Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Meetings ❯ Chapter 3p2 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Meetings by : apocalipticoblivion


Omi and Nagi turned to see who had entered the coffee shop.

Yohji Kudou walked in with Ken Hidaka, his arm around the young soccer player's waist.

While Ken had his head leaning on Yohji's shoulder.

"Isn't that, Balneise....and Siberian??" Nagi asked bewildered by their presence and the image before them.

"Shhhhh! Keep your voice down! They'll hear us!" Omi said in a rushed whisper.

"Let's just go out the door."

"No! You're a trained assassin, and you just don't 'go out the door'!" Omi said his voice coming out of the whisper slightly.

"Okay, then let's go out the backdoor."

"We'll be caught!" his voice toning down just a little.

"Okay...How about we go out the window?" Nagi asked smiling.

"That's even worse!"

Omi looked as if he were going to cry.

"Okay, how about we just duck down until they pass by?"

Omi stared at him as if he had grown six ears and six horns(1).

"Nagi, you are so smart it scares me sometimes..."

"No, I'm just as smart as you. You just didn't think of it." Nagi said with a slight chuckle.

"Okay! Here they come!" Omi said turning to look out the window.

"It's not working..." Nagi said as he came up with another idea.

So Nagi grabbed Omi's face a kissed him, very passionately.

Least to say... Omi was very surprized, his eyes went wide, he opened his mouth just a little, and then closed his eyes.

"Isn't it nice to see two kids in love?" a deep voice said next to them.

Omi looked, angrily to see who interupted their kiss.

Both, Kudou Yohji and Ken Hidaka, looked at Omi as if they had just seen a ghost.

"H-hi, Yohji-kun, Ken-kun...What are you doing here??" Omi asked nervously.

"I should be asking you that, Omi." Ken said sounding dissapointed.

"No, Ken the question is what is he doing here with the Scwartz brat?" Yohji asked with a malicious tone in his voice.

"Omi, let's go. You don't owe them any answers. Especially if they were sneaking around behind yours and Abbysians' backs." Nagi said standing up. " Boy, I wounder how he will act when he finds out?"

"Nagi, your absolutely right. I don't owe them any answers!"

Omi grabbed Nagi's hand and pulled him out the door of the shop and began walking towards the park.

"I can't believe them! I knew that they wouldn't tell Aya-kun for a while, but--"Omi cut off tears dripping down his face."but, why didn't they tell me?!"

"I don't have all the answers, Omi" Nagi lent forward and kissed Omi on the forhead. "It's getting late, I'll have to call Schu soon."

"Your right Nagi, it is getting late it's been almost an hour since the 'incident' at the coffee shop..."

"I'll see you next week then?"

"I'll be here, in the park at noon and we can have lunch together?"

"It's a date then, Goodbye Omi."

"Bye-bye Nagi."

They gave each other a quick kiss and turned their separate ways.


A/N : sorry not much yohji & ken in this one... there will be more in the next I promise!

Schu : This is so sweet, I think I'm going to get a cavity...

Nagi : Shut up Schu, no one asked you!

Omi : hey! that rhymed!

Schu : your brilliance amazes me...

Nagi : **hits schu over the head** don't be mean!

Schu : sorry omi...

Omi : it's okay! **smiles**

Schu : hey? where's apocalipticoblivion? **cool name...**

Nagi : She's sleeping.

Schu : **grins** oh really? **schu sneaks off**

Omi : Where's he going?

Nagi : to give her nightmares...with him in it...dancing...

Omi : dancing? that's not too bad...

Nagi : naked...

Omi : I see your point. let's go before she wakes up.

Nagi : okay, oh yea please review!

(1) no harm meant to you Yomi ^^;