma and Urameshi went to public bath to dip themselves to clean. Ranma officially would not miss this opportunity to have a bath without turning into a girl and the other two join him. (A/N: never know when would they get hot bath again.) Urameshi told Puu to stay beside Haku and Makoto is case anything happens.
In the public bathhouse...
"Ahh... good old hot bath" Ranma close his eyes, enjoying his moment of being a man/boy, scrubbing his body to clean.
"Agree" Recca also went into the shallow part of the pool and relax. Nobody else is in the bath on the men's side. Probably all the men are working now.
Urameshi... looking to the wall that supposes to be the barrier for the public bathhouse, splitting between the men's side and the women's side.
"Guys... do I see an illusion or do I see a man looking at the other side of... peeping? " A white hair man, sticking his eye at a hole on the wall to see through the other side and peeping the women side. His mouth is slightly open and some salvia drooling out of his mouth.
"HEY YOU!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING MISTER? !!!" Recca shout, he stand and pointing his right finger at the man. Ranma quickly pull the pointed finger away, afraid something bad would happen just like previous. Pointing Recca's right hand is a very dangerous thing
"Seeeh... quiet! Do you want me to get caught! " the white hair man replied.
"I'm collection information. So keep your voice down boys," he continues peeping.
'Gathering information by peeping? White hair guy... WAIT A MINUTE! WHITE HAIR!!! That's Jiraiya!' Urameshi surprise to see Jiraiya here but the again, this is a public bath. Collection information to write his book is the work of the super openpervert.
"Info for what?" Ranma also want to know. He got the feeling this guy is a strong opponent if they get into a fight and he remains him of Happosai
"I'm a writer of a famous book and on the making of the second book. By doing this gives me inspiration so, stop bothering me." Jiraiya waving his hand shoo Recca and Ranma from asking him more question. Still they keep on questioning. (A/N: Hey they are in the age of asking a lot of question, what do you think a four year old would do to know their surroundings? They are not from this world at first.)
"What's the title?"
"Ica Ica Paradise and if you asking what's it about, don't. This book is for adult."
"Yeah. A book made by a pervert, buy and read by perverts..." Urameshi added.
"NANI!" Recca exclaim.
"USO...!" Ranma backs away. 'I do not want to get near a man like that' Ranma still has his curse. A man like that is someone he really needs to get away.
"Why do you said something like..." Jiraiya moves away from the wall, looking at Urameshi.
"Inspiration to write by peeping... What else than that ne?" Urameshi mock him. "Don't you have any other abilities that worth while than just writing a book for perverts?" and trying to bait him to teach them a bit. Who wouldn't want to miss the opportunity like this?
'Why am I arguing with these toddlers?' Jiraiya look at the three of them annoyingly. They dare to mock him, one of the three legendary Senin of the Leaf? That is something he wont let anybody make fun of, even it was only just little kids. "Buah hwa hwa ha! It seems you don't know me." He summon of a frog big enough for him to ride on, "I'm Jiraiya, one of the three legendary Senin of the Leaf ninja! You can call me Frog Senin"
"Senin of the Leaf ninja? Whose that?" Ranma said bluntly. He did surprise, as he don't expected a frog to puff in front of him. That goes to Recca too.
Veins pop out, "don't you tell me you don't know..."
"Then tell us. We just kids." Urameshi add on, look bored.
(A/N: 15 minutes after explanation by Jiraiya about the bits of Leaf ninja generally.)
"SO! What do you think of me now?" The trio gather around away from Jiraiya and whisper so that he doesn't hear them out. (A/N: who wants to, they're kids!) "So guys, what do ya think? Do you want him to be our next victim?" Ranma asked.
"No and yes" Urameshi replied.
"Why is that? You think we can't take him out?"
"You know he do looked strong Ranma-san," 'like Kukai,' "demo... Yuusuke-san, what do you mean by 'no and yes'?"
"No be'coz he is strong for us to make him teach use unwillingly and we don't have Kurama by our side to wipe out his memories of us. We don't want to attract people of us now even we can beat him." Urameshi explain to them and pause a while, "when I said yes that we can try to make him teach us freely and try to steal any available scrolls he has after that without he knowing it." Looking at the other two, he continue, "He's a pervert and what draws him is something pervert."
"Steal his scrolls he has, fast, I can do that," Ranma brag on one of his abilities.
"Recca, you maybe not like my idea by can you make illusion of lots of naked girls?" Urameshi asked Recca.
"No way. I'm not a perv...."
"Oh come on. Do you want to learn or not. A guy like him would not be motivated if not for that as an exchange for him to show us." Urameshi tempt him not to back off. "And Ranma, you said yourself that you a quick learner. Memorize his hand seal."
"Alright... Dam!" Recca agreed. "I'll distract him by making mist in here and naked things so you can steal scrolls he has and get the hell outta here. Lets do it"
"Yosh! That's a good idea. Make it a mist fills with naked girls. Let's do it." Urameshi make a fist into his hand and a big smile on his face. "Are you a pervert too Yuusuke-san?" Recca asked suspiciously.
"Hey, if you want to distract him enough to steal and buy time to getta way from him, that is a good decoy," Urameshi ignore the question.
They turn, facing Jiraiya's bored face.
"We still don't believe you" Urameshi crossed his hand at his chest.
"Nani?" Jiraiya frown.
Recca fully step out the pool, "If you are what you proclaim to us..." start wearing his cloth and followed by Urameshi. Ranma still stay in to pool.
"Then teach us a bit of your ninja way." Ranma add.
Jiraya holds on his stomach and laugh, "Buah hwa hwa ha ha! You want me to teach you? I have no time for that!" he snickers. "I have a book on demand by my readers!"
"HAH! Just what we thought!" Ranma yell.
"His just a fraud... what ever he tell us just now is just a lie." Urameshi put his hand at the back of his head. He turns and walks away.
Jiraiya sweat drops.
"Lets go. I'm finish bathing..." Recca to turns follows Urameshi. 'I hope he's too ego to back off from his words'
"Yo! Get out of the pool and lets go" Urameshi gives a wink at Ranma to follow him.
"Hey! Don't ordering me around. I get out when I'm finish."
"Yeah, yeah... if you done, lets go."
"WAIT A SEC! You think that I'M LIYING TO YOU!" another big vein pop out from Jiraiya's head.
"Defending yourself ne?" no expression on Recca's face.
"Then... What. Do. You. Want. To. Learn?"
'I always want to learn Kage Bushin because its very useful to fight with multiple opponents. Heh, reminds me when I fought with multiple Suzaku.' Urameshi came near Jiraiya and looked at his face, "Ano... I know some ninjas can make another copy of himself or more then one to fight for him. If you really what you said, teach us that."
"You mean Kage Bushin? It's a complicated technique way high level for you kids to learn. Do you know how to use chakra?" they all said no even they did learn it from those they caught.
"Hah! If you want me to teach you that technique, first you need got to learn that in the ninja academy and you need a lot of chakra to make even one. Asked your parent to sent you there. So shoo, stop bugging me."
"Hey you said that you gonna teach us! At least demonstrate to us that technique in slow motion," Ranma get out of the pool.
"And teach us something simple for us to learn if we can't learn that... after that" Recca add.
Another vein pop out, Jiraiya temper is running short, "And, what do I get if I teach you?"
"Do you think I will teach you for free?" the frog Jiraiya sat puff away.
"Okay.... Umm... A surprise for you that maybe can be an inspiration for your book." Urameshi said. "A surprise? What you know what I want?" Jiraiya asked
"You can say that we know a thing about pervert since we did live with a very pervert gramps" Ranma reminds of Happosai again but this time that old man in frog costume, hopping on girls' breast. "We really know something that really make a good story for you."
"So... what's the surprise?" Jiraiya begin to put a small of his interest on them.
"Not gonna tell you until you do your side of the bargain." Recca replied not missing a beat.
"Tell you what, you three are very bright for you age, tell me your names and then I'll show you," Jiraiya really take his attention on them.
"No way! Living with a pervert tells one more thing. Never gives your name to a pervert or they will track you down because pervert can change their interest to molest kids!"
"Nani? You've experience it?" both Jiraiya's eyebrows lift up.
"NO WAY!!! Better be cautious than sorry!" Ranma defend back.
"Alright than... I get the point. First, Kage Bushin..."
HA HA HA !!! Encounter with the OPEN PERVERT! But then Haku joined! Thanks to again all reviewers that let me decided to make the boys go to the Fire Country AND I didn't say that they would be nin for Leafs yet. Still not decided. More reviews for it with some good reason is preferable.
One more thing, a question about parings…
I don't want to make parings yet coz they are still four and five years old. Too young for any of that! Still, suggestions are welcome for them when they're growing up, either normal or yaoi parings. I'm not fuzzy about these things but that doesn't mean I love yaoi or what so ever if you asked. Just be open-minded writer that can satisfied the readers.