Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Meetings ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

by: apocalipticoblivion


A slight beeping woke Omi up from his sleep.

"Hunh?" Omi asked reaching over to grab his laptop. Felt around and found it wasn't on his nightstand. He sat up to see it sitting on his desk, next to the other computer.

The beeping didn't stop.

Omi got up to stop the annoying beeps. He found that when he opened it, he had new mail. It was from Nagi!

All ounces of sleepiness that was on ce affecting him dissappeared in an instant.

Meet me at the park


plz come.
only time i can get loose.
Nagi Naoe

So Omi e-mailed him back,

Okay I will. why did you only right in frags? in a big hurry?

/hugs for you!/

Omi sent the message without his name, or else one of the other Schwartz members might find it in his secret account.

He looked over to his clock, it read : 12 : 47. Damn! If he was up any longer he wouldn't wake up in the morning for school.

The sun shone bright into his room.

"Damn... I wish I had closed those." Omi said sitting up, looking out the window. He searched for the clock, 7 :06. "Crap! Schools going to start in less than thirty minutes!"

Omi raced to school, barely making it.

Sitting in his desk, Omi tried to catch his breath. He had ran all they way there. Totally forgot about his bike.

Omi looked out the window, dismissing the teacher all together, he was ahead in class. Who cares about a couple of notebook pages, anyway? He already finished the book.

"Tsykiyono-san?" Omi looked up when he heard his name called, "You have a visitor."

"Thank you, Mrs. Kinata. Where do I go?"

"To the front office. Hurry up. I don't want you to miss class time for this." Mrs. Kinata said, with a nasty tone in her voice.

"Yes, M'am."

Omi walked slowly down to the office, expecting to see Ken or Yohji there. To yell at him, or maybe even apologize to him for yelling before.

But, what Omi saw shocked him more than ever.

Nagi, the one person in his life that he loved more than his friends, was standing with Schuldig. Who was louging on the sofa in the office.

"What took you so long, katschen?" asked Schuldig rather annoyed for waiting.

"I thought you would be Yohji or Ken-kun." Omi said rather cheerily. "Come to yell at me or t ake me some place where they can yell at me."

"Why?" Nagi asked with a hint of anger.
A vase broke in the office. Nagi was getting madder by the second.

"Nagi, calm down. They just don't want me to date some one who might find out about...the night job." Omi said hugging Nagi to calm him down.

"Awww...Isn't that sweet?"

"Shut up Schu."


a/n : review please!

Omi : Please review ** looks down at peice of paper he was holding** There will not be a after math/party for this chapter. Thank you. Have a nice day.

Nagi : Yea what he said...

Schu : Wait. Isn't this the aftermath??

A.O : Well... I guess it is...

Nagi : Well at least you aren't mad at Schu anymore...

A.O : Ohhhh yeaaaaa.... that's right...angry...at schu...**cackles**
