Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ What You Don't Know ❯ Chapter 12 - Memories ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Rurouni Kenshin
Chapter 12 - Memories
Kaoru, Kenshin and Yahiko made their way through the crowded market towards the Akabeko. The mid-day sun shone brightly over the noisy crowds, buzzing with the business of the day.
Kaoru stayed close to Kenshin, the unease of being out of the dojo still nagging at the back of her mind. She would not stay a slave to her feelings, but was cautious nonetheless. Recalling the painful encounter with her hazy memories the last time she was at the marketplace added to her troubled feelings.
A light touch on her back from Kenshin brought her out of herself. She looked up at him, smiling.
“Oi, Kenshin, are you sure the rooster said he would meet us at the Akabeko?” Yahiko suddenly asked. “I don't see him out in front.”
“That is what he said. He agreed to inform Megumi-dono of the invitation to lunch.”
The young teen put his hands carelessly behind his head, looking up a little as he walked.
“He better not be late. I'm really hungry.”
Kenshin chuckled at the reply, and Kaoru merely shook her head.
“These days you're always hungry, Yahiko,” she teased lightly.
“Yeah, well, it's all those useless strokes you have me do, busu.”
Kaoru wordlessly knocked him on the back of his head. She pointedly ignored the resulting whine.
They entered the familiar restaurant, looking to catch sight of their friends. Tsubame came up to them, smiling shyly.
“Welcome,” she said quietly, blushing. “Megumi-san and Sanosuke-san are sitting in the back. They said you would be coming.”
Yahiko snorted a little.

”You don't have to call him `Sanosuke-san,' Tsubame. Rooster-head is more than fine for him.”
Sanosuke's voice sounded from the booth as they approached.
“Watch your mouth, Yahiko-chan. I'm sure you don't want me to beat you silly in front of your girlfriend.”
Sano and Megumi were sitting next to each other in the semi-private seating area. Steaming cups of tea sat in front of them, and Megumi looked quite irritated.
“Ken-san, thank goodness you're here. This baka rooster has been almost unbearable by himself.”
“Oi, oi. . .” Sano started.
Kenshin raised a hand and directed Kaoru and Yahiko to sit.
“We're all here now, so all is well.”
Tsubame took their order and left them to their conversations. As an exchange between Yahiko and Sano got particularly heated, Megumi broke in.
“So, Ken-san, is there an occasion? It is unusual for you to make a lunch invitation for all of us. I would understand if we were avoiding Kaoru-chan's cooking,” she ignored the glare Kaoru sent her way, “but you have been taking care of such things of late.”
Kenshin looked down at his cup a little, smiling. Kaoru watched him with clear and confident eyes. He caught her gaze for a moment, and looked at his friends.
“As you are all close friends, I wanted,” he glanced at Kaoru and placed his hand on hers. “We wanted you to be the first to know. We are to be married.”
Megumi blinked, and smiled. Yahiko and Sano stared open-mouthed for just a moment before bursting out in congratulations.
“It's about time Kenshin,” Sano said, reaching over and thumping the smaller man's shoulder. “I was sure you'd never make an honest woman out of Jou-chan.”
“So when's the wedding?”
“In a week,” Kaoru said, smiling. She was overjoyed at her friends' reaction. She knew they were accepting, but it was good to have them share in her happiness.
“Yes. We're going to the temple in a week, and hope to have a small gathering at the dojo after.”
Tae rounded the corner with their lunch, all smiles.
“Well, then you must let the Akabeko provide the food. My gift to the couple!”
“Tae, that's too much,” Kaoru said, touched by Tae's generosity.
“Nonsense. I wouldn't have it any other way.”
The group fell to eating, talking eagerly about preparations over the days to come. Kaoru wondered if Megumi was disappointed, but banished those thoughts as she talked with the young doctor about what she was going to wear. This was truly for the best.
They continued talking after the food was eaten and cleared away. Tsubame took an order for dessert, and bustled off to retrieve it.
Kaoru was half-listening to a story Sano was telling Kenshin, when a stray thread of sound reached her ears. Her brow furrowed at the familiarity. A hush in other conversations around the restaurant brought it into startling clarity.
She knew that voice.
Kaoru froze, heart pounding in her ears, and all she could hear was the tone of the speaker. She would never forget that voice as long as she lived.
It was the European.
Kenshin's voice came back to her dimly.
“..oru, Kaoru, are you okay?”
Kaoru blinked and turned to him, concern evident on his face.
“It's him,” she said quietly. The others at the table quieted.
“Who,” Kenshin prodded.
Tsubame appeared at that moment with dessert. She looked nervous at the serious atmosphere hanging over the table. Kaoru turned to her, working to control her voice.
“Tsubame-chan, is there a foreigner here?” she said quietly.
“Y-yes, he just came in. He's talking to Tae-san now.”
“Is there anything unusual about him? Anything at all?” Kaoru fought to keep her voice low, feeling a rising panic in her chest. Tsubame glanced towards the entrance again nervously. After a moment, she spoke again.
“Well, it's a little thing.” The young girl turned back to face Kaoru. “His shoes have two different colors.”
Kaoru began shaking. It was him. She remembered those shoes from when the blindfold slipped. She'd never seen a foreigner with shoes like that before. That and the voice together, it had to be him. She turned to Kenshin.
“We have to leave,” she said. Kenshin's eyes were dark and hard. One hand hovered close to his weapon.
“Too many people here,” Sano said quietly. Kenshin's head turned quickly to lock eyes with the fighter. Something passed between them.
“Yahiko, I want you to go out the back. Go to the police station and get Saito. Tell him the European is at the Akabeko. Kaoru and I will exit the same way in a moment, and head back to the dojo. Go!” The youth jumped a little, and exited the booth carefully. He strolled nonchalantly towards the back.
“Sano, Megumi-dono, please stay here a little while as to not cause a scene.” He placed a few coins on the table. “Pay for this and leave when you think it is safe.”
Sano nodded.
“Tsubame-dono, please leave the food here, and behave as if nothing has happened. You will be fine. Sano will be here to protect you and Tae-dono should something occur.”
The nervous girl placed the food down and took the tray back with her.
“Kaoru, are you ready? Just get up normally and head to the back. I will be right behind you.”
Kaoru nodded shakily. She just needed to get out of here. She rose carefully and headed out of the booth. Focusing too much on being inconspicuous, she tripped a little on a chair leg that was sticking out from another table. Catching herself, she glanced back towards the front of the restaurant.
A blonde bearded foreigner in a crème suit stood talking to Tae at the front of the Akabeko. He carried a fancy cane in white-gloved hands. Neat and trim, he was the epitome of the respectable western businessman. His cold blue eyes met hers for just a moment, and he smirked. Kaoru gasped a little.
She knew his face.
Kenshin came to her quickly and ushered her out, breaking her visual contact.
Once outside, Kenshin placed a supporting arm around her waist, holding her close to him. They moved quickly through the back streets towards the dojo.
Kaoru's head was reeling as Kenshin half-carried her down the street. Images began to pierce through the fog in her brain, and images of the day in the market overlaid her vision.
Following the little bobbing tail of the cat as it scurried deeper into the dank passage.
Odd looks from passers by as she stumbled against him. Murmurs of `too early to be in such a state.'
Losing the animal around a corner, pausing at the sound of voices just beyond.
Kenshin murmuring soothing words in her ear as they continued down the street.
“When are we going to make our move? The government could find the weapons in that warehouse any day.”
A cultured foreign voice smoothly cutting over the agitated native tones.
“Relax, I've paid off enough of the police force to keep them quiet.”
Kaoru stumbled again as she got lost in her memory. Dimly she felt herself being hoisted into Kenshin's arms, suddenly speeding towards the dojo.
“So all the cargo has arrived?” A third voice, cold, dark.
“Everything but the ammunition. It had to be shipped separately with a government order to not raise suspicion,” the foreigner replied.
Peeking around the corner, holding back a gasp at the striking European, a stoic man in hakama and a policeman she recognized in uniform.
She had to get out of here, tell someone.
Kenshin set her down carefully on the porch nearest the entrance, hurrying back to securely lock the gate. Her groping hands found and clutched a boken left from Yahiko's morning practice to her chest in comfort.
Turning to creep away, freezing at the sound of masonry falling from the crumbling wall she was leaning against.
“Someone's here!”
Running, shouting, panic overtaking her senses as the European raises a pistol in her direction. The light from the entrance approaches. A shot sounds as she crouches and jumps, trying to reach the exit. Teetering boxes reeling from the shot block her path, crashing down with heavy swiftness.
Kaoru gasped in terrible pain, doubling over and squeezing her eyes tightly closed. Kenshin was instantly kneeling in front of her, comforting touches stroking up and down her arms.
“Kaoru . . .” His voice held a helpless plea that she had never heard before. His hands made worshipful circles up her arms, over her shoulders, down her back and up her arms again.
The pain slowly receded, taking the concealing fog with it. She remembered everything from that day. She looked up at Kenshin and put her hands on his where they paused on her arms. Haltingly, she told him what she had remembered.
Kenshin rose, brow furrowing darkly.
“So there was an insider on the police force. I wonder if Saito knows.”
“What if he comes here? I know that officer,” Kaoru said, worry clouding her thoughts.
“I think it more likely that the European will come. I can only think of one reason to put oneself in danger like that.”
Kenshin stiffened suddenly. Before she could blink she was pulled into his arms as he took her to the ground. A sudden explosion rocked the air around them.
Kaoru coughed at the swirling dust in the yard, jolted upright as Kenshin stood with her, placing her behind him.
“The swordsman is right, Kamiya-san, there is only one reason to return to the scene of the crime.”
Three figures strode through the dust of the ruined door. The unmistakable smirking face of the European, the man who captured her from the dojo, and the policeman came into view. The foreigner's cold voice carried over the yard and pierced Kaoru's soul.