Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Medical Inquiries by Dr. Tofu ❯ School Blues ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I only own this cup brimming with marshmellows and creamy hot chocolate! Not Ranma, except for DVDs...those count right?
Wow people, I have to call this an obsession since I just woke up at 6 am to type this up on a Saturday since I couldn't yesterday. Hope you appreciate the way I am depriving myself of sleep! My idol Garfield would be so embarrassed…but this mug of hot chocolate agrees with me. Don't you darlin'+slurp, slurp+ well it's gone now, but when it could it did.
Btw, I'd like to thank my motivational reviewers that convinced me to get off my lazy ass and type up what I'd written in my disorganized story book;
Jerry Unipeg for being excited about my chapters and actually reading them, dana-san for always liking whatever I wrote with its awful blemishes and just telling me do what I want, borg rabbit who is super cool and made me check myself and has introduced me even more into modern English +weeps in sadness since authoress prefers English from the early 1900's and blames Hemmingway for this caustic change+Porthos112 for even reading this after I'd insulted him rudely, Howard Russell because he sounds like the voice of reason in my head, Dark Rubberneck who apart from having a way cool penname never causes me headaches, and most especially Ashk because he never pressured me about anything and always gave good advice while sounding chipper. These are my heartfelt thanks, and I should probably tell you that I never do this, so remember this for later when I forget.
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A poem from the Kokin Wakashuu;
A confused array
of red leaves in the current
of Tatsuta River.
Were I to cross,
I would break the fabric of a rich brocade.
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“Akane,” Ranma rolls her eyes skyward, “We have to get to school! Can we stop with this drama for a sec?”
Akane stares furiously at Ranma and abruptly clobbers her on the head with a humongous mallet which magically appeared on her hand at that precise moment. Life was indeed queer in Nerima, especially when a curious being named Ranma curtailed with numerous fiancées and fiancés…
“Akane! Do you have to act like an abnormal masochistic retard each and EVERY morning?” Ranma shouted exasperatedly.
Ranma's P.O.V
He had personally had it with her maltreatment. Usually he let her beat him up because he felt guilty for being who and what he was, but no more. One thing he had learned from his long journey was that he had to come to terms with herself….He was not going to be used like Akane's disposable stepping mat every time she got mad anymore. Akane was always mad! And she always took it out on others instead of facing her feelings. Before he had felt some sense of culpability but whatever offense he had committed in his past life karma had more than castigated him and fulfilled his allotment of dolorous punishment. He may be eccentric, but he was a person with real feelings; he felt pain and sadness, he cried, he FELT. Oh my gosh! Did just rationalize my actuations? I did! Ditto! Here I am discussing my feelings with myself-instead of writing pages of poetry and singing my heart out while playing a melancholy tune on my guitar…how strange. I'm turning into a girl! Oh wait, I did write poetry+ whoosh+ I'm still normal.
Regular P.O.V
“Ranma, you are a girl-for the moment-and why don't you have a bra on again! You are such a pev!” Akane screamed loudly waking up half of Nerima with her shrill voice.
Akane then stomped away to school, ready to beat some seriously delusional guys into orbit if they messed with her again. Which, as happened regularly, they did to their eternal dismay. Ranma, meanwhile, was roused out of her stupor by Akane's departure and hurriedly tried to hide most of her superfluous bosom inside of the safe confines of her worn Chinese outfit that had grown a tad too small. Tried being the operative word. Finally, Ranma gave up and allowed for the full alabaster mounds to partially glimpse the light of day- a deep cleavage forming between the unbound top. Ranma tried to discreetly hide her curvaceous figure and bosom by unfurling long ripples of crimson red hair to fall down sedately to her lower back. This, sadly, only augmented the picture of an irresistible siren to the purview of male and female eyes. Which Ranma was about to experience first hand especially with his tight Chinese outfit that had been washed down to size and clung temptingly to Ranma's girl form. All the better to see the flowing lines of her body and the nipples puckered form the cold outline with meticulous accuracy. As Ranma arrived at the school gate and bypassed the unconscious legions of Akane worshipping guys and arrived on time to class.
A While Later+
The room was bare except for 30 desks lined neatly in rows facing the English teacher Ms. Hinako who was currently running around chirping about Faulkner's A Rose for Emily and how it showed how society was governed in America in the early 1900's. She was trying to convince the class to see the similarities between Japan and its emphasis on its code of honor and how both societies changed after the turn of the century due to technology. She was not succeeding. She looked more like an elementary school girl dressing up as a woman as she hopped around giddily explaining the difference between a unicameral system, and a dictatorship. But all of this stopped when she spotted Ranma, and then her huge chocolate eyes narrowed into slits as she cutely placed her hands on her undeveloped hips hidden by the bulky yellow dress. Then she started chanting, “Delinquent!” over and over again, removing a coin from her pocket and morphing into a drop dead gorgeous woman. Ranma was salivating at the change…his eyes glazed over as her breasts bounced with each step she took as she neared Ranma.
“Ranma, why are you late?” Ms. Hinako Ninomiya asked in a husky voice that sent shivers of desire through every boy in the classroom.
“N-n-no reason Ms. Hinako!” Ranma stuttered trying to make his brain function despite the beautiful vision coming towards him. Guess that answered his question about his sexuality-it hadn't changed. Although this caused problems because now his nipples had hardened furthers into tight buds, as he tried to reign in his desire. Thankfully everyone thought he was cold, and didn't think he was aroused. Well, almost everyone except for the full-demon Pantyhose Taro who smelled his desire and raised an eyebrow of inquiry at him. He or rather he should say, `she', was betrothed to him because when Pantyhose had chased down Happosai in his quest to change his name-and he still hadn't succeeded yet-he had run into Genma and mourned his troubles to his cheat of a father. He had told his father how he had never had a girlfriend due to his shameful name and how no girl wanted to say she went out with, “Pantyhose Taro” because it was too embarrassing. He told Genma that he would never get married! Genma dispassionately told him it was okay, as he was more concerned with robbing him blind, but when Taro mentioned that he had a castle constructed for his bride overlooking the cliffs of Seguu his kind father had changed his mind and decided to tell `his troubles' and explained to Taro how he had a daughter named Ranma that had to marry a powerful full demon or she would die before her twentieth year because of a malignant curse. Taro just soaked it right up and when Genma took out a photograph of a nearly nude Ranma bathing in the first rays of the sun in silky black lingerie +it offended Happosai for anyone female in the house to have `bad' underwear and Happosai even wasted money on this obsession, but he always stole it again for his collection after they'd worn it+ Taro had proposed and become an official fiancé. Genma, when Akane had heard the last words exchanged and beat him on his head hard, had then warned Taro that there were many crazy girls that believed themselves to be betrothed to this daughter for her great beauty and to just ignore them. The old fart ONLY said this because Taro had threatened to kill him for lying to him…and still threatened Genma occasionally when he was passing by to get at Happosai. This was how pathetic his life was, there was no way he would be allowed to live a quiet life without being married to somebody. He had too many suitors and fiancées/fiancés to suit him.
“Well then, you have to be punished because you have been a very naughty child Ranma,” Ms. Hinako said huskily staring at Ranma with anger in her sexy dark eyes. All the boys immediately had perverted thoughts about Ranma and Ms. Hinako and took out popcorn to watch the show. Nabiki went around placing bets and collecting on old accounts.
“Yes…punish me!” moaned Ranma her thoughts strictly in the gutter.
Ms. Hinako looked at her out of startled chocolate eyes, reverting back to her little girl form.
“I don't think so Ranma,” she said out in her little girl's voice.
“I believe you are not a delinquent because no one has asked to be punished before. Now go and sit down sweetie!” said Ms. Hinako as she jumped on the podium and continued where she had left off before Ranma came in.
“Now where was I? Oh yes, so what was the significance of the silvery locks on the pillow beside the skeleton? What did this tell the onlookers, and how was this a reaction to society?” asked Ms. Hinako as she walked around the classroom seeing how people were doing in their five-page essay.
As Ranma sat down, his best friend Hiro poked him on his chest without looking, before turning around and blushing red.
“Ranma, where you been man?” Hiro asked deciding to ignore his embarrassment since it was Ranma anyways. Right? Okay, with huge breasts that rivaled the stripper he'd seen. He had to stop thinking that before Ranma beat the crap out of him.
“It's been like years before you came to this joint! Aren't you behind or anything? I bet you are no longer on the top percentage of the class, ya nerd!” Hiro guffawed at the apparent impasse.
Ranma blinked wide cerulean blue eyes at Hiro before asking, “How did you know my rank?”
“Akane was shouting it as she shattered bricks in a hissy fit one day when I came over, I found it hilarious because we all sorta thought you were like, ya know, all muscle and no brains man-not that we minded. It goes with the flow if ya know?” said Hiro as he tapped away at his pencil still trying to come up with an opening sentence to his essay.
“I'm sure,” quirked Ranma as she stilled Hiro from tapping his pencil mindlessly.
Hiro gave up on his essay and turned to Ranma fully.
“Anyways man you don't need brains cuz you've got like all those chicks diggin' you and when you marry Akane your life is made man!” Hiro shouted the last bit causing Pantyhose Taro to glare in his direction.
Ranma sighed forlornly before adding the finishing touches to her own essay and putting it away before facing Hiro again.
“I know that's what people think, heck, that's what I want them to think. I want to be normal, so I try my best to appear normal." +Conveniently sidestepping the fact that she was actually taking AP Literature and reading Grendel but took regular English to be close to Ms. Hinako. All her other classes were in the nearby university apart from her elective art class.+
Hiro just shook his head before commenting, “Dude, I would like die to be in your shoes! I still can't believe you like pass your classes because you are always getting sent outside and miss class instruction, it doesn't make sense…”
Ranma's eyes dilated before she controlled herself. Art and English were her only REGULAR classes, so if she got kicked out it either coincided with the time she had to leave or it didn't matter because she could always catch up quickly because she already knew the material. And because she had a passion for Art she usually comported herself until it was time to leave and then it didn't matter.
“Because I um take online classes to redo the classes I fail!” Ranma said in inspiration. It was sort of true since when she was gone she had taken online classes to not fall behind-except for Art she had sent a huge canvass in a monochromatic blue done entirely in oil to pass, her teacher Mrs. Elliot was very exacting of her students. Very.
“Iie! Say that isn't so! Although, I could do the same. Thanks man!” Hiro patted Ranma's back enthusiastically feeling for a bra because it was so convenient and he just HAD to know…
“What the fick are you doing man!” Ranma yelled as she threw Hiro over her head where he landed in an ungainly heap on the floor.
Pantyhose Taro glared at Hiro scathingly before elegantly standing up with pure menace emanating from his humanoid form, girls and boys scattering at his demonic presence. Only Ranma remained unperturbed with her altered Ki levels, and strong aura that could be just as menacing if she warranted.
“Ranma,” Taro said quietly trying to grab her attention, “we have to talk.” With that Taro elegantly walked away, his silk kimono brushing the ground as he glided past, his aura tainted red with anger that anyone would touch what was his.
Ranma only then shifted her attention from beating her friend Hiro into a pulp when she spotted Taro and noticed his angry aura as well as his barely controlled beast wanting to get out if she didn't calm him quickly. Dmn father for getting her into these messes!
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Okay people I hope you have noticed how Ranma has begun to refer to herself as a girl, even in her secret thoughts. Therefore from now on this change will continue. As her subconscious has accepted the gender change although her mind has not. I will not be able to update every day, but I WILL TRY TO UPDATE WHEN I CAN+smiles charmingly trying to assuage tempers and pitchforks aimed at her vital organs+
Anyways…Do grasp that naughty mouse of yours and use it to submit to me…preferably wearing black leather and nothing else…I'm all ears for your suggestions on what I should do with my hands…erm keyboard.