Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Blast from the past ❯ Planning an attack ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Copy-Cat, still disguised as Sarasim had felt as if he had been riding through the desert for years. He didn't find Krall or the witch on their mountain hideout, but he did notice strange lights coming from the horizon, and it didn't take his foresight, though he still couldn't use it, to know that something wasn't right.
Copy-Cat rode his horse to a clearing just by a small gorge and proceeded the rest of the way on foot so as not to arouse suspicion, and what he saw nearly turned his blood cold. Monsters… monsters… and more monsters…! Long rows and line-ups of slime-monsters that extended as far as the eye could see in all directions, and down below on a ledge stood Krall and the witch, and Copy-Cat was shocked to hear them say aloud about how many monsters there were.
“It is settled.” Krall sneered, “We attack the village tomorrow night. They will never be prepared for such an onslaught. You have served me well, Witch.”
The witch bowed to Krall and said, “My life is but to serve you, my-lord.” Though she almost didn't seem too sincere, what she was sure of, and made sure to mention to Krall. “Keep strongly in mind, that without my power, the army will cease to exist.”
That was all Copy-Cat needed to hear, but as he got up to leave he knocked a few stones into the gorge bellow which alerted some of the monsters. Krall looked up, “Sarasim!”
Copy-Cat began to run…
“After her…!”
Only a few of the monsters gave chase, along with Krall and the witch. Copy-Cat did his very best, but as Sarasim he was barely able to stave off the villain's and he actually was captured and taken to the cavern.
The witch was able to expose Copy-Cat, and force him to turn back into his normal self. He was also locked up in a steel cage which hung from the ceiling of the cave.
“A very clever deception.” said Krall, “However, bravery comes with its prices, and the village shall pay in full debt… in their blood!”
Copy-Cat gritted his teeth, “You will never get away with this.” he warned him. “The warriors will fight, and they will destroy you both!”
Krall moved toward Copy-Cat and gazed him deep in the eyes, “You are fortunate that I need you alive, or I would do away with you here and now.”
Copy-Cat wasn't afraid, at least not for himself, but he had to warn the others about what he had seen.
Krall and the witch decided to head back and inspect their army, leaving only a few beasts at the cave entrance. Yet, as they exited and the witch passed right bellow Copy-Cat's cage Copy-Cat began to sense something stronger within her mind--
They were Images of Krall being destroyed in battle, and the witch taking control of things. The images were too fast to be too clear to know if they were real.
Copy-Cat waited until they were gone. He couldn't escape from the cage, but he could use his telepathic contact with Raven. He just hoped she was still awake…
So he closed his eyes, and concentrated hard. “Raven…? Raven can you hear me?”
Raven, like all the others were asleep, but suddenly she could hear the thought-waves of Copy-Cat. “Raven… please answer me.”
Raven awoke and spoke telepathically back to her boyfriend. The first thing she was told was to get the others up. Much to everyone's dismay, Raven did just that. Cyborg and Sarasim were the most disturbed, “Can't the newlyweds get some shut-eye?” groaned Cyborg.
Everyone listened, through Raven to what Copy-Cat had to say, it was bad enough to learn that he was trapped, but, “A main fleet?” asked Terra.
“Yes…” Raven replied for Copy-Cat, “Consisting of more than four-million eight-hundred-thousand powerful creatures, with the destructive force of an active volcano.”
Sarasim never once dreamed of such an onslaught. “What are our actions?” she asked, but for once, nobody had any ideas. “Dude… you're crazy!” Beast-Boy said, “A fleet of almost five-million?! There's no way we can fend off against such an attack.”
Terra and Starfire already agreed with him, and as a shock, Robin was almost willing to agree too, but both he and Cyborg were not up for it. “There has to be way we can stop them.” Robin said.
Luckily, Copy-Cat remember what he overheard that the witch was the main source of all the evil, all the warfare, and all the trouble been going on. Without her, the monsters would be destroyed instantly, and Krall would be rendered powerless.
That was certainly something, and though it was late at night, Dawn would soon be breaking, which meant by the next night Krall was sure to come, and furthermore, the heroes hadn't much time left before they'd miss their chance to get home, but the first and foremost things that had to be done was prepare the village for defense, and save Copy-Cat.
First thing at dawn…
-24 hours remain
Sarasim called forth every single guard, every strongman, and every fighter in the village. The army began to plan and strategize for the upcoming battles, and the peasants of the village were to be taken to a safer place.
As for the battle, the best thing Cyborg could suggest was exactly what he did the last time he faced an onslaught of so many beasts. The best option was to lead the battle away from the village itself and towards the dam.
Cyborg remembered that those slime monsters couldn't stand the water, and a giant flood would surely wash a large majority of them out. “At least I hope…”
“Hope…?” asked Raven, “Uh, that's not too reassuring.”
“Still, we do not have any other option…” Starfire pointed out, “And we still must rescue Copy-Cat.”
Robin knew his wife was right. “Okay… we have our plan. Now, there's no time to rest… tonight… it's on!”