Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Medical Inquiries by Dr. Tofu ❯ Snippet ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hehe…I'm evil, but Dr. Tofu always seemed so cool! This is a Ranma/Tofu pairing. Read at your own discretion.
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Ranma walked to Dr. Tofu's clinic, dragging his feet. He didn't want to go! It was embarrassing, but no one seemed to care, they just sent him there as if his life could not get anymore complicated! He had left a couple of months ago to improve his martial arts skills andhad stolen some ancient scrolls from Happosai while he was busy looting all the panties from the girls locker room.
It was a simple plan and it worked.
He knew where Happosai kept his most prized possessions-inside an empty statue of a very naked and incredibly life-like “Venus”which he zealously, one might even say religiously, glomped each and every morning. It was then that he had the misfortune to allow curiosity to carry him away in a doomed quest.
It had been maliciously fated...
He had fantastic control of his Ki levels but it was this very balance that had left him…in a bit of a jamb. Might as well go out and say it.
He had been stuck in his girl form for 6 months now and had been all around the mainland looking for ancient Shinto practitioners to reverse the spell. He had finally decided to come back home and try to take care of the problem. Akane had merely beat the hell out of him as soon as he returned; tired and fatigued, and Nabiki had charged him for his overdue accounts. But he hadn't even been here and she knew that, but since she always extorted him and she hadn't had a chance to she felt long overdue.
Sometimes life screwed you over and then came back to do it again.
Especially when Ranma was in his girl form.
I mean it was cool to consume huge amounts of ice cream in the comfortable disguise of a female, but it was quite a different matter to put up with Kuno- whom he should charge with sexual harassment. Oh wait. He'd tried that…but since the principal of Furinkan High was his dad-things were dropped.
Yeah life sucked.
He finally arrived at the cool sterile clinic which boasted the advancements of an air conditioner as you awaited your turn, and Ranma soon sat down and fell asleep; snoring softly, if such an action could be attributed so delicately. He blearily opened his eyes when he heard his name called and got up and went into Dr. Tofu's office.
He was glad Kasumi was not there because the last time Dr. Tofu had been treating him and she came to return his book he nearly twisted his head off! Kami! That was some infatuation the good doctor had. Not even he acted that way with Akane! Not that he like her or anything…it was just-
“Ranma, what seems to be the problem?” Dr. Tofu asked with his notepad ready, jolting him out of his thoughts. Oh yeah, the reason he was here. This was going to be one EMBARASSING day. Figures it would happen on a Monday.
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Please Review people! You know you want to, you don't really hate to, if you really like me, then give me some time…some time….to review…got that from that sappy song, not that I'm saying I'm sappy or anything!
PUSH THE BUTTON; sadly I'm not psychic .
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
See! I went out of my way for my henchmen -aka my reviewers- who mercilessly took advantage of the review box and skinned me alive!
-Runs screaming in abject terror... -
So this is the best format that I can come up with and if you don't like it then stop reading because it will not be ameliorated by me anymore. I have no computer skills and find them to be abstruse and that they are evil. I swear, the one I am currently using is emitting malignant vibes which makes the computer not respond for long stretches of time. Like now for example...