Twilight Fan Fiction / Twilight Fan Fiction / Twilight Fan Fiction ❯ When Angels Fall ❯ Well I Didn't See This Coming ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Well I decided to continue with the story. Hopefully it will start to catch on. Lol read and review.
3 months ago
"Bella dear, please be ready to go in 5 minutes." Mom pleaded with me. I huffed and zipped up my huge suitcase. My mother, Esme, has just divorced my father, Charlie, 5 months ago. It was a weird situation because now my mother and I are moving in with her boyfriend, Carlisle. But that's not what's weird, what's weird is Carlisle just divorced his wife, Renee, about 5 months ago. And now Charlie and Renee are together. I rubbed my forehead, a habit I have started since I've been informed of this love rectangle. What is wrong with these weird people? "Bella, let's go!" Mom yelled at me. I dragged my suitcase off my bed and left the room. I dreaded the day my mom would find another man to love. And I dreaded the day when my dad would find a woman, but I didn't expect it to be now.
"Bella, how are you?" Carlisle greeted me when I got to his-our- house. "Never better." I said sarcastically. Carlisle ignored me and went to help my mom get our things from the car. I entered the massive house, it was beautifully designed from the inside out. Wide windows were throughout the house, letting the sun's glow in. I could learn to like it here. But then I heard footsteps inside the house. Carlisle and mom are outside, so who's inside? I cautiously entered the house, and peered into the kitchen, where I heard the footsteps. There, listening to an ipod, was a boy. Well more like man, he looked about 17. He had pale skin, bronze trussled hair, and one beautiful face and body. He wore a tight green shirt, clearly showing off his medium muscled arms. He had on jeans the fit him perfectly, and I just stared at him. He was incredibly sexy, and I felt an unfamiliar warmth flood through my system. It collected in my stomach and...private area. I opened my mouth to say hi, but he beat me to it. When he turned around, he saw me, and I got a better look at his face. Warm, honey eyes looked at me...angrily? "It's you." He said with a hard look. "Huh?" I said dumbly. "Your the lady that stole my father from my mother, yeaa dad said you were beautiful, but your obviously to young to be with him. How old are you 17? You and my father disgust me." He spat out at me. "Wait-what? No you have it all wrong!" I sputtered. I backed away slightly. "What do you want his money? I bet you dropped out of high-school to be with him. Your nothing but a sluttly whore!" He said, venom lacing his voice. I felt tears prick at my the corners of my eyes. I didn't deserve the words he yelled at me. I didn't do anything to this angry, beautiful god. But that didn't stop me from rushing up to him, and slapping his face hard. "You don't even know me." I growled, tears trailing down my face. The boy grabbed my hand that I slapped him with and we stood there, glaring at each other, until-"Bella, Edward?!" Mom and Carlisle came into the kitchen. "Dad? Who is she?" The boy, Edward said, clearly confused. "Edward, let go of Bella, this is Esme." Carlisle said sternly. Edward quickly let go of my hand and stared at me in shock, and embarrassment. "I thought you were Esme." He said, his cheeks turning red. "Well I'm not, dumbass!" I said, wiping my angry tears. Edward's face quickly went mad again. "Edward, I'm Esme" mom said, walking toward Edward. "Well I had a welcome speech prepared for you, but Bella here, got it instead of you." He chuckled darkly, peering at my face. I looked away, and quickly left the room. I can't live here in this fuckin house, with his asshole. I ran into the living room, and collapsed on the couch. I covered my face, trying to control my breathing. I was going to hyperventilate from being to anger. I heard footsteps approach, and mom sat next to me. "Honey, you ok?" She asked concerned, pulling me into a hug. I hugged back, whispering, "Mom...I can't live here with him, I simply can't." She rubbed my back and looked at me sadly, "You have no choice, dear." I pushed away from her, and scooted down to the arm of the couch. "Bella don't be like this." Mom pleaded with me. I didn't have time to answer back, because Carlisle and Edward came into the living room. They both sat on a couch in front of us and Carlisle cleared his throat. "Sorry Bella." Edward muttered. "Whatever." I muttered back. "Esme...I think we tell them" Carlisle looked at my mom. "Yes...we should." Mom agreed. "Tell us what?" Edward asked. "Bella...I'm your father." Carlisle told me seriously. "WHAT?" I gasped out. "Bella...when your father and I got married, I had an affair with Carlisle, it was during our honeymoon, when Carlisle was here with his wife Renee." Mom told me ashamed. I stared at her in shock. "Your lying!" I sputtered. Edward's face was equally filled with shock. "When I found out I was pregnant, I knew it wasn't Charlie's baby, so I told Charlie. He took it very well, until he told me he was having an affair with Renee. Renee was about 2 months pregnant at that time, so we knew Carlisle was the father. We all kept up our affairs during the whole honeymoon. And we all kept in contact after it. We wanted to switch spouses after you guys grew up a little. It would be wrong for all of us to get divorced so quickly. So we lived a lie for 17 years. I'm sorry Bella, Edward, but you guys are half brother and sister." Mom said, tears leaking down her face. My chest contracted tightly, and my breathes came in fast, quick, gasps. My father, Charlie, isn't my father? My mom has lied to me my whole life, and so has Charlie and Carlisle. And they expect me and Edward to be ok with that? I stood quickly and felt my stomach try to expel all I ate today. "Bella!" Carlisle and mom held me tight. I pushed them away and I looked at Edward. His face was frozen, but his eyes held such anger, I was frightened for a second. But he looked at me, and his eyes held pity and sadness...for me. I let out a dry sob and ran to the car, ignoring that the truck was open, and started it up. "Bella, no!" Mom yelled at me. "Fuck you!" I screamed and drove off, to who knows where.
I sat in an empty parking lot for 3 hours. I checked my phone, and I had 13 missed calls from mom, and 9 from Carlisle, I guess. Its almost 9, the sun long gone, and the sky is pitch black. I'm sitting on the roof of the car, staring at the stars. Me and dad...well Charlie now, used to do this all the time when I was younger. How could they do this to me. Giving me these loving memories, and then crushing them like dirt, blowing them away in the wind. Why didn't they just raise me with Carlisle and Edward, at least I knew Carlisle was my real father, and not this guy pretending to be. I felt tears well up again, but I angrily wiped them away. I should head back. Mom and Carlisle must be super worried by now, and I don't want them to report me missing. I hopped of the roof, and got into the car. Time to go back to my new family. Haha...yeah right.
The moment I got into the house, I was held tightly by mom and Carlisle. "Don't you EVER do that again!" Mom sobbed on my shoulder. "Bella, even though you may not like me, I am your father, and don't ever scare me and your mother like that again. I love you Bella, and you are my daughter." Carlisle told me, tears at the corners of his eyes. I was surprised, but I didn't let it show. I saw Edward from the corner of my eye, awkwardly standing there. I let go of mom and Carlisle and approached Edward. "Sorry."I said quietly. He looked at me amused and said,"Its ok." Then he pulled me into a hesitant hug. It was nice and warm, and it was a hug that was starting to fell not like a brother sister hug. I gasped quietly and quickly pulled away. Edward looked at me confused but let it go. "Mom...Dad!" Carlisle's face lit up when I said that,"I'm going to bed, ok?" They nodded. I looked at Edward one last time and then I walked up the stairs, and looked for my room.
I layed on my bed in the dark, replying what happened today in my head. I can't believe my life has been altered so greatly in just a couple of hours. What am I do to? I don't want to be in this weird family, with lies and hidden secrets. I huff out my annoyance, but then I hear my door open. I sit up quickly and look to see who it is. Its Edward. I know my jaw dropped. Edward clearly showed his dislike for me today, so why is he here? "Bella." He whispered. My heart beated faster. Why did he say my name like that? Edward walked to my bed, and sat down at the foot of it. "I'm sorry for the words I said." He told me truthfully,"I was out of line, and it was even more wrong for me to plan to say that to Esme, I know you must be having a hard time, with all surprises. But I'm here for you if you need it." I stared at him in awe, I didn't think he would man up like this. "Thank you Edward...I appreciate this." I said. "Anything for my lil sis." He joked and I giggled at him. He leaned down and kissed my cheek, his warm lips just lightly grazing my cheek. I let out a gasp and grabbed his shoulder, leaning up to kiss his cheek back, in gratitude. But I didn't expect me to miss, because of my room being so dark, and make contact with warm, soft lips, inside of skin. I kissed his lips. I pulled away quickly and stared at Edward in shock. His eyes grazed over, and I was waiting for him to yell at me. But I didn't expect his eyes to look at me in desire. My heart thumped loudly, and I felt the same warmth from earlier flood down to my stomach and my center again. I held back a moan and scooted back from Edward. Edward leaned forward to be and was about to kiss me, when he snapped out of it. He jumped up and ran to my door, but he stopped and whispered,"Sorry." And he left.
Haha. I had to make this chapter longer than the last one. Edward and Bella have had one long ass day. And then to end it with a mistaken kiss? Damn! Lol. They clearly see that they are feeling things that no brother and sister should feel. What shall they do? Lol let's see next chapter...