Twilight Fan Fiction / Twilight Fan Fiction / Twilight Fan Fiction ❯ When Angels Fall ❯ The Next Day ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ok guys I see you reading the story, so review already! Lol. Please XD
3 months later - The next day
I woke up to a weird chirping noise. "Birds." I thought. I never heard them so close before. Then I remember, I'm not living in the city anymore, I'm now in a cozy home in the woods. Carlisle's house. All of the memories from yesterday flooded back to me. My lie filled life, my new father, my new brother. My brother...that I kissed yesterday. Disgust and self loathing filled my mind, how could I kiss him? But then I felt my lips with my fingertips, they tingled. I rubbed my forehead and hopped out of bed. I need a relaxing shower to wake me up. I walked up to a dresser in my room, surprised to see them filled with my clothes. "Mom must have gotten bored while I was gone." I thought sarcastically. I pulled out some low cut red panties, a matching red bra, a black tank, and black shorts. I felt like showing my depression on the outside with the black. "But your not depressed...your happy." A little voice said in the back of my head. "Sure I'm not." I said back. Wow I feel smart talking to myself. I shook my head and started walking to my bathroom. I immediately turned the shower on hot, and stripped my clothes off. I got into the shower, sighing when the hot water hit my tense muscles. I wet my hair, rubbing my scalp with my fingers. I let out another sigh and looked around for shampoo but I didn't see any. I quickly turned the shower off and got out, looking under the sink for shampoo and conditioner. There was none. I growled annoyed and grabbed a fluffy towel, wrapping it securely around myself. Mom is at work, and Carlisle is most likely at the hospital. That's what happens when your a doctor. The only one here is...Edward. Dammit. I peeked out the door, looking for him, but I didn't see him. I know where his room is. I walked quickly to his room and peered through. There he was, sleeping peacefully. He had on no shirt, just shorts. The sun peeked through his room a little, and it grazed over his face and chest. His skinned glistened, his face relaxed beautifully, his chest breathing slowly. I wanted to run my fingers down his chest, down his abs, to his- whoa Bella don't go there. I shook my head and slowly enter his room. I felt so awkward with me being naked in the room of my brother that I kinda like. I pushed that aside and tapped Edward's shoulder. "Edward...Edward wake up." I whispered. He made a confused face and then he relaxed. Stupid boy. I poked him again. Then suddenly he sat up so quickly I almost fell backward. To my horror I started to fell my secure towel slip down my chest. Shit! I grabbed it quickly but it was to late. There sat Edward, wide awake, and staring at my uncovered breast. My face flushed red immediately. I pulled my towel up quickly and started to stutter, "W-where the f-fuck is the shampoo and conditioner??" Edward swallowed slowly and looked from my chest to my face. "Closet next to the bathroom." He said slowly. I nodded quickly and turned to run out when Edward grabbed my wrist. Well that's deja vu. I felt embarrassed tears start coming. "What Edward?" I said quietly. "Why are you naked in my room?" He said slowly again. "I was taking a shower, but I noticed there was no shampoo." I replied back. "Oh." He said back...disappointedly. I turned to look at him,"Did you think I came here for you?" He sat there quietly and gave me a weak smile. I smacked my forehead,"Your crazy." He laughed at that,"Well its not everyday a guy wakes up to a cute girl naked poking his face." I went red again. "I was poking your shoulder." I muttered. He laughed again and pulled me to him, and I ungracefully fell onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around me, and tucked his head in my neck. "W-w-what are you d-doing?" I said panicked. "This is as close as I could ever get to you because of..." Edward whispered. I knew what he was talking about, because were related. I relaxed, and took comfort in the hug. It is wrong that I like him more than I should, but I won't let this chance go. "I wish we weren't related..then this wouldn't be considered wrong." I whispered to him. "Me too." He said back and kissed my bare shoulder. He then let me go and I stood up to leave the room. I looked at him one more time, and then I left.
After my shower, I took a quick potty break, and brushed my teeth. After I was done, I went to the kitchen to find myself some breakfast. I absently grabbed a bowl and some cereal and sat down. I ate quietly, thinking about my brother. My brother. He is only suppose to be my brother. But my mind and heart didn't register that. I heard Edward come down the stairs and enter the kitchen. "Hey Bella." He greeted. I nodded my greeting to him, chewing on my cereal. He chuckled lightly and said,"Your not a morning person, are you?" I shook my head no, with a smile and continued eating my cereal. I didn't want to talk to him because I'm still embarrassed about flashing him. I didn't imagine the man I show my body, well half a body to would be my brother. In a way I am relieved and also disturbed. This may be going a little to far. I stood up and walked to the sink, washing out my empty bowl and leaving Edward in the kitchen. I headed to my room and grabbed my ipod, flopping on my bed. I quickly turned to my favorite song, singing to the words. "Pretty if the sun don't shine...I'll be coming up to meet you, I'll be there, to make you mine." I sang softly. I looked up to see Edward at my door, with a soft smile on his face. I took out a headphone and asked, "Why are you here?" "I didn't want to be alone in this big house, and I heard you singing from down the hall." Edward smiled. My face heated up and I looked away. "No, your voice is beautiful, I like your singing." Edward told me. I felt happiness flood my emotions, and I smiled brightly. No one has ever heard me sing and compliment it. Edward grinned at me and held out his hand,"May I listen with you?" I grinned at him and handed him a headphone.
Edward and I spent all day together, watching TV, listening to music. It was like we we're best buds. It wiped away my worry over our feeling for each other, and I was relieved by that. We heard the front door open and in came mom from work. "Hey dad!" Edward yelled at the door. Currently me and Edward were in the living room, watching a movie. "Hi kids!" Carlisle yelled back. "Hi mom." I greeted. Mom and dad walked into the living room to greet us. Carlisle ruffled Edward's head and then he looked at me. "" I said and hugged him lightly. Carlisle smiled happily and kissed my forehead. I then turned to hug mom and she asked,"How have you guys been getting along?" "Fine." I said looking at Edward's smug face. "Actually you missed what happened this morning-" Edward started to say but I slapped his chest hard. "Don't you dare!" I hissed but mom already beat me to it. "What happened this morning?" She asked curiously. "Umm I tripped and knocked Edward down...right Edward?" I said tensely. Edward nodded with a nervous smile and mom and dad laughed. "Bella is always tripping." She smiled. I laughed weakly,"Sure am." "Well I'm going to start dinner up, any suggestions?" She asked. "Nope." Me and Edward replied. With that, mom and dad left the living room. Once they left, I slapped Edward again. "Ow that's starting to sting!" He mocked glared. "Good! What the hell is wrong with you?!" I almost screamed. "What? It was just a joke!" He said defensively. "What if she actually found out? Huh? What would we do then?!" I asked. "We would say it was a accidentally!" He argued. "Like she would believe that! I don't want anyone knowing about us! That fucking includes mom and dad!" I wanted to pull my hair. "What makes you think there is a US?" Edward said darkly. I stopped completely. "...t-there isn't." I said brokenly. "Good...because nothing will ever happen between us." Edward said with a blank face. This is what I wanted, right? But why did it hurt so much to hear him say that? Why did I want to cry and tell Edward that its not true, that there is something there. That we like each other. But I didn't say anything. "Your right...nothing can or will happen between us. The kiss was a mistake, this morning was a mistake. And we won't make anymore mistakes from now on." I said, my voice choking on sobs. "Bella-"Edward reached for me but I already fled the room.
I have this unnatural feeling to keep writing today. So I made another chapter lol. Poor Bella, Eddie made her cry! Don't worry, they will be ok next chapter. Oh btw the song Bella was singing was "Shooting Star" by Air Traffic. I love that band. Lol But come on people, I need reviews! I secretly eat them to keep up my energy to write! Lol 8D
Bella: Whoa, Edward...I'm scared!
Edward: Me too! Venom didn't make me into a human in this story, so I can't fend off her sexual advances!
Venom: Edward. (Venom says seductively.)
Bella: Run Edward Run!
Edward runs off rather quickly.
Dammit! Well I'm off to go catch Edward again. Don't forget to review while I'm gone. Lol till next time!