Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ What You Don't Know ❯ Chapter 11 - Interlude ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Rurouni Kenshin
Chapter 11 - Interlude
Kaoru woke to bright sunshine, her whole body warm and comfortable. Her hand was twice as warm as the rest of her, carefully wrapped in a much larger hand. She looked up slowly, sighing a little at the sight of Kenshin beside her. He was in the same position as last night, sitting protectively by her futon. She was entranced by the fiery cascade of red framing his graceful features in the morning light.
She rolled onto her side, keeping her hand in his. Lavender eyes opened, obviously awake and alert. The corners of his lips turned up into a gentle smile. His hand squeezed hers gently, thumb running over the back of her hand in a sensual caress.
Kenshin looked up towards the door. Kaoru followed his gaze, blinking as the door was slid open.
“Kaoru, are you—” Megumi drifted in with a steaming tray. “Ken-san!”
Kenshin did not move from his position. The smile on his face lessened just a little.
Megumi set the tray down and knelt down near the two. Her eyes flicked to their joined hands momentarily before returning to look over Kenshin.
“Were you injured, Ken-san?” Megumi said, looking like she wanted to reach towards him. Kenshin kept still.
“I am fine. You should see to your patient.”
A slight flush appeared briefly on the young doctor's cheeks at the uncommon reproach in Kenshin's tone. She turned to Kaoru.
“How are you feeling this morning Kaoru?”
Kaoru sat up slowly, assisted by Kenshin's warm hand that moved from cradling hers. He helped her settle against the wall, arm lingering on her shoulder before he pulled away. Megumi's flush deepened at his actions.
“Still a bit weak, but much better,” Kaoru replied, eyes straying towards Kenshin's.
Megumi quickly checked Kaoru's bandages at her ankles and wrists, pressed carefully on her bruised cheek, and probed her abdomen. She sat back and brought the tray around to the side of the futon, all business.
“You seem to be healing well. There isn't any permanent damage.” Megumi looked to Kenshin. “Bed rest for one more day should be sufficient, then she can start moving around again. I know you'll take good care of her.”
She stood up, and Kaoru caught her looking for a long moment as Kenshin settled the tray over her lap and urged her to eat. Some indiscernible emotion flickered across Megumi's eyes, and she turned to leave.
“I'll stop by the day after tomorrow to see how you're doing.”
“Thank you Megumi-dono.”
The shoji was left open, light spilling in. Kaoru began eating the warm breakfast at Kenshin's insistence. She had the strangest urge to giggle at Megumi's exit.
Kaoru wiped a stray bead of moisture from her brow. Resting a hand on her hip, she surveyed the neat dojo yard that she'd just swept. She closed her eyes and tipped her head back to take advantage of the afternoon breeze.
It felt good to be up and around again. Three days had passed since Kenshin's return, and Kaoru was almost feeling like herself again. He had stayed true to his word of staying by her side, even at night. His presence next to her bedside chased away the lingering ghosts of her imprisonment. A sense of unease still pervaded her senses, especially when they left the dojo, but she was slowly recovering her confidence.
The light snap of cloth behind her brought her back to the yard. She turned to see Kenshin carefully removing the laundry from the line, folding the clothing and linens with practiced hands. She watched his motions for a while, imagining those capable hands passing over her clothed body instead.
Kenshin looked up, smiling gently at her. They stood quiet for a few moments, breeze playing with the air between them.
That smile was for her alone, and she loved it.
Kenshin's eyes went beyond her towards the dojo gates and the smile faded, replaced by a serious look. As he started towards her, Kaoru turned to see what had caught his eye.
Saito strolled through the dojo gates, lit cigarette trailing from his thin lips. Golden eyes honed in on her as he approached. Kaoru's breath quickened a little, wondering what the tall policeman would say this time. Kenshin stepped in front of Kaoru before Saito reached her.
“My, aren't we tense today,” Saito smirked. He looked beyond Kenshin to Kaoru. “Feeling better tanuki?”
“Kaoru, will you please get some tea?” Kenshin interjected smoothly.
Kaoru placed a hand on his arm, noting the rigid muscles beneath.
“Kenshin, please, I'd like to hear what he has to say.”
Kenshin was still for a moment. He nodded curtly.
“Fine. But let us move to the shade.” He turned and guided Kaoru towards the engawa with a warm hand on her back. She acquiesced, almost missing the hard look that passed from Kenshin to Saito. She sat down, placing the broom to the side. Kenshin and Saito remained standing.
“Did you find that man?” Kaoru asked, needing to break the silence that hung between the two fighters. Saito exhaled a long plume of smoke in what could be called an irritated sigh.
“I tracked him all the way to that bridge, and found a few men with a broken wagon. We captured the men and goods, but never found the European.”
“So he's still out there.” Kenshin's voice was very cold.
“Yes. My sources haven't provided any leads. If he's smart, he's left Japan. There's enough on him to have him removed from the country forcibly, if not executed.”
“What were they carrying that was so important?” Kaoru asked. Perhaps this would shed some light on her still foggy memories.
“Guns, ammunition and explosives. According to my sources, they were heading for a rebel faction with aims of `liberating' certain provinces.”
Kaoru mused for a moment.
“So those armbands—”
“May have been from that group or clan, yes.”
“What happens now?” Kaoru asked.
“Now,” Saito said, dropping his cigarette to the ground and crushing it under his heel, “you go back to your life, and I do my job.”
“But if the man is still at large,” Kenshin started.
“He'd be a fool to show his face here. I'm happy to come and arrest him if he does, but I can't imagine he's that stupid.”
Saito turned to leave, Kenshin watching his departure with veiled eyes.
“By the way, Battosai, next time you decide to exact vengeance when capturing my suspects, do leave them able to walk back to civilization on their own power. My men are still complaining about how heavy they were to carry.”
………………………&# 8230;…
Later that evening, Kaoru knelt in the sitting room, taking care of some long overdue mending. The shoji were open to the beautiful sunset, clouds fingering the red sky in wispy orange tendrils. The breeze from earlier had died down, leaving the air peaceful and still.
Kaoru broke the thread she was working with, shaking out Yahiko's gi that she'd just patched. This was the one domestic chore she could do without destroying something. Her stitches weren't as close as her mothers, but they weren't bad.
Kenshin appeared at the doorway, smiling at her as he entered. He sat across from her, eyeing the pile of neatly folded clothing nearby.
Kaoru finished folding the gi in her hands, and turned her attention to him. The lantern gave the room a soft glow, golden light making his red hair shine. Something deep swam behind his lavender eyes. His hands gently took the gi from her, placing it on the pile. He moved closer to her, bent knees a scant inch from hers. His hands rested on his white hakama, clenching the worn fabric a bit.
He held her questioning gaze for a few moments before looking out at the multi-hued sky.
“This one has. . . cared for you for a very long time. For many reasons, this one thought it best to keep things secret, unrevealed.” He paused, looking down at his hands. “It wasn't until you were out of my reach, when there was nothing to be done to save you, that this one realized that your absence in my life was unbearable.”
Kaoru reached a hand out to touch one of his, eyes watering at the emotion in his voice. He wrapped his sword-roughened fingers around her more delicate ones. His other hand reached into his gi sleeve and pulled out an oblong bundle wrapped in soft cloth.
“I purchased this the day you were injured, hoping I could overcome this one's reticence to tell you. We don't have family, but I want to do this properly.”
He took the wrapped bundle in both hands and held it out in front of him. Kaoru took it with shaking hands. She unfolded the cloth, letting it spill onto her lap.
A long, smooth fan with dark lacquered handles was revealed. It's weight and polish spoke of how much it must have cost him. Kaoru opened it carefully, gasping at the painted image. A wind-blown willow reached from the right side, leaves scattering across its surface. A glorious sun glowed in the other corner, and delicate kanji ran through the middle. Kaoru looked up at him as he recited what was written.
“You are my day's light,
You are healing for my soul,
Your fragrance fills me.”
Kaoru bit her lip as tears rolled down her face. His words touched her so deeply. She closed the fan, overcome by its beauty.
Kenshin bowed his head to her, hands on his knees.
“Kaoru, you are my light, and I never want to lose you again. Will you agree to marry this unworthy one?”
She leaned forward, hands cupping his face and pulling him up to meet her eyes.
“There is nothing unworthy about you, Kenshin. I have been yours since we met.”
His eyes turned to liquid amethyst, and he placed his hands over hers.
“So that's a yes?”
Kaoru threw herself into his arms.
“Yes, Kenshin, forever yes.”
He embraced her eagerly, meeting her trembling lips for a gentle kiss.