Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Meetings ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Meetings by : apocalipticoblivion


By the time Omi had arrived back at the Koneko, it was past eleven.

"Oh no! Aya-kun is going to be very mad with me," Omi whispered to no one in particular.

"Maybe, I can sneak up to my room and not get caught!"

Omi made it to his room, opened the door. There was Aya, Yohji, and Ken obviously a awaiting his return.

"Where were you so late at night, Omi?" Aya asked, the glare was still on his face.

"I'm sorry Aya-kun, it wont happen again." Omi said taking off his jacket and hanging it in the closet.

"I'm sure it won't. But that was not my question, Where were you?"

"None of your business, nor concern." Omi said turning around."If I want a life out of Weiß, I will have one!" looking at Yohji and Ken, "We've already had this discussion once, and you've recieved the same exact answer : None of your business!"

"But, Omi--" Ken began.

"Don't you dare say another word, Ken Hidaka." Omi said, turning all of his attention to Ken. "I don't want to hear your, or Yohji's voice for the rest of the night!"

Omi walked over to the door, and opened it wider to make his point. "Leave now, we can discuss this tomorrow morning."

When they all had left, Omi walked over to the window and opened it. Sitting down on the edge of the window his back turned away from the room.

"I know your they're. Come out now."

"Very good, katzchen(1)... I see why Nagi's so interested..." Came the nasal reply behind him.

"No I just heard you breathing, you breathe loudly." Omi said his back still to Schuldig.

"Fine then, cat." Schuldig said obviously annoyed. "See if you get this message."

That did it. Omi spun around and faced Schuldig. "What message, Schu?"

"Somethin' wrong?" Schu asked leaning forward to look at Omi's face. "Are you sick?"

"No, I was just yelled at by Aya, Yohji, and Ken."

Schuldig just looked at him blankly, "Abbysian is Aya, Balneise is Yohji, and Siberian is Ken. Got it? I wont repeat myself."

"Oooooo, katzchen has claws..."


"Have we met, somewhere before. Let's say, Weiß?"

"Takatori's son remember?"

"Oh yeaaa..." Schu said logging that into his brain. "Nagi said that he won't be able to meet you at the park. Brad had a vision." Schuldig paused, "Oracle."

"Okay, tell him I said that we could rescheldule later then." Omi said smiling. "Goodnight, Schu."

"Ja Ne(2), katzchen." Schu said when Omi moved out of the way to let Schu pass to jump out the window, "And one more thing, as long as Nagi loves you as much as he does I will protect you, Farf said the same thing." paused for a second, "Berserker."

"Okay thanks again, Schu," pushing passed Schu, Omi called out,"and you too Farfello!"

"Your welcome, kitten." came a reply from the alley.

"Wow, Farf. Didn't know ya cared so much." Schu said jumping out of the window with a little slip up, and was cought by Farfello. "Ja Ne!"

Omi closed the window, and locked it. Changed for bed and then went to sleep.


A/N: Review please!

Omi : Where is Schu?

Nagi : Hiding from A.O.

Omi : Oh, looks like she found him.

**hears screaming from the background**

Nagi : Yup, She found him...

Omi : Let's go help him before he gets too hurt!

Nagi : Well, we do owe him.

**Nagi picks up Schu and flys him over on top of the bookcase.( he has to lay on the top)**

Omi : Ms. A.O.! He was only looking out for your well being!**pauses** okay maybe not, but still that isn't any reason to kill him!

A.O. : says the assassin.....pascifist.

all : Please review!!