Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ What You Don't Know ❯ Chapter 13 - Revenge ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Rurouni Kenshin
Chapter 13 - Revenge
“It really is a pity that you didn't stay asleep for just a bit longer,” the European continued in precise tones, his ornate cane making a light grinding noise as it dug into the dojo yard. “We could have avoided all this unpleasantness.”
Kaoru felt Kenshin stiffen in front of her and caught the European's smirk over the redhead's shoulder.
“Yes, Himura-san, you were being watched. It is so useful to have part of the police force on your side, especially one so close to a lead investigator. Especially when you trust the police enough to leave Kamiya to their care.”
“Damn you,” Kenshin practically growled, hand hovering closer to the sakabato at his waist. Kaoru tightened her grip on the boken she'd miraculously not dropped in the explosion.
“Ah, ah, we'll have none of that.” The gloved hand that was casually placed along the side of his pants leg rose swiftly to aim a pistol at the pair. Kaoru noted with alarm that it was the same style of weapon that Hiruma Kihei had used on them not so many years ago. That bullet had thrown Kenshin back several feet, only deflected by pure luck.
Kenshin stopped, but did not move his hand back. Kaoru's eyes flicked over to the policeman and the leader. Both were spreading out to surround them, hands on the hilts of their swords. Kaoru was grateful for the house at their backs for a modicum of protection.
“What do you want,” Kenshin said tightly.
The European chuckled darkly, eyes ice cold.
“What I want is the money that I've lost on this little transaction that Kamiya-san ruined for us. Not to mention the weapons the police confiscated and the business that a new war would have engendered. I don't think you can give that to me.” The malice in his voice angered Kaoru.
“You're playing with people's lives for the profit?” Kaoru couldn't hold the words back.
The man snorted.
“You have no idea how rich a little war can make a man. And being aligned with the winning side assures continued business.” He gestured with his cane to the hakama-wearing leader, whose shrewd gaze narrowed. “With my support, Toranaga-san here would have made a fine shogun.”
“You are underestimating the Meiji government if you think they would allow such an uprising.” Kenshin's tone was still dark.
“Ah, but that does not matter now, does it. This is a lost opportunity for all, and I find I share my colleagues' desire to restore my lost honor.”
His eyes lingered on Kaoru for a long moment.
“I truly am sorry that a woman had to get involved in all this. It would have been so much easier to kill you if you were a man.” He cocked the hammer back on the gun. “But even I have limits.”
Kenshin's head turned towards Kaoru by the barest fraction.
“Kaoru,” he murmured. “It will be difficult to defeat these men undamaged while protecting you.”
Kaoru lightly touched the tip of the boken she held to the back of his leg, hidden by the folds of his hakama.
“I understand.”
With a sudden burst of air, Kenshin sprang towards the European with his god-like speed. Kaoru crouched down in that instant, bringing her boken into an attack position by her side. With a silver flash, the gun went flying into the air and across the yard. The European shouted in surprise, arm flying upwards and back with the blow. Kenshin pivoted on his heel just past the European and sprang towards the policeman and Toranaga.
Kaoru followed directly in Kenshin's footsteps. Starting from a low angle, her boken arced towards the European's left side. Faster than she thought him able, he brought his cane up in his left hand across his body to block the blow.
Hatred flashed through his eyes, and his right hand flew to the top of the cane, drawing upwards suddenly. Kaoru barely had time to jump backwards as he stabbed a hidden blade into her upper arm. He jumped back as well, turning the blade and cane over in his hands, holding both up in an offensive stance.
Kaoru held her weapon firm, ignoring the pain in her arm. Adrenaline coursed through her as the danger of the situation increased. They faced off over their weapons for several moments, noise of the other combatants dim in the background. A streak of cruel amusement settled in his gaze.
“I should have let them rape you that day,” he sneered. “It would have been fitting punishment for a meddling bitch like you.”
He was trying to weaken her defenses, but she saw through his tactic. Kaoru played along with his insult, face showing distress. She slumped her shoulders slightly and moved her weapon down at an angle to her side to give the appearance of vulnerability and defeat.
He smirked at her actions. Feigning a swing with the cane in his left hand he stepped forward with his right foot, aiming the blade at her in an extended European fencing thrust. Expecting the move, Kaoru pivoted back with her left foot and brought her boken straight up, connecting solidly with his exposed chin. Blood flew from his mouth as he fell backwards in an impressive arc, weapons falling as he hit the ground with a solid thud. She stepped back and lowered her weapon into a defensive pose, watching for movement. Several heartbeats passed; he kept still.
A slow clapping of hands brought Kaoru's attention away from her felled opponent and up into the yard. Kenshin stood over two similarly prone forms glaring at the dojo entrance. Kaoru followed his gaze.
Saito stood amidst the rubble, a group of policemen behind him. He strolled into the compound, cigarette dangling from his thin lips, still clapping.
“Well done Himura. You've managed to redeem yourself by taking care of this problem for me.”
Saito approached the unconscious policeman at Kenshin's feet. He nudged the man's head roughly with his foot, his face a mask of disgust.
“As if you could hide your spying from me.” He snorted. “Amateur.”
Kaoru lowered her weapon after making sure the police were securing the European and stalked over to Saito's side.
“You knew he was involved?!”
Saito raised an eyebrow at her outburst.
“I wouldn't have found the ringleaders if I had arrested him. Besides, I didn't know he was involved in this plot until recently.”
Kaoru huffed and turned to Kenshin, determined to ignore the infuriating wolf.
“Are you okay Kenshin?”
Kenshin nodded, eyes scanning her form. His relieved face turned to concern as he moved to her left side.
“Kaoru, your arm. . .”
Kaoru lifted her left arm slightly, wincing at the sharp pain as she remembered her injury. She looked down, seeing the growing red stain on the upper arm her kimono and drops of blood falling from her fingertips. Kenshin led her to the porch to treat her.
“Kamiya,” Saito called after.
She turned towards him.
“Nice shot. I didn't know you had it in you.”
“Thank you,” she bit out in an unfriendly tone. She wasn't in the mood for his games. “Now would you mind getting this garbage out of my yard?”
Saito chuckled in response and began herding his men and the culprits out of the compound. Kenshin watched them leave, holding Kaoru's hand over her wound. Only after they left did he sit her down and gingerly peel the sticky cloth off her shoulder.
Kaoru hissed at the pain as Kenshin carefully pressed the skin around the bleeding wound.
“It does not appear too deep,” he said. “Let me get some bandages.”
Kaoru nodded and sat back a little, pressing a hand over the wound. Her eyes traveled over the destroyed door and the debris from the fight. She sighed deeply.
The men were gone, the plot revealed, all the players taken to justice. She remembered herself again. There was no more frightening fog in her mind. She had beaten that man.
It was over.
Emotions hit her like a tidal wave, and tears began rolling down her face. All the ups and downs of the last month had finally broken her worn nerves. Fear, anxiety, worry and blessed relief washed out of her. She turned her face into her good shoulder, muffling the choking sobs that she couldn't control.
It was actually over.
She heard Kenshin return, but couldn't stop the flow of tears. She felt him bring her head to his shoulder, holding her in a careful embrace. He murmured soothing sounds into her ear as her body shuddered.
Eventually she calmed, feeling drained but relieved. Hitching dry sobs gave way to deep breaths of cool, sweet air. She pulled away from Kenshin's warm shoulder and smiled weakly. His thumbs wiped the trails of water from her flushed cheeks. He kissed her forehead gently.
“I love you,” he said softly.
“I love you too,” she replied.
“Let me take care of you.” He gently pulled her hand off the still bleeding wound and began to treat her. She nodded, smiling at the layers of meaning his tone conveyed.