Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Medical Inquiries by Dr. Tofu ❯ Clinic Visit ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own anything but a cup of delicious hot chocolate to keep me going-so don't sue me! Everyone needs a cocoa addiction...+slurps a brimming cup up with tons of marhsmellows to maintain her size zero figure+
Btw in his thoughts Ranma will refer to himself as a guy because that is the sex he associates with himself, but when I am writing I will call him a he or a she depending on which gender he is at the present time to be grammatically correct.
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Ranma slouched a bit before finally getting up and moving into Dr. Tofu's office. It was sterile and neat with metallic bins littering a nearbytable and giant posters featuring various parts of the body. Gross! Dr. Tofu stood professionally alert with his quirky eyeglasses falling down his nose and his white coat framing his body-the poor lab coat precariously Cloroxed to death.His sleeves were pulled up revealing nicely tanned muscled arms. Wait…WHAT!
Focus. He had to focus, he did not just think that Dr. Tofu had nice arms, he doesn't! I mean I have nice arms too. Well erm…when I'm a guy they look muscular. “Ranma?” Dr. Tofu asked solicitously. This electrified Ranma into action, or at least awareness.
“Dr. Tofu my predicament is in a very delicate matter, ya know?” Dr. Tofu nodded his comprehension, and gestured with his hands for Ranma to continue.“Well you see when I went away on training I took some of Happosai's secret scrolls that showed ancient `Anything-Goes' Martial Arts techniques that improved Ki restoration and manipulation so you could have faster and stronger attacks,” Ranma paused and nibbled her plump lower lip worried.
“What happened was totally unexpected; I did improve my Ki levels but I have remained a girl since then. For some reason in my girl form I found it easier to control my Ki levels and raise them, so before I became permanently stuck I experimented widely with both. But there are other things that worry me…after I mastered the first magical scroll I also gained an unexpected ability. Or nuisance. For some reason the technique depends on arousal, so one must make contact with a person and by doing so you absorb great amounts of Ki not from the person but by the energy generated from arousal; the more powerful the arousal, the more powerful the Ki.” Ranma looked down a moment before continuing by Dr. Tofu surprised him by asking him a personal question.“What precisely have you been doing Ranma?” “Are you aware of STDs and the dangers of being active?”
The kind doctor asked concerned for the young girl. Or guy depending on the temperature of the water. That was still a very interestingconundrum he was trying to solve. Logically it shouldn't be possible. Hmm, maybe if… “I haven't been doing that!” Ranma yelled embarrassed. Her cheeks flushed lightly as she took a deep breath and her deep blue eyes swirled with a mixture of emotions. She absentmindedly twirled a strand of long red hair around a finger before continuing. “I read it on the scroll, but yeah I also kind of learned by experience…” Ranma paled slightly in remembrance, her face starkly white against the crimson hue of her blood red hair.
Dr. Tofu got up and put his hands on Ranma's shoulders, focusing her attention on him.“So what else did it say?” Ranma centered her flashing blue eyes at him before replying, “A transformation…” “Apparently Happosai's perverseness is also part of the true Saotome `Anything-Goes' Martial Arts and he is actually LESS perverted than its creator if you can picture that! But the transformation does not affect my physical appearance but rather my magical powers. I didn't think I had any before, I didn't even know that magic existed. I knew about curses, but magic? I guess I just never thought about it. Although it doesn't sound so far fetched if you consider my `special' situation due to the cursed springs of Jusenkyo.”
Dr. Tofu released Ranma before grabbing a chair and sitting down wearily. “So you're saying that it has something to do with magic?” “Yup.” Ranma stood on the balls of her feet, stretching wearily. Dr. Tofu got up and went to investigate some dusty old books before turning back to Ranma.
“Ranma, can you please lie down on the examination table and wait for me? I'll be there in a sec, I want to check your Ki levels to see if they really are as advance as you say.” “Sure doc,” and Ranma went to lie down nervously, afraid of what Dr. Tofu would find. Dr. Tofu finally slammed a book shut and questioned Ranma excitedly. “Ranma, I want you to think carefully back, but did the scrolls mention anything about the house of the order Kamakura?” Ranma pondered this for a bit, before she hesitantly replied negatively. Dr. Tofu then went in search of another book and started to flip pages wildly before finding what he wanted. He then brought the book to Ranma and showed him an ancient drawing with an intricate depiction of a samurai in full regalia with a funny looking mask on. The symbol on the samurai's forehead looked vaguely familiar. He'd seen it somewhere else before. He had this nagging feeling that he should know…Ranma leaned down even more until he read the inscription, `ashigaru' . Wait a minute! He had that very symbol before…it was below his heart. Ranma raised his eyebrows in sudden understanding. He had that it was simply Bishamon's, but now that he thought about it, his was a little more intricate, like the design before him.
That meant that whatever transformation he would be having was related to whatever this group of samurais did.“Dr. Tofu, I have that mark!” Ranma stated cool as a cucumber…sizzling in the hot Tahiti desert. “I thought it was related to the Chosokabe,” Dr. Tofu replied lost in his own world momentarily losing track of what he was saying. “Dr. Tofu?” “Could you tell me what it means, please!” “Oh, yes, certainly.” Dr. Tofu then went and put the book aside for later, returning to Ranma before resuming his previous seat.
“ Chosokabe was a powerful daimyo,” Ranma looked confused. “Daimyo what?” he asked stupidly. “Daimyo,” replied Dr. Tofu before continuing, “it is to say one of the great feudal lords who were vassals of the shogun in Japan during the Muromachi period. One of the main trends of warfare during the Muromachi period had been the use of magical troops, or ashigaru.”Ranma nodded for him to continue.“They had first come into use in the Nambokucho War, because as wars increased in size and scope the daimyo needed every man they could get for their armies. As many hands were also needed for agricultural work this was a serious problem. So Chosokabe came up with this idea of people feeding off Ki from their environment but it wasn't until 1521-73 AD when the great battle was fought that some warrior monks did something special with their Ki. But I can't remember exactly. It was believed for centuries to be an old myth…passed down for generations after the defeat of the Great Kuniyoshi Kaijuu Shogun. He properly disciplined his ashigaru and implemented it with deadly efficiency that supposedly won the war. Either way, no one believed his theory and his practice died out, so it was never proven.Until now if my suppositions are correct.”
Ranma gulped, agape and still trying to process this information. He decided to go home and think about it later. “Bye Dr. Tofu, I'd better go and get ready for school tomorrow, and finish my homework and all.” With that he disappeared as suddenly as he'd come, leaving Dr. Tofu to stare after him trying to remember the last time Ranma had ever mentioned `school work', and `do' in the same sentence. Probably never he figured. And with that he too left the vacated porch and went inside to read up more about the mysterious ashigaru.
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Today I'll update again. In fact I shall update each and every day, until you beg me to stop writing!
And I'll write longer but these had already been written, so yeah.+
Anyways press the button. You know you want to. Don't deny yourself the irresistible pleasure of clicking on that `submit' button and giving me the ol' heave ho of your individualistic thoughts. Press the button…stop denying yourself the sensation of clicking down on`submit' before watching the screen blur before reappearing with a magical box suspended in mid air that ASKSyou to criticize me. Tell me what you think; noI can't read your thoughts, unfortunately that mode is temporarily suspended until I grow a larger brain, a great inconvenience I'm sure but until then you'll just have to do it the old way and type it. Press the button, you know you want to. Allow your fingers to caress the smooth surface of your mouse before pressing down-ever so slightly-on the `submit' button. Be naughty…be verynaughty…